Read Wolf Tales 11 Online

Authors: Kate Douglas

Wolf Tales 11 (32 page)

BOOK: Wolf Tales 11
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Grumbling under his breath, Ric followed close behind, loving every minute of her teasing. Millie’s trim hips perfectly filled out her tight jeans, and her blond hair, grown
longer now and tied back in a ponytail, swung side to side with each step she took.

It was all he could do to keep his hands to himself, and knowing she wanted his hands all over her made it even harder.

Made him even harder.

Millie opened the door to the cabin and Ric followed her inside. They’d left the woodstove going this morning, so the place was still warm. Walking straight through to the kitchen, Millie opened the refrigerator and pulled out the leftover lasagna from the night before. She slipped the pan into the oven, turned it on to reheat, and set the timer.

Then she looped her arms over Ric’s shoulders. “Think you can entertain me for about twenty minutes while that heats up?”

“I imagine that can be arranged.” He swept her up in his arms and carried her out of the kitchen, down the short hall, and into their bedroom. Then he set her on the edge of the bed and knelt at her feet to slip her heavy hiking boots and socks off.

She unfastened her jeans, but Ric pulled them off, tugging them down her long legs along with her panties. He left them in an untidy heap on the floor. Why was it, he wondered, that he found her so unbelievably erotic this way, still wearing her warm sweater and vest, yet naked from the waist down?

His cock ached, but he wanted the taste of her on his tongue more than her heat around his dick. At least for now. He spread her thighs with his big hands and ran his tongue between her legs. She was already moist, her labia beginning to engorge from her arousal, and she lay back on the bed with her legs hanging down, completely open to his touch and taste.

Threading her fingers through his thick, white hair, she
hung on while he pleasured her with his mouth, licking and suckling until she squirmed and wriggled in his grasp.

He licked deep, spearing her with his tongue, and then latching on to her clitoris with his lips, pleasuring all her sensitive parts until she whimpered, alternately pushing him away and then pulling him close. He felt her body convulse as she reached orgasm, and licked deeper, taking long, slick strokes with the flat of his tongue.

When she was lying there, gasping and shivering, he unzipped his pants and shoved them down to his knees, lifted her buttocks in his palms, and slid his full length into her with one long, smooth stroke.

She groaned. So did he.

He paused, buried deep inside while her vaginal muscles rippled and pulsed the length of his cock. It was always like this with Millie, this terrible fight to keep from coming, but after a moment, he felt as if he had things under control.

Then he began to move, sliding in and out, deeper with each thrust, burying himself entirely within her wet heat. His balls brushed over her buttocks on each downward thrust and his fingers tightened around her smooth hips, holding her close, finding that perfect rhythm with the rock and sway of his hips, the muscles in his buttocks tightening with each penetration.

There was something so primal about this, fucking Millie in the middle of the day with sunlight streaming through the bedroom windows, his pants shoved down, bunched around his knees. Millie, naked from the waist down, yet still clothed in the sweater she’d worn to the office. The one she’d wear back there when this lunch break had ended.

He felt like a damned kid, sneaking away from school for sex in some girl’s house while the parents were gone, something he’d done so many years ago with more than one nameless sweet young thing. Those long-forgotten
young women had wanted him as much as he’d wanted them. Wanted him for only one thing—the pleasure he gave them, the illicit joy two teenaged kids could find right under their parents’ noses.

It was like that with Millie on days like this, sneaking away from work even though Daci and her guys knew exactly what was up in the little cabin next to the sanctuary. Still, the fantasy was fun, the pure carnal joy they both took in the act, the fact it was a workday and the rest of the world was out there, people going about their business while he and Millie were holed up in this warm little cabin, fucking like randy teenagers in the middle of the day.

He gloried in the heat of her, the tightness of her sheath, and the hard mouth of her womb as he passed over it on every downward thrust. She had a perfect body, all taut skin and smooth muscles, firm breasts and trim waist. They might make jokes about their age, but he knew the truth. He’d seen it with his own eyes, confirmed now by both Adam and Liana.

They weren’t growing older. Not at all. They were growing younger with each year that passed. Settling into their prime, finding that perfect age. He’d already found his since mating with Camille so many years ago, but Millie amazed him. She’d been a beautiful woman in her late fifties when he’d met her.

