Read You Can't Run From Love Online

Authors: Kate Snowdon

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

You Can't Run From Love (24 page)

BOOK: You Can't Run From Love
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Rachel glanced at Jack and then back at Jess before bending down for a kiss.

Jess moved her hand to the back of Rachel’s head and pressed harder. She tasted so good and Jess relaxed completely. She wanted more, a giddy feeling starting to overwhelm her. Rachel dropped to her knees and caressed Jess’s cheek. “I’m not sure this is quite the right place.”

Jess looked down at her hand still holding onto her uncle’s and then to his face. “He wouldn’t…”

A slight smile adorned his features. His breathing had ceased.

Chapter Thirty-Three


The funeral was not too somber. In fact, Jess had quite enjoyed it. Everyone there seemed to have a story to tell about Jack and it was lovely hearing them all. Jack had organized his finances and wishes perfectly, so solicitors were not slow in organizing and carrying them out despite the Christmas and New Year holidays. Jess was tired and needed a rest. Today it felt like it had all caught up with her and she was exhausted. She also felt the need to talk to Rachel, to see what her plans were before she disappeared again.

Jess sighed and then relaxed as she gazed up at the snow-covered peaks, basking in sunshine. This was a complete contrast to yesterday, when they just disappeared into the gray and murky sky. She jumped at the sound of the reception bell and called, “It’s okay, Marie, I’ll get it.”

As Jess approached the area the bell sounded again, the user obviously losing patience. She recognized the mousey-featured man as a previous patron. She welcomed him back, booked him in and relayed all the necessary information for an enjoyable and safe holiday. The whole time the man glared at her and continued to show his impatience with a continuous, “Yes, I know.”           

Jess remained poised. Maybe he’d had a bad journey, his wife and three children testing him on the long drive. “I think that’s everything, sir. Would you like me to show you to your lodge?”

“No, that’s fine, I know where it is and if I have any problems with anything I’ll get back to you. In fact, my wife is worried this place won’t be the same.”

Jess frowned. “Why? Maybe I can help?”

“She heard the old man that owned the place died. Is that right?”

Anger, hurt, disappointment, wanting and loss, all slammed into Jess as if she had suddenly hit a brick wall. Her head instantly throbbed with the ball of rage that instantly consumed her.
Old man. Old man. Died. And they’re worried about their bloody holiday.

“I hope the new owners haven’t changed anything, he ran the place so well.”

New owners, there aren’t any new owners, you idiot.

“It’s often the case when this sort of thing happens and the holiday you hoped for never materializes. I hope that won’t be the case here.”

How can things change so quickly, how can he be dismissed so quickly.

Rachel couldn’t believe what she had heard or how rude and thoughtless a person could be. Marie had asked her to come through and see if Jess would be showing them to their lodge before the three of them had lunch. The man was looking at Jess for reassurance.

“I can assure you, your holiday won’t be affected, sir.”

Rachel noted Jess’s tone and watched her follow him to the door and tightly grip its edge. When the man disappeared Jess stood unmoving. Something wasn’t right. “Jess.” No response. “Jess.”

Jess turned slowly around. She’d heard her name, yet it seemed so distant. Everything started to spin uncontrollably. She had to escape before she was sucked into the impending vortex.

Rachel instantly recognized the vacant, unseeing look. Those dark, frightened eyes were the same as she had seen that

Rachel moved as quickly as she could, spying Jess as she disappeared behind the barn. Panting, she rounded the building.
Great, up the hill.
As she started up, she couldn’t believe her luck. Jess had slipped in mud and in her panic was unable to get a clean footing.

“Jess, please. Please stop?”

Jess didn’t move. She could hear a voice and it sounded familiar. Why would that be in the storm that was raging about her? As her head pounded, her hand and knee throbbed in unison. She concentrated on the voice, it sounded calm. Firm, soft hands cupped her face. “It’s Rachel, my darling, it’s all right, everything’s all right.”

Looking around her, puzzled, Jess asked, “What’s going on?”

Rachel spoke quietly. “That idiot of a man upset you.”

His words flooded Jess’s senses and the emotions she’d held inside erupted like a volcano. She shrieked, “It’s all so bloody final, like he never existed.”

