WorldLost- Week 1: An Infected Novel (19 page)

BOOK: WorldLost- Week 1: An Infected Novel
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She instructed Brian to find Rob and get people out of the
truck stop.

Shannon’s dad, who lived just a few blocks away, finally arrived
as she locked the front doors and pulled the security grates over the windows. Her
dad explained that even the short distance he had to travel was chaos with
people fighting, some looting starting and deserted cars all over the place. He
had to backtrack multiple times just to get here. It would have been quicker if
he had walked.

She told her dad what had happened explain the situation in
the men’s locker room. The employees were scared so she offered all the
employees the option to stay here or go. They all had chosen to leave to find
their own families and loved ones. A few of the customers were still in the
building because their cars were being worked on and they couldn’t leave just

Everything was locked down as he would have wanted it.

From that point forward her father took control of the truck
stop and started to give orders to everyone still in the truck stop.

He immediately had his truck moved into the garage and handed
out all the guns and ammo brought with him. He had everyone able to use a gun
move into various positions around the truck stop so they could monitor what
was happening outside.

Rob and Brian were positioned on the roof as they were the
best marksman. He told everyone that the world was going crazy, which we had finally
seen on the tvs in the café.

Chapter 24

“So that’s how the dead ended up on the street. Brian and Rob
are very good shots. They pretty much cleaned house.” She said. “The only real
new problem we had was when a gang of bikers showed up on the 3rd day.”

No one from our group said anything. We didn’t know if this
was the same biker group and we thought it would be best to see how much
Shannon told us.

“The leader of the gang was named Ripper. Can you believe that
was his name? Anyway, he told me that was his name because he was descendent of
Jack the Ripper.”  She shook her head and sighed. “We were letting the living
approach the truck stop and offering them either a place to hide out till the
situation was under control or gas and food if they wanted to move on. My dad
was doing this for free. It was his way.”

Brian walked in and leaned into Shannon and whispered
something. She nodded her head and said, “I’m OK. You guys go back and keep a
look out for any zombies.”

“I assume that it didn’t work out with Ripper since none of
the bikers are here,” I stated, trying to get her to continue the story. 

“My dad went out to meet Ripper in the parking lot to give
him the same speech he gave all new arrivals; we’ll provide a place, or food,
etc.” A tear dropped from her eye and I knew then what happened. “Ripper listened
and then laughed out loud and without another word or anything jammed a knife
into my dad’s chest. He then yelled to the rest of us that from here on out,
this was his place. We had a choice; give it to him so no one else is hurt or die.”

She got up and found a tissue on the table
behind her to wipe her eyes. “Brian, shot a motorcycle and it exploded, causing
a few of the bikers to catch on fire, he then shot two more before any of them
could react. Ripper made our choice for us when he killed our dad.”

“They were quick to scatter and Ripper got away. We’ve seen
them scouting the area and I’m sure Ripper will try something since we killed
some of his guys.”

“I think we know these guys.”

“How?” She replied as she pulled a pistol out and pointed it
at me.

“Take it easy, we’re not with them or like them. We ran into
them south of here.” She looked around at each member of the team and then
after seeing that they agreed with my comment, she laid her gun on the table
and moved her hand slightly to the side. “We had a run in with a couple of them
and were able to get away.”

“Where exactly did you run into them?” She asked.

“Do you know where The Commons neighborhood is?” I said as she
nodded her head. “Well, we were going to go by the front gate, but had to stop
when we saw the street blocked and then the bikers started coming after us. We figured
they were trouble so we ran and tried to get away.”  

“Well, you were lucky, we haven’t been that lucky. We've seen
them attack people that we couldn’t get to first and like I said, they’ve been
scouting around here more often lately.” She said. “My brothers and I need to
do something and we need to do it soon.”

“How many people are here now?” I asked.

“We have 31 people, 11 men, 15 women and 5 children. Most of
the men and women are middle-aged, from the city with just a few from around
here. They will fight if attacked, but I’m not sure they will go after the bikers.”
She explained.  

A couple of women came in and sat down some hot soup and some
more water bottles. They placed some spoons and napkins on the table and one of
them asked Shannon, “Do you want anything else?”

