3 Hit the Road Jack (11 page)

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Authors: Christin Lovell

BOOK: 3 Hit the Road Jack
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Chapter 10


“I… I think I should go, John,” I stuttered, knowing I needed to get away from him.

“Don’t call me John. I hate being called John. Call me Johnny. When people say Johnny, they think of Depp, and when you compare our looks, well,” he snickered, completely full of himself, “Clearly I come out on top.”

. I need to go. It was nice meeting you.” I turned and walked away, forcing myself not to look back.

“You can’t run from me forever Lexi. I know you feel it.”

I froze in place. He felt it too. I took a deep, shaky breath forcing my brain to thoughts of Kellan. I couldn’t do this. First Kai, now John. Why couldn’t I stay focused on Kellan? I knew I loved him. I knew I was going to marry him.

“You are misinterpreting it,” Imara said as she passed by me. My face flew in her direction. She nodded her head once, confirming that she was speaking to me. God I hoped she was right.

I made a beeline for Auggy, ready to get out of here. Forget the tour, I just wanted to get back to Kellan as soon as possible. I needed the comfort and reassu
rance that his arms brought me.

"Ready for that tour?" Auggy asked.

"Actually, I'd rather skip it, and get back to Kellan." I didn't mention the others though he could easily discover them if he checked the hotel's log book. We were smart and all checked in under one fake name Kalel set up, but there were ways to find out those things.

He studied me for a bit before nodding his head in agreement. I was trying not to think about, or worse, get upset about, the fact that Auggy surrendered me and my top secret mission to a group of vampeens who could easily be rats. Look at how many traitors and underground deals existed in the vamp army, let alone in the political headquarters for an entire race.

Much like the army quarters, we exited a different way than entered. It consisted of a walk-through metal detector, though I didn't take anything off before walking through to the metal push door.

"I won't ask what's wrong, but don't
up this mission because of personal drama," Auggy stated, right as my hands hit the release bar for the door. I didn't reply, only nodded my head. I could feel his eyes scorching my back; I could hear the wheels turning in his head.

I pushed through the door and took a deep, relaxing breath.

Matteo was already outside waiting when I stepped out. I'd completely forgotten that I'd have to deal with him again. With a sigh, I followed him through a few backstreets to the car. He wasn't exactly going slow, not bothering to hide his supernatural abilities. I knew he wasn't my biggest fan and was probably attempting to lose me, but, alas, he didn't.

The second we got to the car I had to leap in as he was already taking off. It had been a long couple days and Matteo was only making things worse. I was on the verge of tears or a temper-tantrum, or perhaps I'd lose my temper and shed tears. I was frustrated.

I slammed the door with a huff and turned to face the coward. He was avoiding eye contact, studying the road as if something would pop out of the sewers and attack. I now understood what the others had picked up on earlier. There was definitely something I didn't like about this vampeen.

"Listen Matteo, I know you don't like me, and quite frankly, I'm not big on you right now either
; b
ut let's just chalk up our differences and at least be civil." He mumbled under his breath in Euskara, knowing I wouldn't understand. Arms folded defensively across my chest, I stared out the window. I further tensed when I realized we were going away from town. "Where are you taking me?" He finally looked over at me, a wicked grin on his face and gleam in his brown eyes. "Stop the car right now!"

"As the American's say, fuck you," Matteo snickered.

I knew it was bad when the doors locked of their own accord. Serum filled my mouth making it nearly impossible to breathe; my body recognized danger.

"Either stop this car or I'm going to kill you," I ordered, surprised by the strength in my voice. I leaned away from him against the door. It wasn't until then that I realized the guys had been silent for a while, and I could really use them right now, even if only in support.

"You are nothing without the others. You are the beauty but they are the brains. I have no worry, but you do," he stated, not deterred in the slightest by my threat.

Oh God. I didn't like the vamp, but I hated killing. I knew it would be self-defense since he was kidnapping me, but I still felt sick to my stomach. It could be avoided.

"I'm giving you one more chance Matteo," I said, grabbing my necklace. I swallowed a mouthful of serum, anticipating his response, praying he surrendered his pride under the circumstances.

"You are the boss of no one, and yo
u are not the boss of me." He r
his foot
into the gas pedal.

I took a steadying breath and
pressed the horizontal sides of my necklace.
With one swift move I decapitated Matteo, but would never forget the last second gasp he exerted, the one that was cut short by my actions. Blood sprayed me and the car, making the surfaces slippery. I yanked up on the emergency break stationed beside the gear shift in the center console. The breaks squealed as the vehicle swerved and finally derailed landing in a divvy.

With the car still, Matteo's head lying between his feet, the seat scorched where my laser landed beyond his neck, and the entire space closing in under the cover of blood, I broke down. Tears flooded my eyes, chasing each other down my cheeks, streaking Matteo's blood on my skin. Time passed, but I paid it no mind.

When I finally pulled myself from my wallowing, it was completely dark, not that it was early afternoon when we left. I looked around; somewhat frightened as I saw we were already a mile
or so
outside town. Ahead of me lied a few cobblestone houses, their chimneys pumping smoke into the cool night air. I couldn’t approach them though. I was covered in blood and would probably set them off.
I pulled out my cell phone, praying I could catch a signal, but of course I had a large 'X' where the signal bars should display and a large triangle to the left saying I was roaming.