“No Jess, that’s not true, he will always be here.” Rachel pressed a hand to Jess’s heart before pulling her into a tight hug. Her own tears flowed, but nothing in comparison to the sobs escaping the woman she was holding.

As Jess’s tears slowly abated, she met Rachel’s eyes. “I promised myself I would never run from you again.” Her head still pounding, she dropped her eyes in shame.

Rachel hugged her closely again and replied, “You didn’t run from me, Jess. You ran from the words of a fool and your grief. Not me.”



Rachel sighed as she watched Jess open the wine, she still looked out of sorts. She had slept all afternoon and then insisted on cooking them a meal, saying she would sleep better tonight.

Jess handed her a glass. “Why the sigh?”

“Oh…Scott’s been on the phone. He wants me back in London.”

“When and for how long?” Jess hoped she sounded casual.

“Tomorrow, I’m afraid, but back by the weekend.” Rachel saw the disappointment in Jess’s face. She was disappointed too, but there was nothing she could do. Not this time, anyway.

Jess sat down and looked at Rachel, it was obvious she regretted having to go so soon, but what choice did she have? It was her work. She had a choice though. She smiled. “Good, I’ll take the weekend off.” In the meantime, she had some planning to do.

Chapter Thirty-Four


As Jess looked out the landing window she caught sight of Rachel rounding the corner of the house. She ran down the stairs. She couldn’t help it. Her grin was wide when she opened the door. “Hi.” It came out as a squeal.

Rachel grinned back. “Hi, to you too. And why did I get a cryptic message from Marie when I arrived, asking me to be here at seven?”

“Dinner.” Jess swallowed and stepped aside.

Rachel had known the look she would be greeted with, and there it was, heated and scanning her hungrily from top to toe. She took a step closer and smiled seductively, hoping there was no stoic will left in the woman she had her eyes on. She needed Jess’s touch, anything, in fact, to release the increasing and painful pressure that was building so rapidly within her. She glanced at the sofa along the back wall of the kitchen and then back to Jess. “Aren’t you pleased to see me?” She knew she was being cruel. It was obvious Jess had a plan for the evening and this wasn’t it. Not yet, at least.

Jess closed her eyes in a failed attempt to relax. Managing a smile, she closed the gap between them. “Of course I’m pleased to see you. Welcome back.” Her lips softly took Rachel’s, and her hand slipped to her waist, trembling. She meant for it to be short and sweet, but when she tried to pull away, Rachel wouldn’t let her. The kiss deepened as their lips pressed together more urgently. They both started to fight for possession as bodies moved in desperation and hands became frantic and greedy in their need to feel and roam.

Rachel eventually pulled away, breathless and wanting more. She croaked, “Please, Jess I need you to do something. And now.” She then guided her toward the sofa, pulling at her clothes.

Jess groaned whilst she fumbled at buttons that were getting in the way of where she wanted to be. Eventually she slipped a hand in the front of Rachel’s dress and under her camisole, cupping a breast that filled her hand. She felt dizzy as her palm rubbed over a large hardened nipple.

While lips continued to urge, caress and taste, Jess slipped her other hand between Rachel’s thighs. She mumbled between breaths and kisses. “Oh Rachel, you’re so wet.”

Rachel immediately responded to the touch and heated words, bucking to push the hand hard against her aching groin. She felt her panties being pushed to one side as Jess continued to stroke and tease. She raised her hips again, wrapping a leg around Jess’s back and gripping onto her shoulders to pull her closer. She was rewarded with what she so desperately wanted. Fingers slipped inside her. She threw her head back, tightly gripping the shirt clenched in her fists. “Oh yes, yes, don’t stop.” Each movement was ecstasy before her body stiffened and then pulsated with every wave of pleasure that washed over it.

She lay there for only a moment before another surge of arousal gripped her. Jess rhythmically moved herself against her thigh in unison with her fingers that were still softly enveloped in her moist, swollen tissue. She bent her leg as Jess’s thighs grew tighter about hers and started pushing it harder against Jess. Her hands curled through the red mass of hair resting on her chest and she could hear breathing becoming more and more labored. Rachel relished the feeling of desperation in them both, her climax impending, yet again. Pulling Jess’s head up, her mouth settled close to an ear and in an urgent whisper she said, “Come with me, Jess.”

