2SpiceRack_bundle (8 page)

Read 2SpiceRack_bundle Online

Authors: Karen Stivali and Karen Booth and Lily Harlem

BOOK: 2SpiceRack_bundle
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The G-string that had come with the
nightgown was so skimpy it could have easily been mistaken for a hairband. She
considered skipping it, but half of the fun of the night was having Brian take
these things off her. Perching on the edge of the toilet seat, she carefully
pulled on sheer black thigh-high stockings. With a quick tousle of her long
hair, she was now ready to blow her husband’s mind.

When she emerged from the bathroom, Brian popped
up onto his elbows. “Wow. Have I mentioned that I’m a huge fan of the Spice

A nearly silent moan left her throat as she
eyed him. She’d fallen for his white-hot smile the first time she’d laid eyes
on him and it was doing a number on her all over again. Hell, every other inch
of him was worthy of praise—long and lean with sculpted shoulders and a
wonderfully smooth, broad chest. In many ways, both inside and out, he was more
handsome now than the day they’d met a decade ago, on the first day of class,
sophomore year at William & Mary.

Olivia stepped to the edge of the bed and
watched expectantly as he sat up and scooted closer to her. His pale eyes
flickered but she couldn’t stop her own from drifting to the sight of his rigid
erection. Thoughts of the night stretching out before them warmed her from head
to toe. All she wanted was for them to get lost in each other in complete
naughty abandon…the way they used to.

“Honestly, Liv, you look incredible and I
know that was the purpose of this exercise, but we need to get you out of this
thing.” Settled at the foot of the bed, he bracketed her legs with his and
pushed the nightgown away from her stomach.

She smiled, gazing down at him as he dotted
her belly with warm, wet kisses. “Do you like it?” Another wave of heat washed
over her as his strong hands slid from her waist to her ass and squeezed. His
thick head of ebony hair was silky as she ran her fingers through it.

“More than you know.” His thumb dug into
the waist of the G-string, shimmying it down her thighs and to the floor while
his other hand pushed the nightgown even higher.

She wished he wasn’t quite so eager to move
on to the main event. “No rushing tonight, okay?” She dropped her knee on the
bed and crawled past him until she was in the center of the mattress. Flipping
to her back, she stretched her arms high above her head and clasped her hands
in surrender.

Brian was now hovering above her on his
knees. “I left my phone in the other room. You are all mine now.” He dipped his
hands beneath the nightgown again, this time pushing it above her head while
brushing her breasts with his forearms. With precision, he went to work on one
of her tightly beaded nipples, flicking at her skin with the tip of his tongue.

She arched her back and moaned as he sucked
slowly and carefully, moving back and forth between both breasts. Her need for
him deepened when he maneuvered between her legs and pressed his full body
weight against her. His cock was now perfectly nestled in her folds and he slid
forward and back, the head nudging at her clit every time he shifted.

“Oh Bri. That feels so good.” Olivia raised
her knees higher and wrapped her legs around his back, muscling him closer.

He looked up with hot lust in his eyes.
“You know what feels good? Those stockings against my back. Those are staying
on.” He planted a long kiss on her lips, his mouth open and craving and his
tongue tangling with hers.

She may have made a big deal about taking
their time, but impatience was taking over and Olivia’s mind fixated on her
most immediate desire—Brian inside her. Now. She grinned and raised her head,
clutching the back of his neck. “Fuck me,” she said firmly into his ear before
dropping her shoulders back onto the bed. “Slow.”

He reached between his legs and positioned
his cock, teasing her with sweeps of his skin against her slick opening. With a
skillfully languid motion, he stroked deeply. Her mind went blank as he hit a
most gratifying spot on the first try.

She matched every unhurried thrust as his
lips moved over hers again and again and again. Everything that had been
weighing on her seemed to float away. In that moment there was only her and
Brian—his chest skating over hers, her heels firmly planted on his ass, his
cock gliding in and out of her. His breaths were already becoming ragged and
she had her first lucid thought in a while as she realized how close she was to
the brink.

