06 Uncovering Hidden Treasure (22 page)

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Authors: Karen Ward

Tags: #Wounded in Wyoming

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As they drift back to earth from the heights
of ecstasy, Rance pulls her close to his side and they cuddle
basking in the warmth of the fire.

Samantha says, "The first time I came here
and toured the house before I knew it belongs to you, I had a
vision of our lying here in front of this fireplace making

Rance smiles, he had the same vision. Then he
asks, "Did you visualize us making love anywhere else in the

Samantha blushes, "Yeah, on the bench in the
shower. You have to remember, I thought at that time you had
rejected me so I was fighting all my thoughts of you,"

Guilt again flows through Rance, "I'm so
sorry I put you through that." He tenderly kisses her and then
says, "I have to admit that I have visualized us making love all
over this house. Some of my daydreams will have to wait until after
the baby comes, but I intend to make sure we bring them all to life
at some point."

Samantha blushes again, and playfully hits
him on the chest. She says, "You are so bad, Rance Kincaid. It's
one of the reasons I love you so much."


In early April, Camille Renee Kincaid, eight
pound four ounce daughter of Rance and Samantha Kincaid is born at
the hospital in Cody Wyoming.

Rance stayed at Samantha's side all during
her fifteen hours of labor, holding her hand, rubbing her back,
coaching her through each of her labor pains. His heart hurt every
time she moaned in pain and he was extremely thankful when she was
able to get the epidural medication to ease her discomfort.

Watching as his precious daughter made her
entrance into the world was the most magnificent experience of his
life. When the doctor told him to cut the umbilical cord of his
beautiful daughter, tears were unashamedly running down his face.
Then when the doctor placed her in his arms, he thought his heart
was going to explode with love for his child and her beautiful
mother. As he laid little Camille in Samantha's arms he saw tears
sliding out of her eyes and a beautiful smile curving her lips.

He looks down at his beautiful wife holding
his precious daughter and his heart overflows with love. He leans
down and places a warm tender kiss on her lips and says, "I love
you Samantha. I will always love you."


The grand opening of the museum at
Yellowstone National Park displaying the treasure recovered from
the lost cave is held in late August. The event has been well
publicized and media from all over the world is expected to be
present to cover the spectacular affair that is planned.

Samantha is so excited. She and Rance are to
be the guests of honor at the affair and she is scared to death.
She has never been in the spotlight and she's not sure what to
expect. When the limousines carrying all of the Drake Security team
and Barry and Melanie Farrady, pull up to the museum several hours
before the affair is to begin, Samantha is shocked at the huge
crowds of people already standing in line to attend the gala.

She glances at Rance, her eyes as big as
saucers, and says, "Oh my, look at all these people! I knew this
was going to be a huge affair but it is still hours yet until it

Rance smiles at Samantha, "Some of these
people are probably just here to get a glimpse of Barry. You know,
he doesn't get out in public too often anymore and he is just as
popular now as he has ever been."

Samantha concedes, "Yes, that's probably
true. I am so nervous! What if I don't know the answers to the
reporter's questions? What if I stick my foot in my mouth? I'll be
so embarrassed ..."

Rance squeezes her hand and reassures her,
"Samantha, you're going to be fine. Just follow Barry's lead and
don't answer any questions that aren't specifically addressed to
you. If you don't know the answer, tell them so. You don't need to
be embarrassed if you don't know the answer. No one knows

Samantha nods her head in acknowledgement.
She is so thankful for Rance's love and support. When they exit the
limousine and walk into the building, she is clinging tightly to
Rance's arm. The Paparazzi is snapping pictures and shouting
questions as they walk past but doing exactly as Rance suggested,
she follows Barry's lead by smiling, waving, and walking into the
building without answering any questions.

The exhibit of the gold artifacts from the
lost cave is magnificent. The artifacts are all situated on shelves
inside the vault so that each piece can been seen. The heavy door
to the vault is open but the inside door made of steel bars is
closed and locked preventing entrance. The crowds can view the
artifacts and take pictures but cannot enter the vault. A plaque
outside the vault tells the story of the legend of the lost cave
and briefly describes how Samantha Wells Kincaid, a park ranger
found the cave. A trailer for the movie which will premiere the
following night in Los Angeles can be seen on a large flat screen
television hanging on the wall next to the vault door.

After the official ribbon cutting opening the
venue, Samantha and Barry are seated at a long table just outside
the vault signing autographs on programs and movie posters. After
exactly two hours, Barry stands and helps Samantha to her feet.

