Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (32 page)

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I spread my legs and he lifted his head to lick me even better. I was totally at the mercy of his tongue. He lifted me and raised both my legs on top of his shoulders. His hand was at my lower back for support. My moans echoed inside the bathroom. I was grasping for air as the water dripped all over my face. His tongue dug inside me, making fucking movements that made me want to scream with ecstasy.


He increased the flow of the water as he licked me even faster. He settled me back on the floor and rinsed all the soap suds he made. He took a bottle of shampoo and applied some on my hair. He massaged my scalp really well then rinsed me all over. After that, he dried me up real quick using a fresh towel and wrapped it all around my body. He carried me to his bed with my hair still dripping wet. He put me down and removed my towel. “On all fours, Marge.”


Realizing what he intended, I did a crouching position and offered my ass to him. He squeezed it eagerly and gave me a hard spank. I looked at him angrily. “What the hell was that for?”


“For messing up with Kat’s brother.” He said cockily. I couldn’t believe it. He sounded like he was gloating. He spanked me again. And just when I was starting to protest, I heard another smack and felt its intensity on my posterior. “Damn you Flynn! Stop it!” He spanked me again. I felt my face getting red and before I knew it, tears were falling down my face.


I sobbed really hard and went on the farthest side of the bed, propping a pillow in front of me as if for protection. “I never knew you were such as cry baby.” He boasted.


“I never knew Kat has a bastard of a brother!”


He raised his hand as if to hit me on the face and I recoiled and buried my face in my hands. He dragged me to the middle of the bed and looked at me. “You will do as I say, Marge. Everything.”

The Interview

Louise plastered a confident smile on her lips, which were painted deep red for the occasion, and stepped inside the room. She gently shut the door behind her and walked across the room to the large mahogany table at the other end, where a large man in a dark business suit sat formally. She smoothed the sides of her pencil skirt discreetly and made her hips sway just a wee bit more than necessary. She knew she was an attractive woman, and it never hurt anyone should she decide to use her looks to her advantage. Besides, her “victims” always fell for her not-so-secret weapon, which was her beauty. She has yet to see the day when her features would fail to make a man fall under her spell. As she strode across the room, smiling confidently and staring at the man behind the desk straight in the eye, she knew that today wouldn’t be that day. No, sir, definitely not.


The large man behind the desk stood up just as Louise planted her heels firmly mere inches off the edge of the table. As the man rose from his seat, she saw how large he really was. She had to tilt her head slightly and look up at him in order to look him in the eye, and she was already wearing her trusty high heels that were five inches high. The man’s height slightly turned her on. She always had a thing for very tall man. The taller, the better was her lifetime mantra. Tall man made her feel safe and secure, not to mention they were usually very exciting and adventurous in bed.


Louise thought maybe she would try to check if the large man behind the desk fit her perceived notions of tall men like a glove. Maybe, just maybe. She wasn’t feeling very hot right now, though, as she was more focused on landing this job, which, in her opinion, belonged to the “once in a lifetime” job category. She decided to get a feel of things first. If things would go her way, then there’s no need for her to seduce the hulk of a man. If things took a turn in the other way, however, well, she might have to resort to other measures.


The man smiled and extended a hand. “Good morning,” he said formally. His voice was low but melodic. It sent shivers up Louise’s spine, and she had to give herself a mental pinch for getting all worked up over a person’s voice. She had never done that before, get excited at a man simply by his voice alone. She didn’t like what was happening with her. Must be a really bad case of the nerves then, for her to get turned on by hearing someone speak.


Jeez, Louise, she thought.


She switched her focus to the matter at hand and gave the interviewer a broad smile. “Good morning,” she responded, her voice clipped and just as professional sounding as the other person’s. “I’m Louise Stein.” She shook the man’s hand, and once again, the same set of shivers raced through her spine. She looked up at the man, still smiling. He was looking down at her, and smiling too. He was so tall!


Louise felt something in the area between her thighs, but she couldn’t quite put a finger on it. She was beginning to feel uncomfortable. This man must not, in any way, know that she was getting fully aroused now. It had something to do with his touch, so firm, strong, and self-assured. Oh, what the heck. Everything about this man turned her on, from the moment she laid her eyes on him.


