ZAK SEAL Team Seven Book 3 (5 page)

BOOK: ZAK SEAL Team Seven Book 3
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“I have to do something.” She got her phone and sent off a text. It took everything in me not to snatch the shit and see who she’d contacted. I was gonna have to work on my trust issues. I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t have texted some other man in front of me though so my rabid meter was on low.

“Something you wanna tell me Red?” I hate secrets, secrets get people dead in fucked up ways. She bit her lip and looked everywhere but at me. “Not now, later.” She got up on her toes and kissed me. Uh-huh, fuck is she up to?

I held her hips in my hands and tried not to glare her into a heart attack. “Is this something you’re gonna tell me later gonna piss me off?” she patted my damn chest like I was ninety. “Maybe, but it’s a good something I promise.” She tried moving away again but my dick was on the rise. He’d got a whiff of her and for him that meant pussy was on the menu. Besides, it had been at least four hours since I’d been inside her.

I walked her backwards towards the bed and took her down with my mouth on hers. There was a lot of fumbling around going on as we tried to get each other naked without releasing our mouths.

She seemed almost desperate, like if she didn’t get me inside her soon she was gonna die or some shit, so I helped her out, well almost. First I needed my favorite snack, so I lifted her to my mouth and dove in tongue first.

I growled in her pussy and made my tongue dance until her juices flowed. That shit was coming faster than I could swallow, and pretty soon I had a mouthful of pussy juice and an iron hard cock in my hand.

She was moving wildly beneath my tongue fuck, so I gave my boy a few strokes with my hand to keep him happy, while I let her ride out her pleasure. When her legs stopped shaking like she’d been shocked, I climbed up between them, lifted them high and wide, and fucked into her with all twelve inches. Her back arched off the bed and her mouth fell open in a silent plea. I eased back out of her womb and teased the entrance to her cervix with my cockhead. She tried covering her pussy with her hand. Too late, he was already in there. “Zak you beast, shit-shit-shit.” Her mouth was complaining, but her ass was already moving.

I bent her double so I could nibble on her tits as I slid in and out of her pussy with deep long strokes. She juiced all over my cockmeat as she took me all in, her pussy packed tight with cock. Her fingers played with my scalp as she held me in place against her breast.

We rolled around on the bed until she ended up on top so she could ride. This wasn’t the easiest position for her, even though she was the one in charge, too much dick for one little girl. But as usual she did her best, taking as much of me as she could until I took over and used her hips to pull her down fully on my engorged cock.

Her ass picked up speed when I pressed down on her clit with one thumb while teasing her ass with the fingers of the other hand, and then it was off to the races. That’s the thing with my girl, once she gets going, I better try to keep up, she can handle her shit. I watched her little body as it shook and swayed over me, a fine sheen of sweat forming on her chest as she fucked herself on my cock until the cum boiled in my balls and shot out and into her without warning. “Fuck-fuck-fuck.” I slammed up into her as I pulled her hips down hard, shoving my whole length home as she cried out and squeezed around me.

I sat up and wrapped my arms around her, drawing her in close so I could soothe her. Sometimes like now, her emotions get too high, and she cries. I held her, twisting and turning so that we laid on our sides still connected. I didn’t move my dick inside her, just held her and murmured to her soothingly until she quieted again. “You okay?”

Her answer was a nod against my chest. I kissed her forehead, gave her one last squeeze, and slipped my semi hard dick out of her. “Damn your pussy’s red.” I kissed and licked her hot pussy before rolling out of bed and heading for the shower. I wasn’t giving her one because I liked the idea of my scent on her for the rest of the day, but I did get a wet cloth to hold between her thighs to relieve the sting after I was done.

“I gotta get back baby, just mind what I told you okay and keep your head down.” I left her and headed back outside. My mind had already switched gears and moved on to the next issue. Dev, Quinn, Ty and Davey were the only ones in the mansion when I got there.

“Where’s everyone?” I went back to what I was doing before Lo called a halt. There was a deeper sense of urgency now. I knew we were playing it cool, but beneath the surface we all knew that we were sitting on a powder keg. The names on that list were no small time drug dealers. If they were involved in whatever this is, then we were in the middle of some serious shit.

