A Fighter's Choice (10 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: A Fighter's Choice
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“You see what I see?” Harold asked, watching Brooke
weave her magic on the crowd.

“She’s the one in control.”

“I love watching the men try to get her to go faster.
No one can make my woman do what they want. She does what she wants and basks
in the control.” He glanced at her. “Remember your power, Amber. This guy, he
sounds dangerous. I’d hate for anything to happen to you.”

Amber smiled. “You’re worried you’d have to spend the
time trying to find a woman who’ll not put her fingers in the till.”

Harold chuckled. “Tell me about it. You can’t find the
staff these days.”

“Hello, darling,” a customer said, drawing them out of
their conversation. Amber smiled, remembering the businessman who’d offered her
a card the other day. He’d been coming to the club for a long time and had
never shown her this much attention before.

“Hey there, sugar. How are you doing?” she asked, pushing
her chest out.

“I was hoping to hear from you.”

“Sorry, pal, no dating or anything else,” Harold said,
moving her out of the way. “I’ve got this one.” He whispered to her so only she

Moving out of his way, she went about her business. She
didn’t understand Harold’s sudden change of attitude toward the man.

Seconds passed before her boss came toward her. “Be
careful of that one. I don’t want you dealing with him again.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t like the way he’s looking at you or what he’s
thinking. Be careful and try to avoid serving him in future. I’ll deal with

She looked around Harold to see the man was indeed
looking at her. He wasn’t looking at her with hunger though. No, for some
reason he was looking at her with interest, as if she was a means to get
something. It was a strange feeling.

“I’ll be careful and no more flirting for him.”

“With a guy waiting for you at home, stop the
flirting. Be nice and you’ll still get the tips.” Harold turned his back on

Amber knew she’d be careful.

Chapter Nine


Leaning against her car, Jasper waited for Amber to
appear. Several women had already left the back of the club, giggling and
counting their notes without a care in the world. Some of them looked toward
him, but he wasn’t interested in what they had to offer. The only woman he
wanted was Amber. He’d spent most of the night thinking about what he was going
to do to her. His purchase was secure in his jacket while he waited. It was
dark and nearing two in the morning.

Keeping his gaze on the door he saw Amber being let
out by her boss.

“Be careful,” the boss said.

“I will, Harold. Thank you.” She held her bag tight to
her. When she caught sight of him the frown on her face was replaced by that of
a smile.
“Hey, you.
I thought you’d have gone back to
the apartment.”

“I wasn’t going to let you go home alone. What was all
that about?” he asked, nodding toward the closed door.

She looked behind her at the closed door.
Everything is fine.” She took her bag off her
shoulder and rummaged through it.

“You’re lying.”

“Harold does that for all the girls.”

“Again, you’re lying to me. I’ve just watched all of
the girls coming out and not one of them was seen out by your boss. What’s
going on?”

Amber kept staring at him without saying a word.

He said her name once again.

“Leave it, for me. It’s nothing.”

Jasper reached out, taking hold of her hand and
pulling her close. “You can trust me.”

“We don’t know each other. Look, a customer is getting
a little attached, but Harold is dealing with it. He’s dealt with this kind of
stuff before.”

“Do you want me to go and have a word?” he asked,
ready to hurt whatever bastard thought they could upset her.

“No! Harold’s dealing with it. Please, let my boss
deal. God, you’re acting like a boyfriend of years rather than a lover of one
night.” She ran her fingers through her hair. The hickey on her neck stood out
against her pale skin.

“Sorry. I don’t like the thought of you being
uncomfortable.” He cupped her ass, pulling her in against him. “I’ll leave it
alone, but if this guy continues to bother you, tell me.”

“I promise I’ll do it. I don’t see what the problem
is. This is the second time I’ve seen him, but Harold’s being cautious.”

He stopped her from talking by claiming those thick
lips that looked perfect wrapped around his dick.

Sliding his tongue inside, he moaned rubbing his cock
against her stomach. The trip to the sex shop had been worth it. He couldn’t
wait to get her naked so he could do all kinds of despicable things to her.

“You know where to find me if he causes a nuisance.”
He rubbed his nose against hers. “I’ve got plans for your body. Get in the car
and take us back to my place.” There were condoms, lots of condoms at his

“You’re ordering.”

He eased his fingers underneath the edge of her
shorts. “I can make it worth your while.” Jasper found the moist heat of her

She licked her lips. “I can deal with you ordering me
around … if you make it worth my while.”

Amber pulled out of his arms and went to the driver’s
side. He climbed into the passenger’s
hating the
fact a customer was bugging her. Jasper wasn’t an idiot. He saw the fear in her
eyes before she saw him. He’d find the time to have a word with Harold. There
was no way he’d let her live in fear at work.

“How did you spend the night?” she asked.

“I did a little shopping.” He held his gifts in the
inside pocket of his hoodie. “You’ll see when I get you home.”

, I like the sound of

“So, anything
else happen at work?”

“Yeah, I got turned on by the memory of what you did
to me last night and this morning.” She glanced at him as they came to a red
light. “I’ve found that you’re very distracting.”

He laughed. “I live to serve.”

Minutes later they arrived back at their apartment
block. There were several men outside of the building, smoking, and talking. Jasper
knew there were men and women within the apartment block that were owned by a group
of pimps. He’d never actually seen them up to now, but he’d heard the men and
women talking about them.

