06 Uncovering Hidden Treasure (19 page)

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Authors: Karen Ward

Tags: #Wounded in Wyoming

BOOK: 06 Uncovering Hidden Treasure
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Stump says, "Thanks Jim, we're headed home.
We'll see you at the wedding in a few days."


When they get back to the ranch, Stump
brushes his lips against Samantha's and says, "I need to grab some
clothes out of my room and brief Scoot about what happened. I'll be
over to the house in a little while, all right?"

Sam smiles and says, "All right. You are
staying with me tonight aren't you?"

Grinning Stump says, "Every night for the
rest of our lives." He brushes his lips against hers and says, "I
love you Samantha."

Samantha smiles and says, "I love you too."
Then she walks over to the main ranch house where she runs into
Barry and Melanie Farrady just inside the front door.

Melanie says, "Oh my God, Samantha! What
happened to you?"

Blushing Samantha says, "Well, I had a little
run in with Terrence Wilbanks and he lost."

Barry asks, "Seriously, Sam, what

Sam tells them the story of how he had chased
her up the mountain. She explains how she shot him in the chest
with her derringer but it didn't slow him down. Then how he caught
her and was choking her and how she killed him by shooting him in
the head. She also explains how he was so heavy she couldn't throw
him off her and he bled all over her until Stump came to her

Melanie shudders and says, "I hope I never
have to face anything like that. You and Skye are very brave." Skye
also had to kill a man that was trying to harm her.

Sam says, "I'm going to clean up. Is there
anything left to eat in the kitchen? I'm starving."

Melanie says, "I'll warm something for you.
Come to the kitchen after your shower."


Stump runs up the stairs to the office and
finds all of the guys waiting on him. Scoot whistles and says,
"Wow, you're covered in blood. I hope it's not from any of your

Laughing Stump says, "No, it all belongs to
Terrence Wilbanks. Come on in my room and I'll tell you all about
it while I take a quick shower."

After he finishes his story he says, "Oh, by
the way, Samantha and I are getting married. I'm going to be a

All of the guys cheer and pat him on the
back. Bear asks, "So you managed to work out your earlier

Stump looks at his father and says, "Yeah,
thanks for all your help Dad. I'll let you guys know as soon as we
set a date, but I am hoping it's going to be soon. I'll be staying
over at the house with her until my house is finished."


When Samantha finishes her shower she heads
to the kitchen to find that Melanie has prepared her a delicious
omelet. She says, "Oh, Melanie, you shouldn't have gone to so much
trouble and this is so much food I'll never be able to eat it

Stump says as he walks into the kitchen,
"Don't worry, I'll finish it for you." Smiling he asks, "Well, did
you tell Melanie and Barry our news?"

Melanie asks, "Tell me what?"

Blushing again, Samantha smiles and says,
"Rance and I are getting married."

Grinning Melanie says, "That's wonderful!
When is the big day?"

Stump says, "Just as soon as I can get her to
the altar. I've wasted enough time already."

Melanie says, "Oh, I don't know about that. I
understand your family is growing already. That doesn't sound to me
like you wasted any time!"

Stump turns bright red this time. He smiles
at Sam and says, "It's all her fault. She used me and I loved every
minute of it."

Sam elbows him in the ribs and he pretends to
double over in pain.

Barry says, "I smell a story behind that

Stump replies, "You'll never get it out of
me!" Then he rises from the table and rinses the dishes and places
them in the dishwasher while Melanie and Sam discuss plans for the

When the kitchen is clean he says, "Have you
girls got all the details ironed out?"

Melanie says, "I hope this Saturday is not
too soon for you. We've got everything else covered."

Grinning, Stump says, "Saturday is

As soon as they close the door to Samantha's
bedroom that night he immediately pulls her into his arms and
kisses her deeply. He is starving for her taste and can't wait to
lose himself in her warmth. He quickly strips her of her clothes
and gently lays her on the bed. Removing his own clothes he joins
her under the blankets covering her with his body.

He says, "Mmmmm, I've missed you, Samantha.
Have I told you recently how much I love you?"

Blushing Samantha says, "You never tell me
often enough. I love you too."