Tension doubled in her belly when he
rotated his hips and was able to grind against her mound with his pelvic bone.
She bucked against him. “Harder, honey. Harder.”

Brian pushed up on his arms and thrust at
an unbridled speed, definitely a gear or two more than she’d expected, causing
the pressure between her legs to release in a massive, shuddering wave. Groans
like gravel rumbled from his throat and he slammed into her with one final
thrust, holding his torso frozen above her. His head dropped and his shoulders
went slack before he rolled to her side in a complete collapse.

Her breathing slowed, as did his, and
contentment lazed over her.
This is more like us.
There was always room
for improvement, but it was markedly better than the previous night.

“That was amazing,” he said, grasping her
hand and raising her fingers to his mouth for a soft kiss.

Olivia rolled to her side and smoothed her
hand over the ripples of his abs. “It was great, wasn’t it?”

“I heartily endorse the Spice Rack. You can
quote me on that.”

She thought back to everything she’d put
into their night—shopping, cooking, primping. It was all worth it if they could
reclaim the passion of their former love life. “I was hoping this could be a
new beginning for us. As a couple.”

He furrowed his brow. “How so?”

She became lost for a moment in his
crystal-clear eyes. “I just, well…”

“Are you unhappy?” he asked, the curiosity
on his face morphing into worry.

“Oh no, Bri, not that.” She shook her head,
unable to keep from smiling at his sweet nature, even when she was about to
tell him to start being a little less so from time to time. “I’m happy. I just
think that we need to make our love life, our time alone as a couple, more of a
priority. Not just an afterthought after we’ve been watching TV all night.”

He nodded eagerly, threading his fingers
through her hair. “Of course. Done deal. Anything else?”

She smiled wide and set her chin on his
chest, looping her finger in tiny circles against his smooth skin. “I need you
to take charge more often.”

“I take charge.”

“Not like you used to. Remember when you
used to pin me to the bed or take me against a wall?”

“I was pretty good at that, wasn’t I?”

“Sometimes I need you to show me that you
want me.” She ran her thumb along his lower lip as their gazes connected. “That
you really want me. That there’s something about me that sets off an urge you
can’t control. I don’t need it all the time, but every now and then I need you
to just…take me.”

He rolled away from her and walked to the
dresser, grabbing a jar from the Spice Rack. “Please, darling, allow me to take
charge.” He dramatically swished his hand through the air. Casting back the
rumpled sheets, he sat next to her on the bed and unscrewed the lid.

“Is this for tonight?”

“I was thinking we should set the stage for
next time. Plus it’s my turn, and I want plenty of time to think about what I
want to do.”

“Mmm. I can’t wait to hear what it says.”
She flopped over to her stomach and eagerly propped herself up on her elbows.

He unscrewed the cap and uncurled the
scroll. His forehead wrinkled but he nodded in agreement and rubbed his chin
with his hand.

“What does it say?”

He cleared his throat. “Tell your partner
your most private fantasy and ask them to help you make it come true.”

“Wow. The Spice Rack doesn’t mess around.”

“No, it does not, my dear.” He tucked the
scroll back into the jar and set it on the bedside table.

“Are you going to tell me what your most
private fantasy is?”

He smiled wide and leaned forward to peck
her on the nose. “How about I get back to you on that?”

Chapter Two


Brian hung up the phone and stared at the receiver,
amazed he’d had the balls to call Michael, his best friend from college, and
ask for his help. His very personal help. Olivia’s voice rang out from the hall
as she told the girls to get dressed for school.

“Hey,” she said, breezing into the kitchen
in a pair of yoga pants that showed off every inch of her fit and healthy
curves. “Aren’t you going to be late for work?” She poured herself a cup of
coffee and arched her eyebrows at him as she drank.

