A Dom and His Not So Submissive Sub (19 page)

BOOK: A Dom and His Not So Submissive Sub
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She glanced at the smoothness of her skin in the mirror. Maybe she just wasn’t presenting the right assets in her interactions. Weak minded men like Freyr had to be reminded of what they once had. Freyr craved kinky sex, something she doubted he would get with the black bitch. Just looking at her, Gerd figured the girl knew absolutely nothing about satisfying Freyr’s desires. She nodded. Yes, she would serve him up his greatest fantasy and then he would be glad to have her back by his side. Her money depended on it.



Freyr could barely control himself. Tonight he could finally have back what had been taken from him.
The twins were six weeks old, which meant the doctor could now clear Vanessa for intercourse.

He grinned. He had the whole evening planned out. First, they would take the twins to spend the night with Vanessa’s parents. Then they would have dinner. He would take her to the temporary club Hel and Loki had set up while the old building was being rebuilt and there, they would fuck most of the night away and fall asleep in one another’s arms.

He sighed. He just knew that it was going to be good. Vanessa entered to see the goofy look on his face.

She was a little worried about leaving the twins with her parents. It wasn’t that she thought she couldn’t trust them. She just didn’t want her babies away from her. The whole first time parent thing was killing her. She turned back into the kitchen, allowing Freyr to live through whatever fantasy struck his fancy. She figured it probably had everything to do with what he planned tonight. It was best to just let him finish his little fantasy and hope that she could convince him to stay home where the babies would be near.

Freyr listened to Vanessa as she gathered together what she planned to take to her parent’s home. Fiolnir had gone out with his cousins, so it was just him, Vanessa, and the twins, who were napping. His eyes glanced toward the quiet monitor, making sure it was turned on. Everything was a little bit too quiet for his liking. Freyr frowned slightly. Should he go check on them? What if something was wrong and they were unable to let him know? What if one of them had stopped breathing?

He quickly made his way to the nursery. He found Vanessa already there checking on the twins. She turned to him with a slight smile. Freyr came up behind her. His sons were safe. He watched their stomachs moving as they breathed. “You came to check on them didn’t you?” she asked.

He nodded against her shoulder. He knew she understood how he felt.  “Let’s hurry so we can get going to dinner. I want to make sure we have lots of time to be together.”

They worked together as a team, packing up the twins without waking them. Giving them over to their grandparents for the night was what proved difficult. Vanessa wasn’t sure if they were old enough to be away from her, even with her mother’s assurances that everything would be fine. Freyr had to practically drag her out of the house before she could be parted from her sons. It didn’t help matters that her parents seemed to be laughing the whole time.



Vanessa couldn’t believe she was allowing him to
bring her back to this place. One experience of this whole domination thing should have been enough for her. But oh no. She just had to let him talk her into trying it again. She stood on some machine he hadn’t thought to name for her. Her hands were restrained in leather bindings above her head. She was naked and she wasn’t sure if she really liked it.

Freyr leaned in to lay a gentle kiss on her lips. “Relax,” he said. “This is a private room. If you don’t like this, then we’ll leave.”

“You promise this won’t hurt?” She just had to make sure he wasn’t about to think he could cause her any sort of pain.

He chuckled. “It will be pain that makes you feel so good. You will be begging me for more.” His arms curled behind her body, sliding down to cup her buttocks. He pulled her close to his groin, grinding his erection into the softness of her stomach.

His tongue teased the seam of her lips. Vanessa kept her mouth closed, determined that she wasn’t going to make this easy for him. A sharp slap on her left ass cheek forced her mouth to fall open on a gasp. Freyr took advantage, plunging his tongue into her mouth. He curled his tongue against her own, tasting all the sweetness she had to offer. One taste was simply not enough. But he had to move on if he were going to accomplish his goal tonight.

He pulled away from her mouth, leaving her breathless. “We will commence with our session. The rules are simple. You do as I say without complaint. You do not speak unless I give you leave to speak. You will not climax unless I allow it. Any breaking of the rules will result in my giving you punishment.”

His cock gave a jump at the thought of punishment. He knew what he would do to his sweet woman if she disobeyed him. She would enjoy it of course. How could she not when he knew that it would be so sweet for them to share together.
He stepped away from her body to turn toward the table where he’d left his tools. As this was her first foray into attempting anything like giving him her submission, he didn’t want to do anything that would frighten her.

He had hopes to be able to finally enjoy the sweetness of her pussy. But to make sure that he got enjoyment, he had to make sure that she received her pleasure as well. His tongue ran along the edge of his lips as he contemplated what toy to use first on her. She’d been complaining a bit about her body recently, he remembered. He knew that she worried that she wasn’t as attractive since having the twins. He personally thought her insane to think such a way when she was as beautiful as ever. He turned back to where she stood watching him and suddenly had an idea of what he wanted to do. Quickly, he approached her. He removed the clasps holding her tied.

It was time they change position.



