Words Heard in Silence (80 page)

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Authors: T. Novan,Taylor Rickard

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Historical, #Sagas, #Historical Fiction

BOOK: Words Heard in Silence
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"Oh yes, Elizabeth certainly did not expect him to propose tonight, Charlie." Rebecca made small talk as she prepared for bed. She turned to him offering him the buttons of her dress. "Would you please?"
Charlie’s hands were shaking. They had slept together every night for several months. They had made love frequently after his return from Washington and that first fantastic night. But tonight was different. Tonight he was going to claim her as his own, his wife, his love, his future. Carefully, he began unbuttoning her bodice. The soft skin at the back of her neck was too tempting; he leaned down and tenderly kissed her shoulder.
"Charlie, if you finish the buttons, I can get out of this dress," she reminded him even as her hand went back and caressed his cheek.
Charlie tore himself from the tender skin and turned more of his attention to her dress. This night of all nights, he was enjoying being her lady’s maid. He had more than enough of waiting, of being with other people. He just wanted to be with Rebecca. The bodice came off, and Charlie untied the laces of her full skirts, letting them pool at her feet. She stood before him, wearing her pantaloons, chemise and jewelry. He turned her to face him. "You are beautiful, my wife."
She reached out for the buttons of his vest. "And you are overdressed."
"That can be remedied. Which side of me do you want tonight, darling? The man or the woman?"
"I just want you, Charlie, all of you. Tonight is our night to explore and learn."
Charlie shed his sword belt and sash, then his coat and the unbuttoned vest. Slowly, teasingly, as if he were performing a dance, he eased his cravat off and began unbuttoning his shirt. Soon he was standing before her in boots, britches and open shirt, with the bindings showing through the placket. It was a halfway point in his mind, presenting Rebecca with both the male and female aspects of who he was.
Rebecca approached slowly. She pulled Charlie's shirt from his trousers and slipped it from his shoulders. As the shirt dropped to the floor, Rebecca wrapped her arms around Charlie and started working the bindings free. "I love you, my handsome gentleman." When the bindings fell the way of the shirt, she continued, "and I adore you, my beautiful woman." She then began working the clasp on the trousers, all the time leaving soft kisses on Charlie’s shoulders and collarbone.
Charlie ran her hands under Rebecca’s chemise and slowly slid it up her body. Rebecca briefly broke off her attentions to Charlie to let him lift it over her head.
Rebecca smiled at her. "I think we should go to bed." She slowly stepped out of her shoes as her hands went to her hair, removing a few pins and letting it drop around her shoulders. She turned her back on Charlie, removed her necklace and then, very slowly, she pushed her pantaloons to the floor, making sure to bend over slowly as she did so.
Charlie stopped breathing. This beautiful woman wanted her, desired her, and was clearly seducing her, offering Charlie everything she had ever dreamed of. Softly, Charlie caressed Rebecca’s back, running her fingertips down the strong muscles on either side of her spine, over the firm globes and down the backs of her thighs, as if reading her own future with the touch.
Rebecca turned around, smiling shyly, holding her hands in a position of false modesty. After all, they had already made love several times and she was not sure there was anything left undone between them. But she wanted to give Charlie the image of the nervous bride.
Charlie tipped her face up to look into her eyes and tenderly kissed her. Slowly, thoroughly, she made it clear to Rebecca that this night was going to be devoted to sensual love. As the kiss continued, Charlie’s hands slid back and tangled in Rebecca’s long, blonde locks. They were both breathing hard when the kiss ended. Charlie swept Rebecca up in her arms and carried her to the bed, laying her down on the soft cotton sheets then stepping away to finish undressing herself. As she pulled her boots and britches off, she wondered how Rebecca would respond to what she had planned for the evening.
Rebecca was presenting the image of a nervous bride, but Charlie really was one. Rebecca had asked for both the man and the woman. Earlier in the day, Charlie had gotten Lizzie’s gift and cleaned and oiled the leather. It was in the drawer of the bedside table, ready for use.
"Charlie, come to bed. Come to me. Please."
Charlie turned, and walked toward the bed. Her movements were feline; her eyes were hooded with desire. As she slid into bed beside Rebecca, she whispered, "I love you, my darling wife."
"And I love you," she paused and grinned, "wife."
