Wolfe's Hope (4 page)

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Authors: Lora Leigh

BOOK: Wolfe's Hope
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“Wolfe. God, I swear, Wolfe,” she screamed out what seemed hours later.

Perspiration soaked her hair, trickled over her neck, between her breasts. Her throat was hoarse, tears soaked her cheeks and sobs trembled through her body. She was one huge impending orgasm. The need was desperate, her stomach cramping so badly he would have to stop, ease her through the pain, only to begin again. And again. She was mindless, unable to make sense of her surroundings, time or anything else but the desperation to climax.

“Damn you, Hope.” He rose up from her body, his muscles gleaming with sweat, his expression twisted into lines of arousal. “Just tell me who fucked you. Just give me their names. That’s all I ask. Just that.”

She threw her head back, crying out, wailing at her inability to give him what he wanted. She had already given him names, every male name she could think of, and she still hadn’t given him what he wanted.

“I swear,” she screamed out desperately. “I swear, Wolfe. I swear. There was no one.”

Her stomach cramped again, drawing a ragged cry of pain from her throat as he moved quickly to rub the clenched muscle with a broad hand. She breathed harshly through the charley horse-like pain. She couldn’t curl her body into a better position to fight the pain, she couldn’t move any more than the ropes had allowed hours before.

“Hope.” He smoothed her damp hair back from her forehead, his expression indescribably gentle. “Just one name. I swear I won’t hurt him. Just tell me who.”



Wolfe knew he couldn’t hold out much longer himself. He hadn’t climaxed yet, despite his earlier vow to her that he would. He suffered with her; he ached so desperately it was torture. His cock was a burning brand of need. He didn’t dare push it into her mouth again, nor did he dare to fuck her tight little ass as he had earlier. He was on the edge, and he was terrified of hurting her.

He couldn’t go any further. He lowered his forehead to hers, watching the tears that ran across her cheeks, wanting to cry with her. He hadn’t wanted to do this to her. Not like this. But her defiance only fueled his determination to make her submit.

“Enough,” he whispered, his thumb wiping away the tears, only to have more take their place.

What had happened to him? Why had he pushed her so far, tortured her in such a way with her own body? As he watched her he knew; knew to the bottom of his soul that somehow, Hope too had been betrayed. Not just by the Bitch, but now by him.

The frenzy of lust, pain and feelings of betrayal had turned him into more than an animal; he had become no better than the mother who had robbed her of her childhood, and gave her as mate to a man who was as much animal as he was human.

The ‘mating frenzy’ was no easy thing to control, even without the intense possessiveness those pictures had inspired. It had nearly destroyed him at the Labs, clawing at his gut, demanding he take her, make her his, despite her youth, her innocence.

Adding to it, the soul-destroying evidence of those pictures showing that she had allowed another to touch her had awakened a demon inside him that he never knew existed.

“I love you,” she whispered, her voice hoarse as she sobbed weakly. “I’ve always loved you, Wolfe. Always. I would not betray you. Please. Please fuck me.”

He sighed roughly. He had the proof she would do exactly that, and yet, he could do nothing but believe her.

“If I fuck you now, Hope, I will be but an animal taking you.” He couldn’t do that to her. Couldn’t take the chance that he would hurt her. “I don’t want that. Let me leave you long enough to find my control. To be certain I will not hurt you.”

Mockery twisted her exhausted expression.

“What difference does it make,” she whispered, too tired to beg anymore. “Do whatever you want.”

Wolfe dragged his body painfully away from her. There wasn’t a chance in hell he could tolerate jeans. He jerked a pair of sweat pants from the recessed closet instead and pulled them on. His cock was a monster, straining against the material, howling for release.

Wearily, he released the ropes that bound her, then watched as she curled into a tight ball. Her back was to him then, her buttocks gleaming gently, the slick, hot entrance to her body open and clearly accessible. He clenched his teeth in agony as he jerked his shirt from the floor and tossed it to her.

“Put this on. We must talk, Hope.”

“About what?” She cried out, turning to stare up at him in fury. “Let’s talk about six years of hell. Of fucking grief and pain only to learn it was for nothing. Nothing, Wolfe.”

