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“Slow going, Butch Volcano.” Sedona mounted behind him, then held the pup against her shoulder. She smiled, just a little bigger than she had since the North American Union began. “And after I parade around in a toga for your lusty delight? Then what?”

“We make Charlie’s day. You sit on my lap. More accurately, babe, you hedonistically lounge on my lap.”

“Ooooh , a wiggle on your lap and oozo in the clouds. My, my, isn’t that a bit decadent? Too decadent for baby Aru?”

“His spirit mom will spirit him off to a proper education.” Volcano floated the cycle slowly into position. “Disco glad rags, my dancing queen at
. We bring in the new age right.”

“Dirty dancing? We’ll have to arrange for a puppy sitter. Moriah can’t take care of him that long. It’s not fair.”

“Jorque will give him a tour and a romp aboard our celestial ship.” Volcano cruised lazily along the beach, toward
Los Angeles
, following the gliding celestial ship of their realm.

“Our ship? I’ve never seen our ship. And how is that fair? Shouldn’t he be down here, dancing and barking with the rest of us toga hedonists?”

“Not his favorite hedonistic bone to chew on. Despises anything disco. Claims it makes his ears ache.”

“There must be some Maya Toga Days entertainment he would bark-a-treat for.” Sedona kissed her baby when he gave her a sweet little kiss. “Daddy is a good safe driver, isn’t he?”

“He’s down here now, scouting out the local females, sniffing out the
entertainments. You’ll recognize him in his red humanoid form.”

My God! Do you see it? It must be from heaven. It’s unbelievable. A crystalline dream city in the sky above us. Are those angels? I see thousands of wings. I swear. O holy mother of God! Singing! Do you hear it? The most glorious voices.

Excited, reverent, breathless, the voices mixed together, and ebbed like a monumental surf over the city of

Then, a hush flooded the entire
Los Angeles
area. A golden frequency of silence. Singing silence. Human hearts, the hearts of all beings reached upwards, and joined with the Sacred Heart. Singing. Winging upwards.

A lone voice began.
All we are saying is give peace a chance.
Two voices, three voices.
All we are saying is give peace a chance.
More voices, a choir of voices.
All we are saying is give peace a chance.
A rising tide of voices.
All we are saying is give peace a chance.
Waves and waves of voices, joined as one.
All we are saying is give peace a chance.
The tsunami of vibration swept over Earth.

“All we are saying is give peace a chance,”
Sedona sang along, sang to Aru, holding him up. Finally he threw back his head, and produced a tiny howl. “That’s it,” she praised him. “That’s my boy. Sing with the angels. Sing peace.”

Volcano halted the cycle near the edge of the eyes-raised singing crowd. Beholding. He communed, winging. Beholding the divine in humanity, in all the species and beings gathered. Gathered together as one, yet each an individual crystalline snowflake belonging to The Whole Celestial.

Gratitude reigned within him, and flew to his Creator. Serenading his realm.

“I’m going to run out of tears,” Sedona whispered. Her soul felt like it was two sizes too big.

Joyful shouts of goodbye rippled along the sea of people as the Seraphim ship moved away, gradually vanishing along with the sky full of shining UFOs.

“They will circle Earth, appear wherever the harmony of humanity allows,” Volcano answered his woman before she asked.

“And after the spiritual fun today? After the LA fun times, cherub?”

“We keep destroying the power of the New World Order, my Sundance Angel. How about we rob the gold vault of the Federal Reserve?”

“That does sound like wild fun, Butch Volcano. You see, baby Aru, your daddy is raising you up right. Want to ride shotgun?” Sedona laughed. Her soul flew exquisitely.

His angel woman’s laughter thrilled through him like nothing in heaven and earth. “Ready for breakfast, my foxy lady, baby Aru?” He turned around, gazed at his family. “Know a little manna joint close to the parade route. The feathered serpents are gathering.”

“Manna biscuits and gravy?”

“Coming up.”

“It better not come up. No Rudolph the red-nosed brute.”






