2SpiceRack_bundle (4 page)

Read 2SpiceRack_bundle Online

Authors: Karen Stivali and Karen Booth and Lily Harlem

BOOK: 2SpiceRack_bundle
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Chapter Four


Eric put the food in the fridge while
Jessica headed off to load the washing machine because “three kids’ worth of
dirty clothes may not be sexy but it’s not gonna wash itself either.”

Just as he shoved the last bit of the
leftovers into the cheese drawer the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it,” he called.

Heading toward the door he saw the College
Pro Landscapers truck in the driveway. Adam Grayson, their lawn guy, stood on
the doorstep, scribbling on a clipboard. He looked surprised and a little
disappointed to see Eric at the door.

“Oh, hey, Mr. Carlson. Just here for the
fall cleanup. Anything special you need me to do?”

Eric shook his head. “Just the usual.”

“You got it,” Adam said, making more notes
on his paper. “Just look over the checklist and sign at the bottom. I’ll send
the bill next week.”

Eric scanned the sheet of paper. He
couldn’t help but notice Adam attempting to scan the inside of the house.
Probably wondering where Jess was. Eric had seen him talking to Jess before and
it was more than obvious the kid had a crush on her. Not that Eric could blame

“On second thought, the bushes along the
house need some trimming. Especially the ones in the back. The branches are
scraping the windows whenever it’s windy.”

“Sure thing. Just check the box next to
pruning.” He pointed and Eric ticked the small square before signing the

“All set.”

“Thanks. You taking the day off work?”

“I am.”

“You sure picked a good day to do it,
probably one of the last warm days we’ll have before fall sets in.”

“Yeah, but I’m spending it inside. Wanted
to spend a day with my wife.”

Adam’s eyes shot to his, cheeks turning red
high on his cheekbones. “Nice. Hope you enjoy it.”

“Don’t worry. We will. You have a good day
too, Adam.”

Eric closed the door and walked straight to
the laundry room where Jessica was loading the last of the clothes into the

“Lawn guy?” she asked.

“Yep. Poor kid. Seemed pretty bummed that
it was me at the door instead of you.”

Jessica giggled. “Yeah, right.”

Eric came up behind her, placing his hands
on her small waist. She arched her back, pressing her ass against his crotch.
He sighed as he nuzzled the back of her neck. “Can’t say I blame him. I bet
it’s one of the highlights of his week to stop here and talk to you.”

“That’s flattering, but kind of silly.
There are a lot of hot MILFs in this town but I don’t think I qualify.”

Eric smoothed his hands over the curve of
her hips then ran them around to cup her breasts. Both nipples stiffened
beneath his palms. “You can’t be serious. Do you really have no idea how sexy
you are?”

He felt her shiver as he nibbled her
earlobe, his now hard cock still pressed firmly against her shapely butt. “I’m
glad you think I’m sexy. But Hottie McLawn Guy is another matter.”

should have known she’d think that. Adam was a good-looking guy in the shy
understated way Eric knew appealed to a lot of women. Adorkable was the word
they always used. “So he’s hot, is he?”

“A little thin for my taste, but he’s a
cute kid.”

He liked hearing her call him a kid even
though Adam had to be at least twenty-two. Kid made him seem nonthreatening.
Not competition, just some guy who had the same excellent taste in women. “What
do you say we make that kid’s day with a little afternoon show?”

Eric’s heart raced as he waited to hear her

Jessica froze against him but he continued
his caresses. One hand massaged her breast while the other skimmed her belly
down to the tempting space between her legs. He pressed the soft cotton of her
dress against her mound, rubbing slowly. Her shoulders moved against his chest
and he felt her breath hitch. “What do you mean show?”

He tugged at her earlobe with a soft nip
before whispering, “I mean, he’s working the backyard. Right outside that window.
If he happened to look in he might see us.”

Jessica exhaled and Eric pressed his hand
on her belly, drawing her tighter against his cock as he continued rubbing
against her. “We can’t do that,” she whispered, but he noticed she didn’t pull

“We can do anything we want. This is our
house. And it’s our decadent day, remember?” He reached past her, closed the
lid to the washer and pulled the knob to start the machine.

Jess moaned and he pushed her gently
against the now vibrating machine. “Eric.”

“Yes?” He returned his mouth to her neck,
nibbling his way down to her shoulder.

“What if he’s by the window?”