Samantha looks questioningly at the long line
still waiting for their autograph and then up at Barry, and he
explains, "Samantha, we could sit here all day and that line would
still be just as long. It is a difficult lesson to learn, but this
is why we advertised we would be signing autographs just for this
two hour period. It is why so many people got in line early. They
wanted to make sure they were able to get through the line before
time ran out. Don't feel bad, it's just part of being famous." Then
they all move back to the limousines and return to the ranch.

On the following day, the entire population
of the Rock Springs Ranch travels on Barry's private jet to Los
Angeles for the premiere of the documentary about the Legend of the
Lost Cave produced by Barry Farrady.

Samantha is so excited she can barely sit
still as the limousine rolls up in front of the huge movie theater
where the premiere is being held. Throngs of people are lined up
behind the ropes down the sides of the red carpet leading to the
main entrance and many line the roads leading to the theater. She
clasps Rance's hand tightly in hers.

She says, "I can't believe how many people
are here! I never dreamed a documentary would generate this much

Barry laughs and replies, "Just wait,
Samantha. This is only the beginning."

When they step out of the limousine onto the
red carpet, Samantha clings tightly to Rance's arm and he smiles
warmly at her. He's attended several movie premieres over the years
as Barry's bodyguard but this is the first time he has ever been
the one with bodyguards.

The Paparazzi is snapping their pictures and
hundreds of reporters are trying to get their attention by shouting
questions at them as they walk into the building.

Samantha asks, "Barry, are we going to answer
the reporter's questions?"

Barry laughs again, "Don't worry Samantha, by
the time this is over you're going to wish you had never seen a
reporter. We are having a press conference right after the movie
before we go to the after party."


Samantha is amazed by the movie itself. The
director has done a fantastic job and included much more than just
scenes of the actual recovery. He interviewed the chief of the
Indian tribe where the legend originated who told about the history
of the legend. Then he interviewed a number of treasure hunters who
spent years and thousands of dollars searching for the lost cave.
He even included a little of John Bracken's story and the lengths
he was willing to go to find the lost cave. He included pictures of
the mine shafts that John Bracken excavated prior to being

Then he told the story of Rance and Samantha
and how they were stranded in the cave after her first kidnapping
episode and then found each other. He explained how they came back
to the cave for their honeymoon and then found the hidden treasure.
All of the members of the Drake Security team had been involved in
the recovery operation and are featured in the movie.

After the movie and the press conference,
they are all gathered in the ballroom of a prestigious hotel for
the after party. Waiters are silently moving among the huge crowd
passing out champagne, appetizers, and finger foods. Hundreds of
Hollywood's elite are present and congratulating Barry and his
friends on the new movie.

Barry asks, "Well, Samantha, how do you like
being a movie star?"

Blushing, Samantha replies, "Oh, Barry, I'm
not a movie star but I think the way the director told our love
story was fantastic." She smiles up at Rance. "I know our children
can watch this documentary and learn how their parents came to find
the love that brought them into this world. That is very powerful.
It is something that I will treasure always. Thank you for all your

Barry says, "You're very welcome, but believe
me, Samantha, as much as I love you and Rance, that is not why I
got involved in this project. This documentary is going to be a
huge financial success. Just wait until you see the crowds that are
going to visit the park and the museum after this documentary. It
will be a huge windfall for the park too." He turns to Rance, "How
about you Rance? Did you enjoy the movie?"

Rance says, "Absolutely, it was very well
done but he left out one tiny detail." Barry looks at him
questioningly. Smiling down at Samantha he continues, "He forgot to
mention the hidden treasure I found in that cave. Samantha. She is
the star of all my dreams and always will be."


About the

Karen Ward is the pen name used by Glenda Hays.
Glenda grew up in Texas but traveled the United States as a
healthcare consultant for many years. She has over twenty years in
the healthcare industry and has spent many hours on airplanes and
in hotel rooms reading the stories of her favorite Romance writers.
A few years ago she found herself one of the millions of Americans
on the unemployment rolls and after a few months began to put some
of her own stories down on paper. She loves the challenge of
writing and plans to spend every spare moment sharing her love of
her heroes and heroines with the world.

Glenda is divorced with two grown children and three
grandchildren. She lives in a small town in the DFW Metroplex.

From the Author

Thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed
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Wounded in Wyoming














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