Read You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side Online

Authors: Sherrie Dillard

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Parapsychology

You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side (2 page)

BOOK: You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side
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grief counselors and suicide support groups. People who have lost

loved ones in traumatic circumstances often seek closure from the

other side in order to move forward in their lives. It is also not unusual for people to tell me that they do not know why they want a

session. I am often contacted by an individual who may have hear

about a friend‘s experience with me and they are curious.

Your loved Ones are With You

Although I have been giving people messages from their loved ones

in spirit for a long time, I am still surprised by what those on the other side have to say. I begin sessions by tuning into the spirits that
Introduction ~ 3

are present. They will often tell me their names, but if they do not, there are other ways to identify them. Because I am able to visually see those of on the other side, I can tell my clients the color of their loved one’s hair, their height, body type and the expression on their face. If I have a client who is more skeptical, they will sometimes desire more specific information that only their loved ones would


I recently had a session with a client who asked me for more

“proof ”. My description of her father’s body type, hair color and

health issues were not enough. Fortunately those in spirit will

oblige. In answer to my client’s skepticism her father showed me an image of antique chairs, tables and other home furnishings.

When I shared this with my client, she remarked. “Well, he did

love to buy and sell antique furniture.”

I then saw an image of her having dental work done as a young

girl. When I asked her if she had struggled with significant dental problems when young, she seemed convinced.

“I had congenital problems with my teeth and had extensive

dental work done as a child. This is my father.” She told me.

Sharing personal information with my clients that only some-

one close would know helps to open their hearts and mind and re-

ceive more from the session.

After I identify who is present I simply listen and relate to my

client what I have heard, seen, felt and the impressions that I re-

ceive. Sometimes those on the other side will talk about their passing, their activities on the other side and what they are learning.

They will offer advice and guidance on many of my client’s con-

cerns and express love and gratitude. Loved ones will also often

share memories, favorite places they may have visited with my cli-

ent and special events and anniversaries. Whatever the reasons for

coming in for a session, my clients are often surprised at the detail of what their loved ones know about their lives and the amount of

information that they are able to share.

4 ~ Introduction

Those on the other side likely know much more about you and

your daily activities than what you might suspect. They will often

comment on my clients redecorated homes or describe the hallway

where a picture of them hangs. They give career and health advice

and they may know when your car needs repair and where you are

going on vacation. I have had those in spirit tell me what my clients had for dinner the night before and offer advice to improve their

health. Those on the other side know your worries, stresses and

they celebrate in your achievements and victories.

People come in expecting to simply say to their loved ones in

spirit. “Hello, are you happy”? Instead they are often startled at how close and connected their loved ones really are. You are seen, known and loved.

How This Book Came About

Several years ago my communication with the other side began to

deepen. One morning I had a session with Claudia, a woman who

had come to connect with a dear friend of hers that had passed

over several months prior. This session began like most others. Her friend quickly came in to let her know that she was with family and in peace and she shared a few happy memories. She thanked Claudia for all of her help during a prolonged illness. Toward the end

of our time together, Claudia’s father came forward. He had died

several years previous after a brief illness. Claudia was startled by his presence as her parents had divorced when she was young and

she rarely saw him after this.

However his message to Claudia was clear and direct. “I want to

apologize for not being your life.” Her father said. “Your devotion to your friends and family has taught me so much. I didn’t give

your needs much thought. I am sorry. I have a lot to learn from you about how to open my heart and give. Watching you love and care

for others inspires me.”

Introduction ~ 5

After Claudia left, a little shaken and surprised by both her friend and her father’s presence and messages, I realized how this kind of session was becoming more common. The depth of sharing from

those on the other side was expanding in its scope and substance.

Although those on the other side share their love and offer support and guidance to those still in the physical realm, more and more they were expressing how their loved ones were helping them. I was beginning to understand that the role that we play in helping our loved ones after their death might be more significant than what I once


Inspired by this session with Claudia, I began to review records

of my past session. What I discovered surprised me. In reading

after reading, there were accounts of friends and family in spirit

who had communicated similar type of experiences. Fathers dis-

cussed how their sons and daughters ability to express love, helped them to open their hearts. Side by side with their physical loved

ones, those on the other side read self-help and inspirational books.

Those in spirit who were dismissive of intuitive and psychic abili-

ties while on earth were developing their intuitive skills along with their physical family and friends who had similar interests. Loved

ones in spirit who had passed over due to drugs and alcohol prob-

lems went to addiction counseling with loved ones who were expe-

riencing similar challenges. People who worked hard all their lives and then died without ever enjoying leisure time were traveling,

climbing mountains and visiting exotic locations along with their

adventurous people in the physical realm.

As I reviewed these past sessions I had an experience similar to

what happens when we suddenly decipher the words of a song that

we have listened to over and over but could never quite make out

the words. Or the flash of understanding that sometimes happens

when we learn a new language or solve a math problem. All of a

sudden the brain connects the dots and confusion lifts. I under-

stood in a new way what I had been hearing for years.

