9781631053283HeartsLastChanceMichaels (9 page)

BOOK: 9781631053283HeartsLastChanceMichaels
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“You know they do things in their own time over there. No
rhyme or reason to anything they do.”
shook his
head. “I am so sorry about what happened earlier.”

Brock’s stomach twisted. “As others have told me, my sister
is of age and does not report to anyone but herself. I hope
is able to reassure her we’re still here, and will welcome her back, should she
to leave. I intend to tell
that also, if he is able to see her or get a message to her.”

“That’s noble of you. If she were my sister, I’m afraid I
might disown her.”
stopped a passing servant to
select a tiny sandwich.

“Mother calmed me down, as did
Turns out my
wise beyond her years.” Brock took a fresh goblet from another servant.

cleared his throat. “Yes,
she is. You chose well,

I’m still angry with
you, my Elder. As
advised, give me time and do
not push me.

As you wish.

“Excuse me, I must greet
inclined his
turned to make his way through the crowd.

Brock watched him as he greeted his mother on the opposite
side of the room and narrowed his eyes.

“Is something amiss?”
question brought him back to the present.

“No, I just remembered I have to make the announcement before
dinner.” Brock forced his mind to center on the memory of Tricia’s sweet cries
in his ears earlier. While he was good at masking his thoughts from his
friends, the negative emotion he felt toward
was hard to contain. “Mother should be ringing the gong at any moment.”

“I should make my way over to
I have not greeted her yet.”
inclined his head and wove his way through the crowd.

Brock walked toward Tricia, placing his hand on her waist,
as to not scare her. She squeezed it in silent acknowledgement, including him
in the conversation. When the dinner gong sounded,
clapped her hands.

“Greetings everyone, and thank you for
She motioned for
the young couple to join her.
gathering was preempted, due to a family matter, but things are progressing and
should be resolved soon. Many of you met
, yesterday or
had the pleasure of her charming company in the last hour. Dinner will be
served in a moment, but first, may I present my son

Brock acknowledged the applause with a slight wave. “Thank
you, Mother.” He buzzed her cheek. “I have some good news.
and I had our meeting with the Council of Elders and were approved for
Bonding.” Again he acknowledged the shouts of encouragement with a wave and
felt his face turn color. “My
and I
will be returning to her world at the end of the week, or longer, depending on
my brother’s plight.” Brock cleared his throat. “I appreciate the show of
support everyone has given my mother; it is not easy when offspring are
involved in planetary matters. Please, keep my family in your prayers, and in
the meantime, let us partake of this wonderful feast my mother and cook have
prepared.” He kissed his mother again, then Tricia.
extended his arm to
, and they led the guests
into the dining area.

Brock frowned.
He thought he’d escort his mother, but at least
wasn’t escorting
. He looked back and saw her on
arm. “
, was
unable to attend?”

His sister smiled. “He has been delayed and will be here
after the first course. I am to save him a place. In the meantime,
was gracious enough to fill in.”

patted her hand. “My
bond-mate is ill, so I must return to her.” He helped
to her place at the long table,
bowed to
, who sat at the head. “Apologies,
Enjoy your festivities.”

“No need,
. You have been a
source of great comfort already. Go, be with
patted his hand.

Brock and
explained the
strange foods to Tricia. Brock watched as she tried a morsel of everything,
finding others to her liking. She spoke to
separated by the empty place, and to
on her

arrived as the soup course was served, greeting
and expressing sorrow for his lateness.
with a peck on the cheek,
slid into his seat.
made the introductions and Brock could tell Tricia was struggling to mask her
emotions as she made polite conversation.

Erase it from your
mind, and only concentrate on the person.

Tricia looked up.
I’m trying. I look forward to
being alone with you later.

, are you—how did you put it—propositioning me?

She turned a becoming shade of pink.
Let’s just say I feel adventurous.

No mating
at my table please.
His mother’s voice commanded in
his head and he looked her way.

Apologies, Mother.
Brock looked at Tricia, whose face had turned darker than the color of his
sister’s hot pink hair. He winked at her,
to the man beside him.

After the feast was over, their company took their
Brock found his
helping to clear the remnants of the party, to
restore the living area to rights.

looked up. “I told her she
was not required to help with this menial task, but she insisted.”

Tricia paused with a damp rag in her hand. “If I hadn’t
helped, you would still be moving furniture around. There’s a saying on my
planet, ‘Many hands make light the work.’ So quit griping and be thankful.” She
with the damp cloth, causing the other
girl to jump to the side. The two laughed, and

“I thank you for your help,
But judging from dinner, you and my son are eager to retire for the evening.
Blessings to both of you.”
looked at Brock, who swore he saw a twinkle in his mother’s eye. Tricia turned
red again, suddenly engrossed in straightening her skirt.

“Thank you, Mother.” He walked toward
“I was happy to see
tonight. Will he be here

“Yes. It is the day we normally spend together.”
cheeks turned powder blue.

“I am happy if you are happy. And for your sake, I hope your
plans work out.” Brock hugged her shoulders,
released her to lead Tricia upstairs.

