You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side (7 page)

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Authors: Sherrie Dillard

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Parapsychology

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been looking forward to fall through and your friends are too busy

to keep a much needed lunch date. When you are going in the right

direction life flows along smoothly. When you are not, obstacles,

interruptions and disruptions impede your progress. Your spirit

guides work behind the scene to help you to attract the right op-

portunities and avoid the people and situations that will cause you stress and grief. If you are pushing too hard in a direction which

conflicts with the experiences and lessons that you have come here

to learn, your guides will let you know by creating difficulties and frustrating delays.

Emotional Stress

As I more closely studied the Elder’s teachings, I became more

motivated to pursue work as a medium and counselor. I devoted

40 ~ Spiritual Helpers, Angels and Guides

myself to school and began in earnest to give medium readings. Al-

though I continued to work part time as an art therapist, I rented

space in a healing center and put effort into building more of a

spiritual practice. I was fortunate to quickly become busy with clients. However I soon discovered another inner obstacle. I had ini-

tially thought that my resistance to intuitive work was due to my

desire to be an artist. It wasn’t long, however, before I realized another inner hindrance. I was very emotionally sensitive and not just to energy and the unseen world. Feeling the pain, grief, confusion

and distress of others was at times overwhelming. Many of the peo-

ple that I worked with were experiencing hardship and great loss.

Mothers grieving the passing of a child, others who lost their jobs, were in physical pain or emotionally distressed and lonely came to

see me for guidance and advice. Their pain and confusion began

to emotionally affect me. Waking at night thinking of my clients,

feeling their stress and pain at all hours was becoming the norm. To add to my stress I began to wonder if I was actually helping anyone.

Feelings of inadequacy and over sensitivity to others suffering be-

came more and more consuming. I knew that these thoughts and

feelings were not healthy. I needed to get a grip on my emotions

and reactions. I sought advice and help through a number of dif-

ferent sources. I read books written by psychics and mediums, but

no one seemed to address what I was experiencing. I meditated and

turned to my guides for support and I sought the counsel of other

healing practitioners. Yet again, help came in an unexpected way.

Angelic Healing

The angelic realm came to my rescue. Growing up in a religious

home I was familiar with the concept of angels. In my young Sun-

day school days, I learned that angels lived in heaven in peace and harmony. Pure emanations of the divine or God force, I knew that

they were quite different from us humans. Yet, even though I had

been told that they comfort, love, heal, protect and guide us, I did
Spiritual Helpers, Angels and Guides ~ 41

not feel very close to them. From what I had learned in church,

angels seemed so good and holy. I had difficulty believing that they would pay me too much attention. Yet, like many of my previous

held beliefs of who I was and what was possible, this perception

was also about to fall by the wayside. I soon experienced and better understood the practical and down to earth ways of the angels.

Unlike the dramatic impact of my spirit guides, my introduc-

tion to the angelic realm was softer and gentler. Their presence quietly emerged one morning, while I was giving a reading to a woman

whose young son died of a heart defect. The grief and sadness that

my client felt was oppressive. It surrounded her like a heavy damp

blanket that could barely be lifted. Although I was able to commu-

nicate with her son and her father who was also in spirit, the emo-

tional and psychological heaviness that she felt continued to hold

her tight in its vise. I felt it. Yet, I knew that despite my compassion and desire to help her there was little that I could do to elevate her suffering.

As I sat with her, I suddenly saw a translucent light above my

client’s head. I psychically tuned into it and to my surprise it was an angel. She was encircled by an orb of turquoise, gold, pink and

white light. Speaking softly, she told me to tell my client that she could let go and release her sadness to her. Although it was a simple message, the effect was tremendous. As I told the grieving mother

the angel’s message, waves of love and compassion filled the room.

I could feel it and I knew that my client could to. Almost in a trance like state we sat quietly for a few minutes in the aura of angelic love.

Healing came to both of us. My client was able to let go release

some of her crippling grief. She accepted the angelic compassion

being offered her and felt the close presence of her son. I was able to let go of the critic within me that told me that I was not doing enough to help my clients. My heart opened and I let go of my

stress and anxiety. In its place I felt calm peace and the assurance that I was not alone. Although my desire to free my clients from

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their pain was heartfelt and sincere, the angels sent me the mes-

sage that this was not my place. Being loving and compassionate

and assisting others in their healing had its limits. The angels knew, much better than I did what was in another highest good. I further

realized that we all come into this world with pre-determined chal-

lenges that are important for our soul’s evolution. It is in our life plan to confront, heal and learn from them.

This session, although subtle and tender, had an enormous ef-

fect on me. I was freed from my belief that I could and had to do it all. The angels were much better and more effective at healing others than I could ever be. From that day on, I started to invoked and invite the presence of angles at the beginning of every session and I have never been disappointed.

In the many years since this first angelic encounter, I have dis-

covered that angels are a diverse group of celestial beings who do

much more than play harps and float aloof in heavenly harmony.

Their influence can be quite practical and down to earth. Like spirit guides, they can inspire, guide, comfort, motivate and assist us in all of our earthly concerns. Although they are pure, light and love, there is little that happens here on earth that intimidates them.