Chapter 11
My Lord Lucifer


“One day of White Grace for the sickly human race. Means nothing to our Ultimate Reign. Our perfect rule on Earth, my Lord Lucifer,” the Dark Master intoned. He did not remove his large shadow hood, even as he kept his head bowed in reverence, in soul-loyalty.

“You speak such useless words to me! You dare, when you have failed.” Lucifer crackled bolts of spidery lightning throughout the stone chamber. “A whelp cherub and a mortal angel we had beaten down to death’s wish, a whimpering bitch almost afraid of her own shadow. Afraid of her own Savior. Her sacred wings so pitiful they couldn’t raise a simple gnat.”

“The Savior of Light is a powerful enemy. We will triumph, Lord Lucifer.” The Dark Master dared a peek at the luminous blazing renegade angel. Quickly he looked straight ahead as Lucifer whirled, giant sparks spinning around him, the sparks striking the Dark Master’s shadow robe. Hideous searing smoke burst upwards. The fire scorched him, burned hellishly, boiled patches of his flesh to stench, but he did not cry out. Did not utter a whimper.

“Do you know the resources I have exhausted?” Lucifer raised his tone to booming. The stone walls shivered. “Destroying the final incarnated angel. The only angel remaining in our Realm, who could stand up against our Ultimate Reign? Do you?!” Lucifer flung his voice, the thundering viciousness of a storm. He flung his arms out at the same time. The thick stone walls shook violently. He paused, calmed his raging storm. “Yes, Dark Servant, there are all the ugly mewling infants, the starry-eyed tots and children, little angelic lights bobbing in our splendid ocean of darkness, all of them ready and growing, spreading their tiny rainbow lights. Waiting to bring forth their Savior of Light. But…”

He casually spun several miniature black holes, directed them to dance around his Servant’s head. An entertaining threat. One slight move of his finger and he could watch the Gorgyne’s brains sucked out. All at once. A portion at a time. Maybe like the plate of spaghetti he occasionally enjoyed. Although currently, the Dark Master was invaluable to his ultimate plan.

“The new ones, they are nothing. Easy to eliminate. Stars plucked from the vastness of space. At my whim. You have failed the one assignment I gave you. The endtime critical assignment.”

“Once the whelp and the bitch leave
Los Angeles
as they are destined, it will be no matter to destroy them. I assure—”

“Silence!” The walls bent inward. Lucifer raised a finger. The Gorgyne’s hood blew back, exposing the horror formation of his slate gray features. Bulbous lumps of elephantine flesh, hideous enough to cause the instant death of many humans.

Lucifer flicked his finger. Watched the Gorgyne’s demon-pricked ear sucked off by his black hole. Swiftly the Gorgyne grew another one. Not defiance. Never defiance. Merely the attribute of his race. Lucifer pointed his finger. One black hole dropped, the speed of an asteroid, spun a hole through the Gorgyne’s foot. He screamed, his terror screams bouncing off the walls.

“Every race has its sensitivities. It’s Achilles heel,” Lucifer mildly lilted, once the scream echoes had halted. “Did you expect that I would not know?
Simply because you never revealed such truth?”

“You never asked, Lord Lucifer. I would have spoken
such truth
.” The Dark Lord moaned the terrible pain of his resurrecting flesh. Yet did not move to another position, one offering him relief.

Lucifer always found that privately amusing. One of the few, of late. The amusements had grown fewer and fewer as the endtime gathered its evolutionary galactic force.

“Did you expect no retribution?” Lucifer smoothly crooned. “For your failure.” Lucifer shook his head, the lordly picture of disappointment, of a parent’s disapproval. “Your failure,” he raised his voice to commanding, “has cost me an advantageous timeline in this battle to win Earth. You!” he whirled, his arm straight as the angel of death. His beautiful shining finger pointed directly at the Dark Master, an inch from his nose. “Your failure will cost me resources that should not be wasted on a puny cherub and his pathetic
angel. Your failure has cost me reputation.

“I can hear it now. That Lucifer’s not so fire and brimstone ruthless,” he jibber jabber mimicked. “We need a leader who is more evil, more cruelly diabolical, more darkly sinister, who could cut the heart out of every newborn, and laugh as he flings the bloody dripping morsels into our demon young’s open mouths. Blah, blah, blah!” he sharply boomed the last one. He glared blue ominous brimstone.

