WorldLost- Week 1: An Infected Novel (22 page)

BOOK: WorldLost- Week 1: An Infected Novel
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“Can you tell if there are any people or bikers in the two
houses that are still standing?” I asked as we continued to peek through the
space between the fences.

“I couldn’t tell for sure, it really looks like everyone is in
the clubhouse.” He replied.

The group came together and we discussed the various concerns
we each had, the possible ways to get in and take care of business. After a
heated discussion between each of us, we finally came up with our final plan
that each of us could live with.

The ride down to the compound and the situation at the farm
house had taken longer than we had planned. Our original plan was to surprise
the bikers in the morning when they might not be fully awake. Since it was now
late afternoon, all of the bikers seemed to be up and about, so we all agreed
that we would wait till later that night to make our move.

We spent the rest of the day resting up, cleaning weapons and
watching the bikers.

Chapter 29- Day 7

Butch worked on the lock for the gate, finally getting it open
and then he headed to the west side of the compound. He was going to try to
sneak in from that side and make his way to the tennis courts to let the
survivors go. He had a load of spears we had brought that the tennis court group
could use to help us fight.

Brian headed to the east side of the compound which had a
better view of the clubhouse. Since he was such a good shot from a long
distance, he had volunteered to find a place he could set up and snipe the
bikers as they came out of the clubhouse. The west side of the clubhouse also
had the main windows and would make it easier for Brian to see into the
building. I just hoped that he didn’t miss and end up hitting one of us.

Amy and I walked through the rear exit gate and moved silently
to the first house that was still standing. It was a multi-million dollar
place, with tons of windows and three levels. Of all the places, it had the
best view of the whole community which would explain why the bikers had left it
standing. The back yard had a pool, which had seen better days, a pool house
sat to the east of the pool with a gazebo in between. We made our way to the
pool house and checked the inside for any signs of life.

From the rear windows, we could tell this place had been used
by the bikers for some whacked out party. The furniture was turned over and
broken, pieces lying all over the floor. The wall art was torn off the wall and
laying busted on the floor. There were holes in the walls from bullets, from
someone punching a fist into them and there were blood stains all over the
walls, the counters, and the floor. In the middle of the room was a single
mattress with blood stains all over it and a video camera pointed at the
mattress. The pool house was deserted, so we decided to move to the main house
and check it out.

We approached the east side of the house which had a lower
level sliding glass door that was wide open. The inside was destroyed just like
the pool house and gain, there were no bodies. We moved through the lower level
room and further into the house. The doorway opened to a hallway that headed
west and into what was a rec room that had a bar, pool table, some video games
that didn’t look like they worked anymore and a huge flat screen TV with cinema
style seating facing it. There was a sliding glass door leading to the pool
area from this room also.

We headed to the stairs leading up to the next level, which
we slowly made our way up. They opened into a very large living room with what
was at one time some very expensive furniture. It was all now lying on the
floor all broken up. The living room led into a dining room with a large twenty
person table which had bottles of booze, old food, and cups strewn around it. That
led to a large kitchen area where Amy made a little whistle as we walked through.
The appliances were professional grade and whoever lived here, had known what the
best was and made sure they bought it. Apparently, Amy found this all very

The back of the kitchen lead to a deck that overlooked the
pool and the rear of the compound. We looked out and tried to find Butch or
Brian, but couldn’t see either of them or anyone else. We moved to the front of
the house and looked out over the neighborhood, watching the clubhouse for any
signs of movement.

The survivors were still huddled together at the tennis
court, but now there was a guy dressed in leathers walking towards the group.
He stopped at the survivor’s court and said something to the group. A man got
up from the group and moved towards the biker. They talked for a few seconds
and then the biker pulled out his shotgun and pointed it at the guy, screaming
at him. The guy held up his hands and then pointed at himself. The biker walked
away and headed into the clubhouse, seeming to be satisfied with the way the
conversation had finished with the prisoner.

