A Dangerous Demon King (The Sentinel Demons Book 4) (6 page)

BOOK: A Dangerous Demon King (The Sentinel Demons Book 4)
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Zach frowned. “Is Sophie really Kristoff’s mate? It just seems so surreal that she’s actually a
, that she’s really alive. I’ve spent so many years trying to accept her death. Now that she’s alive, it doesn’t seem possible that she’s not gone, that she was
really gone.”

“She’s definitely his
,” Athena answered emphatically. “Couldn’t you feel the power in the room last night?”

“I think all of us felt it,” Zach acknowledged. “It won’t be easy to let her go. I still think of Sophie as a child, as my responsibility.”

“Tread lightly,” Athena warned. “If Kristoff senses your possessiveness, even in a brotherly way, he’s likely to lose it. Have patience, Zach. You’ve waited two hundred years to see your sister again. Kristoff has waited thousands of years for his mate, even though he doesn’t realize it yet.”

“I’d like to see them together,” Drew commented quietly. “Kristoff deserves to be happy, and Sophie couldn’t have a better or more loyal mate.”

“Kristoff deserves peace more than you know,” Athena muttered under her breath. Her demon king hadn’t seen much real joy in his very long life. He was entitled to every bit of sweetness he could get from Sophie.

Not hearing Athena’s comment, Drew continued, “If Sophie was his true mate, how did he sire a daughter with another woman?”

Talia broke into the conversation. “It was fated. It’s in the prophecies. He was meant to be my father, and I was born to be a special
. The explanation was a little vague, but I needed a powerful father to develop my talent to restore power in the demon realm.”

All three Sentinels rolled their eyes as Drew spoke. “The prophecies? You mean you still believe in those?”




Athena, Talia and Kat spoke in unison, and then burst into laughter.

“Why wouldn’t we,” Talia answered. “Every one of them has come true. Maybe some of it only made sense after it occurred, but the prophecies are very, very real.”

“Coincidence,” Hunter muttered. “The words are so vague that they could be interpreted a thousand different ways.”

“Say what you want, but we know they were accurate,” Talia answered irritably. “I’d like to spend time getting to know my father after all this is over.”

Athena heard the longing in Talia’s tone. “You will,” she assured her friend. “Just let’s get them mated before your dad loses his mind.”

“What do we need to do?” Kat asked curiously.

“Somehow, we need to convince Sophie that she really is Kristoff’s mate. Neither one of them feel worthy of the other, and it’s going to cause problems. I think we need to take her aside and explain, make her realize that what she’s feeling, Kristoff is experiencing a thousand times stronger. Because of her past, her scars, and her years in the demon realm, she doesn’t feel like she’s Kristoff’s match. We need to get her past that. Make her realize exactly how the Sentinel mating bond works.”

“She doesn’t understand that Kristoff will always see her as beautiful and perfect?” Kat asked curiously. “Of course, I found that hard to believe at first, too.”

“You are perfect,” Zach said adamantly.

“But I didn’t feel beautiful back then. I felt like a fat, ugly woman who no decent man would ever want. I understand what it’s like to feel unwanted and broken. Sophie has been used and hurt for centuries, Zach. Her self-esteem has to be in the toilet by now.”

Seeing the dangerous look on Zach’s face, one that said he wanted to take Kat right there up against the wall to prove how much he wanted her, Athena said quickly, “We’ll figure out a way to explain things to her. Are we ready to go?”

All three men nodded, and one by one, the couples disappeared.

ophie was relieved when Athena appeared abruptly in Kristoff’s bedroom with Hunter at her side.

Normally, it might be frightening to have people popping in and out of rooms in the human realm, but Kristoff had become so agitated that she was relieved to see the Winstons arrive one-by-one.

She jumped off the bed and raced to throw herself in her brother’s arms as he appeared, marveling at just how handsome he’d become. He’d been a young man, little more than a child himself, the last time she’d seen him. Now, he was all grown up, a different man, yet somehow she could still see the boy she knew in his eyes.

“Zach!” she exclaimed as she hugged him enthusiastically. It didn’t feel the least bit awkward anymore. He was still her brother, and Sophie was starting to remember more and more of their past.

Her elder brother had always put her first, taken on the responsibility of caring for his sister without a single complaint. She had always gotten any food he’d managed to either steal or beg for on a street corner. Zach would have died of malnutrition to keep
alive, but she’d forced him to eat by threatening to not eat unless he did.

When she’d contracted smallpox, he’d sacrificed everything to be at her side in one of the hovels where they put the sick and dying.

I’ll make it better for us, Sophie. Please, just don’t leave me here alone.

It was one of the last things she remembered Zach saying to her before he’d left, promising to return with food, water, and better accommodations for both of them.