He lowers his head and drinks deeply of her
warm sweetness and he slowly slides his shaft into her warmth. He
says, "Oh God, Sam, I can't get enough of you! How am I ever going
to survive six weeks of no sex after the baby comes?"

Samantha laughs, "You're so silly. It's a
long time until the baby comes. You'll be tired of me by then."

Rance says, "Never Samantha. I will never
tire of you." He drinks deeply of her sweetness and speeds their
rhythm until they fly away into ecstasy.

After they float back to earth and she is
snuggled close to his side she asks, "Rance, where are we going to

Surprised Stump starts to speak and then
stops, thinks, and says, "Well, I am building a house over by Mom
and Dad, but if you don't like it we can build something else."

Shocked, Samantha says, "Do you mean that
gorgeous two story house over by Bear and Jesse is yours?"

Stump says, "Yes, have you seen it?"

Samantha says, "Yes, I even went in it on my
way back from Pinky's right after you left for Washington DC. I
loved it! Are we really going to live there?"

Stump says, "If you like it, we can. I have
dreamed about that house for years. I spent hours designing it when
we were in the Marines. It isn't too masculine for you?"

Laughing she says, "Rance, it's perfect!"

Relieved Stump says, "I'm glad you feel that
way. I want you to be happy with where we live."


Melanie Farrady, Skye Drake, Evelyn
Willingham, and Jasmine Williams keep Samantha so busy over the
next few days getting her ready for the wedding that the only time
she sees Rance is at night when they retreat to her bedroom and
their own very special world of ecstasy. Samantha is happier than
she has ever been in her life. Rance dotes on her and is turning
out to be everything she could possibly want in a husband and life


On Friday before the wedding on Saturday Skye
Drake and Samantha have to run into Cody Wyoming to pick up a few
last minute items. As they are leaving the general mercantile store
Samantha hears her name.

"Hey Susie, introduce me to your friend?" Jeb
calls from across the parking lot.

A shiver of apprehension slides down
Samantha's spine and she turns around to see Zeke and Jeb
approaching them from the other side of the parking lot. She
whispers to Skye, "They are two guys from the bar, bad news." Then
she replies to Jeb's question. "She's married Jeb. We were just

Skye is on the far side of the SUV from
Samantha and the men are approaching Sam's side of the car. Skye
reaches into her purse and puts her hand on her .45 caliber pistol.
Skye is licensed and always carries her pistol with her. Bear
taught her how to shoot when she first went to Montana and she is
an expert marksman.

Jeb says, "Well, being married has never
really been an obstacle to me. Why don't we head over to the motel
over across the street and have a little party? Samantha owes Zeke
here a night on the town after her boyfriend broke his jaw."

Samantha quickly responds, "No thanks. You
boys stay out of trouble now." She tries to open the car door and
Zeke grabs her arm.

Jeb says, "I don't think you understand
Samantha. That wasn't a request, it's a sure thing. Come on sugar,
let's party!" He starts around the car toward Skye.

Skye pulls the gun out of her purse and fires
at the ground at Jeb's feet. She says, "Turn loose of Susie, or
you're a dead man." She points the gun at Zeke's head while keeping
one eye on Jeb.

Zeke pulls a switchblade knife out of his
pocket, pops it open, and places it at Samantha's throat. Sam's
heart is pounding with fear. Samantha thinks, Oh God, please help

Jeb says smirking, "Now you don't want your
friend to get hurt do you? Put that gun down before Zeke hurts

Skye says, "A bullet travels so fast he
wouldn't stand a chance of cutting her. I am an expert shot. Are
you willing to take the gamble?"

Jeb takes a step toward Skye. She adds, "Are
you willing to lose your friend? One more step and I'm going to put
a bullet between his eyes."

Jeb laughs and takes a step, Skye fires and
Zeke falls to the ground dead. The knife falling uselessly at
Samantha's feet. She immediately turns and fires at Jeb hitting him
square in his heart.

Skye shakes her head and exclaims, "Damn! I
hate having to deal with the aftermath of these situations. You
better call Stump. Tell him to bring Dylan. We're going to be here
for quite a while."

