Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series) (39 page)

BOOK: Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series)
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“I—I—I promise, Sir. Please forgive me. I was only trying to do my civic duty—”


“I understand, Levi. I’m quite certain you will hear things about people’s character quite a bit in this day and age, but unless you seek out the truth before you lay judgment, you are no better than the traitors themselves. Please remember this in case it happens again.”


“That I will, Sir. Thank you for understanding.”


“Now be off with you before Mr. Hampton sees you here.”


Nodding, the boy turned and fled as fast as he could. Gabe prayed Levi would take his advice and leave posthaste. There were already enough problems happening at this moment. He didn’t need a snot-nosed kid around to cause more.


* * * *


Emiline’s body ached terribly. They hadn’t moved her from this tied-up position on the rickety chair. And to make matters worse, she had to use the privy. Although she seriously doubted they had one on this ship. Still, if she waited any longer, well…she didn’t want to think of the consequences.


and Rebecca had moved away from her. Emmie assumed they were sitting at a table because earlier she’d heard other chairs scraping the floor as if someone was moving them out to sit. And she heard their whispers. Unfortunately, this time she didn’t know what they were saying, but Emmie suspected that because they knew she was awake, they were going to be more secretive.


As she opened her mouth to get their attention, the bang of a chair being knocked over rattled the floor and echoed in the room.


“Miss Hampton, I grow tired of your constant complaining. You shall receive the money once Mr. Lawrence arrives, and not a moment sooner.”


“But you promised me—” Rebecca whined.


“I said


A hard slap resounded through the air mere seconds before Rebecca wailed. Emmie shook her head, knowing something like that would happen to Gabe’s cousin at least once during
time as captive.
was correct…Rebecca complained a lot. Emmie was the prisoner here, yet she hadn’t complained once.


Although, now was a good time because she
needed to use the chamber pot.


“Pardon me, but I need some help over here.” Emiline still couldn’t believe that her captors would forget about her. Apparently, they didn’t know how to handle women prisoners. “I know you are there, even though I’m blindfolded. I can hear you…and I most certainly can smell your foul scent.”


Footsteps pounded on the floor, coming her way. She cringed, wondering if
would hit her, too.


“What do you want?” he demanded.


“I need…um, well, I have womanly necessities I have to take care of.”


“What in the blazes are you talking about, woman?”


Inwardly, Emmie groaned. He was really simple-minded. “I need to use the chamber pot, you jackanapes!”


She held herself still, readying for his hard hand across her face. Instead, he started chuckling.


“You definitely are the spitfire we heard you to be. I suppose I will allow you this necessity, but you will remain tied and blindfolded.”


She nodded, not really wanting to upset him, but if he was too stupid to figure it out, she must spell it out for him. “I see…then how can I see to my
if I cannot move my hands or legs—or see?”


“You make a good point, so I will untie your feet only. Someone else can assist you.”


A gasp sprang from across the room. “You want me to act as her
? I refuse! I will not help Lady Sarah do…


Emmie groaned silently. Had Rebecca not learned her lesson yet?


marched across the floor away from Emmie, then came Rebecca’s shriek.
“Stand up and go help our prisoner, or you will not see a shilling of the money I promised you.”


Rebecca’s soft sobs grew closer to Emmie, followed by
heavy footsteps.
legs jumped as he untied the ropes securing them to the chair. Feeling rushed to her feet, making them tingle…then burn. She wouldn’t complain. At least she could feel them now.


“The chamber pot is in that corner,” the commodore growled. “Go get it.”


Rebecca’s sobs turned louder as she did as the man instructed. For a moment Emmie almost felt sorry for her.


“Where shall I take her?” Rebecca asked in a compliant tone.


“Behind that stack of crates will work just fine.”


A strong hand grasped
arm and yanked her up. She almost couldn’t stand, and so stumbled when they started walking. She feared she would fall into some object and not be able to brace herself with her hands tied behind her. But thankfully, she made it to their destination without any problems.


“I shall allow you only five minutes to take care of things, then I’ll be back.”


“Thank you, Sir,” Emmie answered. “You are most gracious to allow me such luxury.” She ground her teeth through the out-right lie.


footsteps moved away from her and Rebecca and then the door closed. Emmie breathed a relieved sigh.


“I know this menial task is not something you usually do,” Emmie told Rebecca, “so if you will untie my hands, I will see to my womanly needs by myself.”


