Worth The Battle (Heaven Hill Series) (2 page)

Read Worth The Battle (Heaven Hill Series) Online

Authors: Laramie Briscoe

Tags: #love, #motorcycles, #mc, #outlaw, #romance, #Suspense

BOOK: Worth The Battle (Heaven Hill Series)
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The kiss he dropped on her forehead caused her to close her eyes. She breathed deeply and willed the tension to leave her body. “I do,” she nodded.

“How much luggage do you have?”

“It’s over there.” She pointed to the table she had been sitting out.

There he saw a duffle bag and three suitcases. “You plannin’ on stayin’ a while?”

She nodded but didn’t comment. She planned on staying forever, but he didn’t have to know that yet.

If there was one thing Layne didn’t like, it was flying blind. “You know that when we get back on the road, you’re going to have some explaining to do.”

“I know,” she nodded, swallowing hard against the lump that had risen in her throat. “I didn’t mean to put you out at all.”

“Now, I didn’t say you put me out. I just want you to understand, there’s a lot of shit going on right now in Bowling Green and with the club. You sure you want to be involved with that?”

The double meaning didn’t escape her. She knew the things he was involved in were sometimes illegal. He’d let her in on that much of his life since he had joined the Heaven Hill Motorcycle Club. “I just need to get away, and you were the first person that I thought of. I need to disappear for a while.” A
was a relative term for what she really wanted to do, but it sounded good for the moment.

“You sure nothing is wrong?” His tone indicated that he didn’t believe a word that had come out of her mouth.

“Can you just respect that I really don’t want to talk about it right now?”

he could respect. There were a lot of things he didn’t want to talk about. Didn’t mean that he didn’t want to talk about what was bothering
, but even he could tell that she was distressed.


And like that, he didn’t ask her another word. As they walked to his car, she looked around at the landscape and did her best to keep up with his long legs.

“Is it always this hot?” she asked, pulling her shirt away from her sticky body when they made it to the car and he popped the trunk.

“If you’re plannin’ on stayin’—you might as well get used to it. Hot and muggy ain’t even started yet.”

She nodded as she watched him lift her luggage into his trunk and then slam it shut. Walking over to the passenger side of the car, she opened the door and slid into the seat, breathing easily for the first time since she had left Calabasas. He watched her closely as she removed her sunglasses and the hat that had obscured her red hair.

“I haven’t been able to say it, but thank you for coming to get me.”

Layne took her hand in his and rubbed the back of it. “It’s not a problem at all. I’m glad that you came to me—even if you haven’t been forthcoming in what the fuck is going on. I’m glad that we still have that kind of relationship.”

“There’s nowhere else I knew to go, nowhere else I felt safer.”

He raised a dark eyebrow. “So you’re feeling unsafe?”

“Please don’t try to read into this.” Jessica shook her head, looking out the window as he directed them back onto the interstate.

“I’m not; I’m just trying to figure out what you want from me here.”

She knew that was a fair way to feel, but she just didn’t want to get into it. “All I want is for you to be non-judgmental.”

“Then that I can do,” he smiled across to her.

Jessica sighed deeply and leaned her head back against the seat. Within minutes, she was fast asleep, leaving Layne to wonder just what he had gotten himself into. As he drove north towards Bowling Green, he glanced over at her a few times. There were dark circles under her eyes and stress lines around her mouth. The last few times they had spoken with one another, she had vaguely eluded to the fact that she was unhappy with her current life—unhappy with the Hollywood scene. Did the duffel bag and three suitcases mean she was done with it forever?

Chapter Two

he drive back to Bowling Green didn’t take as long as the drive to Nashville and for that Layne was thankful. His ankle and leg hurt if he was cramped in a car for very long, not to mention it just flat out irritated him.

“Jess.” He shook her arm, trying his best to be gentle, even though he could barely remember how.

“Yeah.” She turned her head towards him, breathing deeply as she realized where she was. “Did I fall asleep on you? I’m so sorry.”

“You were tired, it’s fine. I like driving in peace and quiet, with just the radio on anyway, unless I’m on my bike.”

Glancing out the window, she looked to the left and right. “Where are we?” There was a large building that looked like a hospital on her right.

“Liam’s old lady had just gone into labor when you called. I got a text on the way back that she delivered. All the brothers are there; it’s customary that I make an appearance.”

“I’m not going to pretend like I understand a damn word you just said.” She popped a piece of gum into her mouth to get rid of the taste of sleep and rubbed a hand over her face. “But I’m interested in learning about your life here.”

“I hope you’re a quick study, because you’re about to be dropped straight into the belly of the beast.”

Those words did not make her feel any better as they got out of the car and walked towards the hospital. It was important that she not lie to herself, and she realized just how awkward she felt. The only person she knew here was the man who walked beside her, and she wasn’t even sure about him anymore.

“Are you going to see Liam?” The words caught her off guard; she’d had her head down with her hand in Layne’s as they made their way to the building. Glancing up, she saw that a member of law enforcement stood in front of them.