"Wife?" Charlie pulled back to look into Rebecca’s laughing eyes. "You really do like it that under all the trappings, I am a woman."
"Yes," she traced her fingers slowly, gently over Charlie's arm. "I love it. With you, here, like this, there is only love and tenderness. It is wonderful and something I have never experienced before. You gave me this gift, Charlie. There is no way I could love or trust another man. Not after what he did to me. You, my love, are perfect, everything I need and desire."
Charlie propped herself over Rebecca, looking deep into her eyes to gauge the truth of what she had just heard. There in Rebecca’s eyes, she found nothing but honesty and love. It was a blessing. Then Rebecca twined her hands behind Charlie’s neck and pulled her down into another heated kiss.
Charlie nuzzled into Rebecca’s neck and whispered, "I have a bit of a plan for tonight, if you agree. You remember I told you that Lizzie had sent us a wedding present? I thought, if you liked, we would use it."
"Use it?" Rebecca pulled back and gave Charlie a quizzical look. "What could she possibly have given us that we would use now?"
"Well, remember me asking you if you would like me to get a…… prosthesis? Let me show you." Charlie pulled the velvet-lined box from the drawer in the bedside table.
"Oh my Lord!" She blushed bright red before snapping the lid shut. "Charlie that's a……a……"
"Yes, dear?"
"I know this is probably a silly question, but do you know how?"
"Yes, dear. I do understand the basics."
"Charlie, I was married. I know the basics. But you have to admit that this is 'different'. I understand how I might get pleasure from this, but how could you? Because that is very important to me, that we both enjoy our time together, especially this time on this night."
"Ah, look. There is a wide soft strap that passes right over the most sensitive parts of my body - and the base sits just above it. So every time I move, I am caressed just as you are."
Rebecca opened the box, feeling very curious and slightly intrigued. "And you think you would enjoy this?"
"Yes. If you enjoy it, I know I will."
She looked to Charlie and grinned. "Well, I suppose we could……" she blushed and chewed her lip. "We could."
"My desire, darling, is to make love to you however you want me to. I want to make you experience all of the passion and love and desire I feel for you. To make you feel, if only for a while, as if you are not alone inside your skin."
"I would like to try everything with you, Charlie. You have already shown me love. Now I think we can explore passion." She caressed her cheek. "I love you so much, oh my husband and wife."
"You keep a part of me always, love."
Rebecca’s curiosity took over. She removed the present from its box and placed it in Charlie's hand before dropping the box on the floor. Turning back to her partner, she ran a nail over Charlie's very erect nipple.
Charlie's body arched up, offering herself to Rebecca. She inhaled sharply.
"So?" Rebecca gestured. "I am eager for another lesson, my darling."
Charlie smiled and set the phallus aside for the moment. "Then first we must prepare ourselves. Do you agree?"
Rebecca smiled cautiously. "Yes?"
"Then let me kiss you, beloved. All of you."
She smiled, still a little unsure of what Charlie was suggesting. "All right."
Charlie rolled up over her and began loving Rebecca with her lips, teeth and tongue, covering her shoulders, throat and neck with kisses and gentle nips before she moved on to the woman's breasts.
Rebecca drew her nails through Charlie's hair and she squirmed a bit. "Oh, I like this."
Charlie spent a long time kissing and loving Rebecca's breasts. She wanted to make sure that the smaller woman was as relaxed and excited as possible.
Rebecca was slightly shocked and just a tad embarrassed by the way her body was responding. Her hips seemed to have a life of their own and her hands were holding Charlie's head firmly in place. Stars swam behind her eyelids as her body caught fire.
Charlie waited for that ancient rhythm to take hold of Rebecca's body before she moved lower, tracing fanciful paths over her ribs and stomach with her tongue and lips. She teased Rebecca's navel, then her tongue traced the fine line of almost transparent hairs down to the lush forest of blonde curls.
"Oh Charlie!" Rebecca’s head lifted from the bed as she opened her eyes to find her lover moving slowly and steadily down her body, until her head was resting between her legs. "What? How?" She could not figure out how to ask and she was not even really sure she wanted to. Everything Charlie did felt so good, she had no reason to believe this would be different.
