Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series) (41 page)

BOOK: Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series)
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Tears streamed from her eyes again like a waterfall. “No, Gabe. You must leave now. You have put yourself in danger by coming to rescue me,” she whispered with a broken voice.


His lips brushed hers briefly. “Do you honestly think I would let that stop me?”


Another pair of fingers worked the binds at her feet while Gabe untied her hands. “But it must. As long as you are alive, they will not hurt me.”


“And as soon as I get us out of here, they will not hurt either of us.”


“But Gabe—”


His mouth pressed against hers again, silencing her protests. The kiss was slightly longer, but not long enough for her to thoroughly enjoy. He pulled away and seconds later, her blindfold came off. Because her eyes had been hidden for most of the day, she squinted from the small amount of light coming from the tiny lantern. But Gabe’s face was before her, love glowing in his eyes. Her heartbeat flipped with excitement, and she prayed he could get them out of here safely.


…” he whispered. “We don’t want to alert
or whoever else might be helping, that we are here.”


She nodded, then quickly glanced at Mr. Hampton. She couldn’t see his face since he was still bent over untying her feet. She needed to tell him about Rebecca, but then the poor man might get angry, or worse…make noise. Still, they could not leave here without Gabe’s idiotic cousin.


“Gabe, there is something you must know about who is helping


“I already know, my love. Rufus is the traitor amongst us.”


She gasped as her heart broke for the man she loved. Not only has his friend betrayed him—but his cousin as well. Now she realized that was why the other man’s voice seemed so familiar. She
heard it before, if only once. “I’m sorry to hear that. But, there is more.”


“I’m quite certain there are more people assisting
, but let’s get you out of here first. I will return with other members of my crew, and we will fight them all.” He grinned.


“No, it’s not that—”


“There,” Mr. Hampton said as he rubbed her ankles, looking up at her. “The binds are off. Can you stand?”


She shrugged. “Considering my legs have been numb for hours, I don’t know how well I can stand, let alone walk.”


“I shall carry you,” Gabe told her softly.


“No. That will only slow us down. Give me a moment to regain feeling in my feet.”


She stood and tested her footing. Gabe’s muscular arm wrapped around her waist to help her to stand. Mr. Hampton tip-toed to the door and placed his ear on the weathered wood. She needed to tell Gabe now, without his uncle so close.


“Gabe,” she whispered and leaned up to his ear. “Rebecca is here.”


Gabe quickly pulled back, his eyes widened as he stared at her. Emmie took a quick peek at Mr. Hampton to make sure he was still by the door before leaning back to Gabe’s ear.


“Rebecca turned you in. She was the one responsible for getting me kidnapped, too.”


He pulled away again, shaking his head. She nodded, and leaned back to whisper in his ear. “Your cousin is not very wise, but she is still your cousin, and Mr. Hampton’s daughter. We cannot leave here without her.”


Gabe withdrew again, worry etched heavily on his brow. “Where is she?” he mouthed.


“I don’t know where
took her. She was here earlier.” She shrugged. “I don’t even know if she’s alive.”


Frowning, Gabe swiped a hand over his face. Her heart went out to him. He had too many people betray him lately. She prayed there were no others. She fear Gabe’s heart wouldn’t be able to bear it.


“I cannot think of that now,” he answered. “We must get you out of here and home safe. Then, and only then, will I be able to figure out how to return to save her.” He sighed heavily. “If she isn’t dead already.”


Emmie nodded. “That is what frightens me. Because I don’t know where she is, I fear
has killed her.”


The burning tingles in her legs had returned, but she couldn’t concentrate or worry about that feeling. As long as she could walk, she was fine. She tested her legs by taking a few steps. When she was confidant she would be able to walk off this ship by herself, she gave Gabe a nod. “Let’s go.”


Mr. Hampton pulled away from the door and motioned with his hand. “I don’t hear anything on the other side. I think all is well.”


“I pray you are correct, Mr. Hampton.” She touched his arm once she reached him, and smiled. “Thank you so much for helping Gabe.”


“Think nothing of it.” He stroked her cheek. “And you are the daughter of my good friend, as well. I am doubly blessed to be helping.”


“And I’m doubly blessed as well.”


Gabe picked up the small lantern before moving to the door. He turned off the light before carefully opening the door and peeking out in the hallway. Emmie held her breath, hoping they would be able to leave without any problems.


