Wray (37 page)

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Authors: M.K. Eidem

Tags: #love, #family, #commitment, #sci fi, #strength, #tradition, #romance scifi, #loyal

BOOK: Wray
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"You still..." Wray found he couldn't go

"Love you?" Kim finished the question for him
and gave him a rather irate look. "Of course I do! There is nothing
in all the known universes that could
change that!
Certainly not some little dunk in the river."

"It wasn’t some
little dunk
Kim!" Wray
growled refusing to let her down play what had happened to her just
to ease his guilt.

"I know that Wray,” she conceded, “but it
doesn't change the fact that I love you and I always will. You make
whatever I had to go through to get here bearable Wray. I’d never
have survived, wouldn’t have wanted to if not for you.”

“Goddess Kim…” Wray growled and captured her
lips for a deep kiss. Her words… he would never get tired of her
giving him her words… even when he didn’t agree with them… but
these… these he would hold in his heart forever.

Kim sunk into the kiss. She needed this,
needed to feel Wray against her, driving away the cold and the
dark, as he had with the Ganglians. As he did when she had a
nightmare. Wray was the only one that could do that. Her hands
roamed down his chest and would have slipped between them when he
pulled away, stopping her.


“No Kim. Not now. You have been through much
and now I need to care for you.”

Kim had opened her mouth to argue, but his
words stopped her, as did the fatigue that suddenly returned and
reluctantly she agreed. “Later?”

“My vow.” He promised.


Wray kept Kim in the cleansing unit until her
hair was gleaming and every speck of river muck had been removed
from her body. He carefully inspected every scratch, every bruise
and silently cursed that he had let Gyula die too easily.

Only after repeated assurances from Kim that
she was finally warm did Wray allow her out of the unit. He then
proceeded to dry her with the thick cloths until her skin was rosy
and her hair dry. Finally wrapping her up in one he carried her
into the resting chamber.


Chapter Twenty-Eight

“No.” Kim said, glaring angrily at Wray.

“Kim.” Wray was at his wits end. When he
carried her back into their resting chamber she had nearly been
asleep, exhausted by her ordeal. He laid her down, covering her
with blankets and she gave him the most loving smile as she let her
head sink into the pillows, then she saw Yakar… they were now at a

“No Wray!” Kim sat up, remembering only at
the last minute that she was naked under the blanket and grasped it
at the last minute. “He doesn’t touch me. He doesn’t look at me. He
doesn’t scan me. Nothing!” Her arm slashed down to emphasize the
‘NO’ as her eyes shot angrily to the Healer. She hadn’t forgotten
how he had treated her before. How he looked at her or his words.
She would be damned if she let him near her now.

“Majesty, I have something that will calm
her.” Yakar said in that ‘superior’ voice of his. “I can examine
her then.”

“Did you not just hear what I said Yakar!”
Kim demanded, her voice cracking as her anger grew. “You will not
touch me! And
talk about me as if I’m not even in the
! I do not need
!” she screeched her
voice getting even higher. “Try it and
will be the one
needing the repair unit!”

Yakar gave her a shocked look, then his eyes
hardened and he reached into his bag.

“Wray!” Her eyes shot to his.

“Put it away Yakar.” Wray ordered his eyes
never leaving Kim.


“I said… put… it… away! The Empress does not
wish to be treated by you so you will not treat her. Caitir find
her some coverings.”

“But sire, I am the Imperial Healer.”

“Not for the Empress.”

“But sire… she needs to be treated. She could
be severely damaged.”

“I’ll severely damage you if you keep talking
about me like that.” Kim said, doing her best imitation of a ‘Wray’
growl, startling Yakar enough that he jumped.

“Emperor…” Yakar tried again.

“There is another Healer.” The hesitant voice
had all three heads turning to find Caitir standing just inside the

“What Caitir?” Kim asked, her voice quieting
as she looked at her friend.

“There is another Healer you might find
acceptable Empress.” Caitir said, her eyes moving quickly from the
hard eyes of Yakar to Kim’s questioning ones.

“Impossible!” Yakar claimed. “
know all the Healers!”