Now I was convinced more than ever that they had done the commander. If word of this shit ever got out, it could overturn a lot of apple carts, and men like these would do anything not to let that happen.

“The other bitch-made douchebags are sniffing around their women most likely.” Ty looked at the kid. “Hey kid, scram.” Davey looked at Dev and I before leaving the room for the kitchen. Since we’d been spending so much time there lately the sisters had stocked up and the kid did eat a lot. “What’s with you, why’d you nix the kid?” Quinn scowled at Ty.

He looked over his shoulder to make sure the coast was clear. “What the fuck are we gonna do about Cord and the sister?” “What do you mean, what the fuck do you wanna do?” He threw a few peanuts in his maw and rocked back in his chair.

I kinda knew what he was getting at, I’d had the same thoughts myself after all, but there really wasn’t a damn thing to be done. “She can’t handle him, those two are like oil and water.

We all know how Cord gets with a female; he’s nuttier than squirrel shit. And the way he looks at this one, she’s not like the others. Still, I wanna go on record as saying this shit will not go down well.”

“We don’t know that.” Dev, who come to think of it seemed to be the only one other than Quinn who didn’t have a woman on his scent was still pretty laid back. “Brother are you serious, have you seen the way she tries to talk back to him? We all know where that shit’s headed. Somebody better check his fucking house for a playroom or dungeon or whatever the fuck. All I know is that little girl is in some serious shit.” I’m not sure what the fuck he expected any of us to do. I guess because he was running scared from his own little filly he thought the rest of us should too.

“They’ll be fine, can we get back to work now, seeing as how I’m the only one not with a female on my dick at the moment?” Quinn grouched as he turned back to his computer screen.


“You and me both brother.”

“Yeah you keep telling yourself that Tyler, but as much shit as you talk, your ship is already sunk.” I hid my grin as the two of them went back and forth with that shit. By the time Lo and the others showed up we were back to work trying to piece shit together.

Chapter 6




Things are heating up in more ways than one. I’d had to move fast after finding the commander’s instructions in the codes, but we were finally getting somewhere. So far we hadn’t found what it was that he had uncovered if anything, but we knew he had been on the right track.

Zak’s findings today had changed things up a lot, put a whole new spin on things. If what the old man had suspected is true, then we were dealing with some dangerous fucking individuals. The men themselves may not be much; I could take those fuckers with my bare hands in my sleep.

But that’s usually the way with these types. No, their strength came in the form of the power they wielded.

They had money and standing not only here, but internationally as well. It had long been rumored that these fucks were in bed with the devil, as far back as the first world war. If you ask me, if you wanted to trace the axis of evil, all you need do is study all who gained from that shit. After I’d sent my brothers off to secure our home I went in search of my woman. I needed to look at her and reassure myself that she was okay.

I knew there was no way anyone was getting in here to harm her or any of my family, we’d seen to that shit when we built the place, but still. These players were nothing to sniff at, they had access to everything the army did and wasn’t shy about using it on their own. We should know, we’d seen some questionable shit when we were on the job.

One thing we’d learned as a unit was how to survive. When we’d been building this little haven we’d put a lot of security measures in place.

One, because Ty was convinced that one day the threat would come from our own, and two, we didn’t trust one fuck. I guess Zak and Con had the same idea as I because I saw them both leading their women off to their homes. Cord came up beside me and I braced myself. It’s always the quiet fuckers you have to watch out for. “Something on your mind brother?”

“I’m keeping her.” He kept walking ahead towards my place and I closed my eyes for a second for some damn peace. I need this shit. Ty the ass is gonna start his fuckery any minute now, as soon as he catches wind of this turn of events, and that girl is a menace.

She’s cute, no doubt about it, but she’s got a mouth on her, and knowing Cord and his…fuck I’m not going there. I guess Zak was right, I’d have to keep an eye on that shit. Poor girl, I almost felt sorry for her.

At least Gaby stood a chance with me, I had some give. That fucker didn’t have any, and I imagine that if she was the one he’d chosen, her life had just been derailed. Maybe I can have Gaby have a talk with her about how to mind her man. What the fuck am I thinking? She needs help in that department herself.