“Then he’s in for a real treat.” He slipped
his hand up her thigh, lifting her dress as he caressed her bare skin. Stepping
back just enough to allow his hand to slip between them, he eased his fingers
along her. Slick hot flesh greeted him. “I think this idea appeals to you a
little more than you’re willing to admit.”
Jesus. So wet.
His balls
tingled, growing heavier by the second.

She exhaled sharply as he teased a finger
along her swollen slit, pressing her tighter against the washer as it chugged
and shook.

“Did I ever tell you about Mrs. Milano?”


“She was the sexiest woman I worked for in
my College Pro days.”

Jessica gasped as he slipped one finger
inside her, then two, stroking with slow, gentle passes that muddled her
thoughts. “I forgot you were a lawn boy.”

“Three summers. And there wasn’t a single
day at her house that I didn’t hope I’d see her doing something sexy. If I’d
have gotten to watch her fuck on a washing machine I’d have thought I’d died
and gone to heaven.”

Arching her neck, she rubbed her head
against his chest, then reached behind her and grabbed Eric’s ass, hard. “And
you wouldn’t care. If he watched?”

“Watched you come while I make love to you?
Hell, no. He knows you’re mine.”

“I am yours. I’m all yours.”

Fingers were no longer good enough. Eric
needed to be inside her. He tugged down his shorts. His thick cock sprang free,
eagerly seeking any contact with her warm body. Jessica’s ass vibrated from the
shaking of the washer as he pressed his length against her. Grasping her hips
with both hands, he ground against her then bent his knees, positioning himself
at her opening.

“Now, Eric. Please.”

Hearing her pant the request was more than
he could stand and with one fluid motion he entered her. Slippery wetness
surrounded him. “Jesus, Jess. You’re so hot.”

Laughter shook her. “It’s the washer. It’s
a warm wash.”

The metal against his legs still felt cool
but the lid of the machine had grown toasty. He didn’t know if it was from the
temperature of the water inside or the transfer of heat from her body and he
didn’t care. Moving in and out of her, his only thought was of making her come.

“Feels. So. Good.” Her voice, halted and
shaky, let him know how close she was.

He moved slower, easing in and out of her,
grinding her against the washer on every inward thrust. “Breathe.”

He felt her draw a deep breath. As she
exhaled he swiveled against her more precisely. Pride welled inside him as he
felt her orgasm take hold. Her inner muscles clenched around his erection. He
slid his hand between them to grasp the base of his cock and keep himself from
coming. Not yet. He wasn’t done yet.

Jessica lay panting, bent over the washer.
Eric slowly withdrew. Slipping his arm around her, he turned her then lifted
her onto the machine.

His mouth found hers. Sweet from the
cupcakes, salty from sweat. Easily the best thing he’d tasted all day. Jessica
lazily sucked on his lower lip, making him all the more aware that he’d yet to
come. His cock twitched against her thigh. “You up for another round?”

She nodded and he tugged her to the edge of
the machine. Her legs wrapped around him as he tilted her hips and slid inside
her again.

Groaning, her head rolled back, baring her
lovely neck. He nipped his way from her collarbone to her ear, breathing in her
sweet, dense aroma. The sound of a weed whacker roaring into action startled
both of them. Jessica tensed, gaze darting toward the nearby window.

Eric’s heart pounded so hard he wondered if
it was visible.

“What if he goes by the window?” she
whispered, as if someone other than him could hear.

“Then he’ll have a clearer view of heaven.”
He kissed her, hard, willing her with his lips, his mind, his slow and steady
movement in and out of her. All he wanted was to keep going. Her hesitation was
Stay with me. Please.
His tongue worked hers in deep circles.

Warm fingers slid across his back to the
base of his neck as she tightened her legs around him.

That’s it.
He moved his hips with more determination, his hands drawing her flush against
him with each thrust. As if it were on his side, the washing machine hit the
spin cycle, sending the machine and them into a frenzied vibration.

Senses overloaded, Eric tried to
His lips slid down to her chest and he took one
taut nipple in his mouth, sucking rhythmically then flicking his tongue until
he felt her start to contract around his cock.

The whir of machinery filled the air but
all Eric could hear was Jessica panting, his heart pounding. He couldn’t recall
a time his cock had felt harder. Every inch tight. Full. The rattling hum of
the washer tingled through his balls as they drew up firm against his body.