Caitir’s eyes moved uneasily back to

“Ignore him Caitir.” Kim said, giving the
Healer an angry look then gestured her to come closer. “Talk to

Keeping a close eye on Yakar, Caitir moved
closer to the bed and the Empress. “His name is Curador, Empress.
He is quite old…”

“Curador!” Yakar didn’t try to hide his
disgust. “He hasn’t been an active Healer since I was in my
training!” Yakar turned to the Emperor. “Sire, you can’t possibly
be considering this.”

“Silence!” Wray ordered, giving Yakar a hard
look and Yakar’s mouth snapped shut.

“Caitir?” Kim gave her an encouraging

quite old Empress, but he is…
kind. He lives just outside the walls and treats those Lord Reeve’s
Healer refuses to.”

“What do you mean… refuses.” Kim asked and
saw Caitir's eyes flash to Wray.

“Answer your Empress, Caitir.” Wray ordered

“Yes Emperor.” Caitir looked back to Kim.
“Lord Reeve’s Healer only treats members of House Reeve. Those that
are not members he refuses.”

“Those like you and Jael.” Kim filled in.

“Yes, Majesty.” Caitir said, lowering her

“He’s treated you?” Kim asked.

“Yes.” Caitir said, raising her eyes to Kim
but in that simple word, Kim heard a great deal. She heard Caitir’s
trust and belief in this male. Something Kim had never thought
possible. If Caitir could trust him, Kim knew she could.

“Send for him.” Kim said looking to Wray.

“You will let him examine you?” Wray asked
not trying to hide his hope or his surprise.

“As long as you stay with me, yes.” Kim told

“I would be nowhere else.” He told her.

“Emperor!” Yakar started, but with a look,
Wray silenced him.

“Veron!” Wray’s roar, had his Captain coming
at a run. “There is a Healer called Curador. He lives outside the
walls. Find him. Bring him here. He will treat the Empress.”

“Yes, Majesty.” Veron responded, then
immediately left to fulfill his Emperor’s order.

“Sire!” Yakar tried again, he had to make him
understand. “Curador isn’t qualified to treat a member of House
let alone House Torino!”

“That is not your decision, Yakar. The
Empress decides who treats her and you are not it.”

“But sire… she is
.” Yakar spit
out the word as if it was a disease that he might catch.

“Leave Yakar!” Wray ordered angrily, tired of
the male's attitude towards Kim. “While you still can.”

Yakar paled at the Emperor’s threat and with
an angry glance at Caitir and Kim, backed out of the room.


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


Curador stomped angrily through the halls of
House Reeve escorted by four,
warriors, as if he were
some unworthy male! And he still didn’t know why he’d been

There was no respect between him and Lord
Reeve. Curador thought he was a blight on what was once an
honorable House but then he’d thought that of Lord Reeve’s manno
too. Therefore, it wasn’t a surprise.

Curador had been a confidant and friend to
Lord Reeve's manno's, manno Lord Shan and his trusted Healer. Shan
had been a fit and worthy male, but his first male…
so idiotic that he gave
first male the name of his
House, Lord Reeve Reeve. Idiot!

“This way.” One of the warriors said,
gesturing towards the guest quarters instead of Lord Reeve’s

Curador had had enough and stopped in the
middle of the corridor. “Where are you taking me?” He demanded and
gave the warrior who ran into his back a disgusted look.

“It does not matter,” one of Lord Reeve’s
warriors started, glaring angrily at the old male.

“The Emperor demands your presence.” Veron
interrupted and Curador finally took a good look at the insignia on
that warrior’s chest. It
the Emperor’s insignia!

“The Emperor is here? On Vesta? He is in need
of a Healer?” Curador was shocked. How had he not heard this?

“Yes and he is waiting.” Veron told him.

“Then move!” Curador ordered shoving the
warriors in front of him aside. “What are you standing there for?
He demanded.

Veron couldn’t believe the gall of this aged
Healer, but he said nothing. One who had lived this long would be
shown respect. Even if Veron wasn't sure he deserved it. Was the
Emperor sure he wanted this male treating the Empress?