She hadn’t been able to fulfill his request. Sophie
left him

She’d never seen him again until yesterday, the brother who had cared so much for her and been cruelly wiped from her memories by the Evils. She’d remembered how much she’d grieved for her brother, making trouble for the demons when she’d looked for every avenue of escape. Then one day, she just couldn’t remember much anymore. They’d stolen Zach from her, and she was just grateful to get those memories back.

Tears trickled down her face as she held onto him tightly, relieved that she was now remembering her years with Zach. Somehow, the Evils had taken her memories, but she was slowly taking back what was stolen from her in the demon realm. “You were such a good brother,” she said as she sniffled and pulled back to look at her brother’s face. “And you grew up so handsome and strong.”

He’d been stick thin as a child. They both had been. But unlike her, Zach had filled out and turned into a very handsome Sentinel.

“You remember more?” Zach asked hesitantly.

“Pretty much everything. It came back slowly, but I remember our struggles together as children. I remember how much you tried to take care of me, even though you were just a boy yourself. You only ever asked one thing from me, and I couldn’t do it. I’m sorry I left you,” she said remorsefully.

He took her by the shoulders. “It wasn’t your fault, Soph.”

Her heart lifted as Zach used the nickname he’d used for her as a child. “I know. But it’s ironic that I thought I was going to save you, and you thought the same thing when you pledged your life to the Sentinels to save me.”

Her brother frowned as he grumbled, “My deal was a hell of a lot better than yours. Kristoff took me into his home and mentored me, and I had everything I’d ever dreamed of having as a kid. Everything except my sister.”

“But he wasn’t happy,” Kat said as she broke into the conversation. “Materially, he had everything he wanted. But he never forgave himself for leaving you to die alone.”

Sophie’s gaze focused on her brother. “Is that true?”

He nodded slowly. “I shouldn’t have left you. Or I should have made another wish, one that would have saved you back then. Foolishly, I thought money would solve all of our problems.”

Sophie placed her hand on his forearm, her heart hurting because of the guilt Zach had carried for so long. “It wasn’t your fault. Nothing that happened to us was our fault, but you tried so hard to keep me safe. I could blame myself because you gave your human self to the Sentinels for me.”

“I don’t regret it. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have met Kat. And I wouldn’t have been there to save her. And I wouldn’t be here for you now.”

“Then let it go, Zach,” Sophie pleaded. “The memories of the demon realm will eventually fade. I’m here now. I have to believe all of this was somehow fated.”

“It was,” Talia affirmed as she and Drew came to stand beside them. “You were meant for Kristoff, his destined mate. It’s all in the demon prophecies.”

Sophie saw her brother and Drew roll their eyes as the latter remarked, “She was fated to suffer in the demon realm for over two hundred years? It says that in the prophecies?”

“Not exactly,” Talia admitted. “But it does mention that the king’s mate will be challenged and found worthy only after suffering true torment.”

“Two hundred years in the demon realm is more than just torment. It’s fucking inhumane,” Zach rumbled.

Sophie looked from Talia to her brother. “You and Drew don’t believe in the prophecies?” she questioned.



They both answered in unison.

Talia took her by the hand and pulled Sophie to her side. “Don’t listen to them. Let me tell you about the demon prophecies. Every one of them matches up with what really happened.”

Sophie listened intently as Talia explained what had been foretold. Athena and Kat joined them and verified that the ancient demon scrolls were accurate.

“Did it say anything else about Kristoff?” she asked breathlessly, wondering if they knew his fate.

“No,” Talia answered sadly. “All they say at the end is that his fate will be decided by the one who is worthy if she survives her test.” She paused before adding, “That’s you. His
. As a scholar and a person who has studied the prophecies, I think that means his fate is in your hands. You can either accept him or destroy him. You’ve earned that right by surviving in the demon realm.”

“How is it possible for a woman to have that kind of power over a king?” Sophie asked nervously, not comfortable with deciding
destiny. “And how is it possible that a child of the streets and an escapee from the demon realm is meant to be Kristoff’s mate? I’m nobody special.”

“Kristoff wasn’t always a king,” Athena answered quietly. “I bestowed him with that title when he became my first Sentinel. And Talia is right. If you don’t accept him as your mate, he’ll cease to exist as he did before. He is meant to have a strong partner, a queen to stand at his side. He’s lived in total darkness without the light of a
for too long. To finally find you and then not be mated to you would destroy him.”

“So I have no choice but to be his mate?” Sophie asked hesitantly.

“You have a choice,” Athena told her. “But Kristoff is going to be a very hard Sentinel to ignore, and he’ll do everything in his power to fight the mating. He has his own doubts about whether or not he deserves a
, but he needs you more than he’s ever needed anything or anyone in his entire existence.”

Sophie’s heart skittered. Nobody had ever needed
, and she couldn’t imagine the gorgeous man lying in bed just a few feet away would actually want

I do want you. I just can’t take you as my mate. You’ve suffered enough.