Jessica’s fingers clasped his shoulders,
digging into his flesh as she cried out, stilling for one second before
pulsating all around him. Her muscles clenched and released around his erection
as her heels pressed into his ass.

His only thought was of coming. Stroking
faster, he braced himself, passing the point of no return. He no longer cared
who could be watching or what they might see, all he wanted was release.

“Come on me.” Jessica’s voice surprised


“I want to see you come.” Her eyes were
dark and lusty, her chest still heaving from her own orgasm, her lips
irresistibly puffy from kissing. She could have asked him to eat glass at that
moment and he’d have agreed.

Without further thought, he pulled out,
hand instinctively wrapping around his swollen shaft. The sight of her staring
at him only increased his urgency. So wanton. So focused. As if she was
mesmerized. Three quick pumps into his fist was all it took. The first burst
rocketed out of him, shooting straight to her breast. Pleasure tore through
him, intense enough his knees shook. Thick ribbons of cum streaked across her

For a second he thought he might actually
pass out. The washer chugged to a halt beneath Jess, quieting the room while
the weed whacker continued to whir outside the window. Feeling a sudden need
for privacy, Eric grabbed a folded towel off the dryer. He wrapped it around
Jess then yanked his shorts back up. “Hang on, Mrs. Carlson.” He hoisted her
up, her legs snug around him.

Thankful the family room was so close by,
he collapsed with Jess on the wide sofa.

“I can’t believe we just did that.”
Jessica’s eyes were still wide.

He scanned her face. “Are you okay?”

She nodded. “Better than okay. That was

Thank God.
He kissed her, soft and slow, feeling her relax alongside him. She hitched a
leg over his hip. “You sure know how to celebrate.”

Chapter Five


The sensation of Jessica’s nails lightly
scratching his scalp had nearly lulled Eric into the second nap of the day when
the phone rang. “Let it ring,” he groaned, not wanting to move off the sofa.

Jessica stirred alongside him then crawled
over him. “I have to get it. Could be the school. Or my mom.”

He knew she had a valid point, but he
didn’t want anything interfering with the blissful day they were having.
real life give us just a few more hours off?

“Hang on, Bill, he’s right here.”

Bill? Shit. Bill wouldn’t call unless
there was a crisis. What now?

“Hey, Eric, look I’m sorry about calling
but we’ve got a problem.”

Eric sat up, not sure he wanted to hear
what it was. “What’s going on?”

“The delivery truck finally showed up, two
hours late, and they’ve got the entire order wrong.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Eric stood
and paced across the room. Tension already knotted his neck.

“I wish I was. I’ve been arguing with them
for a half hour. Showed them the purchase order and everything. They say it
doesn’t match the sheet they have and they won’t switch it unless their boss
tells them to. And Sam won’t deal with anyone but you.”

“Sam and I already went over this on Monday.
He knew I’d be out of the office Friday.”
Fuck. I specifically planned all
of this out so there’d be no problem today.

“I know. Sorry, man. Can you come by to
straighten this out? Otherwise we won’t get the shipment for at least another

“I’ll be there. Give me twenty minutes. And
tell them they better not fucking leave before I get there.”

Eric hung up. Jessica came toward him and
ran her hand up his arm “You okay?”

“Yeah. They got the damned order wrong. I’m
sorry, I need to take off for a little while and fix this. It shouldn’t take
long.” He wrapped his arms around her, trying to calculate how fast he could be

“It’s okay. I actually have class in an
hour, so it works out fine. I’ll meet you back home when we’re both done.”

Wait, what?
“You’re going to class?”

Nodding, she stepped away, avoiding his
eyes. “Yeah. It’s the last one, actually. I shouldn’t miss it. We’ll probably
be back at around the same time.”

Eric couldn’t wrap his head around what she
was saying.
Would she have gone even if I hadn’t gotten called to work?
He’d thought they were having such a perfect day together. He’d hoped she’d be
waiting for him when he got home from this stupid work bullshit. Instead she
was heading off to her mysterious “class”. Hell, she seemed relieved that she
wouldn’t have to skip it.
What the fuck does that mean?

Jessica leaned forward and gave him a quick
kiss. “I better go take a quick shower and get dressed.”

Sure, because everyone showers
before going to exercise.

Jessica must have sensed his thoughts
because she threw him a smile. “Someone made me kinda sticky on the washing

Eric tried to return the smile but he
doubted it worked. He was too aggravated. “Yeah, I better put on some real
clothes myself.”