That’s was all the encouragement Jess needed to send her over the edge, one last push together, and they both cried out at the same time. They lay there quietly for a few minutes both catching their breath and relishing the feel of one another.

Jess was the first to break the silence. “Well, so much for my slow seduction over a romantic dinner.”



Rachel flopped onto the armchair and sighed contentedly. “That was a beautiful meal.” She watched Jess poke aimlessly at the fire.

“Rachel, I’ve been thinking…”

“Yes?” She waited, but Jess didn’t continue. They had chatted easily throughout dinner. It was only when they’d decided to tidy up and adjourn that Jess appeared distant and thoughtful. “About anything in particular?”

Jess put the poker down and turned toward Rachel. “I don’t know how else to say this, so I’m just going to say it.” As Jess took a deep breath, Rachel felt a little alarmed. “I love you and I hate when I’m not with. I miss you when you’re not here. I want you to share my life and I want to share yours. And if that means living in New York, I will do it. I will go anywhere, if it guarantees being with you.”

Rachel was overwhelmed by the rushed words. “You would?”

“Yes,” Jess said, relieved.

It was exactly what Rachel wanted to hear, even though it obviously hadn’t come out quite as Jess had rehearsed. She smiled wickedly to herself. She couldn’t help it and wanted to see if she had really thought it through. “Jess, your home is here, not in New York, or anywhere else for that matter.”

“I can’t pretend I know what it would be like to live over there. I’m certain I could adjust, if it meant spending more time with you.” Jess couldn’t help feeling a little anxious. “I can manage not to work, money isn’t a huge problem. I wouldn’t want you to think I would be bored, though. I have looked into a number of opportunities, and I’m aware they have city rangers. There are also a number of companies who provide walking breaks and they say they are always looking for experienced guides. It would mean being away, but only for a few days at a time. I was hoping though, you’d still wish to come here for most of the summer?” She looked for some reassurance.

Rachel fought back the sudden swell of emotion. Jess had thought about this.
Why did I doubt it?
She nodded and continued to listen.

“I’ve also looked into a number of alternatives for running this place, either employing more staff, or as Emma has said, if need be, she would oversee contract staff. The firm I’ve looked at comes highly recommended. It shouldn’t be too much of an issue.” She smiled, beginning to relax. “Marie doesn’t mind doing spot checks either, especially on the weekend changeover of guests. She said she may struggle to let go of this place once she and Bill are married, despite expanding into bed-and- breakfast at the pub. It suits me, I’ll soon know if our standards are dropping. I think Marie will soon settle though and that pleases me more.”

Rachel swallowed hard. “You’ve looked into everything?”

From her tone, Jess thought she was either surprised, or having difficulty composing herself. “What are you thinking?” The brown eyes she searched suddenly filled with tears.

“You belong here, not in a big city.” Rachel shook her head, tears flowing freely. “Come here.” She opened her arms and waited for Jess to fall into them. “I do love you, so very much. I’m lucky to have had you come into my life, Jess Brewster.”

Jess beamed, brushing away the tears. “Nah, I’m the lucky one. I wasn’t even looking to share my life and now that you’re here, I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

Rachel smiled, the tears subsiding. “Neither of us is going anywhere. I’m moving in with you, whether you like it or not. You can’t work just anywhere, I can. You belong here and that’s final.”

Jess raised an eyebrow in mock disapproval. “So that’s it then, I don’t get a say?”

Rachel shook her head. “I’ve made arrangements with Scott to cut my schedule considerably, and I’m renting out my flat in New York. I will expect you to accompany me on some engagements though. So that had all better be to your satisfaction, madam?”

“You’ve done all that?” Rachel nodded. “Well, I don’t know what to say.”

“Just say you agree.”

Jess searched Rachel’s eyes for a moment and then moved to her lips. Rachel instinctively licked them before they were captured in a long, sensual kiss. “I agree,” she whispered in Rachel’s ear. “Now, please, will you make love to me?”

Goose bumps traveled down Rachel’s body. She took Jess’s hand. “With pleasure.”



It wasn’t long before they were naked and passionately embraced on the bed, both of them panting and bodies glistening with sweat. Fingers waded through Rachel’s hair after another bruising kiss. “Oh Rachel, please…”

BOOK: You Can't Run From Love
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