Your Unlimited Life (14 page)

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Authors: Casey Treat

BOOK: Your Unlimited Life
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But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things.

1 John 2:20

As a young Christian, I did not understand this verse. There were many times when I knew things, yet I’d convince myself I must be wrong because I would think that I am
too young
, I can’t go against what society is telling me or what the preacher on the TV is preaching - I’m too new in my Christianity. As time went by, I found out that I was right. I knew something, either about an individual, about a ministry, or about something going on. Now that I look back, I realize the Holy Spirit anoints us to know.

In every area of life, we can trust God for an anointing to correspond with what He has called us to do. You can’t disregard study or discipline, but you will have an anointing to know what you need to know to function in your life.

I trust God for the anointing to know how to be a husband, a father, and a pastor. 1 John 2 says:
But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you.
This is true for all believers. The anointing doesn’t come and go,
it abides

Now, one of the things that we have taught in our cruise-a-matic, charismatic world, is the Holy Spirit comes upon us, does His thing, leaves, and we go back out to the real world. We have a mentality that says we go into the anointing and then we come out of it. Christian songs often portray the Holy Spirit as a fire that comes, then leaves or as a ghost that swoops down, then rushes back out. I am just as anointed at 7:00AM Monday morning as I was at 11:00AM on Sunday. The anointing abides in me.

If my daughter comes in at 8:00AM on Friday night and exclaims that she has a problem that is a major issue, I need the anointing of truth to help lead and guide her. I can’t say, “Tasha, let’s just wait, and see if the Holy Spirit anoints us tonight.”

We need to get out of the mentality of something happening if the Holy Spirit shows up. Stop thinking: “Here He comes, when we all get to heaven, in a little while, or when the revival hits...“We need to get out of waiting for something from heaven and start recognizing the Holy Spirit has been poured out upon all flesh. He abides in us, and now as we are renewing our minds, we know truth and that truth is what is setting people free.


I shall decree what should be - in line with God’s Word,

which is His will - and it shall be established.

(Job 22:28 KJV)

The anointing lives and abides in us. We are not always sensitive to it or aware of it, but it is always there. He will never leave us or forsake us. Let me throw this one in for free: Most of the time what we consider the anointing in a service is simply getting our faith turned on and getting excited about what God can do. It is more of an emotional thing in our lives than a change in the spirit world, not that the Holy Ghost doesn’t come in and do unique things at times. But the reality is - the Holy Spirit is always with us! He never leaves and He doesn’t only come to the church services where we ask Him to join us.

1 John 2:27 goes on:
And you do not need that anyone teach you
[this means that you know what is right and how the Holy Spirit is leading, because you have an anointing that abides in you];
but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.

The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, not into lies. What about the preacher that says it is not mandatory that you pray in tongues. He explains that you just need to do what he tells you to do. He will tell you what is right; he will explain the necessary doctrines to live by. Follow those denominational practices and traditions and you will live just fine.

In such cases, we have done away with the need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and we have just become another religious group. We have to be careful that we do not start relying on 24-hour-a-day Christian television to have other people answer all of our questions. If Christian television, your pastor, your home group leader, your mentor, and everybody else could answer every question, then why would you need the Holy Spirit? Each of us needs a personal relationship with God, and each one of us must learn to listen to the Holy Spirit.

Usually when you ask other people a question, you already know the answer. You are just trying to find someone to confirm what you believe, or you are looking for a way out of what you know you are supposed to do. Because the anointing abides in you, you know the truth.

How come more people aren’t sensitive to the Spirit? Their minds aren’t renewed to the Word, so they get confused by their many goofy thoughts. If you could put the average person’s brain on a video screen, it would scare you! You would have Halloween right in front of your face because the average person is so caught up in the thoughts and attitudes of the world that, though they love God, they have not been transformed to believe, think, and act like God believes, thinks, and acts.


I am being transformed continually by the renewing

of my mind with God’s Word, that I may know the good,

acceptable, and perfect will of God.

(Romans 12:2)

I believe to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind means to have your soul plugged in, loving God with your mind, emotions, and will. I want you to really understand that when I say heart and soul I mean “with all your mind.” That means you are going to have to change every thought that is contrary to loving God.

In raising my children, if they had attitudes that did not reveal a love for God, I had to help them get plugged into the Word and get their thoughts changed. It is natural for us to have negative attitudes. We can all be immature in regards to our spiritual growth. The world and the flesh are negative. So if you do not love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, then you are going to have all kinds of problems. You won’t be able to flow in the anointing, which will lead you into all truth. Your mind is set on lies, compromises, fears, worries, and negative things so what you are feeling inside isn’t registering because your mind isn’t sensitive to it.

When people listen to a song, some people only hear the lyrics, while others hear the instruments and the melodies, depending on the habits of listening. A piano tuner has his ear tuned to the right tone and he can hear a variation in tone that you or I might not hear. He plays the notes and quickly knows which white keys and black keys are out of pitch; meanwhile we would most likely think it sounded perfect. The difference is— his ear is trained.

My friend Terry Tarsiuk and I were listening to a CD in my car one day. He said, “Man, I love the instrumental,” and started naming weird instruments I’d never even heard of. I replied, “I didn’t hear any of that, but wow did you catch that drum line?” While I am sensitive to drums because that is what I play, he is sensitive to the other instruments because that is what he is into. Whatever you train your ear to hear, that is what you will hear.

While sitting in a room with a group of people, suddenly a mother jumps to her feet and rushes to find her baby because she hears her baby’s cry. You may be sitting there and didn’t hear a sound. Her ear is tuned to her child. Most mothers can even determine the difference in the “kind” of cry, whether it’s a “hungry” cry, a “change me” cry, or a “hold me” cry.

The same thing happens in the Christian walk. When your mind is renewed to the truth, your ear is dialed to the anointing because the anointing leads you into all truth. Your ear is tuned to truth because you have renewed your mind to truth. As the anointing begins to flow, you know what God is doing and you know His will. But if your brain is like scrambled eggs, void of the anointing, you are confused, don’t understand, and are scared, you will talk like an average person and live below God’s ultimate desire for your life.

John said,
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers”
(3 John 2). A “prosperous soul” is one that testifies of the truth that is in them and causes them to walk in truth.

For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

3 John 1:3-4

This person abides in the truth of God’s Word, and the Spirit of truth leads and guides them into all truth because they are sensitive to it.

The anointing that leads and guides them into all truth flows freely so they are prospering in their soul. They are plugged into the truth, both through the Word and through the anointing. Now they have health and prosperity in every area of life. It works. But, if you reject truth and don’t have time for truth, the Spirit of truth can’t work and the anointing can’t flow. Everything gets jammed up, and you will have problems in your life. The voice of the Holy Spirit is not an audible voice, you won’t be able to learn the actual timbre as you would a human’s voice. It is by training your spirit to be sensitive to His guidance that you will find spiritual answers. Your soul prospers, you lead in your daily life, and you succeed in hardships depending on the level of truth that is operating in your life.


In Ephesians 1, Paul is praying for the church at Ephesus. What is good for the church at Ephesus is good for us. He says:

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