Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (166 page)

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So, Sally went inside the hotel room’s bathroom, amazed at how clean and tidy it was, and how golden and reflective the handle bars of the bathroom sink, of the shower, of everything that was inside there, were. Sally’s empty eyes had a little glimmer of curiosity, and admittedly, excitement as this was quite the whole new experience for her. She was always used to the dirt, to the grim outlook of every motel she has been in, the broken and flickering lights, the roaches going to and fro from one cupboard to another, and the stench that for all the three years she was in Holt greeted her in every damn room. Something must be up, she said to herself, always anxious, always curious during that whole episode. The man sat on the bed while Sally was still looking at every nook and cranny that beautiful and quaint bathroom was offering her. The man brought something out of his bag, and lo and behold, it was a notepad and a pen, and he put it on top of the lamp table on the side of the bed.


Sally was still inside the bathroom, still marveling at all the clean and tidy things presented in front of her. Soon after though, she removed her bra and panties, looked at her naked self in the mirror, and saw the still visible bruises from her face down to her legs. Her less than pubic-haired vagina was still red from the thrusts she accepted just a moment earlier, and her nipples had now rested from standing up for quite a while that evening. She was still beautiful, even after all the abuses her body had taken.


She went inside the shower, and cleansed herself as ordered. She left the door a little bit open, thinking that this must be what the client wanted, to ambush her in the shower and do her there, as is most men’s fetish. She tried to wait while she turned the shower on, but the man was still sitting on the bed. So she finished, having had the best shower in her life, with all the newfound shower stuff, practically wasting and abusing the flower-scented shampoo and the flower-scented soap. She was happy to have taken that kind of a shower she thought she would never have. She tried to clean her breasts, her navel, her pussy as much as she did. She wanted to believe that this was something she would be doing for the rest of her days, but she knew better. Still, she reveled and enjoyed every second of that momentary bliss, of having to take a shower, for the first time in her life, in a respectable and clean bathroom.


When she stepped out, it was as though she was a new woman. She was thoroughly cleaned from head to toe, and she gushed at how soft the fabric of the bath robe was. She played with her feet, feeling the bathroom slippers cover her also battered feet so gently that she got a little wet from the experience.


The man looked at Sally, smiled for a moment as she was drying her hair with the towel the man gave her. Sally also looked at the man, and for the first time in three years Sally was actually curious who her client was.


Then a call came in her cellphone, it was one of the whores of Salvation Alley, a somewhat friend of Sally’s who was crying on the other line.


“He… He… He’s dead, Sally” cried the woman on the other line.


“Who?” suddenly asked a startled Sally.


“You know who Sally. He’s dead, someone shot him not too long after you left”, continued the sobbing whore.


Sally was dumbstruck. She knew that the whore was referring to Sally’s pimp. But who would kill him, she asked to herself.


Suddenly, the man spoke: “so they found him, huh?”


Sally was answering the phone while facing her back against the man. At that moment the man spoke those ominous words, she couldn’t bare herself to face him. She was thinking that a gun was already pointing at her.


The man continued to speak: “that bastard deserved everything he got. After what he made you go through.”


From those words Sally knew, the man didn’t mean her any harm. Those simple words meant only one thing: the man was protecting Sally from her pimp. But who was that man, she asked. Who is this man who’d go as far as killing the pimp that Sally owes, the pimp that Sally can’t get away from, the pimp that forced her to do her night job.


“Don’t you remember me, Sal?”, said the man, with clarity.


Sally then turned herself to the man, and there, she looked. She was right as to who that man was. He was unrecognizable, he lost weight for those last three years, but for the first time, he saw that man wearing decent clothes, his hands not shaking, his eyes clear, and his voice clearer. Only one man had ever called her Sal. The man responsible for Sally being born, and the man responsible for Sally being in Holt City.


It was Sally’s father. Sally’s father then took the notepad and the pen from the table. He then went over the pages, most of them words and sentences crossed out in red ink. He found the last sentence in his notepad.


“Save Sally”, it said.


Before I cross this out, said Sally’s father, I want you to know that I’m a changed man. Shortly after you left, I stopped drinking and tried hard to change myself. I then started to look for you. I killed the man who brought you in this city (referring to the “family friend”), and I also killed the man who forced you into doing these things.


Sally, the minute I heard that you were working in that God-forsaken place in this God-forsaken City, I knew what I had to do. I’m sorry for everything that I did.