He flinched at her words, but drew in a thankful breath when she rose from the bed, her body shaking from both her lust and her anger.

“Can I take a shower or do I need permission?” She ignored the shirt, standing before him, gloriously naked, furiously aroused.

“Shower,” he sighed. “I will await you in the other room. We will talk then.”

Or they would have. She paled dangerously, clutching her stomach and sinking back to the bed.

“Hope.” He rushed to her, his hand going to her abdomen, feeling the tight bunch of muscles there that he knew would be agonizing. She panted through the pain, clutching at him, staring up at him pleadingly.

“Oh, God. Please. I’m begging you,” she gasped. “It hurts, Wolfe. The arousal hurts so bad I can’t bear it.”

She dragged his hand to her weeping pussy, crying out, her body arching as he pushed two fingers roughly inside her. The contraction eased, her cunt tightened.

He couldn’t wait a fucking hour, but more important, neither could she. He pulled away from her long enough to remove the sweat pants, then unable to control himself, he pushed her to the bed, turning her quickly to her stomach, pulling her hips up to meet his cock as he mounted her.

“No,” she cried out, clawing at the sheet as he pushed her legs apart. “Please, you promised, Wolfe. You promised, no more teasing.”

“No more teasing,” he growled. “No more, baby. Here I am.”

He plunged home with one quick, hard stroke.



Hope felt the swift invasion, the parting of flesh that had never known such a thick intrusion, the instinctive tightening of her muscles on the broad, hot cock that plunged inside her. She lost her breath; she lost any control of her body. She tilted her hips to take more, fighting for breath as he began to thrust inside her with smooth, pistoning strokes.

His erection was like a fiery brand. He fucked her with strong movements of his hips, holding hers with hard hands as he thrust inside her. The pressure, already built to unimagined heights, began to tighten further. She was so close, so close. She was terrified to attempt to give into it. If he pulled away now, she wouldn’t survive it.

Her cunt was one long tremor after another, the muscles convulsing, preparing for the orgasm rising to rip her apart.

“It will happen this time, baby,” he swore as she tightened in preparation for him to pull back from her. “No more teasing, Hope. Cum for me baby. Let it go, because I’m going to cum for you.” He thrust harder, deeper. “I’m going to fill your pussy with my seed, Hope. Cum for me, now.”

She had to trust him. Her body couldn’t stand it again. If he pulled away, she knew her heart would shatter. She felt her muscles begin to tighten, her pussy to throb, convulse. Her body began to tremble in reaction as her orgasm neared. It would kill her, but she would willingly die for it.

Then it tore through her. She no longer had the energy to scream, but a low, continuing cry tore from her throat as it began. Energy hummed along her body, from her vagina, her clit, her very womb. It began to wrap around her, exploding her, destroying her. She shook from his hard thrusts, convulsing around his cock as he began to cry out with his own release.

“Fuck. No. No.” She heard his bitter curse an instant before she felt the change.

Hope’s eyes widened as she felt his cock harden further, and further. As though midway up that stiff stalk, it was becoming even more engorged. It stretched the tight muscles of her cunt, separating them more fully. And it wasn’t stopping. It kept swelling as Wolfe kept thrusting in shallow strokes, lodging it tighter and tighter inside her until it felt locked in, and the pull and tug began to trigger climax after climax as she felt his sperm begin to erupt from the tip of his cock.

Her vagina was on fire. A liquid, melting hotbed of sensations she couldn’t process all at once. She was stretched further than she imagined possible; Wolfe’s cock pulsing, her cunt gripping and tightening as shudder after shudder raced through her.

Wolfe was crying out behind her now. A sharp burst of heated seed would erupt, then stop. He would tug again, and another would release. Over and over, she lost count of his eruptions, and her climaxes. It continued for long, long minutes, the heat, the hard throb of blood where flesh was locked into flesh, the pump of hot semen until her body collapsed in total exhaustion, tiny orgasms still trembling through her like energized aftershocks.

Wolfe fell over her, breathing harshly, his body still jerking spasmodically as he attempted every few seconds to pull his cock from the fiery hold she had on it. Instinctively, Hope knew what was happening. It was too bizarre to be true, but she knew it could be no more than the tight swelling that accompanied canine mating. A knot formed along the cock, locking the male inside the female, ensuring that his seed was given chance to take root.

