Yuen-Mong's Revenge (48 page)

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Authors: Gian Bordin

BOOK: Yuen-Mong's Revenge
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When the last had left the podium, Syd got up and walked slowly
down the aisle and up the steps. He presented eleven E-cubes. She
noticed the raised eyebrows of several board members and the renewed
whispering of Ko Young to her grandfather. After the company secretary
had inserted the last E-cube into his reader, he looked in horror at the
results shown on his screen, his mouth half open. She sensed that he
wanted to say something, but had lost his voice. The young Deng man
sitting next to him stretched his neck to see the screen and then said:
"There must be an error. Read the E-cubes again."

"There is no error, Cor Deng," said Syd Twan in a calm voice, as he
put the E-cubes slowly back into his briefcase, and returned to his seat
next to her. Most of the board members rushed up and crowded behind
the screen, trying to read it, faces turning ashen or bewildered one after
the other. Only her grandfather remained in his seat and locked eyes with
her. There was an eerie smile on his face. It was far more disconcerting
than if he had shown anger. After several questions were asked by people
on the floor, Ko Young hurriedly returned to the lectern and again said
something in whispers. The old man only nodded and continued looking
at her.

Holding to the lectern with one hand, Ko Young raised the other as if
to call for quiet. Both hands were visibly shaking, and she sensed that he
was in a state of utter agitation. For a moment she feared for him.

"New share holdings … and proxies … have been verified and are
duly registered," he gasped in a croaking voice. Her grandfather looked
at him alarmed. "Before we proceed … with the agenda … called by the
appellants … the current board has instructed me … to set out the
position of UniCom and our strategy for meeting the challenges ahead for
safeguarding our leading position in the space communication field."

As he spoke, his voice became stronger. He seemed to regain slowly
control over himself.

Syd Twan rose and said firmly: "Mr. Chairman, point of order,

"Yes, Dr. Twan, state your point."

"Mr. Chairman, this meeting was called for the sole purpose of
appointing a new board of directors and elect a new chairman. It is not up
to the current board to present a new business strategy, but for the new

Ko Young turned crimson and glared at Syd Twan for several seconds
and then croaked: "Point of order dismissed. I will —"

"Mr. Chairman, according to the company statutes for the conduct of
special general meetings your ruling is out of order. The company
secretary will confirm that."

She saw the small man nod his head vigorously and then heard her
grandfather’s voice: "Ko, spare your breath. Call for nominations."

Ko Young looked at his father in dismay and then turned to the Deng
brothers, as if expecting help from their side. They did not even meet his
gaze. Their faces betrayed nothing. He turned back to the floor. "I call for

Kim Deng immediately got up and said: "I nominate all members of
the current board."

Syd Twan rose again. "Point of information. The rules require that all
board nominees are shareholders at the time of nomination. There are
three members on the current board who hold no shares at the present
time. They are Pat Young, Dan Shaw, and Cor Deng. They are not

Several people on the podium started talking in small groups. Yuen-mong again felt a wave of hate reaching her from the podium.

"Order, order," called out Ko Young.

Kim Deng stood again. "I withdraw my previous nominations and nominate all those current members of the board who hold shares at this

"Nominations accepted. I call for further nominations. The rules
require a minimum of eight board members."

"I nominate Yuen-mong Shen," said her grandfather, without getting
up, winking at her.

She smiled back. It took Ko Young several attempts to pronounce the
words "nomination accepted."

Syd Twan rose and said: "One of my nominations has already been
preempted. My clients have instructed me to nominate Atun Caruna, as
well as myself."

This time Ko Young was more forthcoming.

"My clients further insist that the shareholders on the floor submit the
name of one of their number to represent their interests. Since my clients
hold 52 percent of the shares —"

A wave of murmurs traveled through the floor and a new wave of
agitated minds assaulted her.

"— and are willing to vote for the person so nominated, that person
is deemed elected. I propose that the current company secretary organizes
this process after the close of the official part of this special meeting."

Renewed raising of eyebrows on the podium.

"Moreover, my clients instructed me to vote for all nominations

Syd Twan murmured to her: "What I do is not strictly by the rules, but
I guess they’ll be as glad to get it over with fast as you are."

"The nominated members have been duly elected," pronounced Ko
Young. "I declare this meeting closed."

"Point of order."

"What is it now, Dr. Twan?"

"The meeting cannot be closed before a new chairman of the board
has been elected."

Widespread nodding greeted his remark.

"I call for nominations for chairman of the board." Ko Young
immediately turned to Kim Deng. "Do you want —"

But Chen Young preempted him: "I nominate Yuen-mong Shen." He
again winked at her.