Fuck it; I just have to resign myself to the fact that the peace and quiet we’d all been in search of when we came here was a thing of the past; fucking women. I took enough time to lecture her about staying inside and most importantly not giving me any shit about having to stay inside for the next little while. Of course she gave me shit and asked me a million and one questions, but when there were no answers forthcoming she calmed down. Not that I trusted that shit, but with the clock running, I didn’t have time to sit on her ass. So with one last warning I left her to head back to the others.






“So, now we know one of the players involved, how do we figure out the rest, and are we still trusting the chief?” When dealing with shit like this, with these kinds of players, it was always best to keep shit close to the vest. I trusted the men in this room with my life, but I wasn’t about to trust anyone else. So far the commander seemed to have trusted the chief, but that was then and those two had a different kind of relationship. The chief certainly didn’t have any allegiance to us, and was only doing us a favor because of his ties to the old man. But if that particular family was involved, then there was no guarantee that we could trust anyone in government, which meant we were close to being fucked.

“We’ll keep digging. As it stands we have no reason not to trust him, and we don’t have any reason to, other than the old man’s word.

We’ll play it by ear and see what we see, but we need him for this, we just have to play it smart. I want everything we have on these fucks, the world knows the eldest son is part asshole, part fuck up, but what else do we know?

Who’s next in line to inherit? That’s what we have to find out. All their business dealings, even the ones that are listed under dummy corporations, we need ASAP. Zak, Quinn, I’m gonna need you to go deep on this one, do a thorough search, don’t leave any stone unturned. Davey you’re here because the old man liked you, you fuck with us on this we’ll bury you.”

The kid looked at Cord and swallowed deep before turning back to the task Lo had given him of running a search on off shoots of the family’s holdings. We all got back to work on our individual piece of the puzzle. With security boosted, it meant the women didn’t have any privacy, so whichever house they were in, whatever room, was running on a loop in the background.

We left the sound off to give them at least that much, but they were gonna be under a microscope until we got to the bottom of this shit.

I hit on something not even an hour later, but it wasn’t what I’d been looking for. I sent an alert to all of them except Davey with the warning not to react for the kid to see, and then I shut down what I’d been working on.

Lo and Con turned to look at me with their brows raised and I walked over to the printer to grab the paper I’d printed out. “We’ll be right back kid.” He barely picked his head up and went back to what he was doing, just happy that he was involved.

“What is it, what did you find?” Ty with his impatient ass hounded me as soon as we cleared the door. I just passed the paper off to Lo and the others waited for him to read it before passing it around. “Oh shit.” Cord had the strongest reaction. “Both of them? No wonder the kid’s so fucking good with a gun, it’s in his blood.” Cord looked a little green around the gills when reality kicked in. He walked away and bent at the knees.

“How sure are we about this?” Connor passed the paper back to me.

“The old man seemed pretty sure, but I don’t think he got as far as the DNA test, as you can see he was setting it up right before he died. I’ll keep digging but I don’t think he ever did anything, otherwise those two would’ve said something.”


“I wonder why he never said anything about this to any of us.”

“According to this he didn’t have a chance to.”

I’d stumbled across a notation in one of the old man’s files about this suspicions that he was the father of not only Susie, but also her little brother Davey, who was three years younger. I had no idea about their family dynamic other than there was always talk of a mother and no father, but I couldn’t imagine the man I knew letting his kids go without his name. He’d taken each of us under his wing and been more of a father to us than the men who’d seeded our mothers, so it was hard to reconcile him with this new development.

“Shit, we need to find out one way or the other, that would make them our responsibility. Cord how’re you doing buddy?” He looked determined as fuck and I could only imagine that he was trying to come to terms with the fact that the woman he was planning to take to his bed might be the daughter of the man he’d looked up to as a father. That might put a different face on things, knowing his proclivities…

“This doesn’t change anything, she’s still mine.”

“Alrighty then, at least if this is true we no longer have to worry about you killing her by accident.” Ty can be such a shit.

“Okay, how the fuck are we gonna do this?” I wanted to keep shit moving.

“Easy, we get some hair and have a lab run the tests on both of them, then we talk to the mother and find out what the fuck was going on. I’m guessing no one in the town knows about this because those two don’t have a clue. I can see where she gets her guts from though. Cord you have my blessing.” Lo clapped him on the back and the big lug actually blushed.

