A House Divided (Astoran Asunder, book 1) (4 page)

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She spent the next hour practicing her forms, flowing from one to the next. That finished, she drew her rapier and went through the forms again, the weight of the weapon forcing her to adjust her lines and balance. The blade flashed in the candlelight as she slashed right then left, darting her weapon in between the dangling lines and baubles, tumbling and ducking and rolling without brushing against a single one of them.

When she finally shimmied down from the rafters, wiping the sweat from her brow with the back of her arm, the birdcage door still hung open.



Chapter 4




A mere four days passed before Kila was called to action. His new uniforms had arrived just that morning, and the cut of the high collar was different, chafing him. He might have looked the part of a Cearovan Enforcer, but he certainly didn't feel it. He forced himself not to pry his strangling collar away from his throat as he hurried to answer the Chief's summons.

"Have a seat," she said in a brisk voice, and he hastened to obey. She closed the door behind him before perching herself on her chair. Her rigid posture and tense face told him that something serious was happening.

"How are you settling in?" she asked.

"Well enough," he said, nonplussed by the direction of the conversation.

"Have you surveyed the lay of the land?"

"I have," he said, the purpose of the conversation beginning to dawn on him.

Flim hadn't assigned him a partner yet, instead instructing him to study their current open cases. He had also taken the opportunity to study his fellow Enforcement officers. Some showed such obvious signs of favoring the Houses that he was able to quickly pinpoint them. Others were cagey enough that he knew he'd best be wary around them. Each House had a formal Enforcement liaison, and it was a given that these men and women would be in the Houses' pockets, or as good as. Even if they hadn't begun their posts with the intent of acquiescing to the House's every whim, it was a fair bet that the Houses had found a variety of ways to purchase their loyalty. For all he knew, it was entirely possible that some of them were of unimpeachable character, but for the time being he felt it more prudent to outright eliminate them as possible allies.

The pensive look on his face made her nod. "Yes, I had a feeling that spending some time observing would prove very educational for you."

"I've come to some conclusions," he said carefully. "But it might be more efficient if you were to give me some guidance."

Shaking her head with a sigh, she pinched the space between her brows, deepening the furrow there. "Trust me when I say it's best at this point if you don't know."

"Because you don't trust me? Don't take that as a criticism. You'd be wise not to trust me."

Giving him a crooked smile, she said, "That may be a factor, but it's not the entire reason. The less you know the less anyone can extract from you, either by covert or overt means."

It made sense, but he didn't like the idea of not having at least one ally in whom he could place his trust. He and the chief shared the same sense of urgency when it came to maintaining a deliberate distance between Enforcement and the Houses, but he couldn't be seen in the chief's office with any regularity. A close relationship between the two of them would raise eyebrows, and neither of them could afford that.

"Very well," he said, settling back in his chair with a frown.

"I'm asking you to take a lot on faith," she acknowledged. "This is a delicate dance we're doing. I'll help you as much as I'm able, but I'm afraid I'll have to throw you into the middle of things with very little information. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the city over the next couple of days. I'll tell you some spots where you and I can meet if necessary, and also secure locations where you can leave messages for me."

"Answer this for me at least: is someone fomenting rebellion against the Houses?"

She looked disturbed but not shocked. "Not as such," she said, choosy with her words. "In fact, I'm rather hoping it won't come to that."

Scrutinizing her, he decided he'd pushed her far enough for the time being. He had spent years away from the city and still had a great deal to learn about the changes time had wrought. Asking someone to try to explain to him the complex organism that was Cearova wouldn't get him very far. He would simply have to immerse himself in the city and learn as much as he could on his own.

"Will you assign me a partner soon?" he asked instead.

"That's why I called you in here. I've given it a great deal of thought and decided you would work best with Ailena Burl."

"Burl?" he asked, brows rising. "House Staerleigh's liaison?"

"Yes," Flim said, her eyes meeting his. "Burl's partner recently left us, and though she's been working with Hyden in the interim, I learned this morning that he's about to be relocated."

Kila said nothing in response to this, though he had a sneaking suspicion the chief might have had something to do with Hyden's reassignment.