The man nodded and let go of her hand. He was still smiling. “I’m Mr. Gary Allen,” he said. He gestured. “Please take a seat, Ms. Stein.”


Louise sat down, and that was when she felt something sticky in her panties. She shifted and squirmed as inconspicuously as possible in her seat. It couldn’t be true, could it? She couldn’t have come, even just a little bit, on her panties, could she? Mr. Allen wasn’t even doing anything!


Again she told herself to snap out of it. You’re here for the job, she told herself mentally. Your goal is to snag the job. Once you do, then you can use your charms on Gary Allen.


The thought calmed her down and helped her get her act together. She ignored the sticky feel in her underwear and focused on the man before her, seated right behind the table.


Mr. Allen held a bunch of papers in his hand and was studying them intently, completely oblivious to the lustful thoughts running inside Louise’s head. He cleared his throat and looked up at her.


“You appear to have a very solid experience, Ms. Stein,” he said, his tone neutral and not betraying anything of how he felt. “It’s all here, of course.” He waved the sheaf of papers in his hand. “But I’d like to hear about your experiences firsthand.” He inched his seat closer and leaned forward, his elbows propped up on the solid mahogany table.


Louise sat up straighter, perfectly aware of how her sudden change in posture made her juicy round breasts strain against the fabric of her tight-fitting top, emphasizing the two perfect globules on the front of her chest. She felt more than saw Mr. Allen’s eyes flicker momentarily to her breasts, appreciating them fully, and she smiled inwardly. One point in her favor, then.


“I love to teach,” she said earnestly. “It has been a passion of mine since I was a young girl. I remember playing school back then with my friends. I always made sure I was the teacher. I never played the student. Well, maybe just once, but never again after that.” She stuck her chest out even more, and she could’ve sworn Mr. Allen’s eyes grew a little larger than deemed professional. She felt a smile creeping out, so she bit her lip to stop the smile from spreading. Of course she knew how very alluring she looked with her biting her lip.


Mr. Allen smiled, still composed. Louise admired the man’s perfect control, and she had to give him just that. Most men, as far as she knew, would have never been able to stand being in the same room with her as she did her usual tricks and not do something about it.


“You do sound very enthusiastic, Ms. Stein,” Mr. Allen said warmly. “That is a trait I make sure every teacher has.” He glanced at her. “Of course, you’re young and therefore idealistic. But something tells me you’re beyond being idealistic, you know what I mean? It’s just in you to believe in the inherent goodness of every person.” He nodded approvingly and again studied the papers in his hand.


Louise was thrilled to hear his words. She knew then she was going to get the job. She felt it in her gut and in every core. Now that was out of the way, her focus shifted on how to get Mr. Allen to fuck her. That sounds crass, she thought. But she liked crass, and right now, she wanted to get down and dirty with the man interviewing her.


She gave the room a discreet glance. There was the table, of course. It was large and solid; therefore, it would do. She noticed the floor was covered in a thick carpet. That was good. Thick carpets meant more reliable cushion for the time they go tumbling down and get rough right on the, well, floor. Plus carpets help reduce the sounds as their bodies make contact with the floor. Also, it means lesser friction, hence lesser chafing. She discreetly shivered with delight. Oh, it was going to be perfect.


She had an idea for her afternoon session with Mr. Allen. She was going to go down the dominatrix route. Yes, that’s it, she decided. The man was obviously used to giving orders. Louise wanted to see how he would react when the tables were turned and he was the one being given orders to instead.


She was so into her thoughts that she didn’t hear Mr. Allen as he spoke to her. She had to snap herself out of it and bring her mind back into the present moment, which was her interview with the school principal.


“I’m sorry, I sort of blanked out there for a second,” Louise said, blushing prettily.


Mr. Allen smiled. “Yes, you did blank out there,” he agreed. “Well, I was saying, Ms. Stein, that part of the interview process requires a kind of—how shall I put this—well, demonstration.” He leaned back on his chair. “I need to see how your teaching style goes, what your teaching habits are, that kind of stuff. Not that your presentation right now would be accurate, of course, but a general idea on how you run things, you see, is quite crucial to me.” His eyes met Louise’s, and shivers raced up and down her spine again. “I suppose you understand that, Ms. Stein, am I correct?”