“No thanks, Karen. Please let everyone know that things are OK,
that we appreciate them making the soup for us and we’ll clean up. Everyone can
go back to their chores.” With that, the two women left while the group began
to eat.

“Thanks for the hot meal,” Amy said between bites. The rest
of the team was busy but nodded that they were also thankful for the hot meal. 

“Do you know how many of them there are, how many are in the
gang?” I asked.

“That first day, there were about twenty of them when they
rolled into town. They lost five when they left the truck stop. We’re not sure
how many they might have now but it’s should be around 15 left unless they have
picked up other members since then.”

“We had five vehicles chase after us, so that would mean at
least ten guys. From what we could tell, there was more than that in the
compound they look to be building in the neighborhood. Some of them were women
and it looked like they were standing guard.”

“Well, I’m not sure how we will deal with them, they
outnumber us.” She picked up her spoon and started to eat. “We’ve discussed
this with everyone and we keep coming up with scenarios that have too much risk
and the chance of failure.”

“We’re all tired and need some sleep. How about we sleep on
it and talk in the morning. We’ll have clearer heads and be able to think through
this better.” I finished off my soup and got up to clean up the empty bowls.

“Please take the far right corner over there, it's big enough
for you all to stick together.” She said pointing to an area in the far right
of the hall. “I can take care of the dishes.” She got up to collect the
remaining dirty dishes.

“I’ll help with the dishes, the rest of you go get settled
and try to rest.” I grabbed the bowls and silverware from the people next to me
and waited till she showed the way to the kitchen. I wanted to see the layout
of the truck stop and see how the rest of the people here were handling things.

The group headed to the area they were letting us use while I
followed Shannon to the kitchen. As we walked through the banquet hall, we passed
numerous groups of people settling in for the night, a small group of children was
huddled around a candle playing a board game and in the kitchen where the two
women that served us. They were cleaning up and took the dishes from us.

“I told you I would clean up and you should go rest or carry
on with your chores,” Shannon told them.

“We’ve got this, finish showing him around.” They said.

“OK. Thanks again, tomorrow I’ll do the cooking.” Shannon
moved me towards the cafe entrance, through a swinging door. We exited into a
darker room with most of the booths up against the windows that created
coverage from the outside, but let the people inside see through the small
spaces between booths. There were two people in the cafe, moving between four
sections of windows. Each of them was carrying a pistol and had a two-way radio.
Occasionally you would hear someone reporting in or one of the two reporting

“They check in about every 15 minutes and if someone fails to
report in, someone is sent to check on them. We have two here, one in the
garage, two in the retail space, one in the pump station and two up on the
roof, moving between two sections. We have two shifts, but it’s still thin and
sometimes we have to use the kids.” We continued to move through the building.

In the retail space, the shelving had been emptied of all the
merchandise and the shelf units were moved in front of the windows, again
making it difficult to see in, but providing small spaces for the lookouts to
see out the windows. Only one person was in the space from what I could see.
Shannon saw me looking around and said, “Karen was scheduled to be here, but
she was asked to help with getting some food ready. She’ll be back to finish
her shift. We do allow some change as long as it’s not too much or impacts the
normal schedule.”

We moved past the pump station room, where the door was
closed and then to the garage where there was one younger guy walking between
bay doors using a child’s periscope to look out the windows in the doors.  “Why
are you using a periscope?” I asked.

“The windows are too high and we’d have to use a ladder or
step stool to see out, this way we can look through the windows and move
between them quickly.” Shannon replied.

We continued to through the garage and down a hallway. We
passed a few doors that were closed and I asked what they were.

“General office, janitor’s room and the doorway to the
storage area.” She stated.

“Did you guys happen to have the security camera’s running
when the bikers showed up?” I asked. She nodded and pulled out keys to open the
door. Once inside, she picked up a tape from the desk and placed it into a
player. She gave me the remote and told me she would wait outside.

“I’ve seen my dad’s death more than I need to.”  She closed
the door after walking out.