Finally, Gabe looked back and nodded. He took her hand, and she tightened her fingers around his, never wanting to let go—ever again. They all took careful and very slow steps down the darkened hallway. Darkness was thick through these halls, and she trusted Gabe would lead them out without any difficulty.


A sliver of light shone up ahead, almost a bluish color. She wanted to sigh with relief, knowing it was probably the moon shining off the ocean, but she didn’t dare. They weren’t out of danger yet. The closer they came to the light, the quicker their footsteps became. It was hard to walk careful when hope—and freedom—were so close.


The few stairs leading to the top deck were just ahead. Gabe went up the stairs first, nearly pulling
hand as she followed. As Gabe’s head cleared topside, several clicks of pistols resounded in the night. Gabe froze, and her heart sank.


They’d been caught!


“Welcome to my ship, Captain Hawk,”
voice boomed in the quiet night. “Please come up and bring your friends with you.”


Emmie blinked back the tears as she followed behind Gabe. His hand tightened around her fingers, and she clutched his overcoat with her other hand. Once they were on deck, he pulled her close against his body, protecting her.


Mr. Hampton followed behind, his head lowered in defeat. Her heart went out to him as well. He still had yet to learn about what his own daughter did to bring all of this about.


She glanced around the deck. Only three other men stood beside
, and Rufus was not one of them. Pressing against her side, she felt the weapons Gabe had on him. If only they could attack these other men back, they might get out of here alive.


released a grating laugh. “Now see, Lady Sarah. Did I not tell you that Mr. Lawrence would come tonight?”


“Yes, you did,” she answered softly.


“And I’m so very happy you are both together, once again. I want Captain Hawk to watch the woman he loves die a slow and painful death.”


She sobbed and buried her head in Gabe’s chest. His arms tightened around her.


“I’m afraid, Commodore
, that your plans will not happen that way. You see, Captain Hawk
loses a fight, and he for certain, doesn’t have those he loves die in front of him.”


Emmie turned her head slightly to look at the commodore to see his reaction.


He laughed again. “Oh, but you have not been Captain Hawk as long as the others before you. I’m quite sure I can best you yet again.”


“And I’m quite sure you cannot,” Gabe replied boldly.


attention moved away from Emmie and Gabe onto Mr. Hampton. “And what a pleasure it is to see you again, Henry. I thank you for assisting me with the capture of Captain Hawk. I’m so glad you brought him here. Well done, my good friend.”


heart sank once again. Beside her, Gabe’s frame stiffened in shock.


No! Not Mr. Hampton!




Chapter Twenty




Gabe’s mind turned numb. And he stopped breathing. This couldn’t be right. His uncle wouldn’t betray Gabe’s trust. Would he?


He swung in his uncle’s direction, still holding Emmie against him. Henry, who had been standing with his head lowered, suddenly jerked his head up and glared at


“How dare you tell that outright lie!” Henry squared his shoulders. “I am
your good friend, Commodore
. And the only reason I agreed to bring Gabe to you was because you threatened to kill my daughter if I didn’t heed your command.”


Henry turned and looked at Gabe. Tears filled his uncle’s eyes.


“You must believe me, Gabriel. I would never hurt or betray you, but…” A tear slid down the older man’s cheek as he swallowed hard. “
told me he would kill Rebecca if I didn’t bring you here. Please, believe me—and forgive me.”


Gabe’s heart tugged from his uncle’s pleading. He’d already been hurt by his friend, Rufus. Yet, things did add up where Rufus was concerned. When Gabe pieced together all the times he though there was a traitor on his ship, at least he knew he was right to suspect someone. But now… Now things didn’t add up with his uncle. That could only mean one thing.


Gabe nodded. “I believe you, Uncle. And I forgive you.” He turned and glared at
. “Only men like this can sink low enough to threaten family members do go against each other. Commodore
, you are not human. You have no heart.”


The man marched up to Gabe with hatred in his evil eyes. “It’s because of you that I have no heart. You killed my brother!”


Gabe shrugged. “I can only assume that your brother deserved to die, because I don’t kill unless to protect myself or my friends. Who was your brother, may I ask?”


“He was one of the King’s soldiers. His name was Harold
, but you probably don’t even remember him.”


“You are correct, I don’t recall that name, but if he was one of the King’s soldiers, and he tried to harm me or one of my friends, then indeed, he deserved to die.”


Growling, the commodore lifted his pistol and pointed it to Gabe’s forehead. He held his breath, tightening Emmie in his embrace.


deserve to die,”
grounded through his teeth. “Right here and now.”

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