6 ~ Introduction

Although I had always been aware of how those in spirit help us

in countless ways, I had not fully grasped how much we also help

them. Through our personal choices, struggles and actions, those

who have passed over are inspired, encouraged helped and healed.

In session after session it became clear that we are often serving as living examples of how to succeed at the often difficult life lessons that we are all confronted with in the physical world.

Why the Other Side Needs Us

We come to the earth to learn how to love self and others, activate the power of our spirit and accomplish the lessons and tasks that

the soul most needs in order to evolve. Although the realm of spirit is one of love, forgiveness, wisdom and joy, we do not go to heaven as much as we grow into heaven.

After we pass out of the physical body we experience the heal-

ing and love of the other side. Family and friends who have passed

over welcome us and we are nourished and renewed in the light

of the heavens. With angelic support we review our lives here on

earth. We become aware of what we have learned, where we have

grown, and what still needs our attention, forgiveness and healing.

This process of understanding where our soul has made advances

and where we have allowed fear, negativity and other human chal-

lenges to thwart our progress is done in the spirit of love and compassion. The choices and actions that we made that were motivated

by fear, pain and self-centeredness and those that we made through

love, become obvious. We forgive and are forgiven and we heal and

come into wholeness. But, this is just the beginning. We must now

learn how to integrate this new awareness into every aspect of our


One of the ways that our loved ones who have passed over con-

tinue to heal and evolve is by drawing close to those of us in the

physical world that are experiencing similar life lessons. When our loved ones in spirit go through their life review they become aware
Introduction ~ 7

of the decisions and actions that they took while in the physical

world that sabotaged their soul growth and evolution. Inspired by

the all-knowing awareness of the heavens, they begin to understand

how they have limited their ability to manifest and experience their highest good. This is where we come in. By watching and observ-ing our positive efforts in confronting our day to day challenges

and circumstances, healing our emotional wounds, developing our

talents and skills, and our service and kindness to others, they have the opportunity to vicariously experience a new way through us.

The Importance of Your Choices, Intent and Actions

Life on earth as most of us know is not always a picnic in the park.

While it is beautiful, loving, fulfilling and the bearer of great happiness, it can also be tough and demanding. But, life on earth is a precious opportunity. Our loved ones in spirit are immersed within

the soft cushions of divine love. Angels watch over them like doting parents applauding their growth and lighting their path with love.

It is we, the physical living who often wander in the dark, mak-

ing our way through challenges like fear, financial and relationship stress, aging and illness. Often unaware that celestial help is available. We try to do the right thing. We want happiness and all the

good that life has to offer. But, we frequently feel lost in the fog. Yet, when we love, forgive and evolve here on earth, the heavens cheer

and heave streams of translucent confetti our way.

Transforming anger, eliminating negative thoughts, forgiv-

ing those who have hurt us are powerful acts that elevate us to the heavenly realms. Our struggles have meaning. Every decision and

action that you take that is derived from love, including the small and seemingly insignificant daily acts that happen in secret, have

tremendous power. Not only do you evolve and forever move be-

yond the clutches of negativity and darkness, your actions reach

out beyond time and space and touch the lives of family and

friends and past generations. Even those who you barely knew or

8 ~ Introduction

didn’t know at all in the physical world can richly benefit by what you do and who you are. Our actions are like stones thrown into a

still pond. The affect ripples, expands and reaches out far and wide and into the realm of spirit.

How This Book Will Help You

My hope is that as you read through the pages of this book you will more fully recognize and tune into the eternal and vital connection that you share with those in the spirit realm. Not only do your loved ones on the other side, assist, guide and help you to heal, you do the same for them. When a loved one passes over, the grieving

process can be arduous and difficult. Knowing that you connect to

and affect your loved ones on the other side in positive ways can

ease the ache of separation. Those on the other side desire to com-

municate and share with you. They benefit from this interaction

and are closer and more involved in your day to day life than what

you may think.

Even though you may not know it, you are already communi-

cating with the other side. It is so common and natural, most peo-

ple are not aware that they are doing so. Once you become aware

of your innate medium ability, further development and expertise

comes faster and easier. The last section of the book will empower

you to ignite and harness the medium within you. At any time you

can skip forward to this section and get started.

In the
first section
of the book, I discuss how the conditions and circumstances of my early life encouraged me to connect and

communicate with those on the other side. My decision to become

a professional medium was in part inspired by my interactions with

guides, angels and loved ones in spirit. I will explain the differences and similarities between these three spirit allies and help you to understand how they guide and help you.

After pouring over my notes and journals from past sessions I

have discovered many tender, funny, surprising and inspiring sto-

Introduction ~ 9

ries. In the
second section
, I share these with you in the hope that you will see a bit of yourself within them. We all share common

earth school lessons. Whether it is confronting fear, addictions,

financial and relationship concerns or our pursuit for joy and

fulfillment, we are evolving through our everyday struggles and

successes. Your choices and actions create a better life for you here and in the hereafter and influence your friends and family in their celestial home.

BOOK: You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side
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