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Authors: Julie Bertagna

BOOK: Zenith
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Praise for EXODUS

‘A miracle of a novel . . . a book you will remember for the rest of your life’


‘Like all the best fantasies, this one confronts some very real issues, and it’s the most exciting book I’ve read all year’

Mail on Sunday

‘Intellectually rigorous and bursting with humanity, this is a book to read again and again’

Sunday Herald

‘An ambitious, futuristic, environmental wake-up call’


‘Haunted by the past, this is a novel that reminds us what matters: the power of storytelling and that age-old spirit of survival’

Irish Times


Also by Julie Bertagna





For younger readers




Julie Bertagna



First published 2007 by Young Picador

First published in paperback 2008 by Young Picador

This electronic edition published 2008 by Young Picador
an imprint of Pan Macmillan Limited
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ISBN 978-0-330-46214-3 in Adobe Reader format
ISBN 978-0-330-46213-6 in Adobe Digital Editions format
ISBN 978-0-330-46216-7 in Microsoft Reader format
ISBN 978-0-330-46215-0 in Mobipocket format

Copyright © Julie Bertagna, 2007

The right of Julie Bertagna to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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In memory of two inspirational women: Miriam Hodgson and Jan Mark.

And for Natalie, my inspiration for the future.


What lasts, what changes, what survives?

The Play of Gilgamesh
by Edwin Morgan, adapted from the world’s oldest surviving poem

Hurt not the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees

Revelation 7:3




The sea is as near as we come to another world.

‘North Sea Off Carnoustie’ by Anne Stevenson


Out on the world’s ocean, night is a black war-horse. The white ship bucks upon it like a ghost rider with no reins.

A lone figure at the bow keeps watch, her eyes as dark as the night. She has lost the star. All through the night she tracked it, even when it vanished behind cloud.

The North Star is an old friend. A steering star for the island fishermen, it was their lodestar to guide them home. For Mara, it was a stray jewel dropped from Queen Cassiopeia’s crown, falling towards the Long-Handled Ladle that scoops up the soup of the stars. On clear, calm nights Granny Mary would take her out on to the island hills of Wing and show her the stories of the stars. With a finger, Mara would pretend to join the dots of the Long-Handled Ladle, the studs on the belt of Orion the Hunter and the zigzag of Queen Cass’s crown.

If you stood at the North Pole, at the very top of the world, said Granny, the Star of the North would be right overhead. It never moves. All the other stars wheel around that anchor in the sky. You can’t stand at the North Pole any more though, Granny would sigh, now the ice has melted into the sea.

Back then, when she was little, Mara couldn’t fathom the crack of sadness in the old woman’s voice.

Now the North Star is her only anchor. A flickering point of hope in a drowned world. The ice cap has melted, but if she can track the North Star it just might lead her shipful of refugees, a floating village of desperate people, to land at the top of the world.

The world’s wind rises, boiling up a black brew of sea and sky. The refugees huddle closer as the wind wraps the ship in warrior arms and rides it across galloping waves. Mara clings to the ship’s rail as her lodestar vanishes in the wild ocean night.


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