“Not to mention the euphorically happy humans,” he crooned his vile disgust, “singing their little quaint peace song. The whole world could turn into an unbloody bed sit-in.” Lucifer theatrically waved his arm. “John Lennon and Yoko Ono revisited. What a revolting dream. If I were human I would be seized with an unforgiving headache. And all because you have failed. Do you even own one brain shred of awareness about how much my reputation has suffered with the howling demon crowd. The pitiful humans chanting for
?!” Lucifer screamed, only in the most elegant wicked manner.

“Even now, my Lord, a trap is in play. Perhaps, you will offer advice. You knew the cherub’s sire, when he was in service to the Savior of Light.”

Lucifer bellowed an immense cascade of laughter, one hand on his belly, light dissolving to light. “What advice would you have of me? Which now antique motorcycle he preferred? How he most carnal enjoyed fornicating with earth women? What brand of cigarette he liked dangling between his lips? His favorite chewing gum? Perhaps I should pleasantly entertain you with the miraculous tale of how he
Elvis Presley.”

Lucifer scowled formidably. Flames shot from his gaze, licking at the Gorgyne’s bare head. The Dark Master bowed lower, his posture more servile. “I played the sire’s pal—his road journey buddy—to occupy him with the useless hope of my redemption. Quite successful in keeping him away from our goals at the time. Goals accomplished, I might lightning point out.”

In a flash of sizzle inscribing lightning, and scorching smoke, the manifested goals were burnt into the stone wall. “Goals all accomplished, Dark Master. Look! Quite neatly listed in your own language for easy knowledge.”

Dutifully, the Gorgyne read the charred list of human corruptions. Impressive, splendid, inspiring. Motivating.

“This is my advice, Dark Master, since you asked. Consider. Why fight sacred fire with hellfire when cunning can make use of cigarette smoke and pretty girls in mirrors to distract a carnal cherub? The sire. But not his whelp offspring. He won’t be so easily sorcery distracted. Or haven’t you and all your black arts practitioners discovered that truth? Discovered your failure to spellbind either one of them into capture, into failure? They have served their Lord.

“You have failed your Lord.” Lucifer soared from the floor, great in majesty, wonderful in blinding menace. “I want that whelp punk cherub and his revived ridiculous angel captured. Captured!” he thundered. “You will not fail me again. You will bring me their failure!” he fiercely commanded as only he could.

“Your perfect will, of course, my Lord. Immediately.” The Gorgyne appeared properly chastised, and bent over further.

“Have I not fulfilled your every desire?” Lucifer melodic inquired. “Have I not cured the ills, the plagues of your people? Brought them forth in a new order, a new prosperous way for all?” Lucifer descended a bit. “Have I not elevated you to amazing, intoxicating power?” Lucifer raised up his voice, the charismatic leader. “Have I not provided all that you asked, why every feast you would enjoy?”

“You have provided all you spoke, my Lord. My service is gratefully given. I will triumph, capture the putrid whelp and his wingless bitch. Watch you sup of their foul parasitic souls. Purify Earth of their paltry light.”

“And what is to be your ultimate reward, the moment Earth becomes mine for eternity, Dark Master?”

“The pleasure of immortality, my Lord.”

“Behold!” Lucifer waved his arm, his force swiveling the Dark Lord’s head toward one stone wall. Toward the full wall displaying the human male in 3-D, in the boldest flattering color. “Behold! My most perfect servant,
Khissinger.” Lucifer paused for just the right dramatic effect. Then he lowered his tone, sounded almost friendly. “Doesn’t look a day over thirty human years, does he?”

“No, Lord Lucifer. For a human he is remarkably beautiful in youthful detail.”

“Even now he serves me perfectly. Puppet Master Extraordinaire of the United Nations, and thus, the string-pulling meister of every remaining nation. But for name, ruler of the North American Union, the China Asia Block and the Russian Euro Alliance. Tell me, do you know his human age?” Lucifer inquired, almost playfully.

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