They were dangerous group of men and not to be messed

“Stay close to me,” he said, climbing out of the car.
She locked the doors, staying close by his side as they approached the men.
Jasper kept his eye on them seeing the moment they saw them. Their gaze landed
on him then on Amber. The interest in their gaze disgusted him. He saw the
looks on their faces as they stood in the light from the lamppost, which
actually worked outside of their building. It wouldn’t matter what woman he
brought home. All these men saw were the money she’d earn them. It wasn’t about
Amber personally. It was just about adding to their selection of women.

“Don’t start anything,” she said.

“I’ll start what needs to be started.”

He took hold of her hand, waiting to see what the men
would try to do.

“Evening,” one of the men said.

Jasper nodded at them but didn’t speak. It was best if
no one spoke to them. He wondered why they were hanging around the building.
Usually they came to collect the money and were gone within minutes of their

“I’ve not seen either of you around.” Another took a
step closer to them.

“We’re not on your payroll,” Jasper said.

“She should be. I own any woman living in these parts.
I’ve heard a lot about her from my women.
Amber right?”

Pulling Amber behind him, he glared at the man. “What
the fuck did you say?” Pissed off, he wanted to hurt these men in any way he

“You got to see she’s perfect for the job, perfect for
fucking whatever men pass her by.”

“Amber, baby, go upstairs to my apartment, now.”
Jasper faced off with the man.

“Jasper, it’s okay.”

“No, it’s not. Do as I ask.” He didn’t tear his gaze
away from the man in front of him. They thought they had him. The intention was
clear in their eyes. They were going to take him out and try to get to Amber to
put her to work. This wasn’t going to be a fight with some rules. No, fighting
outside of the ring he didn’t relish nor did he like doing it near where he
lived, but they were not giving him a choice. She moved away from him. The door
to their apartment building opened and closed.

“Big mistake,” the one in front of him said.

Removing his hood, Jasper stared at all three men.
“Now, we can do this the easy way and you leave without causing any trouble or
we can fight. It’s not going to be pretty. I know how to fuck men up. I do it
for a hobby.” He stared at all of them, knowing he’d enjoy every second.

The pain of the last couple of fights was fading away.
This fight wouldn’t earn him any money but what it would give him was the satisfaction
of winning.

They posed a threat to his woman, and he needed to
protect her at all costs.

“Three against
Odds are in our favor.” The man in front of him
raised his hand. Dodging the fist, Jasper thumped him in the stomach not
holding anything back. All three men surrounded him. He didn’t take his time
like he did in the ring. The longer a fight took, the happier the crowd was, and
the more money they used to place on bets. Jasper used all of his strength
taking one man down as he slammed his fist against another’s face.

Within minutes all three men were down on the ground
cupping their face, stomach, or nuts.

“Now, I’m going to go back inside and you’re not going
to bother us again.”

Jasper stepped over them and made his way toward the
door. There was no sign of Amber. He hoped she didn’t see what went down.


Pacing his apartment, Amber ran fingers through her
hair. She was panicking. Should she call the cops? Go back down there and try
to help him? Crap, three men against Jasper was insane, even he couldn’t fight
his way out of there.

She moved to his phone, picking it up as the door
opened. Jasper appeared, looking calm and relaxed.

“Hey, baby.”

“Thank God.” She moved to him, wrapping her arms
around him. “I was scared. I was just about to call the police.”

“You didn’t, did you?”

“No, you came back. Fuck, I’ve never been so scared
before in my life.” She rubbed her hands up and down his back, trying to make
sure he was all right. “They didn’t hurt you, did they?”

“Nah, I don’t think they got chance to hurt me. They
thought they were tough because there were three against one. They’ll think
twice before they mess with anyone again.” He eased her back and cupped her
face. “No one will ever hurt you while I’m around.”

She shook her head. “You shouldn’t have to protect me.
I’ve never seen them before. Have you ever seen them before?”

“No. I guess they’re new or we’ve been fucking lucky
before meeting them. They were pimps looking for more women to earn for them.”
His thumb stroked over her cheek.

Taking hold of his hands, she saw his knuckles were

“Shit, you’re going to end up breaking your hand or

“I’ll put a bag of peas over this.”

She didn’t like him getting into fights. His hand
looked sore, painful.

“Go into the bedroom and start a shower, I’ll be in

Amber stared at him for several minutes wanting to
stay with him. “Okay, fine, I’ll do it, but please, no more fighting until you
heal.” She moved away and headed into the bathroom. Removing her clothing, she
tested the water before climbing into the stall. The water washed over her.
Slowly, she started to relax.

“I could get used to this.”

She turned to see Jasper naked, climbing into the
stall. “Maybe you will.”

He placed his hand on her stomach, and she gasped at
the cold of his hand on her body. “I put my hand on ice like you asked.”

“You could have told me before you touched me or
heated yourself up.” Her laughter turned into a moan as he cupped her breast.
The sudden cold added a small spark of pain to the feel. “Erm, I like that.”

His other hand slid down to cup her pussy. “You’re
nice and wet for me already.”

“I’ve been thinking about you and that talented
tongue.” She cried out, moaning as he sank two fingers inside her cunt. Amber
groaned as he pinched her clit then slammed three fingers inside her. “Please,
Jasper,” she said.

“What do you want, baby? You want to come all over my

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