9781631053283HeartsLastChanceMichaels (13 page)

BOOK: 9781631053283HeartsLastChanceMichaels
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He repeated the motion, harder this time, and she squealed
her delight. Tricia rode the wave of pleasure with him, hearing his groans grow
louder. She quivered as the crescendo hit, and enjoyed the pulse of Brock’s
cock as he came. He collapsed on her, before rolling to the side and cradling
her as their lower bodies stayed joined.

“Gods, how that gets better and better.”
His arms tightened around her, and then his left hand lowered to caress the tip
of one breast. A kiss landed on her forehead.

“I know.” Tricia circled one of Brock’s nipples with her
kissed it. “What was the emergency?
Or are you allowed to talk about it?”

Brock stroked her shoulder. “You remember my sister
? Apparently she underestimated her tolerance level. She
managed to get free from
and enlisted
help in obtaining the means to get home. It turns
decided it would be fun to see her with
other men, and disciplined her when she refused.
slipped a sleeping potion into all three men’s drinks and escaped. Since that
is not mentioned in the Bonding Agreement, the Council has submitted a ‘breach
of contract’ warrant, stating the Joining is now annulled.
is recuperating at home. I stayed behind in case the
felt the need to demand her return, but so far things are peaceful. I trust my
absence did not scare you too badly?”

“I was worried. I tried several times to establish the
telepathic link, and hoped you wouldn’t stay away too long.” She lightly bit
his nipple. “I even questioned if I’d dreamed the entire episode, but I found
necklace. I decided to go to the café and stayed
busy all day, so I wouldn’t dwell on your absence. I was happy to see
tonight, and very thankful for the information I’d
given her during my stay. Otherwise, she would have been very bored, and
definitely would have destroyed my kitchen.”

Brock rolled her to her back and slid downward. Tricia let
out a groan of protest as she felt his cock slide free of her pussy.

“You want to bite, eh?” He took a tender nipple between his
teeth and tugged.

!” But oddly enough, she felt a
surge of desire all the way to her core.

Brock kissed his way to her other breast and fastened his
teeth around her other nipple. Tricia arched her back and gasped.

“Oh, you like that?” Brock slid two fingers into her pussy.
“You are still wet for me.” He tugged at her nipple again. “I like it when my
Chosen is so responsive to me.” His fingers wiggled inside as he went back and
forth from breast to breast,
fastened his lips on
the sensitive skin below her ear.

“Don’t give me a hickey,” she panted, pleading with him to
stop. “Brock…put your cock inside me again.”

“And do what?” he whispered in her ear. “What does my
wish me to do?”

Tricia tossed her head as his fingers drove her to a near
frenzy. “Fuck me Brock. Fuck me hard.”

She felt him withdraw and screamed as he licked her clit,
then settled himself in the cradle of her thighs. “Brock…”

“Here I am, baby.” With a powerful thrust, he entered her
fully. Tricia screamed his name as he filled her again and again, writhing
toward an explosive climax. When it hit, they were both bathed in sweat, and
all she was conscious of was the quiet slap of their lower bodies as they
gradually slowed. Brock withdrew and collapsed beside her on his back,
breathing heavily.

“Wow.” Tricia reached for his hand.

“Told you I missed you. Are you okay?”

“Better than okay.
That was

Brock rolled over and cupped her chin, placing a soft kiss
on her lips. “It still surprises me you can take all of me.”

She smiled. “Isn’t that the test of true love?
Compatibility in and out of bed?”

“Is it really?”

“I’m teasing.” She wound her arms around his neck and held
him close. “What are your plans tomorrow?”

“I thought I would take a look at your accounting books, and
make sure everything is in order. Then take a long lunch with my
, contact Mother to make sure all is well, then
share an evening meal with you before going to bed with you in my arms. Now I
know you’re willing to try things, I will have to get inventive.”

“That reminds me. I’ll have to stop at the sex shop for some
toys.” Tricia felt her face heat up. “I had to leave the other one behind.” She
stifled a yawn.

“Not a problem. What about that book you read in the library
when you were fifteen?
Had a strange name.”