He rose from the barstool at the kitchen
island and wrapped his arm around her waist as soon as she was within reach.
“I’m not going to work today.” He nuzzled her neck, softly kissing the velvety
skin of her throat.

“What’s wrong?” Even though her tone was
initially concerned, she giggled and squirmed when he nudged at the especially
sensitive spot behind her ear with his nose. “Stop it. What’s gotten into you?”

“You need to pack an overnight bag for the

She grasped his upper arms and stared at
him in total confusion. “What are you talking about?”

“I am running away with my bride for a
weekend of debauchery and utter hedonism.”

Her eyes became like saucers. “You are?”

“Yes, and my parents are picking the girls
up after school and keeping them until Sunday afternoon.”

Her facial features became painted with
delight. “They are?”

“Yes. Now stop asking so many questions and
get the girls’ bag packed. I’ll run them to school. You need to go take a
shower and put on something very sexy and suitable for a weekend in an insanely
expensive hotel in the city.”

“We’re going into Manhattan?”

“Again with the questions.” He took her
hand and turned the platinum wedding band on her finger. “Pack your own bag
too, but don’t go overboard. I’m taking you shopping.”

“What kind of shopping?”

“Why? Is there one kind of shopping that’s
better than some other kind?”

“No.” She frowned. “I just want to know
what you’re up to.”

“I am,” he traced his finger along her jaw
and pressed it to her lips, “planning on showing my incredibly hot, sexy wife
exactly how much I want her. In every way possible. Every way.”

“Does this have to do with the Spice Rack?”

“It does. But that’s all I’m telling you
right now.”

“Sounds mysterious.” Olivia eased up onto
her tiptoes and her mouth grazed his. “And fun.”

“Darling, you have no idea,” he whispered
against her lips. “Now go get ready.”

She smiled and turned on her heel, which he
answered with a smack on her butt. “Ooh,” she cooed, traipsing down the hall
and wagging her hips, tormenting him with every move she made.

There’s more where that came from.

* * * * *

An hour later they were in the car on the
way into the city, stuck in a bit of late commuter traffic, but Brian was
anxious to get their weekend started. He glanced at Olivia, wearing a red
cardigan that showed some amazing contours, a tight black skirt and knee-high
black boots.

“Have I told you lately how much I love
those boots?” he asked. He was rarely able to convince her to wear them, but
they made his pulse race like crazy.

She reached down and smoothed her hand over
the Italian leather. “They are cute, aren’t they?” At barely five foot four,
she wasn’t absurdly tall in the heels, but they gave her a stature that he
found particularly sexy—powerful and a bit fierce.

“Uh, cute isn’t the word I would use.”

“I know. Jessica and I have a name for
them. They’re CFM boots.”


Leaning closer to him, she murmured, “Come
fuck me. Get it?”

Brian shifted in his seat. Any time Olivia
said “fuck me”, the lower half of his body was immediately running on pure
adrenaline. “Oh, I get it.”

She drew a line down his thigh with her
finger, sending very specific messages straight to his cock. “Why won’t you
tell me what we’re doing this weekend?”

He changed lanes, hoping to get into a
faster stream of traffic so they could get to the hotel. If she was going to
keep touching him like that and leaning into him, there might need to be a
detour to a gas station or rest stop and that was not the classiest or most
romantic way to start their weekend of seduction.

“You wanted me to take charge, I’m taking
charge. Which means you need to sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.”

“Enjoy the ride, eh? Literally?”

He smirked, glad he had his sunglasses on
to hide his own nervousness. “Would you expect any less from me?”

Almost everything he’d planned for the
weekend was a slam dunk. Almost everything. He was still unsure how his plan
for Saturday night would go over. There was no question he would discuss it
with her beforehand, the question was when. Bringing up the subject of his
longest-held and most secret fantasy was probably not a topic for I-95 in broad
daylight. And after all these years, he still hadn’t fully come to terms with
Why do I want this?