I turned on the tape and watched as a group of bikers came
into the screen which was pointed at the main pump area with some of them out
of the picture. Most of them got off their bikes waiting for orders. Most had a
handgun of some type, a bat or pipe. I could see that a man who must have been Ripper
was talking to someone off screen. An older man, Shannon’s dad, showed up and
stood talking to Ripper and then the knife came out and Shannon’s dad hit the
ground. Then all hell broke out as the bikers made their escape. I rewound the
tape and watched multiple times to see if I could find something that might
help with building a plan. After ten minutes, I turned it off and removed the
tape, placing it back on the desk where Shannon had gotten it from.

I opened the door and found her standing in the hallway
looking at the ceiling. “I was just thinking of my dad and the fun things we
use to do when we were younger. Every time I go in the office I think of him.”

“I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my dad a while back and I
still think of him daily. More so now.”

She pointed down the hall and we walked to the banquet hall
where we said goodnight and I joined the rest of the team. We spent a few
minutes talking through options for dealing with the bikers and how that would
help us get to Butch’s parent's place.

Chapter 25- Day 5

I woke to the smell of bacon frying and fresh coffee being
brewed. The smell was heaven on earth and it took everything I had to climb out
of bed instead of staying there and taking in the awesome smell. There was the
occasional laughter from children as they played a game and the hushed tones
from other members of Shannon’s group trying to be respectful for others trying
to get a few extra minutes of rest before having to deal with the end of the
world as they knew it.

I finally opened my eyes looking around and saw Amy and Butch
sitting at a small table eating and talking to each other in whispers. Amy noticed
me and gestured for me to join them at the table. I rolled out of the sleeping
bag I was in and stretched the pain from the last 4 days away as I headed over
to the table, sitting down next to them. Amy slid a full plate of bacon and
eggs with toast in front of me.

“Fresh eggs and bacon, dude. They may be a bit cool since you
decided to sleep all day. I’ve told you before, you can’t soar with the eagles
if you hoot with the owls all night.” Butch said with a wink. “It’s the last of
what they had. Enjoy.”

“This is awesome, I think I’m in heaven; except for the
smartass next to me,” I said to Amy. “What’s the scoop? I miss anything while I
was asleep?” I asked as I shoveled a fork full of goodness into my mouth.

“Not really. The truck stop group had a shift change earlier and
Shannon dropped by and asked that you meet her in the cafe where she is
standing guard when you finally got up. Jamie is in the kitchen working with
some of the truck stop group, helping with breakfast cleanup and prepping for
lunch. Cindy is across the room playing with the other children. She’s come out
of her shell a little. This is a really good thing for her.” Amy replied as she
nursed her coffee. “We really going to move forward with going after this
Ripper guy?”

“I think we should. No one has to help me if they don’t feel
like it, but I can’t just let someone like Ripper cause so much devastation and
pain to innocent people without trying to stop him. Even if we fail, we would
have tried. It goes back to the discussion we’ve already had; that we need to
be better humans, because of so many other people, like Ripper, are making the
bad choices thinking this situation is a time to do what they want.” I replied
with a full mouth of eggs and bacon. This was the best breakfast I’d eaten in
the past week, even before this hell began.

Butch smiled and said, “I’m in. I think we need to deal with
this now. If we don’t, Ripper and his gang will just continue to spread out
further and further in this area and eventually they’ll run into my parent's
place and we’ll be forced to do something then. Better to attack them instead
of waiting for them to come after us.”

Amy nodded her head in agreement and I patted both of them on
the shoulder and thanked them for their support. As I got up to find Shannon,
they both gave me the one finger salute. I headed to the bathroom to clean up a
bit and to take care of the normal morning business people dealt with. I
entered the locker room where the original attack had happened and found
Shannon’s brother Brian getting dressed.

” I said as I moved past him to a sink to rinse my mouth out. “You guys
still have hot water for the showers?”

“Yep. So far the gas and electric have continued to work, so
take advantage of it while you can.” He replied. “We have toothbrushes in the
store room, you might want one.” He suggested as I turned the water on. “You guys
going to help with the bikers or you moving on?”