Tricia started giggling.
“Oh my God.
Kathy and I snuck the
Kama Sutra
the reference room, since she worked behind the desk. I’ll order it from Amazon
and we can try out some of the positions.” She ran her hands down his chest and
yawned again. “I’m sorry. I woke up early and with all the worrying about you—”

Brock placed a finger over her lips. “Say no more. I’ll go
lock up and shut off the lights.” He helped her get under the covers before
leaving the room. Tricia snuggled into the covers and was soon fast asleep.


* * * *


Brock dreamed he was being held captive by
and strained against his bonds. Stripped naked, he
watched as
former mate,
approached him and knelt at his feet. Her hands cupped his balls and her small
tongue flicked out along his shaft, sending shock waves through his body.

“What are you doing?” He tried pulling away, but felt the
soft leather of the apparatus. Two guards flanked
preventing her from moving. “This is wrong. I am on Earth and pre-Bonded to
another.” He strained against his restraints, and to his horror, felt her mouth
close around his member as it swelled traitorously in her warmth.

The pressure increased.
He panted and begged for forgiveness. Instinctively, his hips thrust
forward in time with her rhythm, and with a cry of anguish, he emptied himself
into her mouth.


“Brock, wake up.”
rose up
and placed her mouth near his. “Brock, my love, wake up.”

He woke with a start in Tricia’s bed, with the covers
tangled about his ankles. Tricia curled around his body, her eyes full of

“I thought you would enjoy that, but you kept telling me to
forgive you, then you called my name.”

Brock flung his hand across his eyes. “I am sorry. Apparently
I was having a nightmare. I dreamt someone else was sucking me off, against my
will.” Scrubbing his face with his hands, he gathered Tricia close. “I did
enjoy waking up that way. I’m sorry my dream interfered.” He kissed the top of
her head. “Is it morning? Shall we shower and try that again?”

Tricia laughed. “I’ve already had my shower, love. Coffee is
almost ready, and I’ll feed you breakfast at the store. Go on, wake up more and
get your shower. I usually open up in about an hour.” She rolled from him and
stood up, striding to the closet to pull it open.

Brock kicked free of the covers,
joined her in the closet where she had a purple shirt in one hand and a pair of
jeans in the other. He wrapped his body around hers.

“You’re insatiable.” She leaned back and kissed his ear.

“I know.” He kissed her lips. “Just wait till our long
lunch.” Brock strode toward the washroom, looked over his shoulder, and winked
before closing the door.

After showering, he donned his slacks along with a striped
polo shirt and joined Tricia in the kitchen. The weather looked cloudy.

“Going to rain later.”
poured him a cup of coffee.
“Means we’ll either be slow or
All depends on if people want to venture out or stay in. I know
we’ll get plenty of office workers. But I seriously doubt anyone will be out
walking or jogging. It will be a good day for the potato soup, though.”

“I will take your word for it.” Brock drank his coffee,
followed her out to the car.

The first raindrops splashed down as Tricia parked the car.
They hurried to the door and Tricia paused before opening it.

“Remember, we met last week at the bar and you mentioned you
were an accountant. I’ve hired you to check over my books.” She unlocked the
door and entered. “Justin will be here soon, he may be tied up in traffic.
People forget how to drive in bad weather.”

Brock frowned. “What do you mean, they forget how to drive?
Does this mean I will have to teleport you home?” He followed her into the
kitchen and watched as she went through her normal morning routine.

“It’s just an expression. People don’t take the extra time
to slow down, and more accidents happen in bad weather. Wait till it snows,
I’ll have to leave an hour earlier to get here.” Moving into the dining area,
she turned on the lights and unlocked the door.

“Anything I can do?” He leaned against the counter, feeling
a bit useless.

“Yes. How
are your coffee
skills? If you’ll get that ready, I’ll pop the pastries in the oven in case we
get some early customers.” Tricia returned to the kitchen.

Glad to be of assistance, he inserted the coffee filters in
the machines, poured the pre-measured amounts of grounds into the machines,
flipped the switch.

Tricia appeared with a steaming breakfast sandwich. “Here,
try this.”

