Young Women Reform: Novella 1 (3 page)

Read Young Women Reform: Novella 1 Online

Authors: Candace Mia

Tags: #spanking, #sex with younger women, #spanking younger women

BOOK: Young Women Reform: Novella 1
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“Come up to the board,” he said. Then he
moved up to the board.

She seemed delighted to do this.

She came up beside him. He moved behind her
he put and hand on each shoulder. “You can do this. Now look at the

She did. And this time, she held her stare.
“How much is two times two?”

She looked at little bit longer. There was
surprise in her voice, a little confidence, when she said,

“Good job,” he said.

“Yey,” she said and did a little jig. When
she did, her oversized rump came into contact with him. Even before
prison, he’d never felt such a thing. This girl had a waistline way
smaller than his. But her hipline was like two of her waistline.
Her butt was very thick and so were her legs. When her butt touched
his body, there was a pillowy softness. But there was so much
wiggle it was like it hit him many times, rapidly.

His cock felt like it was trying to vault off
of him it got hard so fast. He was sure it would be very
noticeable. What if Ms. Pennington came in and saw it?

At the same time, a part of him was going
crazy. Just that little bit of touch had felt so good, and here he
was alone in the room with a girl who clearly wanted to be

He had to get myself back on track. He drew
an extra line by each set of two lines.

He moved behind her. He put his hands on her
shoulders. He tried to resist looking down, but could not. That
lump was so big. It was like her maker had known what the best part
of her would be and put most of her weight there.

“Okay,” he said. “Two times three.”

He looked up and saw that she was looking at
him. She was smiling like a girl who’d just caught someone doing
something naughty.

Resling turned and looked at the board. A few
seconds later, she said, “Six.”

“Great job,” he said.

This time, she didn’t do the jig, part to his
disappointment and part to his relief.

He went to the board and drew the next set of
lines before moving behind her. He placed his hands on her
shoulders again. “Okay,” he said. “Two times four.”

She looked at the board, but just briefly.
She looked down. “I don’t know.”

He wondered what to do. He was touching her
shoulders and yet she wasn’t trying. Maybe she’d had enough for
today. She’d clearly made a lot of progress. He thought maybe they
could move on, but first he wanted to look down at that rump one
more time.

And when he did, it looked a little
different. It looked different because she was pushing it back a
little bit.

It almost seemed like she was making a
request. But maybe it was just wishful thinking on his part. He
moved in a bit closer. He wasn’t brave enough to put himself up
against that rump, but he was close.

She looked up at the board. A little while
later she gave the right answer.

That would work for a while. He would stand
so close to her he could almost feel the heat from her big ass on
his cock. He was so close to touching her. It was as if that were
enough for her. She was doing great. They even got halfway through
the threes. They were on three times five, when she stopped.

She looked down. “It’s too much. I’m sure I
can’t do it.”

Her voice was so sweet. He thought she was
truly beginning to struggle. It had started to take her longer.
Again, he considered moving on. First, he thought he should try
something. He still wasn’t brave enough to put his cock against
her. But he did lower his hands. He moved them down to her waist.
She was so lean around the rib cage, and then she spread out so
abruptly. He didn’t put his hands on her butt. They were on the
side, just above it, just where she began her big spread out. He
held his hands there and she looked up at the board. She held her
stare there for a few seconds and then said, “Fifteen.”

“Great job.”

Again, there was no jig. He maintained the
position and it got them through the threes and part way through
the fours. She made it all the way to four times seven and then
said, “I can’t do it and looked down.”

He didn’t waist much time figuring out what
to do. He moved a little to her side. He let one hand slide down
onto her rump, letting it rest on the incline there. She
immediately looked up. Now at close to a profile on her, he saw her
pleased smile. She was studying the problem. Something came into
his periphery vision. He looked and saw what he dreaded.

