A Father's Quest (22 page)

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Authors: Debra Salonen

Tags: #Spotlight on Sentinel Pass

BOOK: A Father's Quest
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“And, of course we’ll be there,” Jessie put in. “This is the best—” She hesitated a moment then gestured toward the birdhouse and totem pole. “I mean, second-best engagement gift, ever.”

She clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. “Enough. Enough talking. I’m an action kind of gal, so everybody get a drink and fill your plate while the band sets up. We Louisiana girls are going to show you how to party. To heck with my cast. So, as we say in our neck of the woods,
laissez les bon temps rouler!
Let the good times roll.”

Jonas had his hands full for the next hour or so, meeting and greeting friends, strangers and Remy’s family. He somehow managed to pull his daughter away from her newfound pals long enough to join him and Remy for a buffalo burger with all the trimmings.

Then, finally, at long last, the band was playing a song that made him smile. “Dance with me?”

Remy turned on the picnic bench to look at him. She tilted her head. “Oh. Yes. I do want to dance with you. But, wait, we need Jessie and Cade, too.”

He understood and patiently followed her to a group standing in front of a landmark deeply ingrained in the American TV viewer psyche—the Sentinel Pass Post Office.

“Jessie, they’re playing our song,” Remy called.

Jonas watched her sister react with almost eerie similarity. Her smile was a lot like Remy’s, too, although a tad more cautious. He could understand that. Life left indelible impressions on a person. Some good, some bad. But, with luck and the right person at your side, you could weather nearly any storm.

The four of them walked to the area roped off for dancing. He’d overheard someone say this was the exact spot Jessie dropped from the sky into Cade’s arms. He didn’t know if he believed that but he knew all too well not to discount the influence of Fate—and timing.

Who knew what might have happened if he and Remy had gotten together in high school as they’d planned. He wouldn’t have had Birdie, that was for sure. He might not have finished college or achieved the success he had in his career. He might not have joined the National Guard or helped to ensure the safe return of the men serving under him.

He didn’t know where that other road might have led him, nor did he care. There was no reclaiming the past. They were together now and that was all that mattered.

He pulled her close and pretended to waltz with her—the same way he had when they were kids in high school.

Her laughter was pure happiness and it made everything right. “I love you,” he murmured in her ear.

Before she could reply, a shoulder bumped his shoulder. He looked sideways.

“Sorry,” his future brother-in-law said. “I’m no dancer.” He poked out his hand to shake. “I’m Cade, by the way. Looks like we’re going to be family.”

Jonas returned the courtesy, immediately liking the guy. He was real and grounded—exactly what Jessie needed. He looked at her and said, “Congratulations. I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks. I’m happy for both of you. I know Mama is up in heaven looking down, smiling from ear to ear. It took us a while, didn’t it, Rem? But we both figured things out on our own.”

Remy nuzzled her cheek against Jonas’s shoulder. “Mama might have missed out on her chance at a happily-ever-after, but she always told us dreams do come true. And here we are—living proof.”

More friends and family members joined them on the dance floor, swaying to the sound of Cass Elliot crooning, “Dream a little dream of me.”

Jonas closed his eyes and sighed with a contentment he hadn’t felt for years. As far as he was concerned, the dream was just beginning.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-0237-5


Copyright © 2011 by Debra K. Salonen

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Spotlight on Sentinel Pass

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