He wants to get me on his side, the wily fox,
she mused, but could not
suppress her smile.

This time the murmurs, both verbal and mental, rose sharply and she
tried to shield herself against the latter. It took Ko Young several seconds
to restore order. "Any other nominations?"

"Ko, accept my nomination first," he was reminded by Chen Young.

"Nomination accepted. Any other nominations?"

He looked around the podium, appealing for help, but all remained
silent. After an agonizing pause, he croaked again: "Miss Shen is elected
chairman without opposition." He slumped heavily into his chair as if he
had just signed his own warrant of execution.

Chen Young rose. "Yuen-mong, my hearty congratulations." He
began clapping, reluctantly followed by other people on the podium and
the people on the floor. "Would you like to address the meeting."

She heard Syd Twan’s whisper: "Go ahead, put your stamp on it."

She rose briefly. "Thank you, grandfather, not at this time."

Chen Young nodded approvingly and then nudged his son who looked
at him with a vague expression. The old man shrugged his shoulders and
then addressed the meeting again: "This meeting is closed. The new
board will convene tomorrow afternoon at 15:00 hours in the company
board room. And now all of you are cordially invited to stay for refreshments."

Tables loaded with delicacies and champagne were rolled into the
space below the podium.

"Let’s go. I
face these people yet," murmured Yuen-mong to
Atun and got up. Her need to escape the confused minds and the renewed
hostility assailing her was suddenly overwhelming. She started walking
out of the hall, Atun and Anouk at her side.

Syd Twan rushed after her. "Yuen-mong, you can’t leave yet. You
must meet the other people of the new board."

"It can wait for tomorrow, Syd."

"But —"

"No but. Thanks for your help, Syd. Bye," and she continued walking.

Once outside, Anouk said: "I’m glad we left. I don’t think I could
have stood those vile vibes in that room for much longer."

"That’s the bane of our gift, Anouk."

She took Atun’s hand and her lips briefly brushed his left cheek.
"Another step accomplished. Thanks, Atun," she murmured and then
continued more cheerfully: "Let’s go and find a nice quiet place where
we can have a drink and good food."

There was no need to say that Anouk was included. They both hooked
arms with Atun, who smiled at them, and they left the UniCom convention center. At the taxi stand, they took a self-guided cab. As the vehicle
left the square of the convention hall, she could see the camera crew rush
out from its entrance and look around searchingly.
We just made it,

But if she thought they had escaped, she was mistaken. Hardly had
they put their champagne glasses together for a toast when the underwater nature scene in the huge holoscreen that dominated the far corner
of the bar was suddenly filled by her face, and a voice announced:
"Valuable viewers, Yuen-mong has done it again. You will forgive us for
interrupting the current program to bring you the most sensational news
bombshell of the year. Less than two weeks ago Yuen-mong Shen
shattered UniCom’s monopoly in space communications, a few minutes
ago she has taken control of UniCom with over fifty percent of the
shares. She has just been elected chairperson of the board, the first
female top executive of UniCom ever and the only one of all Foundation
controlled companies. How did she do it? Nobody knows yet. Our news
crew is currently preparing to interview her. We will bring it live to you

"Not if I can help it," Yuen-mong muttered, glad that their niche table
was in semi-darkness, and she had her back to the room. "They didn’t
even mention that you were elected onto the board, the first non-Foundation member."

"I don’t mind. They know who’s important," Atun replied smiling.

"You’re important to me, very important." She touched his hand.
"You will be my right hand." She sensed Anouk’s longing, as the girl
filled her eyes with Atun. She reached over and took her hand. "And you
Anouk will be part of our team.
I will
put you in charge of training
mediums. Will you accept this task?"

"Oh, Yuen-mong, I don’t trust myself to do that."

"But I trust you, and
I will
help you and, obviously, your salary has to
be commensurate. How about 100,000 credits a year? You think this is

Anouk opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

"I think this is fair to start with. Just nod, Anouk," chuckled Atun.

When the waitress came to ask for their food order, Yuen-mong saw
that she had been recognized. For an instant, she was afraid that the girl
was going to flee, so she waved her closer and whispered in her ear: "If
you want to keep your job, you tell absolutely nobody that I’m here, and
you won’t regret it. You understand?"

She smiled at the waitress. The flustered girl nodded. She got an
extravagant tip when they left.


* * *


"By the grace of the gods, why did you nominate her as chairman of the
board?" yelled Ko Young at his father when they were alone for the first
time after the meeting.

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