Yuen-Mong's Revenge (31 page)

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Authors: Gian Bordin

BOOK: Yuen-Mong's Revenge
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She went to him and put her arms around his neck. "I’m glad I’m your
woman." She offered him her lips. "Let’s relax in the spa pool and then
find a good restaurant."

She disengaged, laughing when he tried to hold on to her, and started
undressing him.


* * *


Friday morning, Atun went to a medical center to get a six-month sterilization shot, while Yuen-mong continued her training of Anouk,
including changing her posture to a healthier upright stance. By the time
they separated, she already noticed a visible increase in the girl’s self-confidence. Even Atun remarked on it after Anouk had left.

They spent the afternoon inspecting half a dozen apartments in some
of the quieter districts of the BD. In the end they settled on two luxury
units in the same building, one for themselves offering a quiet view over
a park, the other for Anouk facing another building. Access to all
apartments was from an open courtyard, and the two apartments were
located on opposite sides on level three. The building had four staircases
and four sets of lifts, all located at the corners of the building, offering
thus several escape routes.

The idea was that Anouk would rent the unit independently on her
own account, its rent refunded by them, and they would use her second
bedrooms as their office and workroom. To overcome Anouk’s lack of
credit rating, she would pay three-months rent in advance. By being
sufficiently circumspect, they hoped that this arrangement would remain
undiscovered and, if any attempts were made to raid their unit, nothing
about their quest would be found.


* * *


At 5:30 Yuen-mong was waiting for Syd Twan in the hotel lobby. She
had her hair done again in a French bun with two long white pins forming
a cross, and she was wearing her mother’s ceremonial dress that fitted her

She watched Syd Twan enter, curious of his reaction. He surveyed the
lobby, going past her, and then suddenly came back to her, his eyes
opening wide for a second, before they broke into a pleased smile. She
again sensed his raised emotion and wondered about its meaning. As he
approached, she was struck by how handsome he was.

"How beautiful you are, Yuen-mong. Your mother would be pleased
seeing you in this dress that she wore at her wedding, as I am pleased to
have the privilege of introducing you to your family, wearing it."

She smiled and said: "Good evening, Dr. Twan. I’m ready to visit the
lion’s den."

"Lion’s den? Maybe, but I think that he has mellowed. Yuen-mong,
I would be honored if you called me Syd."

"With pleasure, Syd. Formalities are still something that I find strange
and a bit forbidding."

He ushered her out to a vehicle that she recognized as one of the rare
combustion engine cars only Foundation members were permitted to

"Whom will I meet today?" she asked, as he merged into the light

"You will be met by Ko Young, the second oldest brother of your
mother, his children, a son, Pat Young and his wife, Susan, and Ko
Young’s two daughters, Mai and Bee. He will then introduce you to your
grandfather, Chen Young."

"Is there not another brother?"

"Yes, Kwong Fook, the oldest. He won’t be there. He has been living
in complete seclusion for over twenty years now. It is said to find his
peace of mind. Apparently, he only receives your grandfather. I have
heard through the grapevine that nobody else knows where he is."

Twenty years?
Did this mean something or was it a mere coincidence?
She put him high on her list of potential candidates.

"Grapevine, what is that?"

"Sorry, Yuen-mong, you make me forget that you too lived in
isolation and may not be used to words like these. Grapevine in this
context means hearing about things through informal channels, word of
mouth and gossip."

"I see… Will you be with me all the time while I’m there?"

"I would love that, but this is strictly a family affair. No, I will leave
you after the introductions."

He then explained the process of access to the Sanctum, that she
would have to present her right hand to a reader, which would at the
same time also take an eye scan, both to be stored for future recognition.
She caught herself listening more to his melodious voice than to what he

Once inside, she noticed that he had chosen the street that led past her
mother’s house. He slowed down at the gate and said: "This is your
mother’s villa. It has an exceptional location and is a rare architectural

"I know. I had a look at it the other day," she replied casually.

He frowned and then smiled: "You mean you saw a video about it?"
The car had come to rest.

"No, I saw it from that viewpoint up there and then looked at it
through this gate."

"But that’s impossible. How could you even get in? There is strictly
enforced security for access to the Sanctum, which you only have
obtained right now."

She responded with a smile. "Apparently, the security
not that
strict. Atun and I entered without the slightest difficulties."

"But how? It’s impossible without presenting an admissible finger
print or eye scan … and you were not arrested?"

"You would have been the first to hear about that, Syd; but you don’t
expect me to reveal my secret, do you?" A twinkle of amusement played
around her eyes.