He’d known Olivia for a decade; she was his
best friend and the person he loved most in the world, but some subjects
weren’t easily broached. Funny how sometimes familiarity could almost put up
walls. That was part of the reason he was so thankful to have her—Olivia called
him out on stuff, kept him honest. Hell, she’d certainly done that last night.

As he’d struggled to sleep last night,
everything she said echoed in his head. She was right. Their sex life had
become comparatively tame, a fraction of its former excitement. Not that he
needed Liv to swing from the ceiling every night, but he could admit that he
wanted to get closer to being the adventuresome couple they’d been for the
first few years. That couple was full of passion. The heat was still there
between them—they just hadn’t been tapping into it like they should have.

This weekend will give us a real shot at
that. As long as she’s up for everything.

* * * * *

Brian wouldn’t stop ogling her in the
elevator. Every heated glance only upped Olivia’s anticipation of their weekend
together, made her wonder what he was cooking up in that gorgeous head of his.
With the bellboy’s back to them, she stifled a giggle and silently slapped
Brian’s hand when he hooked a finger under the hem of her skirt and hiked it
several inches.

“You’re bad,” she mouthed, feigning

He did nothing more than wink and flash his
roguish smile.

Once they got to their room, Brian couldn’t
have made it any more obvious that he wanted the bellboy out of there, ASAP.
“That’s great, Champ. We can take it from here.” He waved a twenty-dollar bill
in the air as if he were dangling a carrot before a horse, while the lanky
young man took the empty ice bucket from the bar.

“Yes sir. I’ll be right back with ice.” He
glanced at Olivia. His cheeks flushed red when his wide eyes met hers and he
held the connection a few seconds too long.

Olivia grinned at Brian, who was now
wearing a look of deep concern.

“I think we can get our own ice, uh,” Brian
pointed at the nametag on the bellboy’s perfectly pressed uniform, “Carson.
We’re good. Really.” He pressed the tip into Carson’s hand and clapped him on
the back.

“Yes sir. Of course, sir.” His eyes darted
back to Olivia, but he quickly cast them to the floor. “Just ask for me at the
front desk if you need anything at all.” He ambled to the door and Brian
promptly flipped the latch when he was gone.

“I daresay young Carson has a crush on
you.” Brian took off his black leather jacket and tossed it onto the bed.

Olivia rolled her eyes. “He’s a kid.” She
wandered across the room and peered through the window overlooking the city and
a sliver of Central Park. Brian had spared no expense, booking a spacious suite
that included a luxurious seating area, towering windows and the most
magnificent king bed with crisp, white sheets and a fluffy duvet.

“The room is beautiful, Bri. You really
didn’t have to go so overboard for just a weekend.”

He was right there behind her, his strong
fingers raking her skirt higher on her thighs. “It’s not overboard if it’s for
you,” he murmured into her hair.

She raised her arms above her head and
clasped her fingers behind his neck, craning to give him a kiss. The movement
of his lips was so intoxicating that by the time he’d hitched the skirt up to
her panties, she remembered she was standing in front of a window.

She twisted from his grasp as her hands
flew to lower her skirt. “Somebody will see us,” she blurted.

“So?” His finger along her collarbone left
behind warm tingles. “That guy over in that office building probably has the
most boring job ever. We might make his day.” He deftly unbuttoned her cardigan
and tugged the sweater past her shoulders and to the floor. “Hell, we might
make his month.” His lips wandered to the center point of her bra, where he
kissed his way along the lacy edge.

Olivia raked her fingers into his hair as
he again pulled the skirt higher, this time beyond her hips, bunched around her
waist. “Let me just take it—” Before she could say “off”, he lifted her and
plopped her down on the edge of the writing desk next to the window.
Fortunately, the silk drapes seemed to block most of the view.

“Lift your hips,” he ordered as he grasped
the sides of her panties and yanked them down her legs, past the black leather
boots. He dropped to his knees and spread her legs with his hands.

