Read XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference, 4th Edition Online
Authors: Michael Kay
Note that theversion=“1.0”
. This doesn't guarantee that the stylesheet makes no use of XSLT 2.0 features, but it's a good clue: it means that when the stylesheet is run on an XSLT 2.0 processor, it will run in backward-compatibility mode, and when run on an XSLT 1.0 processor, errors will be reported at compile time if any XSLT 2.0 constructs are found. This stylesheet is widely used to produce a whole range of documents, and like most other organizations, W3C wouldn't want its business-critical publishing operation to rely on software that isn't yet widely implemented. So the main stylesheet does indeed stick to XSLT 1.0. As we'll see later, some of the “overlays” to the stylesheet do take advantage of 2.0.
The reference to the Saxon namespace (in fact the old Saxon 6.5 namespace) in the header turns out to be a red herring. There is no use of this namespace within the body of the document, and the stylesheet has no dependencies on features specific to Saxon or any other XSLT processor. Someone put this in to do some experiments and forgot to take it out. It does no harm, apart from raising a false alarm about the portability of the stylesheet.
A fairly standard control header. There's then some legal stuff, without which we would not be able to reproduce the code in this book. There's a lot of change history as well, which I'll leave out.
abstract arg attribute authlist author back bibref blist body case col
colgroup component constant constraint constraintnote copyright def
definitions descr div div1 div2 div3 div4 div5 ednote enum enumerator
example exception footnote front gitem glist graphic group header
htable htbody inform-div1 interface issue item itemizedlist langusage
listitem member method module note notice ol olist orderedlist orglist
param parameters prod prodgroup prodrecap proto pubdate pubstmt raises
reference resolution returns revisiondesc scrap sequence slist
sourcedesc spec specref status struct table tbody tfoot thead tr
typedef ul ulist union vc vcnote wfc wfcnote”/>
These two elements together indicate that boundary whitespace (whitespace that appears in whitespace-only text nodes) is to be retained for all elements except the long list of elements whose whitespace is to be stripped. The
Some processors, notably those from Microsoft and Altova, strip whitespace text nodes unconditionally before XSLT processing starts. This stripping can cause problems when the source document contains nodes in which whitespace is significant. You can see the consequence of this in
Figure 18-3
, which shows an extract from section 1.2 of the XML Recommendation, as rendered in Internet Explorer.
Note the absence of any space between the hyperlinked phrase “XML processor” and the word “MUST”. In the XML source, the relevant markup is:
def=“dt-xml-proc”>XML processor
Between the
processing instruction, is to add anxml:space=“preserve”
attribute to some containing element in the XML source.
Let's move on. The next thing in the stylesheet is a set of parameter declarations:
These global parameters allow the behavior of the stylesheet to be customized. Like many publishing organizations, W3C tries hard to maintain a consistent house style for its publications, and the use of a common DTD and stylesheet goes a long way toward achieving this. However, different publications do have different requirements, so there is a need to manage variety. Sometimes, the authors needed to introduce a new feature in the stylesheet but didn't want to change the way existing documents were rendered, so they put in a parameter to control the new feature. Sometimes, the parameters reflect the needs of different stages in the publication cycle; for example, the parametershow.ednotes
controls whether editorial notes should be displayed.