“Damn the pussy whipped, bitch made list is getting longer by the day. Who’s left now, just Dev, Quinn and me? You fuckers are sad, look at you. I’m buying bottled water from outta state.”

We all just looked at him because he was so fucking delusional.

“You know what they say about the one who barks the loudest.”

“Fuck you Con, that’s never gonna be me. I’m footloose and fancy free, ain’t no pussy gonna tie me down. And after seeing the way you four fucks have been led around by the nose here lately, no dice.”

“Who’s being led around by the nose asshole?”

“Con are you serious, you walk around behind Dani like a dog in heat, and Lo, Gaby has your nuts in her purse somewhere. Zak’s always been part ass when it comes to Nessa, and don’t get me started on this fucker here. He hasn’t been able to tell his head from his ass in three days.” He pointed at Cord, who looked like he was two steps away from ripping his head off. “Whipped, all a you.” He walked away after sneering at us.

“Okay, I’ve had enough of his shit, I know we’re on lockdown but is there anyway to get Victoria Lynn here?” It was time we brought that boy down a peg or two. “I like the way you think brother.” Logan clapped me on the shoulder as we followed the pain in the ass back inside. At least his little diatribe had lightened the mood.

We were all looking at Davey a little different when we walked back in. If I know my brothers, we were all thinking the same thing. If they were the commander’s he and his sister, they were ours now.




I have to talk to someone but who? I don’t know the girls that well for all that we’ve been thrown together, and I wasn’t sure I could trust any of the guys not to spill the beans before the time was right. I hadn’t planned for this contingency, even when I was coming here it never entered my mind that it would come to this. That was stupid of me I now admit, but the call had come out of nowhere and it had never occurred to me to turn them down. No matter what had happened between Zak and I, the guys had always been kind to me, and if they needed a solid there was no reason not to.

Now I find myself in the worse possible situation ever, because not only was I stuck here now; but I wanted to be. Zak was always going to be Zak; I knew that now. I had a better understanding of why he was the way he was, because now I had that same over protective streak running through me.

When I think of all the time we’d lost because we’d both been too stubborn to listen I could cry. And now I stand to lose everything again. In a few hours I will know for sure one way or another. I could only hope that things turn out better than I expect, but I wasn’t holding out much hope. Zak wasn’t exactly the most forgiving type, and there was no guessing which way he’d go with this.

“Hey you okay?” Dani came and sat next to me in the window seat of Logan’s home, where I was sitting gazing off at nothing. The guys had laid down the law so to speak, so we were pretty much under house arrest. “Yeah, just working out some things in my head.” I had pretty much made up my mind that I wasn’t going to tell anyone anything about my little problem. I’d just wait and see.

“How are you feeling?” I benched my own issues and turned to the other woman who was trying to hide the fact that she was scared about everything that was going on and not doing a very good job of it. No wonder Connor watched over her like a bear with a cub, it was cute to see, and gave me a little bit of hope for my own situation.

“I don’t know. I’m excited and scared and happy all at once. I’m pregnant and unmarried and I can’t leave my house because a bunch of crazy people, are out to get us apparently. Not to mention the fact that Connor has lost his mind and has a list a mile long of my dos and don’ts, mostly don’ts.

Other than that I’m peachy, but we were talking about you. Are you planning on sticking around?” I was wondering how long it was going to take before someone came right out and asked me that. Zak didn’t count, besides he never asked, more like ordered.

“I don’t know, I want to but…” I cut myself off before I said too much. It was only fair that Zak should be the first one to know, but boy was I dreading what was coming. With Zak things could go either way, he could be very understanding, or he could go off the rails completely. It was too late to turn back now though, I’d already set the ball in motion and in a few short hours my life was going to be changed forever. Hopefully it would be for the good.

I was almost tempted to call my mom and tell her not to come, but in the end I buckled down and let it be. Please just let it be okay.






“I think something’s wrong with Vanessa.” I’d left her in the window seat and headed back to the living room with the others. “What do you mean, is she sick?” Gaby stopped halfway to her seat. We were just sitting around cooling our heals since the men had pretty much forbidden us to do anything more than sit and look at the four walls. Connor was being even more of a tyrant than usual and I despaired of having a moment’s peace for the next few months until the baby came. I’ve never seen such a strong man lose it over a pregnancy before in my life.

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