In a reading a few days ago I saw an image of an angel that ex-

presses their diverse nature. In this clairvoyant vision, I saw a beautiful female angel dressed in white. She had translucent wings and a golden halo like energy surrounded her. On her feet however, were

large heavy duty rain boots. She was up to her knees in mud. Yet,

she trudged through it with a force that I could tangibly feel. This was no faint of heart angel. Instead of a flute or harp, she carried what looked like a shovel in her hand. I knew she was helping to

clear the path for my client who felt stuck in her career.

Understanding Celestial Help

As the weeks and months of giving readings turned into years and

now decades, I have continued to encounter many celestial helpers.

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Always curious as to who might draw close from the spirit realm to

assist me during readings I have never been bored or disappointed.

They are as unique as we are. Spirit guides, angels and loved ones

on the other side interact and help us in ways that we cannot al-

ways logically comprehend. This love and support is given freely

and abundantly. It is the way of the spirit realm.

Everyone has a guardian angel. Since your birth into this life, a

bit of the love of the heavens has tenderly watched over you. Guid-

ing, protecting and comforting, angels soothe your suffering, heal

your pain and encourage you to love and help others. You may feel

your angels as warmth in your heart or a hand on your shoulder

in times of need. When frightened or nervous, you may feel their

reassuring presence whispering in your ear that everything will be


Many of your loved ones on the other side love and support you

in similar ways. They are aware of what is coming your way and

they help you to avoid pitfalls and problems that may arise. They

may try to signal you to take a different route to work to avoid a

potential accident, direct the right buyer to your home that is for sale or influence a prospective employer to hire you. I have an

Uncle in spirit who was an aerospace engineer. When I was in col-

lege I floundered in a calculus class that I needed to pass in order to graduate. One day while trying to study for a test, I felt his presence guiding me. In the aura of his calm confidence I began to see and

understand the complicated numbers in a way that finally made

sense. Within a few hours, I grasp the problems that had previously eluded me.

Like your angels and loved ones on the other side love who help

you with day to day choices and decisions, your spirit guides are

adept in both celestial and practical matters. Is there a special skill, ability or hobby that you would like to learn? There is a spirit guide that can assist you. Many spirit guides, while alive on the earth,

have achieved high levels of expertise in areas that may also be im-44 ~ Spiritual Helpers, Angels and Guides

portant to you. It may be part of your life plan to participate in

athletics, technology, medicine, entertainment and other fields. It may also be important for you to acquire knowledge and advance

in specific areas of study. Your spirit guides may be supporting you as you assist others as a teacher, healer, author or speaker or therapist. They work through your heart center, igniting feelings of passion and drive to pursue certain activities. Gently and silently they guide you to comprehend and master knowledge and develop specific expertise by influencing your thoughts and ideas. Your spirit guides lead you to be in the right place at the right time and to others who further your development. Along the way they inspire you

to acquire patience, be kind to others and develop a more spiritual consciousness. Yet, they will not simply do what you want them to

do. If you are not able to participate and affect others in loving and positive ways, they will not support your involvement in certain activities or undertakings. Spirit guides tend to be most active with people who are interested in helping and healing others. Highly

evolved spirit guides and angels are drawn to those who wish to

develop healing, intuitive and medium abilities and are interested

in their spiritual growth. Their help can be invaluable in open-

ing energy pathways to accessing nonphysical energy information.

They can also prepare your physical body to accept and integrate

higher vibrations of spiritual energy which make connecting with

the other side easier.

In the physical world we often ignore the presence of our spirit

guides and angels. Because we usually cannot see or speak to them,

hear their voice or touch and feel them with our physical senses it is easy to deny their existence. Despite my ability to see and communicate with the spirit realm, I have stubbornly tried more than once to ignore celestial guidance. On the other side, spirit guides and

angels cannot be denied. Once we pass over we immediately enter

their reality and we encounter the guides and angels who have been

close to us during our physical lives. They guide us through our life
Spiritual Helpers, Angels and Guides ~ 45

review. Helping us to understand and become aware of the choices,

decisions and actions that we took that furthered our soul growth

and evolution and those that set us back. We are accountable for

both what we do during our physical lives and the intent that mo-

tivated our actions.

Just as we have a life plan in our physical lives, we also devise

a plan for activities in the spirit realm that will further our soul growth. It is during this process that some souls are assigned the

task of visiting and continued interaction with certain individuals on earth. If there is an earth lesson that a soul has not yet been

able to fully master and embody, they may need to draw close to

the physical realm and observe and learn from a loved one who is

engaged in a similar lesson. If during the life review a soul realizes that their responsibilities to others in the physical realm have not been completed, they will also be encouraged to draw close and assist them and act as a positive influence.


Through my many years of psychic and medium work, I have

been surprised, shocked, excited, calmed, healed, comforted and

enlightened by the spirits guides, loved ones and angels that share our space. Perhaps you too, have felt and experienced the opening

of new life and new energy through your connection with the spirit

realm. In the last section of this book, I include development ex-

ercises and meditations to empower you to further communicate

with your loved ones, angels and guides.

In the next section I share stories from client sessions that dem-

onstrate the surprising extent to which you unknowingly help and

interact with your loved ones on the other side. The positive daily choices, decisions and actions that you take, influence your family and friends on the other side and your soul’s evolution.

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