Zombie Fever: Outbreak (37 page)

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Authors: B.M. Hodges

Tags: #Zombies, #Speculative Fiction

BOOK: Zombie Fever: Outbreak
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When he was fifty yards from the gate, two distinct shots from a Browning .50 caliber machine gun pounded into the SUV’s engine block. The shots came from a sentry tower above, immobilizing the vehicle and nearly making Tomas piss himself.


Tomas didn’t have to be told twice. He stuffed his travel documents and the picture of Abigail into his waistband, slowly opened the door and raised his arms as high as he could.

“I’m with research!” He yelled up at the blinding spotlights, “I’m an authorized member of the field studies division! I’m ready to come in!”

He stood there, exposed for a few minutes as the sentries confirmed his identification with their facial recognition programs and thermal imaging pattern recognition cameras.

As he waited, he counted ten, no eleven shots from above as they culled more infected who had been attracted by the lights and the sound of his SUV and strayed into the perimeter.

The gate opened.

A soldier of unknown rank in a positive pressure biohazard suit equipped with its own air supply stepped into the light and said through his sealed helmet in a muffled voice, “Follow me for decontamination and debriefing.”



Zombie Fever 3: Evolution


Table of Contents



Part I Unbridled Reality Television Enthusiasm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Part II An Obfuscatory Zombie Infestation

Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

About the Author

Bonus Preview Zombie Fever 3: Evolution

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