“You are feeling adventurous?” Brock trailed his fingers
down her backside. He activated the panel beside his bedchamber and opened the
He made sure the ‘privacy’
indicator was on after they entered the sitting area. The door chimed as it

“Depends on what you have in mind.” Tricia twined her soft
arms around his neck. “We’ve made love in your shower and in your bed today.”

Brock kissed her lips, feeling her tongue tangle with his.
He reached between them, loosened the laces which held her bodice together,
then slipped his hand inside to caress her warm curves.

Tricia pulled away to unfastened her bra. “Better?”

“Very much.”
Brock filled his hands
with her breasts,
leaned down to take a rosy
nipple in his mouth. He heard her intake of breath as his teeth clamped down on
the bud, felt her sway closer to him. Straightening up, Brock tugged the bodice
down her arms, pinning them to her side. “I like the way you look like this.”

Tricia squirmed, but stood still. “I know you like my
boobs.” She arched her back, sticking them further out.

Brock backed her up against the wall,
bent down to take her other breast in his mouth. He suckled hard and demanding,
switching back to the first in the same manner. With his free hand, he reached
under the skirt to find her damp arousal. He slipped a finger inside and
applied pressure to her clit, feeling her breath hitch.

Tricia spread her legs. Brock eased first one finger, then a
second, up inside her. He heard her moan as more moisture coated his fingers.
Her hands curled on his shoulders.

baby…” She slid
partially down the wall.

Withdrawing his fingers and lips from her body, he eased her
to the floor,
removed her underpants. He bunched
her skirt around her waist, admiring the sight of her bald mound and the
glistening lips of her pussy. Brock licked his lips as he kneeled between her
thighs. He dragged his tongue up one side of her slick opening,
latched onto the small bud at the top of the opening.
Tricia thrashed against his mouth as her heels dug into his back. Her moans
turned to high pitched cries of ecstasy as he gave her no mercy. He kept at it,
wave after wave of pleasure, until she finally begged him to stop.

“You still want more?” He sat up and grinned at her,
thinking she’d never looked so beautiful. Hair mussed and sticking up every
which way, her breasts still poking out of the light purple material with the
sleeves around her elbows, her dark red pussy glistened with their combined
body fluids. Yes, his Chosen was beautiful after climaxing.

“Brock, I want you.” Tricia’s eyes were still glazed with

He struggled to his feet and helped her up. She shed the
dress, launched herself at him and attacked his lips with passion. Frantic
hands lifted his tunic up, baring his torso as he raised his arms. She drew
away just far enough to pull it over his head and toss the offending piece of
material to the floor. Tricia attacked his slacks until he too stood naked with
her. Sliding her palms from his shoulders down to his hips, she sank to her
knees. He closed his eyes as he felt her warm mouth close over his cock with slow
suction. His hands went to her hair as she clutched his buttocks while flicking
her tongue over the crown.

The pressure building he caught his breath as his cock hit
the back of her throat.

“Oh honey…
His hips thrust in rhythm with her lips.

Suddenly she pulled free, causing his eyes to flip open.

She pointed to the sofa. “Lie down. You want adventure? I’ll
give you adventure.”

Brock complied, admiring the view as she straddled him,
taking him inch by inch into her body. His hands cupped her breasts as she
settled on his crotch, his dick high up inside her snug pussy. One hand gripped
the back of the couch while the other rested on his chest as she slowly raised
and lowered herself. Brock bucked his lower body as he caught onto her
Soon both bodies slapped
together as they shouted their release.

Tricia eased herself off of him.
He gathered her against his sweaty body,
pushing her wet hair from her face. “Stand up.”

She grinned. “What have you got in mind?”

“Ancient alien secret.”

She stood up, and Brock
struggled to his feet.

He led her to the end of the sofa. “Bend over the arm.”

Yes.” She bent over, her puffy lips enticing him further.

Brock skimmed a finger through her folds, causing an almost
instantaneous climax from her.

“I think your planet makes me horny.” Her voice was muffled.

His desire for her rose again as he explored her walls with
his tongue. Once he was hard enough, he probed her entrance with the tip of his
cock and slipped inside. He held her hips as he thrust forward, enjoying her
mewling sounds. With a shout, Brock emptied himself inside her again and
collapsed against her back.

“Oh my God,” she murmured. “Brock, it gets better every
time. Do you feel this?”

“I know.” He straightened up on wobbly legs,
assisted her in standing. “Let’s lie down.”

Brock led her to the bed and pulled back the covers. They
slid between the cool sheets and reached for each other, Tricia’s head against
Brock’s chest with his arms around her.

“I love you.” He could barely make out the words.

What did you say?

I said I think I love

He felt fresh moisture on his chest. “Tricia, please don’t
cry.” Tipping her face upwards, Brock brushed his thumbs across her lower
eyelids, wiping away the tears.

“I’ve never felt this much passion for a man
or even this much love inside for another, and it’s
only been what, five days?” She sniffed,
her face in his neck. “I think you’re right, we may be soul mates. Why did I not
recognize you the first time?”

“I don’t think I was patient enough. You did not know what
you wanted the first time around. I should have waited a bit longer, but I was
afraid of losing you to the wrong man.” He stroked her hair.

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