Now, almost sixty, she looked more like a thirty-year-old, and she grew younger looking, younger feeling, every day. If all went according to what they’d learned, she would soon look about the same age as Daci, like a woman in her mid to late twenties.

And he loved the fact that he’d done this for her. He’d been the one to bring her over, to show her the truth of her heritage. His Millie, his love.

She cried out, reaching for him as her climax peaked once again. The joy on her face, the love in her heart, and
her soft cries of pleasure pulled him along as well. He felt the rising tide of his climax, seminal fluids boiling up out of his balls, racing the length of his damned cock, and bathing Millie deep inside, filling her as he’d done so many times before.

Each time fresh. New, as if they’d just discovered how this amazing act was played. And he realized, as his legs went weak and he lay forward, covering her body with his on the edge of the big bed, that they would be able to play this same scene over and over again, for more than a mere lifetime.

They weren’t reaching the end of their days, not as he’d once thought. He remembered when he’d found Millie, when they’d first come together and he’d realized that he’d been lucky enough to find love once again at an age when so many men had given up. He’d felt blessed to think he could have this wonderful love for at least ten or twenty more years.

That short span had seemed like such an amazing gift. Now he knew he could love her for what amounted to many lifetimes—yet even that wouldn’t be enough.

The timer went off in the kitchen. Lunch was ready. He pulled out of Millie and left her lying on the edge of the bed, legs hanging down, toes barely touching the floor. Hitching up his pants, he went into the bathroom, found a clean washcloth, rinsed it with warm water, and went back to the bedroom.

The timer continued its rhythmic
ding, ding, ding.
Ric bathed their combined fluids from between Millie’s legs, helped her dress, tied her boots. Only then did he leave her to go to the kitchen and shut off the timer. They still had half an hour before she’d told Daci she would be back to the office.

Plenty of time for lunch. Smiling, Ric pulled the lasagna out of the oven and set the table. When Millie finally joined him in the kitchen, her hair was freshly combed, her
clothes neat and tidy, and she smiled at him as if he’d hung the moon.

Tala sat on the couch in the sunroom upstairs, staring out the big window that faced the Pacific. Mik sat on one side, AJ on the other. Igmutaka lay on the floor at their feet. He’d become such a constant presence in their lives, Tala hardly noticed him anymore. He was just there, a big cougar who turned into a very sexy guy at mealtime and sat with them at the table.

She knew he missed his mountain home in Montana, but he insisted he had no intention of leaving Tala. The girl child she carried, Mik’s daughter, was his charge. He claimed it was his destiny to protect her. That much he knew, and he had no intention of walking away from his duty.

Which Tala figured could come in really handy when she had two toddlers to chase. Tia’s twins would be walking soon, and they were already wondering how she was going to manage, especially since Nick and Beth had, with Luc’s sincere blessing, decided to take the job in Washington.

Tala almost envied the two kids. What amazing things they were going to see! Protecting the First Family would take them all over the world. At least she knew they’d keep in touch. There was no way they could ever totally abandon their packmates.

“Wow.” AJ’s soft exclamation startled Tala out of her daydreams. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and hugged her close. “Look at that sunset.”

Tala smiled. “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight.”

Mik nodded beside her. “Should be a gorgeous day tomorrow. How are you feeling?”

Tala shrugged. “How would you expect any itty-bitty pregnant lady full of two huge babies to feel? Like I’ve got a soccer team running across my bladder. Like my boobs
are tired of sitting on my belly. Like I’m wondering how in the ever lovin’
I let you two bozos talk me into this.”

She flashed him a bright smile. “That’s how I feel. Sorry you asked?”

“Never.” Mik laughed and kissed her cheek. Igmutaka grunted and rolled over on his back. Tala snorted. “See? He’s the only honest one around here. You two are afraid to speak your mind.”

“No, sweetie. Just afraid.” AJ’s solemn comment had Tala spinning around to stare at him.

“Why? I’m in great shape. Even Logan says I’ve carried these two longer than he’d hoped. In fact, we need to make up our minds whether we’re going to deliver here or in Montana. I really want to go up there if you don’t mind. That’s where Lisa plans to have her baby.”