Following her up the stairs, he couldn’t
shake the fact that she still seemed to be keeping something from him. “What
time do you think you’ll be home?”

She paused before answering, distracting
him a second when she pulled her dress off over her head. He’d never been able
to concentrate on anything when she was naked and now was no exception.
“Probably four-ish. The boys have Scouts so they don’t need to be picked up
until dinnertime.”

“I know.” That was part of why he’d picked
today as their day of decadence. Extra kid-free hours. Not that that was
working out now.

“See you later.” She gave him one last
kiss, her bare breasts grazing his arm before she turned and sauntered into the
bathroom. Watching her go, the lovely curves of her ass swaying like a
metronome, he felt torn and miserable. He wanted to join her in the shower or
pull her back to the bed. Instead he put on pants and buttoned up a shirt. As
much as he didn’t want to deal with work today, he was almost glad he had
someone to yell at. He felt like cracking skulls.

* * * * *

Pulling into the parking lot at work, he
cursed the supplier.
How hard is it to get an order right?
Two delivery
guys leaned against the back door, smoking.
Glad they got to have a relaxing
break while I drove here. Assholes.

“You Carlson?” the shorter, stockier one
asked, taking another drag on his cigarette.

“Yeah. What’s the problem here? I spoke
with Davis in your shipping department two days ago and he assured me
everything was taken care of.”

“Not what it says on our forms.” Skinny guy
waved a piece of paper in the air then attached it to a clipboard and handed it

Eric scanned the page. “This isn’t the most
current order.”

“Sorry, dude. That’s what they gave us this
morning. We just loaded what was on the sheet.”

“Well, I’m not signing for this. I’ll call
Sam. We need to get this straightened out today.”

Eric strode into the building wishing he
could slam the door behind him. Running his own business was a lifelong dream
but things like this, with their perfectly bad timing, drove him nuts. Dropping
the clipboard onto his desk, he reached for the phone.

Sam was predictably apologetic and swore
he’d have the replacement order there within an hour. Eric took a deep breath,
debating what to do while he waited, then he heard an odd noise coming from
Bill’s office. A motor of some sort.
A vacuum? Hair dryer?

As he neared Bill’s office the sound
stopped. Rounding the corner, he saw Bill wrapping up the coil of an air
mattress that lay on the floor next to his desk, fully inflated.

“What the fuck?”

Bill jumped. “Jesus, you scared the shit
out of me. Did you talk to the geniuses outside?”

“Yeah, Sam said he’ll take care of it
today. What’s with the mattress?” Eric noticed the stack of boxes by the door.

“I was gonna mention it to you but I didn’t
think you’d mind. My lease doesn’t start until the first of the month and I
can’t stay in that house another night. Watching her go off on dates is fucking
killing me.”

Eric’s stomach tensed, sending a chill
through him. “Sorry, man. That’s gotta suck.” Watching Jessica head off to
class was hard enough. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like knowing for
sure she was heading out to meet her new lover. The base of his throat

Bill shrugged. “It is what it is. Hey,
sorry again about interrupting your day off. You and Jess up to anything cool?”

Eric’s mind went straight to the washing
machine. “Just spending some quality time together.”

“Good. I wish I’d done that with Teresa.
Then maybe she wouldn’t be fucking Mr. Fix-it while I’m sleeping at work.”

Eric scrubbed his hands against his face.
“I hope you’re right.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Eric lifted a box off one of the cushioned
chairs and plunked himself down. “I don’t know. Today’s been awesome but Jess
is acting weird. She’s been taking these classes the past few months. Never
misses one. She’s at one right now. But she won’t tell me what kind of classes
they are.”

“Did you ask?”

“Of course I asked. She says they’re
exercise classes but she never says anything else about them and she’s paying
cash. It never shows up on her credit cards and there’s not a single cashed

“So, what? You think she’s having an affair
because she’s out once a week?”

“Twice.” Eric realized he sounded paranoid,
but he couldn’t help it. It wasn’t like Jess to be so evasive and the fact that
she was hiding something set his teeth on edge.

“Look, I’m the last person in the position
to give marital advice at the moment, but if you’re really worried, talk to
her. Hell, I wish I’d said something to Teresa before things got so totally out
of control.”

“What do you mean?”