He burst out laughing. "I see. I have to revise my opinion of you. You
are not quite the innocent stone-age survivor that you portrayed yourself
two days ago."

"Did I … or was that the image you wished to see?"

He laughed again. "You are a delight. I hope Chen Young will appreciate you as much as I do." He drove on. "To come back to the villa, tomorrow it will be yours. I guess that you also know already that your
cousin, Pat Young, lives in there now."

She nodded and said: "Yes, I heard him abuse and hit a young
domestic who, by the way, is now in my employment."

"You move fast. This will cause resentment. Is that wise?"

"Do you imply that I should let him coerce the girl to submit to sex?"

Syd frowned again. "He has a reputation of being stern with his
domestics, and you will learn that many of them need it, but he would
hardly ask her for that. The girl must be lying."

"I heard it with my own ears, and Atun can confirm it, if you need
confirmation." There was a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

He only raised his eyebrows and remained quiet for a while. "Still, it
won’t make it easier to come to an accommodation about the house with

"How much notice do I have to give him?"

This time he glanced at her alarmed. "You intend to force him out? …
This will cause serious trouble. It would be much wiser to sell it to him."

"This was my mother’s house. It’s mine now, and I intend to live

"Yuen-mong, I hope you forgive me if I take the liberty to caution
you. It is unwise to upset the powerful Young dynasty. Any one of them
may petition the Foundation to strike you from the register, and such a
request coming from them is likely to be acted upon. If this happens you
won’t be able to live in the Sanctum unless you marry somebody from

"We will see. I will take one step at a time. The next one is to meet
my grandfather."

Again that quick glance of surprise. A short time later he came to a
halt in front of a double iron gate and activated the security video

"Dr. Twan," he said, as the small screen showed the face of an

"Dr. Twan, the gates will open. Please drive up."

Both sides opened slowly and as soon as the gap became wide
enough, Syd drove up a road cut into the side of the hill. It turned on
itself to go through a high portal into a sizable courtyard, enclosed on
three sides by an imposing mansion. A liveried attendant opened Syd’s

"Good evening, sir. Mr. Young is awaiting you."

"Please, attend to the lady," Syd said in a reproachful tone, but it was
too late. Yuen-mong was already climbing out of the car, while the mortified attendant apologized, bowing several times.

"It’s all right. I’m a big girl," she said, smiling to him. He blushed.

She joined Syd on the other side of the car. The attendant rushed
ahead, and by the time they reached the entrance, both sides of the
engraved panel doors were thrown open. A tall impeccably dressed man
in his early fifties with strong Chinese features came slowly forward,
smiling benignly. If he was surprised to see her in the Chinese dress, he
did not show it. Three young women, all dressed in expensive-looking,
modern clothing, and a young man in his late twenties remained behind
in the shade of the dome-covered entrance hall. Although their faces
showed disinterested politeness, Yuen-mong sensed the intense curiosity
of the three women and also recognized the bored disdain of the young
man as the male who had abused Anouk. She was again surprised by the
excessive make-up of all four of them. It almost hid their own natural
facial features — such a stark contrast to her own modest use of rouge on
her lips.

When they stood in front of each other, the man she guessed to be Ko
Young, shook hands with Syd Twan, murmuring "Thank you, Syd" and
then turned to her. "Welcome to the Young family, my daughter."

She bowed and replied: "Thank you, uncle, for your kindness of
receiving me."

"It is our pleasure and our duty to my sister. Come, I will introduce
you to your cousins."

The four came a few steps closer.

"This is Yuen-mong, the daughter of my sister, Zoshan," he addressed
them, and the three women bowed to her, while the young man gave a
bored nod. Ko Young extended his arm toward him. "My son, Pat
Young, and his wife, Susan."

Yuen-mong knew that her cousin expected a bow from her. She met
his insolent gaze firmly and only nodded, saying "Cousin," sensing his
immediate hostility. She shook Susan’s limp hand, answering her barely
audible "Welcome" with a smile, saying: "Glad to meet you, Susan."

Next, she moved to the other two young women.

"This is my oldest daughter, Bee. Unfortunately, her husband could
not join us today."

"Yuen-mong, welcome to Androma," Bee said firmly, extending her

"Thank you, Bee," she replied while shaking her hand.

"And this is my youngest daughter, Mai. She is the same age as you."

Mai responded to Yuen-mong’s smile and said: "I’m so excited to
meet you. I had no idea I had a cousin before yesterday. Welcome."

"Thank you, Mai. I’m also looking forward to get to know you." She
liked her solid handshake.

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