Yellow Ghost: La Femme Selita Prequel

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Authors: Lolah Lace

Tags: #interracial erotic romance

BOOK: Yellow Ghost: La Femme Selita Prequel
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Table of Contents

Title Page



















Authors Note


Fantôme Jaune


Kiiro no yūrei



La Femme Selita Prequel



Lolah Lace





Published by Lolah Lace

Copyright © 2015 by Lolah Lace



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Lolah Lace is no way affiliated with any brands, songs, musicians, public figures or artists mentioned in the book.


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.



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This novel is considered erotic romantic fiction. This is for mature audiences only. This book contains adult profane language, violence and strong sexual content.




I want to dedicate this book the people all the readers that enjoyed La Femme Selita. There were many questions about Selita’s background. I hope this prequel gives you some insight into where she came from and why she is the way she is. I enjoyed writing La Femme Selita. Please stay tuned for the final installment in the series La Belle Selita.




I would like to give thanks to beta readers Patrice Harrison and Camille Crawford. Your valuable input is really appreciated. I would also like to thank the readers that stopped over and wrote a good review at the online retailer of your choice. Reviews matter more than you know so thank you, thank you, thank you.






I don’t remember much from my childhood. I remember bits and pieces, figments of recollections that hold no significant meaning but are like faded silhouettes. The images are there but they are cloaked by shadows. I may have blocked them out. They may be too traumatic for me to think about and relive. Maybe they are buried somewhere deep in my subconscious.

I remember my mother. She was pretty; too pretty some would say. That was before the drugs. She was five-four and really curvy. Her skin was russet brown and smooth. Men loved her but she loved drugs. There was a time that I loved her too. That was before I recognized the neglect she singlehandedly bestowed upon me. I never met my biological father. I could look in the mirror and guess that he was some light-skinned black man.

I was six years old when I meet the Dragon. That was when he illegally adopted me, the operative word being illegally. Sure he wasn’t my real father but he was the man that saved me, spared my life, taught me the strictest of life’s lessons. He nurtured my gifts. He showed me a new way of life. He was a tyrant to many but he was a savior for a little girl with nothing but fear.

The fear, yes I do remember that. Afraid I wouldn’t be able to find any food to eat. Afraid my Mama would never come home. Or worse, afraid I would find my mother dead. My life truly began when Mr. Tenaki Hiroshima made me his little
fantôme jaune
. I love my father more than anything. I would kill for my father. I have killed for my father. I am la femme Selita. I am the Yellow Ghost. I no longer fear anyone or anything but now I am feared.







We were riding in a little red car, the lady and me. Mrs. Murphy was driving. She made me wear a seatbelt. She was my caseworker. I’m not sure what that means. I keep forgetting to look it up in the dictionary.

Mrs. Murphy was acting weird but I didn’t know why. She had always been so nice to me. But today she was mean, no not mean. She was just weird. She pulled up to a building that was painted pink and blue. I had never seen anything like it before. The big sign on the side of the building said Fantasy FunClub. Mrs. Murphy parked in a space by the concrete wall that was painted pink. Where were the other cars?

“Just be quiet. Take off your belt and get out.” I did as I was told.

We both walked to the front door, a big blue door without numbers on it. She opened it.

We walked into the building and Mrs. Murphy was holding my hand. It was very dark inside even though it was very sunny outside. I knew that I should probably be afraid but I wasn’t. Wherever I was going had to be better than that foster home. I didn’t know what foster meant but I was a foster kid. All my life I was Markita’s kid and now I was fosters. It didn’t make any sense to me. Who was this Foster? I had never met him.

There were too many foster kids and wherever I was going had to be quieter. Those other foster kids were bad as hell. They were loud. I hated every moment I spent at that place. I needed it to be quiet to concentrate on my studies and read my books. I’m the only one that likes to read.

There was a huge man sitting on a tall chair. He stood when he saw us. He was blocking the second door.

“Hey lady, what do you want?”

“I’m here to see Mae.” Mrs. Murphy said as I looked up at her and back at the big black man.