As we stood there, we noticed a few infected moving towards
the front gate. The bikers had placed a couple of trucks across the road to
block the simple gate, but the beds of the truck allowed the infected to see
into the compound, which excited them and made them bunch up against the
trucks. “Looks like we have a few visitors at the front gates,” I said to Amy
as she moved away to look through the kitchen.

“Just a few might be the beginnings of the horde we saw back
at the farm. Maybe we should just wait to see what happens.” She said.

“No, we continue with the plan and try to save as many of the
people down there as possible. Then we get back to the truck stop as quickly as
possible and then head to Butch’s parents and the lake.” I moved away from the
window and we headed up the stairs to check the last floor out.

On the third floor, we found all of the bedrooms, with what
looked to be the master bedroom at the end of the hallway. We assumed it was
the master since it had a set of double doors where all the other rooms were
single doors. Each of the smaller rooms had a bed that had obviously been used
a lot recently but were empty at this time. We searched each room to make sure
there were no surprises and made our way to the master bedroom.

In the master bedroom, we found a woman tied to the king bed,
naked and turned. She began to struggle to get loose once she noticed us. Amy
moved in and ended her struggle with a quick knife through the eye. With
nothing more in the house to deal with, we moved to the garage.

The garage was empty except for a few bodies and typical
garage related items. One of the doors was open and we could see down the
driveway towards the clubhouse. “We’re running out of time, Brian will start
shooting soon and start the plan. We’ve got to move in order to be in place.”
Amy said to me as we moved towards the garage door, heading to the second house
to see if anyone was there.

We came up to the second house and found the garage open,
just like the last one. A truck was in the driveway, blocking our view of the
inside of the garage so we moved to the side of the house and used a side
window to check out the inside. With it still being dark both outside and
inside, it was difficult to fully see the room, but we were sure we didn’t see
anyone. We did hear some talking from somewhere inside the house so we moved to
the back side of the house, where we found another pool and gazebo in the back
yard. This house had a larger garage in the back of the lot instead of a pool
house, but it was halfway burnt down.

We ended up at the main sliding glass door and opened it.
This led us to the living room. This house was a bit smaller than the first,
but it was still a very nice place and had a lot of room. The living room was in
better condition with the furniture still intact and arranged so a group of
people could sit and talk. We continued to hear talking from inside the house
so we moved into the house, pulling out our weapons in case we ran into
anything. The noise was coming from the upstairs area so we headed in that

At the top of the stairs, we began to make out what was being

“You like it like that, don’t you bitch?”

“Please, don’t hurt me anymore; I’ll do anything you want.

“Of course you will, they always do.”

We moved towards the sound. I really wanted to get to the
person pleading before she had to deal with more pain. As we passed the first
room, we saw a young girl tied to a bed, she was dead, thankfully, since she
looked like she had been through hell. The second room was empty, but the bed
was a wreck. As we turned our attention back to the main room, a guy walked out
of the bathroom down the hall and said, “Hey, man, wait for me. I want some of
that before we turn her.”

Before the guy could turn to us I had my spear stuck through
his throat and his head pinned to the wall.

“Hurry up you cocksucker. I’m about to explode, I want this

I left the spear in the wall, pulling a new one from the
stash on my backpack and moved towards the bedroom. Once I could see in, I saw
the women tied to the bed, video cameras around the bed and a huge guy standing
naked with his back to me, jerking off as he looked at the women on the bed.
“I’m going to split you open before we are done, bitch. ….Hurry up you piece of
shit, I’m ready.”

The women had her eyes closed, crying into her arm and didn’t
see me walk in. The guy did notice something because he turned and was
instantly surprised when he figured out that I wasn’t who he was expecting. He
was quick and was heading towards his gun which was lying on a night stand. I jumped
towards him with my spear raised, driving it through his upper shoulder. I
missed my original target due to his quick move, but I still landed the spear
in a good spot wounding him.