I tried to push open the door, but only managed to dent the metal. I stared forward, dread washing through me, at the windshield highlighting the fact that the hood of the car was in the ditch. With an exaggerated sigh, I unbuckled myself and wrapped my arms around the back of the seat behind me. I lifted my lower body, scrunching myself horizontally. With a swift outward kick, I broke the windshield and slid through the escape hatch I'd created.
Glass shards slashed at my clothes leaving me slightly vulnerable to the elements. Wrapping my arms around myself, I glanced towards the city and started the trek.

It was quiet out here, the sounds of city life too far off in the distance. It forced me to think, to evaluate myself and the situation I'd gotten myself into. I knew I was weak when I broke down like that after the kill. How was I going to face Jack who was a million times worse than Matteo? I needed to stop being so emotional; I needed to embrace my vamp side, especially if I wanted to survive in the vamp world. It's not that I was going to let go of my humanity, but I needed to let go of my weakness. I had to face the fact that my human life was behind me.

I walked at the traditional human pace in case anyone was around. People tended to be nosy and do strange things at night
in the country
, which consisted of hiding in strange places with binoculars and shot guns or knock-out darts. I could survive it, but I didn't want to chance it.

Half a mile in my right sho
broke. I took them off and kept walking. I had no idea where I was heading; I didn't even know the name of the hotel or its address.

Just as I reached the city limits, or so I thought the sign said, an SUV pulled up beside me. The back door flew open and out came Gabi and Will.

"I told you I could locate her," Will stated.

"And I didn't say you couldn't; I just said to hurry your little British ass up," she replied exasperated. "I swear Lex! Ugh!" She grabbed my upper arm and pulled me into the backseat with her.

"Dear Lord you're a fright mess," Will exclaimed, scooting as far away from me as possible.

Rafi studied me with a raised brow in the rearview mirror. "Bad day?" he smirked.

"The worst," I replied, no humor present.

"My God Lex. What the he
happened back there?" Gabi asked, brushing miscellaneous debris off my hair and clothes.

"Where are the guys?"

She rolled her eyes. "At each others’ throats. Someone at the oval table got smart and blocked their signal with you. We all divided up to find you when you weren't back after three hours. And boy were those a tense three hours. Kellan and Craig are in one car, the brothers in another, and the smart bunch in here actually found you."

She turned to face me head on. “Now don’t think I didn’t notice your change of subject. What the heck happened

“I think Matteo is a double agent. He turned ugly real fast. When I suggested we be civil, he said, I quote, “As the American’s say, fuck you.” Then he slammed the gas pedal and headed this way to God knows where to do God knows what. When I told him to stop the car or I’d kill him, he laughed in my face
said I was pretty, but had no brains. I gave him one last chance that he threw in my face
so I killed him. Since he was driving, the moment I offed his head the car swerved and ended up in a shallow ditch between the road and the surrounding farmland,” I explained, trying to provide all the highlights.

“Oh, is that all?” Gabi smiled as if I told her I had a great day.

“Really Gab? That doesn’t at least warrant a frown?”

“Please allow me to interrupt. What do you believe Matteo’s second boss will do when he doesn’t show up?” Will asked, flipping through his memo pad full of notes. Anytime Kellan or I were around, he was writing things down in it, and I assume
y others the way the man wrote

“I don’t know.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Allow me to rephrase. What do you think Matteo’s second boss will do to you when he finds Matteo’s dead body on the road to deliver you?”

, gee, thanks
just add more dirt to my pile.” I gave him a look of disapproval. He meant well, but I didn’t need more stress. Now I had to worry about Jack and Matteo’s other boss on top of black ninjas and everyone’s safety.

“You know what you need Lex? A night out on the town. Rafi, take us back to the hotel so Lexi can clean up and get Matteo’s stench off of her.”

“Ugh, I’m glad I can’t smell myself.” I scrunched my nose, feeling ba
for the other vamps.

“How very lucky you are,” Will stated, rolling down his window.

“Are you crazy Brit boy?! Roll that thing up! Anyone could see her through there,” Gabi huffed.

Will was too polite to tell her off, but I saw the muscles in his jaw flexing. “Anyone with vamp vision can see her whether the window is up or down.”

“Well don’t make it any easier for them.” Gabi rolled her eyes. “Men! I swear, they’re always thinking with the wrong head,” she scoffed facing Rafi. “Step on it Raf and stop being a busy-body.”

Rafi burst out laughing. “Yes, mother.”

“Stop it right there mister. You know I hate that, and I especially hated your mother; God rest her soul in hell.”

“Oook. Someone didn’t take her Midol this morning.” I patted Gabi’s shoulder, trying to reign in her inner bitch.

“Sorry. I guess I am a little on edge,” she sighed, calming quickly.

“Definitely,” Will agreed. She cut her eyes at him.

she yelled. He sighed, but complied by finally putting it back up.

“Um, did anyone let the guys know you found me?”

“I figured I’d let them sweat it a little longer.”

“Gabi!” I pulled out my cell phone. We were within the city
already so I had a signal again, as well as several voicemails. I decided to text them all rather than deal with a second interrogation over the phone.

With Gabi, Rafi & Will. Meet us at the hotel.

I’d barely hit the send button when my phone rang. It was Kai. I stared down at the screen debating whether or not to answer it. I knew what was coming if I did.

“If you’re not going to answer it, at least be courteous and silence the bloody thing,” Will said, irritation vivid in his tone.

I couldn’t stop the chuckle that broke through my lips. “
Curses sound so strange coming from you
Will. Do you feel dirty
when you let one slip
?” I silenced my phone to avoid another loud ring echoing through the confined space.

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