If she had the strength, she would have laughed. She should have known, as he should have known. The feline breeds had experienced their own animalistic qualities. The barb locked them into their female. She should have known that Wolfe, as intensely male, as dominate as he was, would bring with him his own brand of assurance.

“We’re locked together, Hope.” He breathed roughly, shocked, his body still shuddering in pleasure.

“Hmm, it would appear.” She shivered around the hard protrusion once again.

“This has never happened before,” he groaned against her shoulder, his tongue licking at the small scar that marked her as his.

She climaxed again, a soft flare of pleasure as she felt the pressure begin to recede. Then long seconds later she groaned as he pulled free, his engorged dick stimulating her sensitive vagina.

He fell onto the bed beside her, breathing roughly. His arms dragged her against him, holding her tight to his chest as his lips pressed against her forehead, caressed her cheek, then settled roughly on hers. He kissed her, not as a man starved to possess, but as one desperate for atonement.

Her lips opened to his, gentling him. Their tongues twined together, then slid apart as he raised his head to stare down at her.

“I nearly went mad without you,” he whispered, breaking her heart with the pain in his voice and in his eyes. “I knew you were safe the day the Labs were overrun. I set the explosions in the cells and ran with the others. I had to get them to safety, ensure their lives before I could come for you.”

She pressed her lips together as she fought her pain and her tears.

“I thought I had lost you forever.” She touched his lips with trembling fingers. “I merely existed, Wolfe. I would have preferred to fight the fight with you. To have been a part of your freedom. All of it.”

He shook his head heavily. “I could risk our lives because I had to. Not yours. You were too important to me, Hope. Without you, I had nothing. No prayer, no hope of ever attaining happiness. You are my hope. All of it.”

A tear slid from her eye, only to be caught by his calloused thumb.

“You are free now.” He grinned. “Are you still going to kick my ass?”

Hope breathed out in a weak attempt at laughter.

“I’m going to kick it really hard as soon as I get my breath,” she assured him. “Next time, I get to tie you up, and let you see how it feels.”

His eyes flared with a measure of worry. She considered it for long moments, knowing he would do it, for her. She finally shrugged. “Hell, I guess you need your hands free, huh?”

“It would make it much easier to love you,” he assured her with dark promise as his hands caressed her back, twined in her long black hair. “And I can love you well, my Hope.”

“Tell me what happened.” She needed to know why it had taken him so long to come for her.

Wolfe sighed deeply.

“When we escaped, it was with no money, no supplies, nothing but our instincts.” He shrugged heavily, grimacing at the thought of those early days. “We barely survived before I was able to arm us and train the males sufficiently to fight. Then we began hiring ourselves out. Kidnappings, search and rescue. A few stints as hired guns in petty wars. Our reputation didn’t take long to grow. We computerized, took only the assignments we were assured were not tricks of your mother’s, and grew more secure.”

“When did she find you?” She needed to know how long her mother had allowed her to live, grief stricken, in pain without him.

“Within two years. She made her first attempt to recapture us through a kidnapping she arranged. When that didn’t work, she began sending me pictures of you. Last year I received several, via my Internet connection, of you with several other men. I went insane, Hope.”

His simple words vibrated with agony and loss.

“I visit the gynecologist monthly, because of the effects of the ‘mating’,” she told him hesitantly. “Last month, I was sore, hurting afterwards. She must have had him rupture the hymen to ensure your belief in it.”

Would he believe her? She stared up at his quiet face, seeing none of the disgust, the fury that had been there earlier.

He shook his head. “I should have known. I should have thought. But all I could think about was another touching you. I have not been stable these last months beloved.” He kissed her lips gently, an apology, an unspoken plea in his eyes that she forgive him. And she could do no less.

“Well, after such incredible orgasms, I guess I can forgive you,” she whispered with a sensual smile. She was more than ready for another.

Hope frowned then as his eyes closed with weary resignation, and though he appeared relaxed, she could see his muscles slowly tightening as though his body was preparing for a blow. His arms tightened around her as he took a harsh breath a second before she heard her mother’s sneering voice.

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