I really didn’t have a feel for this guy, so I just replied,
“Might have one. Need to speak to Shannon first.” I continued to rinse and wash
my face while he continued to dress. “How good of a shot are you and your

“Rob is a better shot than me, but I generally hit what I am
aiming at between 300 to 400 meters. Rob is better past that. That’s given the
wind and surrounding factors aren’t too great.” He replied watching for my
reaction in the mirror. “How about you? You any good?”

“I have my moments. I did some shooting with my dad as I grew
up. You guys must be really good based on the number of the dead outside.” I
finished up and headed to the toilet stalls and then to take advantage of the
warm water with a shower.

After the best feeling shower in forever, I walked into the dressing
room and found it empty, Brian was gone. I took a few minutes to look at the
various cuts, bruises and scratches on my body in the mirror thinking I hadn’t
looked this beat up ever in my life. I’d had some accidents, fell from a tree
once and busted a few ribs, but my body today looked even worse. It was amazing
what having to run for your life did to you in such a short timeframe. I
finished getting cleaned up, dried off, dressed in some fresh clothes and
headed out to find Shannon and the rest of the team.

I found my way into the cafe and found Shannon peering
through some binoculars through a crack between benches out the window. Another
woman was on the opposite wall doing the same. “You see anything?” She asked
the other woman.

“Yeah. Over by the library, there are still only two of them.
Just hanging out and watching the building.” The other woman replied.

Shannon stopped looking and turned around seeing me. “Oh.
Good morning, you’re finally up. I didn’t hear you sneak up on us.” She said to
me with a smile. “You clean up well, looking good in your clean clothes, washed
hair and all fresh.”

I think I turned a little red because the smile on her face
said she was amused at my embarrassment.

We have some guys hanging out and watching the place. I think
they are part of Rippers gang. They’ve been here for about an hour, moving
around the building.”

“Are they armed?” I asked.

“Yeah, it looks like they each have a pistol, nothing that
would really cause us problems as long as we stick inside. Guys on the roof are
keeping low, just in case.”

“What makes you think they are part of the biker group?”

“They have the look. I don’t recall seeing them that first
day. Maybe they’re new recruits.”

“Can we talk about the plan, maybe someone else can watch
while we discuss it in the banquet hall with the rest of the group and your
brothers?” I asked.

“Sure. Susan, please keep an eye out while I’m gone. I’ll see
if I can have Mary come and help you.” Susan nodded and turned back to the
window to continue watching the two guys.

Shannon and I walked to the banquet hall where she called Rob
and Brian to meet us and I collected Amy and Butch. We all sat down around the
conference table we had used the night before.

“ So, I’ve been thinking of a plan.” I started. “We know
where Ripper’s gang is staying, we have a basic layout of it since we saw it on
the way up here. We saw multiple vehicles, bikes, and trucks parked mainly
around what I assume is the clubhouse for the neighborhood. There were tennis
courts with what looked like prisoners and a pool, basketball court, etc.”

“I dated a girl once who lived in The Commons with her parents,”
Brian said. “There is a fence around the whole neighborhood to provide

“A privacy fence is good for stopping prying eyes, but won’t
stop a determined and capable person from entering. That’s not why they built
it. It’s also a very large space. There are lots of houses and outbuildings to
hide between. They can’t patrol the whole place, they're spread thin so getting
in should be easy for us. Plus most of their people are watching the front
gate. It’s really nothing but a guard's shack with a pole across the road. If
we can get inside from the back part of the neighborhood, we could figure out
where they are keeping everyone and how we get them out. We could create a
diversion that would allow us to move in unnoticed, find and free the prisoners
and rid the area of those monsters.”

“Is that what we need to do? I thought we were going there to
get rid of Ripper and his gang. That has to be priority one. Nothing else
matters if that asshole gets away.” Shannon said with hatred in her voice. “We
owe him for what he did to our dad. He and his gang need to pay for what they

“I agree.” Rob and Brian said in unison.

“I didn’t say we wouldn’t take them out, but its priority one
to get the prisoners out, then deal with the gang and Ripper. If we don’t those
people could get caught in the middle. If we can set them free, they're another
20 people that can help us in the fight. We could overwhelm the gang and get
control really quickly. We can’t take everyone here all the way down there and
try to fight toe to toe with them. We’ve got to leave people here to protect
this place.”