“As much as I would like to comply, I fear it would take me five minutes just to untie you. So I must help you as much as I hate doing so.”


“I thank you,” Emmie whispered.


Within minutes, Emmie felt much better. After she was finished, and she stood, Rebecca helped put
clothes back together.


“I know who you are…Miss Hampton.”


The other woman gasped as her hands stilled. “How do you know?”


“Although we have not talked much, I still know your voice. And I feel I must let you know, you are in danger the longer you stay here.”


“You know nothing!” Rebecca snipped.


“Yes, I do. I know that
is not going to release you, even if he gives you the money. Greedy, controlling men like that are not nice, and they never follow through with bargains they make. You need to escape, Rebecca. Get away from him and tell your father what you have done so he can protect you.”


“Quit trying to frighten me.” Rebecca shoved her.


Emmie stumbled, praying she wouldn’t step in the chamber pot. Thankfully, she didn’t. “Miss Hampton, I’m not trying to frighten you. I’m telling you the truth.”


“What do you know anyway? Nothing! You are a pampered daughter of a duke and have no idea about things like this.”


Emmie now wanted to slap the woman herself. No, she’d let
do it—little good it would do, anyway. Rebecca was hardheaded and wouldn’t believe anyone. “Fine. But if we both live through this, I expect to hear an apology from you when you realize I’m right.” If
didn’t kill them both first.


“Just hush up and let me take you back to your chair.”


Rebecca tugged on
arm. She followed, trying to keep up with Rebecca’s quick steps as they moved back to the chair. When Gabe’s cousin pushed Emmie, she feared she would fall once again, but thankfully, the chair stopped her and she was able to sit. Seconds later, Rebecca’s fingers gripped painfully into


“This is a warning,
Lady Sarah,
but if you do happen to live through this, you had better not tell my father I was the one who turned Gabe in. Know now, that I will deny it until I’m old and gray. And my father will believe me over you, anyway.”


Good grief! This woman was unbelievable! Rebecca was acting more like the pampered spoiled child now than a grown woman.


“If your father will believe you over me, then why threaten me at all?”


Rebecca growled and slapped Emmie across the face. Her cheek stung for a moment. She wouldn’t give Rebecca a reply. It wasn’t worth
breath, anyway.


returned and tied her feet back to the chair. Tears stung her eyes, and she prayed that God would send someone to rescue her. Anyone but Gabe. If he came, he’d be killed, and she couldn’t live knowing he’d risked his life for her.


* * * *


Blowing out a frustrated breath, Gabe scrubbed his chin as he scanned the streets, trying to remember what he was doing before he’d spotted Levi. Ah…now he remembered. He was looking for his crew members.


Not far from him was another inn. Gabe hurried toward that establishment. As he walked in the building, his foot caught on the rug and he stumbled into a man. Righting himself, he gained his footing and opened his mouth to apologize as he looked into the other man’s eyes.


“Pardon my clumsiness, Sir—” Recognition hit as excitement shot through Gabe. “Benjamin Spencer! Just the man I came looking to find.” He grasped the man’s shoulders. “You don’t know how happy I am to see you.” It was then when he noticed a traveling satchel in Ben’s hand as if he were leaving.


“Mr. Lawrence. What a pleasure it is, indeed. I was just on my way out, but we could sit at the table and order drinks if you would like.”


“I would like that very much.” Gabe turned to the barmaid who stood not far from them. “Miss? Would you bring some goblets of port to our table?”


“Aye.” She bobbed, then hurried off to the kitchen.


Ben led the way and found and empty table. Once they were both sitting, Ben smiled. “I’m curious to know why you are looking for me, Captain.” He lowered his voice.


“Not as curious as I am to discover why you are leaving.” Gabe motioned toward the black, worn satchel.


Confusion crossed Ben’s forehead as his gaze narrowed. “Well, Captain…you ordered us to leave Salem, that’s why.”


“I did?”


The barmaid brought the drinks and placed them on the table. Gabe threw her some coins and she smiled and left their side.


“Aye, Captain. Yesterday, Stephens and I were told that you no longer needed our presence here, and to meet you back at the ship in a fortnight because we’d be sailing again.”


“You received this information yesterday? What time were you told this?”


“In the evening.”


This was not right. A painful throb began in the base of Gabe’s skull as he collected his thoughts. There was only one man who would give such instructions. And because they were deliberately false and meant to lead Gabe astray, this only meant one thing.

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