Sally stood there, speechless, but all the tears that she refused to flow from her eyes went rushing outside of them. She cried, so much, and so hard. She rushed to her father to hug her.


Sally was saved, and her father crossed out the sentence with his red pen shortly thereafter.


Salvation Alley invites all kinds of men, is an avenue of all the kinds of evils the wretchedness of the world has to offer.


But sometimes, and particularly on that day when Sally met her reformed father, Salvation Alley lived up to its name.


Sally received salvation, in Salvation Alley, from Salvation Alley.


Thanksgiving Dinner

Don’t get me wrong, Amanda is hot, but her mom is just delicious. The first time I saw Amanda’s mom was during thanksgiving dinner. Amanda invited me over to finally meet her mom.


“Mom, this is Brandon, my boyfriend” says Amanda


“Good evening ma’am, nice to meet you” I stood up and offered my hands.


“You’re too polite dear, call me Rebecca” I think that was what she said. All the while, I was trying really hard not to look at her perfect breast. Damn, those are the best tits I’ve ever seen. They are 36D I suppose. Compared to Amanda’s 36C, Rebecca’s are a notch higher.


Instead of shaking my hands, Rebecca moved forward and gave me a hug. I can feel her soft breast rub on my chest. I tried to look down to have a glimpse of her perfect tits. She was wearing a black bra. Fuck, those tits are not made to be enclosed by bras. I want to hold them, squeeze them and suck her nipples until I can no longer breathe.


She slowly removed her hands from my back and move back to her seat. “Let’s not keep the food waiting, let’s eat” says Rebecca.


They have turkey, mashed potatoes and some vegetables on the table. But all I want to eat was Rebecca. I want to grab her and simply lay her down on the table. I want to tore her blouse and touch every bit of skin in her body. I want to fuck her pussy real hard until she can no longer walk.


My cock was already rock hard. I tried to act normal. But my head can only think of fucking Rebecca. I tried to eat really slowly so I can look at Rebecca’s breast a little longer. Het tight fitting blouse hugs her breasts perfectly. The first two buttons of her blouse were unbuttoned. Her cleavage was peeking. I wonder how it would feel like following the lines of her breast with my tongue.


Rebecca stood up to get the dessert. I had a full view of het butt. She was wearing tight fitting slacks that she usually wears in going to her work. That’s definitely a T-back. I cannot see any panty lines on her butt. I can perfectly see the shape of her ass while she walks towards the kitchen. My cock grew even harder. It felt like I’ll cum just by looking at Rebecca’s body.


“How do you find my mom” Amanda kicked my foot and asked.


“She seems nice” I formally responded. But what I really wanted to say was that she’s hot and I’d really love to put my rock hard cock on her wet pussy.


“Well, that’s good, I hope you two get along” Amanda responded with an innocent smile.


Amanda looked a bit like Rebecca, minus the big breast and perfect ass. We we’re both 17, and I think her body is still developing. Amanda has a straight blonde hair while Rebecca was a brunette.


Rebecca returned to the dining table with a cake that she herself baked. The sex fantasies kicked in again. Only this time, I want to put cream on Rebecca’s nipple and pussy. How delicious it would be to lick all those sweet cream around her soft nipples and pussy. I’ll spray some cream on my cock and let her lick my cock clean.


“I hope you left some space for dessert, Amanda and I baked this cake” Rebecca sliced the cake and placed a slice on my plate.


“Thank you ma’am” I told Rebecca and began to eat the cake.


“I said call me Rebecca, I’m not that old, you see I had Amanda when I was about your age, so that makes me 34, but do I look like 34 to you? Rebecca looked at me and smiled.


“Mom”, Amanda looked ashamed for what her mom just said.


“Come on, I was just fooling around Amanda, your boyfriend look a bit tense.” Rebecca responded with a small grin on her lips.


I simply smiled and looked at both of them. A threesome would be the best way to wrap up this evening; this was playing at the back of my mind repeatedly. I want to ram Amanda’s virgin pussy and bang her mom like crazy.  I’ll leak Amanda’s pussy while Rebecca is sucking my hard cock. I’ll cum on both of their faces and let them swallow my cum. Fuck, that would be the ultimate fulfillment of every mom and daughter fuck fantasy.


Dinner was over; it was a few minutes before 9 pm.


“Oh well, it’s getting late, is it okay if I leave you both here and get on to bed, I really need to be early tomorrow” Rebecca stood up, yawned and stretched her hands. Her blouse was raised when she stretched her arms. Her tummy was so sexy and her navel was like waiting for some crazy licking.