“Why else would I be here?” Layne asked, his tone was as smart as she’d ever heard it.

The officer ignored the tone and took a glance at her, recognition and appreciation sparking in his eyes. “Ma’am, welcome to Bowling Green.”

Layne pulled her behind him. “Nobody knows that she’s here, Rooster. You got that?”

“She’s an actress. How is she going to hide that? And anyway, what’s she doing with you?”

Jessica opened her mouth to answer, but Layne beat her to it. “None of your damn business.”

“Did he kidnap you?” Rooster grabbed his radio and keyed the mike.

She gasped when Layne knocked it out of his hand, shoving him backwards from it. “Why she’s here is our business, none of yours. You just make sure nobody asks any questions, and if they do, tell them that she’s under Heaven Hill’s protection. Is that easy enough for you?”

“I’ve never had a problem with you, Layne. Don’t start one now,” Rooster warned.

“I’m not.”

He grabbed her hand, dragging her into the building. When she glanced back, she saw the officer shaking his head. To say she was nervous was a gross understatement. Her hands actually shook as they made their way up to the maternity floor.

“Are you sure it’s okay for me to be here,” she whispered as the elevator stopped and the door opened. If she talked louder, she was afraid she would startle him after the encounter they’d had downstairs.

“You’re with me, just be sure and stay close.”

She did as she was told when they exited the elevator. Neither one of them spoke as they turned the corner. Jessica gasped as she saw the people standing in front of the glass window that housed the babies. All of the men wore what she knew to be cuts, and they all wore the patches that she also knew proclaimed them being members of the Heaven Hill MC. It was breathtaking really, to see the group of them standing together. They formed what looked to be a unified front—some women stood interspersed among them, and Jessica couldn’t help but wonder what they had to do with the group.

“’Bout time you made it.” A tall man of what appeared to be Native American descent stepped forward, holding his hand out to Layne.

“Nashville traffic fuckin’ sucked,” he explained, clasping hands with the big man.

“Tyler, everybody, this is Jessica Shea.”

A blonde woman with dark highlights stepped forward, raising her hand in a wave. “Welcome to Bowling Green, I’m Bianca.”

Jessica grinned at the woman who looked like they might be around the same age, but then again it was so hard to tell with other people. “Thank you.”

“So did I read my text right? It’s a girl?” Layne asked as they made a space for him at the window.

“Sure is.” Tyler gripped Layne’s shoulders and directed him to the black-haired baby at the front.

“Tatum, huh?”

“That’s what they named her. Tatum Meredith Walker.”

Layne raised his eyebrows and looked back to where Meredith stood with Bianca. “I know, right?” she laughed. “I was just as surprised as everyone else.”

“What do you know? You went from Heaven Hill enemy number one to having the princess named after you.”

“I still don’t know what to say,” Meredith admitted as she stepped up and stood next to Layne.

“She’s pretty,” he whispered as Tatum’s eyes opened and she looked right at him. “Black hair and blue eyes. What a combo.”

“Liam’s gonna have his hands full,” Jagger commented.

“You seriously don’t have to remind me,” a voice said from behind the group.

Layne turned around as he saw his president approaching them. Reaching over, he held Jessica’s hand in his, nodding at the leader of the group.

“Was this your pick up?” Liam asked, offering a small smile to Jessica.

“It was.” He pulled her forward so that they stood even with each other. “Jessica Shea, this is Liam Walker, president of the Heaven Hill MC.”

“Pleasure to meet you.” She held out her hand for him.

Liam licked his lips and tilted his head before smiling at her and clasping her hand. “Somehow I don’t think you would be here if you had any other choice, and I’ll just say that’s something I understand.”

She nodded; let them believe what they wanted to, and Layne spoke up beside her. “She’ll be staying in my dorm indefinitely.”

“It’s your dorm. You can have whoever you want there, just make sure she knows what the hell she’s getting into bein’ around us.”

“Trust me,” she interrupted. “I would rather be with a bunch of law breakers than be with people I
cared about me.”

The group got silent.

“I’m so sorry,” she rushed on. “I didn’t mean to offend anyone.”

“No,” Tyler said. “You got it right; we
a bunch of law breakers. However, most women have the decency not to mention it.”

Jessica knew her face was flaming, and it wouldn’t help to apologize, instead she kept her mouth shut.

“Are Drew and Mandy on their way?” Layne asked, trying to fill the gap in the silence.

“They should be getting here anytime,” Liam confirmed, looking at his watch. “Roni is going to bring them.”

They all stood there for a moment, and Jessica felt like maybe the awkwardness that rolled off Layne was because of her.

“Do I need to be here for anything else? It’s been a long day,” Layne asked, rubbing his leg for affect.

“Nah, go on back to the clubhouse,” Liam told him. “We’ve all had a long day. I’m sending the rest of them back after Roni leaves with the kids.”

Layne said a few words to a couple of the members and then steered her back towards the elevator they had come in on. Jessica hoped her mouth hadn’t gotten her in trouble. But if it did, it wouldn’t be the first time.

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