Louise decided the demonstration was the perfect moment for her to launch her to launch her sexy plans. She nodded her head vigorously to show agreement for Mr. Allen’s statements. “I understand perfectly, sir,” she agreed. “Do you have a particular flow or preference in mind as to what should I demonstrate in front of you?”


Mr. Allen shrugged. “None at all. You just do your thing, Ms. Stein, like how you normally give your lessons to your students. Pretend I’m not here. Ignore my presence. Act as if it’s only you and your students inside the room.” He smiled. “Do whatever makes you feel comfortable. And don’t be scared. I won’t bite.” His smile grew wider.


Louise was now so excited, her breathing began to come in shallow short spurts. “Your wish is my command, sir,” she said seductively, and was absolutely thrilled when Mr. Allen’s eyebrows went up slightly, as if puzzled and not knowing what she meant.


It’s show time, she thought wickedly.


She got up from her seat and stood in front of the table, right in perfect view of the school principal. She didn’t do anything for a second. She merely stood where she was, savoring the moment and enjoying the feeling as power coursed through her body. This was her time to get what she had wanted the second she saw Mr. Allen. The job was hers, of that she was 100 percent sure. Now was the moment to turn her other goal into reality.


She tossed her head back, letting her luscious long dark-brown locks cascade like a waterfall behind her. She adjusted her top, making it stretch against her breasts even more, emphasizing them. She smoothed down her pencil skirt, letting her palms run slowly and teasingly over the front of her thighs. As she did all these things, she locked her eyes with Mr. Allen’s. He wasn’t looking at her face. He was too busy looking at her moving hands, watching and waiting with anticipation where she was going to bring them next.


Then Mr. Allen started. He saw Louise was looking at where he was looking. Having been caught, he blushed furiously, like a child who was caught doing a naughty deed. Despite the burning desire she was feeling, the sight charmed her. She knew she was making a good decision in her plan to get hot and heavy with the school principal, one of her soon-to-be superiors.


“Do you like what you see, Mr. Allen?” Louise asked softly, panting slightly. From her thighs her hands ran back up to her slim waist and rose up to cup the full roundness of her perfect breasts. The feel of her own hands on her own tits added fuel to the fire of lust inside her, and she couldn’t resist giving off a little moan. She clutched at her breasts suddenly. She grasped both globes fully, enjoying the feel of the rough fabric of her blouse pressing and rubbing against her skin as her fingers dug at her breasts, groping madly. She moaned softly every now and then. She turned her eyes to Mr. Allen and wasn’t entirely surprised when she saw he was beginning to have an erection.


Louise stopped what she was doing. “Mr. Allen, would you like me to continue with my demonstration?” she asked.


“Please do,” he responded. His voice was still clipped and neutral, but his body—oh, his body was telling otherwise! There was a rising bulge in his pants, right between his thighs. His eyes were glazed and shiny, and his breathing was harsh and heavy.


Louise nodded. She went on playing with her breasts, but this time, she used only one hand. Her other hand crept down to the hem or her skirt, where it pulled the hem up, revealing a slim creamy thigh. The hand dropped the hem, again hiding the thigh from view, but it picked up the hem again and slowly brought it up, exposing the hidden flesh underneath it. Once more she dropped the hem of her skirt.


She brought both hands back up her neck again, but instead of caressing the delicate flesh on her neck, she undid the buttons on her blouse. She did this slowly, teasingly. One button after another popped to expose a lacy skin-colored bra beneath the loud red top she wore. The bra made her breasts look even fuller, and she saw Mr. Allen run his tongue over his lips. She chuckled. She went on undoing her buttons until the deed was done, and her blouse hung around her, unbuttoned now and exposing her bra-covered delectable breasts.


Mr. Allen stood up and went to the front of the table, where he placed himself right in front of Louise. He brought his arms out and opened them. Louise smiled and stepped into his embrace. His strong, solid arms encircled her feminine frame, and she allowed herself to be held by them. Gary Allen pulled her close and buried his face right into the soft hollows of her breasts. He nuzzled the swelling tops of her tits, enjoying the young flesh that was as soft as pillows beneath his face.

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