Curador ignored the warriors standing in the
outer chamber and move directly to the closed door of the resting
chamber. His stride, showing none of his age as he shoved the door


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Kim was shocked by the appearance of Healer
Curador. Caitir had said he was old and while his red skin seemed
to be slightly faded and his face was a mass of wrinkles, he still
stood tall and proud, his hair was still jet-black, although it did
seem to be thinning.

“You have need of me sire.” Curador said,
bowing slightly and in his voice, Kim finally heard his age. It was
rough and rumbled as if it had been tumbled over rough rocks and
finally worn down.

“Not me.” Wray corrected. “My Empress needs

“Empress?” Curador hadn’t heard that either
and his eyes flew to the two females in the room. The one standing,
he recognized as Caitir, obviously not the Empress so he turned his
eyes to the female in the bed and didn’t even try to mask his

“Hello.” Kim said quietly and while she felt
Curador’s eyes running over her, taking in everything at once, she
felt no slight or insult, as she had with Yakar.

“Hello.” Curador replied without

“She needs to be treated Curador.” Wray said
his patience at an end. “Now!” He ordered.

At the Emperor’s order, Curador immediately
stepped towards the bed, pulling out his repair unit, then he
paused to really look at the female. At first, he thought her to be
a very young Tornian and had, for a moment, thought Wray was
following the Emperor Lucan's path but now he could see she wasn’t
Tornian at all.

“You’re not Tornian.” He said shocked. She
couldn't be the Empress unless she was Tornian.

“No.” Kim said softly, meeting his stare
directly. “I’m not.”

“What species are you?” He demanded, ignoring
protocol that said he should be addressing his question to the
Emperor. He was too old to worry about protocol.

“Human.” Kim told him.

“I have never heard of your kind before.” He
said gruffly, then his eyes widened and shot to the Emperor. "You
have found compatible females..." He whispered, knowing that could
be the only reason he would take her as Empress.

"That does not matter!" Wray growled. "Treat

"But, sire! I do not know if such a treatment
would harm her or the offspring she carries.”

"I'm not pregnant." Kim told him quietly.

"What?" Curador's head whipped back to Kim.
"Preg... what is that"

"With offspring." Kim told him. "On Earth, we
say the woman is pregnant. I am not and it's doubtful I ever will
be." Kim gave Wray a regretful look.

"I told you that does not matter Kim." Wray
said, moving to sit next to her on the bed, gently cupping her
cheek. "I only want you." Turning hard eyes on Curador, he
continued. "Kim was taken from her home world by the Ganglians. She
was treated with the deep repair unit. It caused no harm. Now treat

“The Ganglians!" Curador spat out the word
then turned stunned eyes to her realizing what that meant.
Understood what the Emperor wasn't saying. How could someone so
small, so fragile looking have survived that?

"I'm tougher than I look." Kim told him,
seeing the horror that filled Curador’s eyes and the sympathy. She
had seen neither in Yakar's.

"You would have to be." Curador said, finding
he was starting to respect this little female. Lifting his scanner,
he began. "So how may I be of assistance to you Empress?"

"She fell into the river." Wray spoke for
her. "She was not breathing for several minutes."

"What!" Curador nearly dropped the

"I wasn't breathing?" Kim asked, looking at
Wray in surprise. "You didn't tell me that."

"I do not like to think of it little one."
Wray said running a gentle knuckle along her cheek.

"Why was she ever allowed near the river
after last night's storm?" Curador demanded his eyes full of
condemnation. All females should be protected from harm as far as
he was concerned. Tornian or not. That this one had not protected
was an insult to all males.

"I was chased there." Kim spoke up trying to
stop the battle she saw brewing between the two males.

“Chased?” Curador’s confused eyes returned to
her. “Chased by who?”

“Fala and Gyula.”

“Fala and Gyula!” Curador spat, his
expression hardening. “Two more unworthy males you’ll ever

“If you felt that way about them why didn’t
you report it when they applied to my guard!” Wray demanded.

“Who would have paid attention to the opinion
of an old Healer that his Lord doesn’t even recognize?” Curador
countered refusing to back down. “You only ever consider the Lord’s
opinion. He’s not going to tell you truth. He wants his House
represented in Torino.”

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