“Ok mom, good night” Amanda responded and approached her mom to give her a kiss.


I stood up and simply smiled at Rebecca. But she came closer and also gave me a kiss on the chick.


Oh, the softness of her lips made my cock throb like crazy. I really want to pound those soft lips with my cock. I’ll bang her mouth so hard that my balls will be banging on her chin while she gives me a blowjob. I’ll let her lick my balls and give me a hand job. I’ll make her swallow my cum.


“It was nice meeting you Brandon, come and visit any time you want. Good night” Rebecca turned her back and walked towards her room. I followed her with my eyes. I wanted to go to her room. I’ll enter her room while she’s sound asleep. I’ll remove her clothes slowly so as not to disturb her sleep. I’ll kiss her lips, down to her neck and tits. I’ll suck her nipples and lick her pussy until she wakes up. When she sees what I’m doing, I’ll immediately put my cock on her mouth. I’ll ram her pussy with my fingers until she begs for my cock. I’ll let her cum with my fingers before banging her with my cock. I’ll fuck her real hard that she’ll cry for more.


I can feel my cock harden up like rock. It would really be embarrassing if Amanda notices that her mom gives me boner. I tried to hide my hard cock with a pillow.


“Are you okay? You look a bit tense.” Amanda looked a bit worried.


“I’m perfectly fine”, I immediately responded while trying to cover my still hard cock.


“Are you sure, thank you for being here tonight Brandon, it really means a lot to me”, Amanda held my hands and looked at me with that very innocent smile of hers. If only she knew what I was imagining the whole night, maybe she’ll throw me out of the door instantly.


“Don’t mention it; it was a big deal that you wanted me to meet your mom, thanks for inviting me”. Hell, it was really a big deal to meet Amanda’s mom. Perfect breast, great ass, nice face and a hot body, Rebecca has MILF written all over her.


“It’s getting late, I’d better be heading home” finally, my cock has softened a bit. I removed the pillow and stood up. Amanda walked me towards the door and to their front porch. I moved closer to embrace her. It was about two minutes of a boring hug. But her cute little tits made my cock excited again. Though it was not as big and as soft as Rebecca’s, Amanda’s tits are perfect for a virgin teen. I removed my hands around her and moved a little further so as to not let her feel my hard cock.


Should I head home without having any consolation? Damn, no!!! I moved closer again and slowly leaned towards Amanda. She closed her eyes as if she’s waiting for my next move. I kissed her real slow. First, with just slow and simple motion from my lips, then, I started to add tongue on the kissing. She opened her eyes, she was surprised but she let me continued with the torrid kissing, she responded with her own tongue. The taste of the sweet cake can still be tasted in her tongue.


My hands began to move. I slowly lifted her shirt. She didn’t bulge. I tried to slowly touch the outline of her cute breast. She didn’t show me any sign of not liking what I’m doing. I inserted my hands on her shirt and felt her breast with her bra still on. She released a quiet moan. I squeezed her breast gently; I can feel her body trembling. Her breathe became heavier and her heart bit went faster and faster.


I unhooked her bra and touched her breast freely. I used my thumb to play with her nipples. I lifted her shirt and began to suck her nipples. She accidentally gave a loud moan. But no one in the neighborhood, not even her mom, seemed to notice. My hand slowly went down to her tummy then down to her navel. Amanda stopped me when I’m about to touch her pussy. She simply looked at me and shook her head.


I know I have to be patient with Amanda. She’s a virgin and I really have to take it slow with her if I want to have a taste of her pussy. I smiled at her and kissed her forehead. I went towards my bike and waved goodbye.


I was riding my bike and traversing the streets towards our place. I need to concentrate on the road but I just can’t remove Rebecca’s hot body on my thoughts. Her big tits flashed repeatedly as I was biking towards the already quiet neighborhood. I reached home and opened the door. I immediately went up to my room and lay down on my bed. My thoughts are still filled with the huge tits and great ass of Rebecca.


I unzipped my pants and pulled it down with my trousers, I rubbed my cock as I imagine Rebecca’s hot body. I wondered how pounding her pussy would feel, her wet tight pussy hugging my hard cock. I grabbed my cock and masturbated as hard and fast as I can. Rebecca’s hot body made my cock grew harder.


“Oooooooooohhh, Reeeeeeeebeeeeccaaaaaaaaaaa…”

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