Zeus (The God Chronicles) (11 page)

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Authors: Kamery Solomon

BOOK: Zeus (The God Chronicles)
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I was answered with a crushing kiss, much stronger than any before. I threw my arms around his waist and squeezed back, reveling in the feeling. My heart raced in my chest. Every inch of me wanted to be touched by him. My lungs begged for breath, but I couldn’t tear my mouth from his. He tasted like honey, his lips burning into mine.

I didn’t want him to stop, but rain slowly started to fall, plopping onto my hair and face. It was
only a sprinkle, but it was enough to draw our attention back to the sky.

“What do you know; maybe I do have some pull after all.” I smiled, wiping a single drop off my cheek. After a moment, I
watched Zeus as he surveyed the storm. He seemed proud, like he’d brought on the storm himself, but there was a shadow of sadness there also.

“Hey,” I said, touching his face with one hand. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he said, smiling at me. “Did you have a good day today?”

“It was the best date I’ve ever been on,” I replied honestly. I couldn’t think of any other time I’d connected this well with
someone, especially a guy. I couldn’t believe I’d thrown out and labeled him no good and he’d turned out to be such a nice person.

Thunder sounded in the distance and his eyes flashed, a full blown grin overtaking his face.




Chapter Eleven


The next month was a blur. Zeus and I saw each other between classes and our work schedules, sharing kisses and growing closer together. I knew he needed the distraction from what his uncle was doing.

There was still no news about Niki, though he said the cops were finally involved. He didn’t talk about his uncle, but I knew there were some major problems where he was concerned. I didn’t really bother him about it, choosing to let him relax when we were together. Every now and then I would ask short questions, but that was all.

Thankfully, a rather large distraction was taking up most of his time lately. October had arrived, and every resort was frantically arranging their Halloween celebrations. However, Zeus informed me that there is no such holiday in Greece. At first I thought that meant he wasn’t going to do anything, but I was wrong again. Apokries, a mix between Halloween and Marti Gras, was going to be the celebration of choice at Tartarus. It normally took place in February, but since we were in America, we were celebrating it now to help hype the resort. It would last three weeks, as tradition dictated, ending on the last day of the month. Zeus had planned a large costume party and parade for the final day of the festivities. His staff decorated the entire resort accordingly, wanting the carnival to go over well as much as he did.

We were at a local costume shop, searching for the perfect outfits. By ‘we’ I mean me. Zeus was a more-than-willing audience as I tried on every costume that caught my eye.

“Vhat do you think?” I drawled in my best Dracula voice, sweeping the long, black cape up to hide the bottom half of my freshly fanged face.

“I still think you should go with my first suggestion,” he answered, continuing to read the magazine he’d picked up.

“I’m not going to be a slutty bunny,” I argued.

Finally looking at me, he said, “They have a nice, super-hot vampire one over there too.”

“No way!” I rolled my eyes and went back to change into the next getup. “I want to have fun, not ward off creeps all night.”

“You won’t have to,” he called back. “I’ll keep you right next to me the whole time.”

I came out in witchy attire and examined myself in the mirror. I liked it, especially the black and orange socks.
The black dress and matching cape fell a couple inches above my knees, perfect for showing off the cute stockings. “I like this one a lot,” I said, placing the pointed hat on my head and turning to him.

“Slutty nurse?” he asked, a hopeful look on his face.

“Nope.” I stuck my tongue out and went to change again.

“What about the Santa one?” he pleaded with me.

“Not a chance!” I laughed back.

I came out dressed in my normal clothes, witch uniform in hand.

“This is the one,” I said, smiling confidently. “Where’s your costume?”

“Here it is.” He held out a bag as he grabbed my hand and headed toward the checkout stand. I laughed when I saw the picture on the front.

“You’re kidding, right?”

“What? I think it’s perfect.” He laid his stuff on the counter and grabbed my purchases from me.

“It is. I think that’s what’s so funny,” I laughed some more.

“Will this be it for you?” The pimply, teenage boy behind the desk asked.

“Yes,” Zeus confirmed.

“Alright then, one witch costume and one Zeus, King of the Gods, costume,” he droned. “That will be forty two fifty.”

I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing as we paid and left the store.


“So I have arranged for the casino to be decorated like the underworld. Cool right?”

We were speeding down the highway, in typical Zeus fashion.

“If I’m going to die in a car accident, I want to at least have fun doing it,” he would always say. I personally thought he was crazy. He drove like there was no chance he could die, despite the statistics I’d stuffed him full of.

“That sounds awesome,” I said, somewhat distracted. I’d wanted to ask him something, but my nerves had kept me from speaking up. I felt like doing so would be a big step for us—it really was a big step for anyone to take.

“If we work fast, all the props and decorations can be down in a couple of days. Then we can rest until Christmas.”

I saw my window of opportunity open and jumped through it.

“You won’t be doing anything special for Thanksgiving?” I held my breath, waiting for his answer.

“No, I don’t think so. I’m sure the stores will have Black Friday sales, but that’s all. You can only see so many turkey decorations before you’re ready to shoot them.” He laughed. “That was punny. Go me!” He glanced over at me and smiled dorkily. I rolled my eyes at the bad joke.

“Well,” I dug up the courage to say what I wanted, “I’m going to my parents for the break.”

“Sounds like fun,” he said nonchalantly.

“Really? Because I was wondering if you would, you know . . .” I was stammering and I hated it.

“Sure, I’ll come if you want me to,” he said enthusiastically. “I’d love to!”

“Wow, that’s really great,” I laughed, relieved. “I didn’t know if you’d want to.” I grimaced, embarrassed I’d admitted to it.