Bill toyed with his coffee cup, taking a
drink then shifting it from side to side, staring at it. “I don’t know. If I’d
said something when it first started. Or better yet, before it happened, then
maybe we could have worked through it. It’s not like I didn’t see signs.”

The knots in Eric’s stomach tightened.
“What signs?”

“Taking better care of herself. New
hair-do. New lingerie. Losing all that weight. Shit, I thought she was doing it
to try to spice things up for us and the whole time it was all for dickwad.”

Acid bubbled up into Eric’s throat. Jess
had a new haircut, he’d never seen today’s lingerie before and, although she’d
never really needed to lose weight, she had gotten into better shape. He’d been
assuming it was her mysterious exercise classes but what if it was to impress
whoever she was seeing twice a week? The thought made him sick.
She wouldn’t
do that.

“Sorry, man,” Bill said. “You don’t need to
hear this shit. My problems, not yours. For what it’s worth, I don’t think Jess
would cheat on you in a million years. She’s been head over heels for you since
you two first got together.”

Eric nodded, though he still wasn’t sure.
He’d trusted their relationship so long he’d started completely taking if for
granted. Now everything he had to lose seemed to be laid out before him. A
chill passed through him but he shook it off. “It’s okay. I’m sure we’re fine.
We’ll be fine.”

The sound of people coming down the hall
forced Eric to pull himself together.

“You think they got the order right this
time?” Bill asked.

“They better.”
I want to get the hell
out of here and get back to my wife.
The fact that she might not be there
was something he couldn’t even think about, he just wanted to go home.

* * * * *

Jessica wove though traffic, timing it just
right so she’d have to stop for a red light. She needed to call Olivia and make
sure everything was set with the kids. Dialing the phone as soon as her car
came to a stop, she waited as it rang.
Pick up, pick up.
She tapped the
steering wheel, willing Olivia to answer her phone.

“Hey,” Olivia answered, breathless. “Sorry,
we just walked in the door.”

“We? Did you pick up the boys?”

“Yes. Got your message just before I headed
to the Scout meeting. All present and accounted for. What’s up?”

The light turned green and Jessica hit the
speakerphone button before setting the phone in her cup holder. “Can you still
hear me?”

“Yeah. Jess, what’s going on?”

A smile crept across Jessica’s face as she
thought about her day. “Eric surprised me by staying home from work today. We
spent the whole day…together.”

“Oh man. I spent my day volunteering at the
library. You’re so freaking lucky. I want details.”

Jess laughed. “For details we’ll need to
meet for lunch next week. All I’ll tell you now is that he actually bought one
of those Spice Racks. And we already used one of the suggestions.”

“Oh my God. Are you serious? The ‘spice up
your love life’ Spice Rack? He actually bought one?”

“Yep. Shocked the hell out of me. So glad
he did.”

“You’re making me crazy, you know. I want
serious details at lunch. And you’re paying. That’s going to be the new rule,
whoever’s had sex the most recently buys lunch.”

Giggling, Jess maneuvered her car into a
parking space at the mall. “Fine. Lunch is on me. In the meantime I need two
big favors.”

“I’m afraid to ask.”

“Can the boys sleep over tonight? I have
overnight bags for each of them and I can drop them off at your house on my way

“Okay,” Olivia said, her voice hesitant,
“you know I’ll always take the boys. What else do you want?”

“Where’s the best place to buy some really
good slutty clothes?”

Olivia guffawed into the phone. “Oh, and
you think I’d know that, of course.”

“I know you do. Come on, I’m at the mall.
Where do I go?”

“What kind of slutty?”

“I don’t know. Naughty school girl slutty?
Clubbing slutty. Anything. I just need to know, fast. I don’t have much time.”

“Slutty in a hurry, okay…thinking. Try
Fever. Or that new place, the one that’s practically dark inside the store…
What’s it called?”

“City Lights?”

“That’s it. One of those places has to have
something. What the hell are you up to?”

Jessica grinned as she slammed the car door
and headed for the mall entrance. “I’ll tell you next week at lunch. And I’ll
drop the kids’ stuff off in about an hour. I gotta go.”

“Jess, wait—”

“Gonna lose the call, you know my service
sucks in the mall. Thanks, Liv. Love you.” Jessica hung up, tucking the phone
in her purse and walking toward Fever as fast as she could. She had serious
shopping to do and precious little time to do it.

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