Your Unlimited Life (13 page)

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Authors: Casey Treat

BOOK: Your Unlimited Life
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I am diligent to present myself approved unto God,

a worker who needs not to be ashamed,

rightly dividing the word of truth.

(2 Timothy 2:15)

How can someone who goes to church all their life be lied to and ripped off by the devil? People who have grown up in the church, faithful church members, deacons, and ushers, end up in adultery, fornication, poverty, disease, cancer, heart attacks, their kids pregnant, and their kids divorced. How can these things happen to good Christian people? Although they went to church all their life,
they didn’t get the Word.
They got three poems and a magazine article. They got a social gospel by a robe-ridden preacher who was trying to keep his job and do his best. They got a denominational message that was rooted in tradition and religion, but they didn’t get the Word. If there is no Word, you have nothing to live on because man lives by every Word from God.

People need to be fed the Word of God, not philosophy, denominational doctrine, or a social gospel. People need the Word in them. If you don’t get the Word, you are open prey to the lies of the devil. Without receiving the Word and diligently applying it to your life, you are a direct target for the lies of Satan.

Some people choose a church because they feel loved there. I’ve got news for you: Love isn’t going to save you from the lies of the devil. People are getting ripped off, going through divorce, and they are literally going through hell, while they sit in “nice” churches. Some come to Christian Faith Center and think we are too intense. We are serious. There is a war going on, and if you don’t get the Word in you, you are not going to make it. We have fun but we also recognize the battle for mankind. I recognize that the devil wants your mind; I am committed to fight with you to get it back.

Some people opt for a “nice” environment where they will end up with their kids out in the world, but they feel good about the “niceness.” That is a lie and a trick of the devil. We’re not about “feeling nice.” We are about making sure we have what it takes to live, and it takes a daily dose of God’s Word.


Although grass withers and flowers fade,

the Word of God stands forever.

(Isaiah 40:8)

Jesus responded to the devil with clarity and boldness, stating that He didn’t have to react by making bread, because He had the Word. Jesus did not buy into the temptation for food to prove who He was.

Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written....”

Matthew 4:5-6

The devil throws in a Scripture:
“He shall give His angels charge over you,” and, “In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone”
(v. 6).

Satan perverts Scripture, and many people who don’t seek wise counsel will believe it. Through perverting Scripture, he will make you feel justified to do the very thing that will destroy your life. Many people have quoted Scripture to me and then went off into sin they claimed was supported by Scripture.

Case in point: Satan tempts you with another woman - “You have the right to be happy. This woman would love you, care for you, and be a good wife. You need to lose your present wife and go get a new one.” If you don’t respond, Satan will bring Scripture: “Scripture says the woman is supposed to submit to the man. Your wife is not submitting to you, so you have a right to leave her. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7, “If she departs, let her depart.” Now you have Scripture going around in your head to get you to sin.

People excuse and rationalize with Scripture. Jesus says, “No, I am not going to respond to you, Satan. I don’t need bread to know who I am. I’ve got the Word of God.”

Years ago I had a friend who traveled with me to Europe several times. He had a call of God on his life and was a great minister. He got in his head the crazy idea about leaving the church. He said he didn’t need the church anymore; God was calling him elsewhere now. He quoted Scripture to me, put together a very compelling argument, and even convinced some of our friends. A month later he was totally gone—drinking, smoking weed, and he left his wife and children. His life is nowhere near the place God wanted it to be. He sold himself short by believing the lies and not capturing every thought that was contrary to the Word. The saddest part is—
he got there by quoting Scripture.

I tried to counsel him telling him that’s not what Scripture says. If you want to believe a lie, you can find a Scripture to back you up. This is where wise counsel and a multitude of counselors come in.

Jesus responded to Satan’s lie,
“It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God’”
(v. 7). Then Satan tried another temptation for glory, power, and position.
“Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me”
(v. 8-9).

Satan had the power to give it to Jesus because it had been given to him from Adam. Jesus responded,
“Away with you, Satan! For it is written, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve”
(v. 10).

If you have a well-balanced perspective of Scripture, no matter what lie comes against you, you won’t be tricked or deceived. Even Jesus, the Son of God, did not respond with what He thought at the moment. He responded with the logos -- the written Word of God. Jesus never said, “Well, I just don’t feel good about this, Mr. Devil.” He responded with, “It is written,” followed by an exact quote of Scripture that was appropriate for each situation.

Major ministries that have fallen in the last few years weren’t teaching the Word. They were emotional and promotional, great salesmen and media personalities, but they weren’t Word based, standing on the Word for every challange.

When you are not strong with, “It is written,” your life will not have long-term success. It is worth it to be a Word person. In the longevity of your life, you will find greater levels of happiness, societal success, family blessings, and all good things if you stay committed to the Word.


Your Word is forever settled in heaven, Lord.

It is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

(Psalm 119:89,105)

How are we to overcome the lies that bind? With the truth that frees, which is God’s Word. If you will stay focused on the Word, you will have what it takes to say, “It is written,” and not be tricked by the devil.



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