“What are you suggesting then?” Amy asked.

“First we capture the two guys outside. We find out what they
know and what they are doing here. That’s two fewer people to deal with in the
compound. Then we can go and scout out the place and figure out our final plan
from there, but it has to involve the captives, it’s their only chance to get
out and it would give us our best chance.”

“Do we kill or capture the guys outside?” Shannon asked.

“I say we capture them, maybe they will have some information
for us,” Amy replied, looking around the table.

“If I go up top right now, I could have both of them down and
out in a minute. If we capture them, we need to restrain them, pull the
information from them and then keep them guarded the whole time. The chances
they escape and warn or worst kill the people here is too great of a risk.” I

“How about we wound them and then see what happens?” Shannon

“You just said that you wanted revenge. Why the change in
heart?” Butch said, shaking his head. “Let’s just get this over with and move
on to the next step.”

“We’ve talked about trying to save humanity,” Amy said
looking at Butch, “that we need to be better than those choosing evil over
good. Now’s the time to put your money where your mouth is.”

“So we capture them and try to get them to talk, and then
hold them captive,” I said with a slight smile on my face. “Let’s figure out
where they are and then make a move.”

“Hold up a minute. We need to all agree.” Shannon said. “Does
everyone at the table agree to capture them?” Everyone nodded their heads, but
I was already up and walking to the cafe to see where the guys were. We’d
already spent too much time discussing this. These people felt safe behind
their walls and thought they could take their sweet time discussing things, but
the reality was, the decisions needed to be made quickly and then acted on in
order to survive in this new world.

I walked into the cafe and asked, “Susan, those guys still
out there?”

“Yea. But one of them has started to wonder south, like he’s
trying to get to the back parking lot, by the garage area. There’s a lot of
semis parked back there, lots of cover for someone.”

The others came in and I could tell from the look on Amy’s
and Shannon’s faces that they did not like it that I walked out. I said to
Susan, “So they are going to be out of sight of each other soon. One in the back
and one in front.” I turned to Amy and Shannon, “I say we get the one in the
back parking lot first.”

“You think you can do that, safely?” Shannon asked.

“Yes. But I need my weapons and a bat if you have one.”

Shannon led the way out of the room and down the hall where
she opened the storage room. Inside the room was a stockpile of weapons, mostly
blunt weapons, things you could swing; baseball bats, golf clubs, and hockey
sticks. “Most of the guns are being used by the group, so this is all of your
weapons or what we could use as a weapon. I grabbed a bat and my weapons I had
when we got here. Amy and Butch grabbed their weapons strapping them on like
they were pros at it.

As we were getting set, I told Shannon, “You might think
about collecting all the wood broom handles, mop handles, things like that and
having your team make some spears out of the hem. They are good for taking out
the infected; keeping you away, don’t need ammo, no noise. Maybe you could have
the kids do some whittling to get a point on them.” She was just looking at me
like I was crazy.

“Really, have the kids play with knives?” Amy said shaking
her head and walking away.

“Yeah, have them learn how to make something that could save
their lives. Now is a good time as any to get them used to this new cruel world,
how to use a knife safely. You guys think this problem, sickness; call it what
you want, is going away or that the government can swoop in and save the world
or fix the infection and get things back to normal. If you really believe that,
you’re the crazy ones.” I said as we walked into the garage.

“My dad used to say that something like this would happen,
maybe not exactly like this, but he always thought that we would have a serious
situation that could end the world. That’s partly why he dragged me to live to
in the woods when my mother died and why he made me learn how to survive. Now
is the time to use those skills.”

Rob was on duty in the garage and turned when we all got
there. “Hey, what we got going on, a party?” He said with a laugh. The serious
looks on our faces quickly killed the laugh and Shannon explained what was
happening. Rob didn’t question what his sister told him and moved to the door
to unlock it. “If he is coming from the south, you might want to try to get in
front of him and have him come to you,” Rob suggested while he was holding the
door opened just enough for me to sneak out. “I’d also suggest not everyone go
out there, that might blow the cover.”

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