He bit into the meat, egg, and cheese croissant. “Oh
wow…yummy,” he mumbled, trying not to scald his tongue on the hot cheese. “What
is it?”

“Sausage, egg, and cheese.
also got ham and cheese.” A timer went off in the background.
Tricia hurried back to the kitchen after
setting the plate on the counter.

Brock picked up the plate and followed her, just as the bell
above the door tinkled. Tricia set down the pan and closed the oven, going
around the partition. “Hello, may I help you?”

He watched as she interacted with the female, pouring her
coffee, taking the money, and heating up a fresh pastry. Justin arrived and
took over the kitchen duties. Tricia led Brock into the office to show him her
bookkeeping method. She excused herself to return to the kitchen while Brock
looked over her numbers.

Two hours later, he assisted the staff by making more
coffee. He helped Tricia prepare the soup and set out the lunch sandwiches. He
also gallantly assisted those who forgot their umbrellas to their cars, holding
one of the many left behind umbrellas Tricia kept in a stand by the door.

“I never realized how much better things run with another
person,” Tricia sighed, settling down at a table. “The four of us are so used
to doing everything, but this morning it was nice to have you pitching in. We
didn’t have to tell anyone ‘five minutes for coffee’. You stepped up and made
it when it got low.” She sipped her soft drink.

Brock seated himself across from her and reached out to
stroke the back of her hand. “Are you ready for that long lunch now?”
Projecting an image into her mind, he smiled as she turned crimson. “Does that
turn you on?”

She looked around, then back at him. “You know it does. Come
on.” She rose, took his hand, and led him toward the back door. “Justin, we’re
going to lunch. Let Mara go ahead, then you or Stacy can go when she returns.”

“Right-o, boss.”
Brock watched
Justin go out to the dining area where Mara was wiping off tables.

Once in the comfort of the car, Tricia turned the heater
knob and rubbed her hands in the warming air blowing out of the vents. “Where
did you have in mind for this ‘long lunch’?

Brock wiggled his eyebrows. “My apartment is only a few
blocks away.” He smiled at her expression, directing her to the underground
parking area. “You forgot I lived elsewhere here.”

“Yes, I did.” Once she parked where he told her, he led her
to the elevator. “I had to keep up the appearance of being human, in order for
us to meet.” He tapped the fourteenth floor button, slid his hand down her
back, and squeezed one of her ass cheeks through the denim material. “There are
cameras, so this is all you get until we are inside.”

He felt his butt cheek being caressed, and as soon as the
doors opened, he hurried her toward his apartment. Once inside, he swung her around
and pinned her against the wall, his tongue tangling wildly with hers. He
stripped her shirt up over her head and her bra followed. Brock cupped her face
in his hands and kissed her as he propelled her toward his bedroom. Tricia
worked his shirt up to his armpits.
He let go of her long enough to divest himself of his own clothing and
licked his lips at the sight of Tricia stepping out of her jeans and shoes. He
toed off his own and moved toward her.

“Lie down.”

She scrambled to the center of his double bed and pulled the
pillows behind her.

He knelt between her legs to spread them wider apart,
leaned forward to kiss her sweet lips.

“Lie back and enjoy.” Brock kissed his way down to her
mound. He dragged his tongue down one side of her labia, then the other. He
heard her breath catch when he swiped over her clit,
continued down the other side. A trickle of cream seeped from her core.
He caught it, before spearing his tongue
inside her depths, lapping at her while she moaned. He placed his hands under
her ass to keep her lower body still.

Brock shifted, placed his tongue on her clit and heard her
cry out. Her legs nearly cuffed his head. He slid one hand up to insert his
fingers, hearing her grow louder with each stroke. Brock increased the pace,
until she convulsed around him. Easing his fingers from her, he rose up,
positioned his dripping cock at her entrance, and plunged deep. Her legs
wrapped around his waist as she climaxed again, moving with him. Brock reached
down to pull one of her legs over his shoulder and drove deeper. She screamed
her pleasure and pulled his hair, then collapsed against the pillows, her hair
in wet strands around her face.

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