Ms. Pennington stood in the open doorway. She
made eye contact with him. The look on her face said he’d been
caught. His mind went to that gun on her side. He knew she could
end him if she wanted. Even worse than that, he knew she could send
him back to prison. And so soon too, when he’d just gotten a taste
of how good this place could be.

His hand was already on the girl’s ass. He
couldn’t undo that. Moving his hand now, with his boss staring at
him, wasn’t going to make things better. But there was something
that could make things better.

“He looked away from the scary woman.”

Resling was still staring at the board. He
wouldn’t say or do anything that might break her concentration. He
knew she was his only hope right now.

“Twenty-eight,” she finally said.

“That’s right,” he said, looking back to his
boss. “Four times seven is twenty-eight.”

Ms. Pennington squinted. She looked right at
his hand, which was still on the girl’s oversized ass. She then
looked him in the eyes. Her face became something that was
impressed, but like she didn’t necessarily like admitting it. She
nodded at him, and then left.

He was amazed. He’d pulled it off. It
appeared like he’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and
gotten away with it. They moved on.

They got so far with his hand on her ass.
Then it was time for more. He was rubbing her ass. He’d never known
he would like such a fat butt. He supposed it was because he’d
never touched one before. Then again, even before he’d gone to
prison, he’d never seen a girl with such a big ass who wasn’t fat
allover, or who was as pretty as Resling. He loved that it was
something he loved, a girl’s butt, and there was just so much of
it. It was cushiony and it just seemed endless. She pushed it back
as he rubbed it, and she kept doing very well on the tables.

Her breath changed as he rubbed her butt. It
seemed heavier at times. The butt rubs kept here doing well all the
way into the nines. It was at nine times six that she stopped and
said, “I can’t go on.”

“But you’re almost done.”

“I can’t.”

He knew he had to step it up. That was fine.
He knew he wanted to step it up too. He moved behind her. He
wrapped his hands behind her. He held onto her hips and pushed his
mid-section into her butt.

And there it was, the greatest amount of
bliss he’d ever had. Her ass was such an amazing cushion. He felt
like he could push as hard as he could and not find the end of that
rump. She made it move somehow, so that he could feel those massive
lobes, those lobes far behind the edges of his hip line, rubbing on
him, massaging him.

“Fifty-four,” she finally said.

He made the new lines. His cock was so hard.
It felt like a stranger away from hoe while it was away from her
butt. Then it was coming home when pressed into it. He grinded, but
not because he felt like he needed to pick things up to get her to
try. This move was purely for him.

“Sixty-three,” she would eventually say.

He made the new lines. “Nine times

He got behind her again. He reached to her
front, but this time cupped a breast too. It was more than enough
to fill his hand. It was soft, yet resilient. He moved it in
circles and she moaned. Eventually, she said, “Seventy-two.”

He made the last set of lines. He got back
into his position. She looked at the board. Her breath was labored
and she made high-pitched noises here and there, grinding that big
cushion into him as he grinded back and groped on her tit, thinking
he had found Heaven.

She studied the board for a while and gave
the final answer. “Eighty-One.”

“Good job,” he said.

She gripped his wrist. “I deserve a reward.
Don’t go.”

As he enjoyed two of the private parts of
her, she dropped a hand and did something he’d never seen a woman
do before. She played with herself.

She made high pitched moans that made him
nervous. He suspected the boss would only tolerate show much of
these shenanigans. Still, another part of him had control. It
burned so much. Then it throbbed.

Maybe feeling him ejaculate did something to
push her over the edge. She was just as deprived as he was, he
supposed. She shivered and let out a sound of release.

He backed away from her. “I think that’s
plenty for today.”


After the lesson, he went back to his room.
He was nervous. Maybe he’d misinterpreted Ms. Pennington’s
gestures. What if she’d called the prison and the van was on its
way to pick him up again.

As nervous as he was, he was able to get into
his stories again. He didn’t know how much he wrote before there
was a knock on the door.

And here it was. They’d come to get him. He’d
be back at the prison, in his cell, later today.