Vanessa watched him approach her, a little wary of the determined gleam in his eyes. When he began to undo the restraints
, she felt a momentary relief. But then when he began to lead her over to something that looked like a ridding saddle, her nerves started pounding again. She still couldn’t figure out why she was allowing this. It just wasn’t in her personality to be submissive. But here she was, allowing him to move her body every which way. He gave her a gentle push between the shoulder blades that tipped her over the padded seat. Her lack of height made it impossible for her to touch the ground. She sputtered as he diligently shackled her down. He tied her ankles down first, stroking along her skin in a teasing way to entice her to continue to play along. She sucked in a breath as his fingers skirted along the lips of her moist pussy.

She felt cold once his fingers were taken away. She tried moving toward his touch until a sharp slap across her bottom stilled her. It stung, shooting a brief pain through her system. Her mouth opened to speak when he was suddenly in front of her, tying her hands down as well. “If you speak I will be forced to give you a true spanking.”

“You’d better not dare,” she said in frustration. “I’m a grown ass woman.” He’d better not even be thinking about giving her a spanking.

He more than thought about it, he delivered on his promise. Before she understood what he was doing, he was raining taps on her ass. She hissed with each hit. Her ass stung like hell, but it wasn’t anything like an excruciating pain going on back there. It was like when they were having fun and Freyr took her hard enough to hurt. It thrilled some inner part of her.

The spanking paused for a brief moment as long fingers dipped between her spread thighs. Her pussy creamed

“I’m going to ask you a question. You will answer truthfully. Do you understand?”

When she didn’t answer right away, he gave her ass another slap to gain her attention. “Yes, damn you.”

For her obviously smart aleck remark he rewarded her ass with another swat, this one a little harder than all the others. “You will answer only with a yes or a no. Is that clear?”

“Yes,” she muttered. It wasn’t as if she could deny him anyway at the moment. How was she going to be let go?

Behind her, she felt Freyr lean against her back, the cloth of his jeans rubbing against sensitive flesh. “We will start off easy. Do you love me?”

That was easy to answer. “Yes,” she said. His lips brushed against her shoulder blade. His hands brushed along her sides, sneaking under her hips to play a little with her swollen clit.

“Do you enjoy the time that we spend together?”

Again she answered in the positive. She enjoyed everything about him. She loved the way he touched her. She loved the way his eyes looked only at her. She especially loved how excited he got about the twins. He was strong and so beautiful that sometimes it hurt to look at him.

He rewarded her with dragging his lips across her neck this time. She tilted into his touch wanting everything that he was willing to give her.

“You are so good,” he whispered into her ear. “Do you know that I love you?”

She couldn’t help the snort of laughter that escaped. It was hardly a secret how he felt about her. He’d been saying from the very beginning how much he loved her.

She yelped at the swat her ass received from him. It was hard to want to bite her tongue, but she managed to just keep quiet. After this was over, she promised herself that she was going to return the favor, let him see how it felt to be at her mercy instead of her constantly being at his.



Freyr was surprised by how well his woman was behaving. He’d been expecting that she would do more than simply remain quiet to his demands. Of course, he knew that she was bound to want to repay him later on.
He anticipated it. He continued to caress her body slowly. There was so much that he wished he could do to her. But it would truly take the rest of his immortal life to ever fully accomplish all that he sought to accomplish with her. Certainly, he would never grow tired of feeling her sex holding tight to him.

He skimmed the sensitive skin along her neck. His hands fondled the dewy flesh of her lower lips. She could say what she wished about not liking to be dominated, but her body would always tell him the truth. “Do you enjoy what I’m doing to you now? Do you like it when I have you tied down at my mercy, all helpless beneath me?”

He heard her give a slight grunt of dissatisfaction. “Of course I don’t like to be tied down,” her mouth said. Unfortunately for her, the increase in her feminine secretions told a different story. The way her hips rolled against him gave credence to what the juices told.

He released her juicy center. He stepped back away from her, allowing no part of his body to touch her. “Now you are lying to me. As punishment, I will not give you pleasure.

He relished the gasp of dismay she released. That should teach her to lie to him. He sat back to wait for the fireworks to begin and was not disappointed. “Get back here, you jerk. You don’t ever leave a black woman on the edge of orgasm like that.”

“Then you should never lie to the man who holds your pleasure in his hands. If you want the pleasure that only I can give, you should be honest with me.” Her lowered mutterings brought a smile to his face. He moved to stand before her. He watched as her head rose to stare at the heavy bulge hidden by his jeans. Slowly, he undid the button. Over the sounds of her panting breaths he was just able to hear the sound that his zipper made as he lowered it.

He cock sprang free from confinement. The tip brushed against her lips before she tried to turn her head away. “Oh no you don’t. If I don’t finish, you don’t finish.” He chuckled.

He didn’t bother to say a word to her. She could say what she pleased, but there was one truth she seemed to want to deny.

He took hold of his cock, stroking himself nice and slow. From tip to root he moved, taking his time. He was sure that his wait for pleasure from his woman would not be very long in coming. He was a patient man. Being married to Gerd, he’d had to be. He had no true need for her to be submissive to him all the time. In truth, he knew she would lose what it was that drew him if she became too submissive. He just wanted her to realize that it was okay to give up control to him here in their bedroom. His pleasure would be her pleasure. A Dom could never have a sub if the submissive never gained pleasure.

“Do you trust me?” he asked her. “Do you trust that I will always give you pleasure instead of just taking it from you?”

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