Young Women Reform: Novella 1 (7 page)

Read Young Women Reform: Novella 1 Online

Authors: Candace Mia

Tags: #spanking, #sex with younger women, #spanking younger women

BOOK: Young Women Reform: Novella 1
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“Sit down,” he said sternly.

She did as told, still staring at the center
of him.

“It’s not big yet,” she said.

“I know. It only gets big when it’s
stimulated somehow. Today, I think you should get your urges out of
the way before we work. Then you’ll be able to focus.”

She nodded. “I want it to be big and hard,

He nodded. “Well, I guess you’ll have to do
something about that.”

“Okay,” she said eagerly. Then she stood up.
She surprised him with what she did next. It was like instinct. She
turned around, lifted her dress, bent over and dropped her panties.
He butt was pushed back so much he could see her little pussy and
little butthole.

It worked. His cock became hard fast.

She stood up and looked at it. As she
adjusted her clothes, she smiled with delight. She hurried over to
him and squatted. He thought he’d love to fuck her after what she’d
just showed him. He thought he might want to lick a few things he’d
seen too. But she was not really giving him that opportunity right
now. She made quick work of unbuttoning his pants. Then she was
tugging down on them and his underwear. She got them down just far
enough that his cock and balls were out.

She then started licking them greedily. It
wasn’t slow and seductive really. She just acted like she was
starved for his cock. She licked all over the shaft and then stared
at the balls for a second. Like she was doing the kitten thing
again, she sniffed his balls. He was hoping very hard that she
liked what she smelled and that she would do what he hoped she was
thinking about doing. She did. She licked his balls gently a couple
of times as if taking a sample. She must have liked the sample
because she started licking them like she’d done his cock. She was
basically batting them around with her tongue she was licking them
so hard.

With his balls soaked, she pulled his cock
straight and put it in her mouth. She took it half way in and
sucked hard. It was too hard. It was making him too crazy too

He grabbed her by the hair on the back of her
head. He pushed and crammed his cock down her throat. He released
and did it again and again.

“You like my cock so much that I thought you
should take it down your throat. I’m fucking your mouth and I’m
fucking your throat. I know you like it too. Take that cock. Take
that cock.

She made gagging sounds, but didn’t gag. She
made sucking sounds too. She offered no resistance.

He was so hot right now that he thought he
would throw the little woman on the table and fuck her. But it was
too late. There was no time. He brought the end of his cock to the
center of her tongue and fed her what he had.

He came down to earth and little and was
worried he’d gone too far. But then he saw the pleased look on her
face as she seemed to savor what he’d given her.

Afterward, the lesson would move flawlessly.
She was absorbing the information like a sponge.


After lunch he went to work typing in the
book. He skipped the workout, thinking he’d satisfied his boss that
he was going to keep his body fit while he lived her. He finished
typing it in before dinner. It was an amazing feeling. After
dinner, he would start editing. He was amazed at his energy. It was
like it had been building up for years. He’d been busy in prison,
but now he felt twice as busy, and he loved everything he did.

The next morning, at breakfast, Ms.
Pennington had an announcement.

“Mr. Wakefield, you will not be required to
do a lesson today. Instead, I will be going to town. Your job will
be to supervise the girls. I will give you a list of chores for
them to do. Once they have completed their chores, they can have
play time, but not before. And they are not to go outside while I’m
gone. If they try, go out and get them. I trust you will discipline
them as necessary.”

“Of course.”

After breakfast, she had him meet her at the
front door.

“Here is their chore list. They have both
started. I don’t know when I’ll be back, but just remember, you’re
in charge. Don’t baby them or let them run all over you.”

“Yes ma’am.”