Sophie startled as Kristoff’s gruff voice sounded in her head.

“You okay, Soph?” Zach asked in a concerned tone.

She’d been staring into space, listening to Kristoff’s comment. “I’m fine,” she answered distractedly. “Why is he so reluctant if he knows I’m his destined mate?” She directed her question to Athena.

Athena answered carefully. “He has his own secrets, and they aren’t mine to tell. But believe me when I say that he doesn’t believe he deserves anything good.”

“When do I need to decide?”

The goddess smiled. “As long as you can hold out against his attempts to seduce you. Eventually his nature will overcome his resistance.”

The women spirited her away to the corner of the room, and Sophie continued to ask questions about the mating process and exactly how it worked. Kat, Athena and Talia shared some of their own experiences, and generally filled Sophie with as much information as she could absorb at one time.

Finally, Sophie glanced at the bed and stared at the muscular form and gorgeous face of the man who was still under the sleep induced by the goddess. He was perfect. Kristoff was a king, a male made up of strength and power. Even though she understood how the mating of Sentinels worked, she still had a hard time believing she was his chosen

Believe it. My darkness is already lighter. I may even forgive Athena if she gets me out of this damn sleep spell now.

Sophie smiled as she turned to Athena. “He wants to wake up, and he’s getting cranky.”

The goddess rose her arm gracefully, murmuring a few words in what sounded like an ancient language Sophie didn’t understand.

Kristoff didn’t wake slowly. He bolted upright on the bed, his light blue eyes growing darker instantly as his gaze focused unwaveringly on her.

His stare turned a brilliant amber, and Sophie turned her head without thought, trying to hide her face.

“Never try to hide from me,” Kristoff growled as he appeared at her side. “Never try to shield yourself away from anyone. You’re beautiful, and your scars are part of your character. You’re brave and strong. Never shy away from who you are.”

She turned in surprise, marveling at the powerful glow of his eyes, a light so strong it cast an amber tint to the entire room.

Sophie knew the color of his eyes was a direct result of his desire for his mate. “I’m a disappointing mate, don’t you think?” Meeting his stare, she tilted her chin so he could see her, scars and all.

He was right. Being fearful was no way to begin her relationship with him. If he rejected her physical appearance, so be it. But his words and his character gave her a courage like she’d never known. She had no need to hide from anyone. She might not always be comfortable in her own skin, but her scars were part of her past, part of her. People were either going to accept or reject her for something that was beyond her control. Honestly, those who judged her by her appearance weren’t the kind of friends she wanted anyway.

He reached for her chin and tilted her head up even farther. “Never say you aren’t beautiful. I feel your light, I share your mind, and I know your soul.”

Strangely enough, she believed him because she was starting to know him, too. She sensed his darkness, felt the pain of the centuries of isolation he’d endured. To be a king required a certain aloneness and separation. “You’ve been alone for a long time,” she murmured, the words leaving her lips uncensored.

He nodded abruptly, knowing immediately what she meant by her observation. “I always have been.”

“But you weren’t always a Sentinel,” she said, cocking her head as she observed his fierce expression.

“Time for us to depart, I think,” Athena said abruptly.

Kristoff looked at Athena, then his eyes drifted over the Winstons. “Everyone disobeyed me except for Athena. What do you have to say for yourselves? It was foolish to risk your lives just to save me. I’ll have an explanation before you go.”

“It wasn’t just for you, although we would have risked everything to get you out of there. You know that. The balance was tilted too far. The Evils would have overrun the human realm,” Drew answered.

“What happened?” Kristoff questioned abruptly.

Hunter, Zach and Drew quickly caught him up on all that had occurred while Kristoff had been a prisoner of Goran’s, and how Athena had come to be free and a
to Hunter. They went on to explain that Hunter and Athena had given them what they needed to shift the balance back into place.

Kristoff moved forward and slapped Hunter on the back. “So you can finally live a normal life.”

Hunter grinned at his king without malice. “I don’t know how normal it is to be a Sentinel with a goddess as my mate, but yeah, I’m pretty damn happy.”

“I wish I had known that your loss of control wasn’t your fault, that you were destined to help normalize the balance as an equalizer.”

“Don’t be sorry,” Hunter requested huskily. “I’d do it all again to end up where I am right now—with Athena. If my actions helped her survive, I’d gladly take the punishment as many times as necessary.”

“You’re happy?” Kristoff asked Athena bluntly.

“Very happy,” she answered honestly.

Sophie saw the goddess’s look of adoration as she watched and listened to Hunter. It was obvious that Athena felt the same way as Hunter did. What would it be like to love a man that much, to be so completely bonded to him?

“I suppose I missed the wedding?” Kristoff asked gruffly.

Hunter shrugged. “It was short and done at the courthouse after our men could establish a human identity for Athena. You didn’t miss a big celebration. We were too damn busy trying to save the world.”

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