Samantha's heart is still pounding but she is
relieved to be free. She calls Stump and when he answers she says
her voice cracking with emotion, "Get Dylan and come to the
mercantile in town. Skye just killed Zeke and Jeb. It's going to be

Stump, his heart pounding with fear at her
words, asks, "Oh my God, are you two all right?"

Samantha replies her voice stronger, "Yes,
we're fine, but we are going to be here for a while."

Sirens herald the arrival of the local
Sheriff. Skye lays her pistol on the top of the car and moves to
the hood where she is waiting while the Sheriff checks Zeke and
Jeb's bodies. He shakes his head and asks, "Which one of you ladies
is responsible for this?"

Skye calmly answers, "I shot them. I was
protecting my friend. That man had a knife at her throat. It should
be on the ground by his body. This one was coming for me."

The Sheriff looks at Samantha and asks, "Miss
Wells is that what happened here?"

Samantha says, "Yes, I knew them from Mel's
in the park from when I was working undercover as a cocktail
waitress. They were trying to force us into going to the motel over
across the street and having a party. We tried to gracefully leave
but they insisted. When Zeke started to pull me toward the street
and Jeb started toward Skye, she pulled her gun and fired at his
feet. Then Zeke pulled the knife and placed it at my throat. Skye
tried to tell them she is an expert shot but they didn't believe
her. She warned Jeb that if he took another step she was going to
kill Zeke and he laughed and took another step."

A crowd of people from inside the mercantile
store came out to the parking lot and verified everything that Skye
and Samantha told the Sheriff. Of course, the Paparazzi arrive
snapping pictures and shouting questions for the tabloids. They are
always interested in a story featuring Skye because of her
childhood in Hollywood.

The Sheriff picks up the pistol and checks
the chamber. He asks, "Where did the third bullet go?"

Skye says, "I fired at his feet. It was the
first one I fired. It should be in the ground in front of the

Scoot and Stump arrive and have to fight
their way through the huge crowd of reporters and spectators. Stump
goes straight to Samantha, glances down at Zeke and the switchblade
lying on the ground, and then escorts her over to where Skye is
standing. Scoot approaches the Sheriff and Skye. Placing his arm
around Skye's waist, he asks, "Sheriff, how are you?"

"Mr. Drake? Is this lady your wife?" asks the

Scoot responds, "Yes, she is. Is she going to
have a problem with this situation?"

The Sheriff says, "Well, I'm not sure. I'll
file my report and it will be up to the District Attorney but a
number of witnesses stated she fired in self defense and in defense
of Miss Wells. Their stories matched your wife's and Miss Wells' so
I doubt any charges will be filed. Plus we've had several reports
filed against these two. They have been causing trouble ever since
they came to Wyoming. Say, you wouldn't happen to know how Zeke got
his jaw broken, would you?"

Blushing, Stump says, "Yeah, I did that last
Saturday at Mel's in the park. We had words and when he put his
hand on my arm to try to prevent me from leaving, I asked him to
remove it and he told me I should make him so I hit him. Jim
Bradley witnessed the whole incident."

The Sheriff is struggling not to laugh and he
says, "Some people just never learn. Well, Mr. Drake, I certainly
hope I never have a reason to face off with your wife, she is
obviously an expert. She's better than most law enforcement
officers I know. You can go now and I'll get in touch with you if I
need to ask any more questions."

Scoot says, "Thank you Sheriff." Skye and
Dylan get in the SUV and Stump and Samantha take Stump's truck and
all head back to the ranch.


Lying in bed after floating back to earth
from latest visit to the world of lovers, Rance pulls Samantha
close to his side and says, "I have to tell you I nearly had a
heart attack today when you told me Skye killed Zeke and Jeb. I am
so thankful that it was Skye with you. She is a perfect shot and
not afraid of anything. I shudder to think what might have happened
if you had been by yourself or even with one of the others. They
are all magnificent women and most of them are very brave, but Skye
is by far the most capable in situations like that."

Samantha replies, "I know, Skye was
magnificent today. I was so impressed. I want to be like her. I
want to practice my shooting until I am as good as she is. If I had
been a better shot, I could have killed Wilbanks with the first
shot that didn't even slow him down."

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