She walked out. He couldn’t believe it. He
was amazed at her willingness to trust an inmate. He was a bit
disappointed that he might not get to edit today. He thought that
would be okay, though. He was sure there was other fun to be

He looked at the first chores on the chore
list. He then found the girls upstairs. Both were cleaning
bathrooms. He thought Resling must have known he was coming. She
was down on the floor, scrubbing with a sponge. He skirt was up and
her butt raised. Her panties were up her ass. He stood there and
watched her ass wiggle as she scrubbed. She then turned around. He
saw she was blushing.

“Good job,” he said.

He went to another bathroom, where Penny was
spraying Windex on the mirror above the sink. She saw him and put
the cleaning supplies down. She made a dash at him and dropped to
her knees. She went to get a hold of the fasteners on his jeans. He
caught her wrists, though.

“No. You only get to do that when I say you

“Let go of me. I want to eat it again.”

“I said no.” He pushed her back across the
floor. “The boss said no play until your chores are done. Don’t
make me spank your ass.”

He left the bathroom. But he was only a few
steps down the hall before her heard her footsteps clambering. He
turned around too late to stop her. She’d gone down on him and
wrapped her arms around him.

“Hey,” came from behind him. “Let go of him.
He’s mine.”

He looked over his shoulder to see Resling
hurrying toward them. She grabbed Penny’s arms and pulled them off
of him.

“Hey, fat ass,” Penny said and was up.

He moved out of the way and the two of them
came together. Penny was scrappy for such a little girl. She was
swinging away.

He watched for only a little bit. He didn’t
think Resling could handle Penny’s speed and visciouness. But if
she got a hold of Penny she’d easily overpower the little girl.

He got a hand and each of their shoulders and
squeezed. “Both of you stop.”

They both did, seeming to be concerned mostly
about the pain he was causing them now.

“I want both of you side by side. And grab
your toes.”

He let them go. There were both whimpering as
they did as told, bending over beside each other and touching their

“I’m sure Ms. Pennington would never allow
fighting. I won’t either, so you’re both about to learn your
lesson. He pulled up Penny’s dress first and lowered her panties.
With her bent like this, he could see both her pussy and her

“No,” she said. “Please. I won’t fight

“Too later for that,” he said. He then lifted
the dress over the big ass.

“Don’t spank me,” Resling said. “Please don’t
spank me, Brody.”

“You shouldn’t have attacked your sister,
then you wouldn’t be getting this spanking.”

He pulled down her panties. Her cheeks were
so thick that even as bent as she was, he still couldn’t see her
butthole. He could see her bare pussy, though. It was pretty small
relative to her big ass.

He hit the big ass first, hard, feeling his
hand really sink in, loving the loud smack and intense wiggle he

Resling cried out.

He hit the other lobe and she cried a little

He then stepped over to the smaller ass. He
hit one lobe. She clenched her cheeks and screamed. Then she let go
of her clench, revealing that dark brown butthole again. He loved
that. He hit her again and watched the process repeat.

He moved back over to Resling who was going,
“No, no, no.”

He didn’t hit her hard this time. He hit her
rapidly, many times, alternating between cheeks, keeping her ass in
a constant state of wiggle. He probably did this for half a minute,
his cock very tight, before he moved to the smaller ass again.

And he did hit the smaller ass hard, just to
watch her clench again. Then he hit her clenched ass, just to feel
it in that tightened state, a nice contrast to the other ass.

He made them stay as they were as he
addressed them. “Now, I want the two of you to get along and I want
your chores completed like Ms. Pennington said. When you’re
finished, we can all play. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir,” each said.

“Good. Now I have some things to do
downstairs. You two keep working.”

He went downstairs. He didn’t know why he
didn’t think he’d have time to edit today. They’d been working when
he got up there. They probably didn’t need constant supervision. He
figured he’d work for a little while and then go check on them. He
started editing. He quickly got lost in the storyline. He didn’t
thin it was long before he caught something in his periphery. He
looked over to see both girls standing in the doorway. They both
had the pleasant but cautious smiles of people about to make a

“Mr. Wakefield,” Resling said. “We wanted to
talk to you about something.” Her voice was meager.