“Come in,” he said.

It was Penny again. She was all smiles again.
“Lunch is ready.”

That seemed promising. Surely Ms. Pennington
wasn’t going to feed him just to send him away.

They went into the kitchen, where cold cuts
and other sandwich fixings were sitting on the table.

“Make yourself a sandwich,” Ms. Pennington
said to him.

He did make a sandwich, a big one, with three
kinds of meat and two kinds of cheese. He sat down to eat it.

“It seems your methods are effective, Mr.
Wakefield,” Ms. Pennington offered. “I could not get Resling here
through the ones and, according to her, you got her all the way
through the tables.”

He looked at his boss. Her face looked very
wicked right now. He was very afraid.

“Good job,” she said. And that was all.

Feeling more secure, he finished his
sandwich. Then he made another.

“I think performing the miracle of getting
Resling through her tables is good enough for your first day. I’ll
give you the rest of the day off. If you’d like to go down in the
basement sometime, you’ll find a fully stocked gym, should you
choose to go workout. There is a Jacuzzi in an auxiliary room. It
is strictly for myself and for you. The girls only get to use it
for special rewards.”

He nodded. He was amazed. She wasn’t calling
him an equal, but she seemed to think he was higher than the

After lunch he would go to his room to type
and let his food settle. He took a break after a couple of hours
and went downstairs to checkout the gym. There he found better
equipment than he’d had in prison. There was a lifting rack, where
he could set the bars to catch the weights if he failed. He
wouldn’t need a spotter. There were free weights and dumbbells that
looked new, like they’d been brought here for him. He was beginning
to think the favoritism he had sensed earlier was real. He worked
out and pondered the hot tub. He was too hot now, but thought it
would be good later, when his muscles started getting sore.

He went back to his room and typed some more.
Someone knocked on his door.

“Come in.”

It was Penny. She was holding a tray. On it
was a rectangular container and a rather large apple.

Penny smiled. “This is for your muscles. Ms.
Pennington said to bring it to you after your workout.”

“Thank you,” he said.

She brought the tray over and sat it beside
his desk. “I have to go,” she said.


She grinned at him and walked out. She
stopped at the door and spoke in an impish voice. “You have to try
to teach me tomorrow.”

“Good,” was all he said, wanting to get to
what was on the tray and back to his work.

She left him there.

The square container had a straw attached to
its side. It was chocolate flavored whey protein. He’d heard of
whey protein and had wanted to try it. It wasn’t something he’d get
in prison, though.

The shake was pretty good. He really enjoyed
the apple. In prison, you got three meals. The snack was nice. He
worked for a while longer, then took a shower, not wanting to be
stinky at dinner. He worked some more until someone got him for
dinner time.

Tonight, it was fish and pasta, both of which
he ate a lot of.

“I understand your dietary needs are
different from that of girls,” Ms. Wakefield said. The way she said
it, it was like she was going to tell him that didn’t mean he
should make a pig of himself. That was not what she said. “You may
go into the refrigerator and take anything you want at any time of

At that, he nodded.

“Tomorrow, you will have a bigger challenge.
You will have to teach Penny. I trust you will be stern with her as
you see fit.”

He looked briefly at Penny. She was looking
down, but there was a slight grin on her face.

“Yes, ma’am,” he said.


Brody went back to his room after dinner.
There, he didn’t type. Instead, he looked around online to consider
his publishing options. It was nothing like it had been when he was
a young writer, before going off to prison. The self-publishing
options were better. He kind of liked the idea of that.

He found a place called Smashwords and a
place called Kindle Direct. He read their publishing directions and
thought he could handle it. He thought he’d at least give it a try.
He set up accounts at both places. He left the address part blank
for now. He’d have to ask Ms. Pennington about that sometime. He
had no idea where he was.

He could put out his short stories
independently. He looked and saw other authors did that. He thought
he’d give it a try and see how it worked. If he didn’t like it he
could try some other route.

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