Anticipation took hold as he began to kiss
her inner thigh in a straight line, starting at her knee and headed due north.
He hitched her calf over his shoulder, taking his sweet time, inching along and
driving her crazy in the process. She wiggled to the very edge of the desk. He
quietly laughed against her skin. “Don’t worry, darling. I’ll get there,” he
murmured as he continued along his torturous path.

She gathered a breath and leaned back,
propping herself up with her arms. Seeing him get closer to where she wanted
him was getting to be too much, so her eyes fluttered shut as she decided to
relax and let him have his way.

Each kiss had been delicate, but they
became decidedly more eager when he reached her mound. Warm fingers separated
her fevered skin as his lips sank against her clit and he sucked. His tongue
circled the sensitive bundle and a heat as strong as the midday sun quickly
built between her legs. The tension mounted when he drove a finger inside,
thrusting artfully.

“Liv, you are so wet,” he said, withdrawing
his hand for only a moment before adding a second finger. Electrical pulses,
like flipping on a switch, shot straight to her clit when he curled his fingers
and zeroed in on her G-spot.

She dropped her head back and moaned.
“Right there, honey. Right there.” He hadn’t gone down on her with that much
enthusiasm in months. The pressure doubled with every stroke, every lick of her
clit pushing her to new heights until she mercifully tumbled over the edge. Her
body pulled on his hand with every wave of relief.
Her eyes opened
as she gasped for breath. She felt his mouth gently pressing against her inner
thigh, working back to where he’d started. “That was unbelievable.”

He rose from his kneeling position and
planted his hands on either side of her hips. “Good.” He placed a soft kiss on
her lips, prodding lightly with his tongue. “I’m glad.”

Olivia wrapped her legs around his waist
before he could step away. “Your turn,” she purred, digging her hands into his
hair and spiking the intensity of the kiss.

“Where do you want me?” he asked.

Her gaze traveled across the room, settling
on the sofa upholstered with a sumptuous gold-and-cream tapestry. “Over here.”
She took his hand and led him to sit on the couch, where she towered over him.
“Want me to keep the boots on?”

“Absolutely, the CFM boots need to stay on.
I think it’s time to lose the skirt and bra though.” He sat back and folded his
hands behind his head, making his impressive erection quite evident in his
snug-fitting jeans. “Best part is I get to watch the show.”

She smiled and reached back to unzip the
skirt. With a wiggle of her legs, the garment slid past her hips to the floor.
Brian sat forward and eased his sweater and t-shirt over his head, revealing
his well-defined chest and the dark happy trail of hair leading below the
waistband of his pants. Reaching behind herself a second time, she unclasped
the black lace bra and rid herself of that as well.

“Much better.” Brian reached out to twist
one of her nipples as Olivia knelt before him.

“Mmm.” She made quick work of the button
and zipper on his jeans. “Let’s see what you have waiting for me.”

He raised his hips and she pulled his pants
and boxer briefs down his legs, freeing his rigid cock. Olivia had always held
a strange pride at the fact that her husband had better than average
endowments, but wasn’t so big that he was imposing.
Perfect. He’s absolutely

She placed her hands on his thighs and
started at the base, dragging her tongue along the underside of his dick. A
guttural groan left his mouth and she repeated the action several times,
enjoying her influence over him. His hips twitched and she sensed that he was
ready for far more, so she wrapped her fingers around his length and began to
roll her pursed lips over the tip.

She sucked until her lips circled the
sensitive ridge and let him go with a
. Over and over she continued
while pumping his smooth skin with one hand and fondling his balls with the
other. He grew even harder in her hand and his breaths became choppy and short.

“Oh yeah, Liv. Just like that,” he gasped
before he dropped his head against the back of the couch. “Yes, yes, yes.”

Olivia pulled her hair back in a twist and
doubled her pace, more importantly tightening the grip of both her hand and
lips. “Mmm,” she hummed when she sensed just how close he was.

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