He sighed. “I’m working. I don’t like to be
interrupted when I’m working.”

“It will only take a minute,” Resling

Penny did nothing but stand there smiling,
looking down at an angle. He was sure he knew what she was trying
to see.

“Hurry,” he said.

Resling’s smile widened and she nodded
quickly. “Well. We know that we’re supposed to get our work down
and then play.”


“Well, you know how we always do better in
our lessons after we, uh, you know?”

He nodded. “I think you’re onto something. If
I took the time to take care of that, you would probably be more
efficient in getting your chores done.”

They both nodded as if delighted by what he’d

“Okay,” he said. “I think we can do that.” He
stood up.

He should have known what would happen next.
He was rushed. It was just one of the girls, and she was just going
for one part of him.

He caught her by the shoulders. “Oh no you

“Don’t,” she said. “Let go of me.” She was
trying to get free from his grip and get to his cock at the same
time. She was so small and week, though.

“You have to learn that there is more to
messing around than blowing me.”

Now he got his hands under her arms and
lifted her from the ground. Now she was squirming in the air.

Resling laughed at this.

“No,” Penny said. “I just want to suck on
your thing.”

He sat her on the floor, but pulled up her
dress as he did. He got it over her head and then pulled the
blinded girl down. He watched her struggled ineffectively as he and
Resling laughed. He reached down her back and undid her bra. He
pulled the dress and the bra off, and she was standing there in her
panties. She made a dive at his cock and he had to catch her

He lifted her up again and sat her on the
bed. Her titties were softball sized. The areolas were a darker
brown than the skin around them with hard, pointy little nipples.
When she tried to dive down at his cock from there, he took a
little titty in each hand and squeezed.

She made a sound that was pained but also
surprised. He thought she might be surprised that she liked it.

He liked it too. Those little tits were
tender and smooth on the outside. But they were firm and very
reactive under that skin.

He took advantage of the distraction to move
his hands and whip down her panties. The different color of her
little pussy lips against the backdrop of the rest of her skin made
him think about two pieces of chocolate in a sea of caramel. They
looked so tender and good to him, their tiny size but plumpness
like a plumb. He kissed them once quickly. Then he licked them.

She made a high-pitched moan and he realized
she would struggle no more. There hadn’t been much taste to her
pussy lips, just a neat texture. He made a seal with his lips on
those lips and sucked away.

She made quick little elated whimpers as he
sucked away on her. He so loved how tender the meat in his mouth
was. But at the same time, it was so resilient. Then there was the
nectar that trickled out. It was sweet and salty, like a salted
peach. There was also some wild organic quality to it. It was a
flavor that quickly grabbed him and made him want more and more. He
sucked harder, then she moaned louder.

The animal was really coming out of him. He
grabbed her by the hips and turner her around. He made her bend
over, then he put his mouth back on her pussy as the rest of is
face went into her ass. She pressed that ass into him as her sucked
her pussy. His nose ended up pressed against her butthole. She
pressed harder, like she liked that too. Then she screamed out when
she orgasmed. The fluid flowed stronger into his mouth now. He
sucked on her pussy until she pulled away.

He moved back and looked to his side.

Resling was smiling at him, and Resling was
naked. Her tits were of decent size and nice, but he knew those
weren’t the part either of them would be the most interested in him
attending to.

“Come over here,” he said. “Just bend over
the bed like you did the desk yesterday.”

Obviously very happy to comply, she came over
to the bed and bent over it, putting her big butt way up.

He got behind her. With his hand, he found
her pussy. She must have really enjoyed watching the show, because
she was nice and wet already. He removed all of his clothes. He
straightened his cock and put it up to her pussy. It was a tight
fit, but it was also very wet.

She squeaked.

“How that?” he asked.

“It’s amazing. My butt is tingling like it
wants you. My pussy is tingling too. Please put it all in me. You
have to put it all in me.”

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