We toppled to the floor as he tried to get his huge hands
around my throat. I struggled with him, pushing his hands away and not letting
him get a grip. He was much stronger than I was and twice my size, but I had
the advantage of not having a piece of wood sticking through me. I drove my
knee into his groin and wrenched his hands back.

Amy moved into the room and gave the guy a swift kick to the
head with her steel pointed boots, knocking him out. He went limp, dropping his
full weight on top of me. “Thanks,” I said to her. ”Can you help me get him off
of me?”

“I wish I had a camera to take this lovely picture of you and
your boyfriend in a tangle.” She laughed as she helped roll the guy off me.

Standing up and brushing off my clothes, she said, “Let’s move,
we’re behind schedule and Brian will be shooting very soon.“ She moved to the
woman on the bed and using her knife she cut the woman free from the bindings
that were holding her tot eh bed. “You’re free. Get some clothes on, grab that
spear from Matt and follow us if you want to live.” Amy moved towards the door
and out into the hallway.

The women were up and pulling on a dress that was lying on
the floor. I pulled a spear out of my backpack and handed it to her. She took
it and immediately drove the spear into the biker on the ground. “You fucker,
die!!! Die!!!!” She started to scream as she continued to drive the spear into
the biker.

Amy ran in and slapped the women. “Shut up!! We can’t have
anyone hear us. Not now. We need to move.”  She pulled the women out of the
room. “Let’s move Matt.”

We all headed to the garage and looked out over the
clubhouse. It was still early in the morning, but the sun was starting to come
up and visibility was getting better. Outside of the second tennis court, a few
of the bikers were standing around talking as another biker had his gun out and
was directing a prisoner into the second tennis court. Once he was inside, the
biker moved to the exit, closing and locking the gate. “What are they doing?” I
asked the women we had saved.

“Getting ready to have Randy fight one of those things.” She
replied looking away.

“We need Brian to take out the bikers, now,” Amy said.

“Let’s head out.” We all began to move out. Just as we hit
the end of the driveway, we saw one of the bikers fall to the ground and then a
distant sound of a rifle. The other bikers weren’t quite sure what happened,
with one of them actually laughing at the one that fell. Then another hit the
ground. The next one was off and running towards the clubhouse when he hit the
ground. Brian was a good shot, that was for sure.

From the west side, we saw Butch approach the tennis courts
and start to cut open the fencing, trying to make a big enough hole for the
prisoners to crawl through. Because of the noise from the gunshots, many of the
remaining bikers were coming out of the clubhouse with guns drawn. Some hit the
ground from Brian’s perfectly placed shots, but there were too many for him to
hit, so some of them made it cover.

The bikers saw the prisoners escaping and started to shoot in
their direction, which also put Butch in a very bad position. He was moving
away, trying to get to a shed by a basketball court to seek shelter as the
ground around him erupted as bullets landed too close to him.

I took off running, pulling my pistol out, heading to the
back of the clubhouse so I could sneak up on the bikers from the rear. Amy and
the women we freed followed me to the back door. We pulled the door open and
went inside. Inside was a disaster, this was the place the bikers spent most of
their time. Empty booze bottles and half eaten food were all over the place, on
the counters, the tables, and shelves.

We moved through the clubhouse and found two of the bikers
firing their guns out a window towards the tennis courts. The woman we freed
ran up and shoved the spear into one of the biker’s ass cheeks, forcing him
into the front window. The window shattered as the biker fell through to the
front deck. The second biker turned to look at what caused his buddy to crash
through the window but was shot by Amy before he could figure it out or try to
shoot his gun. He fell backward through the busted window, landing on the first

The remaining bikers on the deck scattered, once they
realized they had been compromised from the rear. They all headed in different
directions trying to get to some new cover. The woman we freed took off out the
door and headed to the tennis courts, following the men that Butch had set
free. Amy and I headed out the back door, looking around to find any of the

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