“What do you want with Mae?” The man looked down at me with his mean face. He had a huge scar on his cheek. It was like the one my Mama had on the back of her neck. Some asshole motherfucker stabbed her. That’s what she told me. I didn’t know who the asshole motherfucker was. My Mama called a lot of people asshole motherfuckers, tired bitches, punks, and bastards. I never say bad words out loud.

“I’m dropping something off.” Mrs. Murphy’s voice was weird. “It’s business.” She looked at me and than back at the man.

The huge man looked down at me and made a face, an ugly face. I don’t think he likes me. I don’t like him either. I wonder who this Mae person is. I hope she’s nice. Is she going to be my new mama?

Mrs. Murphy told me I was being adopted. I don’t know what that means. She said I would have a new family. I never had a family before. It has always been just me and my Mama. Sometimes just me when Mama would leave me alone in our apartment for days. I never knew where she was but she always came back. I sent myself to school. I loved going to school. School was my favorite place. I wish I could live there.

I miss my school. I miss my teacher Mrs. Wilson. One day someone came to pick me up from school and I never got to go back. I heard the teachers whispering about me. They said I was dirty. They said I was smelly. They said my Mama was a crackhead. They said she should be arrested for leaving me all alone. My Mama is not perfect. She does her best. She doesn’t have any money and she’s sick all the time.

The mean man stared at me and I looked away. I looked down and I saw the gun tucked in his waist by his belt. I really don’t like him. I don’t like guns.

“Come on. Follow me.” He said.

I changed my mind. I didn’t want to be adopted but Mrs. Murphy pulled me into the other door. We walked through the building. There were tables everywhere. I had been in a place like this before, a place where people drink too much alcohol and started acting all crazy. I wasn’t supposed to be in a place like this. I was too young. I think it’s against the law. I heard someone say that to my Mama one time. He said, ‘
you ain’t ‘posed to have no kid up in here Marty
’. A lot of her friends called her Marty.

We walked all the way to the back. I passed a stage that had a pole just like the firemen have at the fire station. At my old school I went on a field trip to the fire station.

A lady came out from a back room. Her heels were tapping loud. I like that sound. The lady was pretty and light like me but she wasn’t a black lady. I don’t know what color she was.

“Hey Mae.” My caseworker said.


Is Diane Mrs. Murphy’s first name? Huh. I didn’t know that.

“So this is the girl.” The pretty lady named Mae said. Now I think Mae is black. She sounds like black people. Her hair was very long. It was red like an apple and very shiny. I think it’s a wig. My Mama has a wig. Mae was wearing a dress that was very little. I think it was too small for her. I probably could fit it.

“Yes this is Martika’s girl.”

“Yeah yeah Martika, I’m tired of hearing that tricks damn name.” Mrs. Murphy didn’t say anything. Mae bent to look at me. “Hey baby girl. What’s your name?”

“Selita Hilton.”

“I don’t have a Selita in my stable. I have one too many Tanya’s.” She laughed.

“I agree. Too many hoes named Tanya.” The big mean man said. I forgot he was even standing behind me.

“Antonio you too much.” She stopped laughing to look at Mrs. Murphy. “Has she been touched?”

“No, no.” Mrs. Murphy said.

Mae tipped her head to one side. “How do you know?” One of her eyebrows went up like magic.

“A doctor examines all the kids that come into foster care. She hasn’t been messed with.”

What are they talking about? I don’t mess myself. I’m six.

“You learn something new everyday.” Mae put her hands on her hips. “So Diane thanks again.” Mae poked out her lips. “It’s been nice doing business with you. This little cutie should work out just fine. Mr. Dragon appreciates your cooperation.”

“Ah, okay.” Mrs. Murphy said to Mae. She bent to look me in the eyes. “Selita, you be a good girl, okay.”

I smiled. This wasn’t such a bad place. It’s way bigger than my Mama’s apartment. It looks like they have food here. “Okay, I will.”

Mrs. Murphy pulled me into a big hug. “I’m so sorry.” She whispered in my ear. Why would she be sorry? She found me a family. Mae looks like a nice lady.

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