“Why wouldn’t I want to spend the holiday with my girlfriend?”

I sucked in a startled breath. He’d never called me that before, although I knew we were dating exclusively.

“I would very much like to meet your parents. I want to thank them for sending you here.”

I burst out laughing. “Don’t tell them that!” I gasped. “It will make them hate you for sure!”

We pulled off the highway and headed toward my apartment, laughing over my reenactment of the fit my parents had thrown before I moved.

We pulled into the lot and Zeus got out. Walking around the front of the vehicle, he opened my door for me.

,” I said, liking how it sounded. “I think some celebrations are in order. Are you free tonight?”

“I’m not actually,” he said, frowning. He seemed to ponder that for a moment and then his face lit up. “But I am free right now, for about five minutes.” He gave me a seductive smile as he pulled me out of the car. “So I guess this will have to do.”

He wrapped his arms around me and slammed the door shut with his foot. Taking my face in his hands, he pushed me up against the car, leaving no space between us. Eyes smoldering, he lightly brushed his thumb over my lips and tilted my face up. I returned his smile as he leaned in closer.

His lips met mine, one of his hands sliding down my side and grabbing my hip. I threw my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss, his other hand leaving my face and trailing down my back. My mind was going fuzzy with warmth. Everywhere he touched burned, begging for more of him.

I gasped as he picked me up and laid me over the hood of the car, practically climbing on top of me. I grasped him tighter, half out of fear of falling, half out of wanting more. His lips left mine, making a path of kisses down my jaw and onto my neck. I’d never been kissed like this before—it was heaven. My breath was coming in short bursts and my body seemed like it would burst from desire.

“Hey! Get a room!” a voice yelled from somewhere.

I blushed a deep red, but Zeus kept kissing me. One hand found its way into my hair, pulling on it gently. Coming back to my lips, he licked them, tugging on the bottom with his teeth. He then feathered kisses all over my face, his hand leaving my hair and brushing down my side. One of his fingers hooked on my belt loop, and he used it to pull me even closer, if that was possible.

“I’m serious!” the voice called out again. “I’m going to call the cops!”

Zeus growled and I heard glass breaking. The man who’d shouted at us said something about a light bulb exploding. I laughed as Zeus rolled his eyes.

He lifted me off the car, placing me on my feet and leaning me against the metal, giving me one last kiss.

“I’ll see you later,” he murmured, his forehead resting against mine while he played with a lock of my hair.

“Okay,” I said breathlessly, wishing he didn’t have to go. “Tomorrow?”

“You know it, baby.”




Chapter Twelve


“So what are we watching tonight?”

We were in the elevator at Tartarus, on our way to Zeus's penthouse. Another movie date was on the calendar, and I was sure he had picked something scary since it was the season of spooks.

“You’ll see,” he laughed, squeezing my hand.

I couldn’t stop
staring at him. His faded jeans hugged him in all the right places, a white belt adding exactly the right amount of sexiness. A long sleeve, button up maroon shirt which fit him perfectly, accented his chest and shoulders. I wanted to reach out and stroke them, he looked so delicious! His hair was fixed in the normal, messy way I loved. Everything about him was magnificent, as always.

I frowned slightly as I examined myself in the reflective doors. I’d thought my jeans and pink tank top looked good when I got dressed, but now I looked downright awful.

“Don’t even think it,” Zeus said, stepping behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and resting his chin on my shoulder.

“Think what?”

“You’re beautiful and you know it.” His reflection mirrored the smile he wore.

“I wasn’t thinking about that,” I lied.

“Yes, you were. I could tell from the look on your face.”

“No I wa—wow!”

The elevator opened and I sucked in a breath, taking in his home. It was decorated in dark grays and blacks, with low lighting. The outside wall, opposite us, was wall to wall windows. The Strip glittered outside, and I suddenly realized the video feed in his office was from this window.

With hesitant steps I entered, marveling at the sunken living room. The gray suede couches looked incredibly inviting, but were outshined by the massive television which sat in front of them. The floor was mostly gray marble tile, except for black carpet under the sofas. On the walls, several pieces of black and white abstract art complimented it all nicely. Everything was immaculate, almost as if he were never here, which, come to think of, he wasn’t. Between work, running errands, and spending time at my apartment, he had very little time left for being home. I think he’d avoided bringing me here due to the awkwardness of our first meeting. But since we were officially “a couple”, he’d invited me to watch the movie at his place this time.

“This is amazing,” I whispered, mostly to myself.

“It’s not a whole lot, but I like it,” he laughed.

“Not a whole lot? This is huge!” I stared at him in disbelief.

“You’ve been living in your tiny apartment too long.” With a kiss on my forehead, he walked down into the living area, leaving me standing there speechless. He pulled a disc off the coffee table in the middle.

“Ready to be scared?” he teased in a menacing tone.

“Yup,” I said, finding my voice and putting on a brave face. I actually scared very easily, but I wasn’t about to admit it. 

“Awesome!” The smile on his face was contagious. “Do you want some popcorn?”

“Uh, sure. I guess so.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“You guess so?” He folded his arms in mock judgment. “There is no guessing in this relationship.”

“It’s just
 . . . everything is so clean!” I burst out. “I’m afraid to even move because I don’t want to mess it up. Popcorn is messy!”

“Only if you throw it on the floor,” he laughed, walking back to me. “I’m going to make some. Why don’t you sit down?” He kissed my cheek and walked into the kitchen on the right, also decorated in a lighter shade of gray. A dining area furnished with a matching black dining set, was off to the side, complete with a fantastic view.

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