“Are you up to the trip?” AJ caught her face in his palms and stared into her eyes.

He was just so damned pretty he still took her breath. “Of course I am. Anton promised he’d send the jet. We can be there in a couple of hours.”

AJ raised his head and looked at Mik. Tala felt the tension in him. She turned and smiled at the big guy. “Let’s call Anton and go tomorrow. I know the others aren’t planning to come right away, but they’ve all promised to be there as soon as they can. It’s easier. There’s more room and I really want Baylor and Manda there when I have the babies.”

AJ grinned at Mik. “How does she do this?”

“What? Always get her way?” Mik kissed the top of her head. “Beats me. But it looks like we need to call Anton and then go pack. And, AJ? Maybe he’s ready to take back whatever it is you ended up with.”

“Shit. I sure hope so. I’m so tired of eavesdropping where I don’t belong.” AJ stood up and helped Tala to her feet. “C’mon, Ig. We’re going downstairs to pack. Time to go back to Montana, even if it’s just for a visit.”

The big cat grunted and slowly stood.

Tala’s mind was buzzing with all the things she needed to do if they were going to try and leave tomorrow.

She’d call and make sure Tinker and Lisa were up to the trip. And Logan, Jazzy, Tia, and Luc and the twins. It would be so cool if everyone could be there.

Tia had started a nice tradition when she’d asked them all to attend the birth of the girls. Tala didn’t want anything less for her babies. She wasn’t really due for a few more weeks, but her body was changing. Things were beginning to shift around inside. Maybe her babies were trying to tell her it was time.

Igmutaka was certainly sticking close. She walked with one hand on the big cat’s shoulders, glad to have him nearby. As nervous as her two guys already were, she’d feel a lot better with the whole pack around to hold the boys up, but having the spirit guide close certainly helped.

Chapter 16

Tala wandered down the hall to the kitchen. She heard Alex and Lily giggling and figured maybe she’d find Xandi and Keisha. At least they’d be able to offer a little sympathy for her swollen ankles and aching back without going into panic mode.

She loved the boys to bits, but AJ and Mik were driving her absolutely batty. AJ, of course, had his own reasons. He’d really hoped Anton would have figured out how to get everyone’s voices out of his head, but neither Anton nor anyone else had a clue.

It didn’t seem fair that AJ had an ability Anton would give anything to get back, but they’d all decided it must be because he wasn’t quite ready, that maybe the wizard had more healing to do.

She’d hoped that by coming to Montana they’d be able to relax a little bit, what with the babies so close to coming and all, but between AJ worrying about giving whatever he’d gotten from Anton back to Anton, and her not having the babies yet, it had been a bit tense. Thank goodness for the little ones—Alex and Lily had practically glued themselves to Mik and AJ.

Now that had been a hoot, but in such a wonderful way. She’d gotten to see even more of the guys’ ability to
relate to kids. They were already comfortable with Tia’s little girls, but Alex and Lily were older—just beginning to talk. In fact, Lily had babbled on forever to AJ, as if she was carrying on a real conversation with him.

She heard Lily squeal and remembered when she’d first seen AJ. She’d crawled right up into his lap, put her little hands on both his cheeks, and kissed him on the nose. Then she curled up against his broad chest, patting him on the cheek with one little hand, chattering away for the longest time.

Tala asked AJ later what she was talking about. He didn’t really know, but he thought she kept saying something about “Dada’s smile.” He figured she was telling him that daddies really needed to smile a lot.

Whatever she’d said had certainly helped improve AJ’s frame of mind. For a while, anyway. But, as the days had passed and Tala’d done nothing more exciting than get bigger around, both Mik and AJ had taken to hovering over her like a couple of old grandmas.

After almost two weeks of waiting for something to happen, even Igmutaka was beginning to get on her nerves. She could have kissed Adam when he’d dragged all three of her manly protectors off to town today to pick up some stuff at the hardware store.

“Good afternoon, Tala.”

“Anton!” She stopped dead in the doorway, fighting a case of giggles, but even after she got them under control, it took her a moment to get her breath. “My goodness! How are you?”

BOOK: Wolf Tales 11
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