Charlie blew a fine stream of warm air over Rebecca's center before her head descended and lips made contact with lips, and tongue with tender skin and sensitive nerves. Rebecca was certain that Charlie had managed to grow fingers on the tip of her tongue, the sensations were so varied.
"Oh God!" Rebecca’s hips lifted off the bed as her hands shot immediately to Charlie's hair. "Yes!" It was a combination of hiss and groan. "Oh Charlie!" Her body quivered in ways she had not believed possible before this wonderful woman had come into her life.
Charlie lavished careful attention on every part of Rebecca's most intimate area. Each fold, each curve was caressed and licked. As quickly as Rebecca's essence flowed down, Charlie was right there to capture it with her mouth. Finally, that talented tongue curled around Rebecca's node. She scraped her teeth along the hood lightly then sucked hard on the key to Rebecca's satisfaction.
A strangled scream was wrenched from Rebecca's chest as her body convulsed and her hips moved in a constant rhythm. One hand left Charlie's hair and gripped the covers of the bed as she trembled from the very top of her head to the bottoms of her feet. Frantic to feel more of this wonderful sensation, her heels dug into the mattress pushing her body up.
Charlie reached out blindly for the phallus, never breaking the contact she had with that most sensitive point between Rebecca's legs. She carefully slid the toy into Rebecca's very open and ready body.
When she felt herself filled so completely, the sound that escaped from the blonde was nothing less than bestial . "Charlie!" She grasped blindly for her lover trying to figure out in her passion-clouded mind what would be next.
Charlie lifted her head from Rebecca's body for a moment. "Let go, love. Let it go for me."
"Ohhhh, yes!" She hissed, her hands grabbing for Charlie's shoulders, nails digging into warm flesh. "More. Please."
Charlie moved the phallus in and out of Rebecca in long, even strokes, while continuing to roll that now very hard flesh with her tongue and lips.
Mere whimpers were all Rebecca was capable of, as Charlie loved her. Her body was tight and she felt the rush of heat overtake her as she once again exploded. She was literally brought upright from the intensity of it, before she fell back to the bed, her head moving from side to side as the pleasure washed over her. Finally her body began to still and she was breathing hard, feeling the sweat trickle down the side of her face.
Charlie rose and took the smaller woman in her arms, tenderly kissing her. As Rebecca lay there, dazed and trying to catch her breath, Charlie strapped the phallus onto her own body.
Rebecca opened her eyes and looked to her mate. "That was amazing, Charlie." She smiled and tentatively placed her hand on the soaked implement projecting from Charlie’s hips. "Now how can we make it work for you?"
Charlie rolled over onto her back and spread her arms. "Here I am, beloved. Anything you want, any touch you give me will please me."
She smiled. "I know that. But how can I make this pleasurable for you? Surely there must be a way."
Charlie smiled. She pulled Rebecca into her arms and urged her to straddle her body. "Take it into yourself. Move in whatever way is pleasurable to you. I assure you, it will pleasure me."
Rebecca smiled, when she realized what Charlie wanted. This was new and just a bit scary, but at the very same time exciting and exhilarating. Carefully and very slowly she lowered her body down onto the phallus, hissing with pleasure as she did. She looked at Charlie and let her hands travel up the woman's stomach to her breasts as she started a slow rocking motion with her hips.
Charlie's eyelids drooped to half closed and she drew in a sharp breath. As Rebecca's hands closed on her breasts, Charlie arched up into them, offering herself to the woman above her. With each slow, considered movement of Rebecca's hips, the muscles in Charlie's stomach rippled.
Rebecca watched Charlie's face for any signs that she was not enjoying what was happening. Seeing nothing but pleasure, she moved on. Mimicking the things Charlie had done to her in the past, she rolled tight nipples between her thumb and finger as the pace of her hips increased. "I love you Charlie. So very, very, much."
Charlie threw her head back and her body arched shamelessly up into Rebecca's. Her hips started rising to meet Rebecca's movements and Charlie settled her hands around Rebecca's waist, as much to ground herself as to steady Rebecca.
"Yes, Charlie, oh yes." Rebecca felt no shame in this pleasure and the look on Charlie's face made it more wonderful. She felt, for the first time, like a success as she loved Charlie. She loved the feel of Charlie's hands on her body and the rhythm they were once again creating. Her head fell back as her rocking grew faster and Charlie's thrusts grew harder.

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