Pairing Kila with Burl made sense. Of all the Houses, he had dealt the least with Staerleigh during his prior term in the city, which made it the best one for him to keep his eye on. His lack of connections would ensure the House members had fewer preconceived notions about him. His ignorance as to how cooperation between the House and Enforcement worked would lead to his questioning everything, and his not knowing what to expect should make it easier for him to spot any untoward conduct between Burl and the members.

"Have you spoken with Burl about this?" Kila asked.

"I have," the chief said, nodding, "and she's none too pleased, but then Burl is abrasive on her best days."

"Charming," he said in a dry tone. "I so appreciate you ensuring I sail in smooth waters as I adjust to this new posting."

The chief grinned. "Come now. I seem to remember you rather enjoy a bit of excitement."

"So much so that it landed me in the deepest, darkest forests of Astoran."

She sobered. "You might not thank me for rescuing you from that obscurity."

"Well, you know me. I'm a man of action. I've never been much of one for sitting back and watching while the world burns."

"Let's hope you're not the rare person who feels that way," the chief said, her brow furrowing again. "At any rate, you should go talk to Burl. I believe there's an assembly at the Staerleigh enclave tonight that she's expected to attend."

"Which means I'm invited as well. How delightful."

"I'm doing my part to keep things from being too dull for you."

The chief rose from her seat and Kila followed suit. She escorted him to the door but hesitated before opening it.

"Be careful," she said at last. "I'm afraid I may be sending you straight into the fire by putting you in such close contact with the Houses."

"I will," he promised.

With a curt nod, she jerked open the door and he headed out into the chaos of the officers' hall. While pleasing to the eye, the soaring vaulted ceiling and tall, grand mullioned windows ensured that the open space was quiet only later at night, when the skeleton crew remained behind to man the station. During the day the space buzzed with officers chattering about cases, citizens stopping in to lodge formal complaints, and the occasional ruckus caused by criminals.

Heavy iron chandeliers hung from the ceiling, the guttering candles providing plenty of light. The officers' area had been much smaller when he'd last been in the city, the desks hidden behind partitions, which had made the already dank space seem even darker and more forbidding, giving it all the charm of a dungeon. It had also been heated by a massive fireplace that had belched smoke out at the officers, guaranteeing that every last one of them developed deep, throaty coughs during the winter. The fireplace was gone, but the space was still warm, despite the early spring chill. When Kila had asked, one of the veterans had told him that the building had been gutted five years earlier, and the interior completely redesigned by some of the most gifted Adepts in the city's Building Masters' Guild. Their masons had developed an ingenuous form of construction that entailed spaces left between walls so that warm air from basement furnaces would rise up, heating the rooms above without the smoke troubling the inhabitants.

"But the cost must have been exorbitant!" Kila had blurted in surprise.

"The trade Houses funded the renovations as a public works project. They've been doing a lot to develop the city over the past five years," the veteran had responded in a stout tone, a hint of reprimand lurking in his words.

Kila had kept his opinion about that to himself.

Now, though, he had to admit that the renovated station, while rather noisy, was a great deal more pleasant than it had been before. The lack of partitions also made it a much easier matter to determine which officers were in the station and which weren't, and this provided him with plenty of opportunities for observation. He'd spent some time watching which officers each House liaison spent time with, so he had some inkling of who Burl's cronies might be. One of them, the soon-to-depart Hyden, was leaning against Burl's desk as Kila approached, and his heavy-lidded eyes flicked over Kila appraisingly.

"Burl, it would appear you have a visitor," Hyden drawled. The sour expression on his face made Kila doubt he was thrilled about his imminent departure.

"What do you want?" Burl asked in a brusque tone, sifting through a sheaf of parchment.

"To introduce myself," Kila said in as deferential a tone as he could muster. "I'm Kila an Movis."

Abandoning the parchment, Burl crossed her arms over her chest and scanned him from head to foot, her lip curled. "My new partner," she said, biting off the words.

"Yes," Kila said, deciding brevity would suffice. He didn't know enough about Burl yet to determine how best to deal with her, but he felt—perhaps perversely—that her hostility was preferable to friendliness. The guise of friendliness could conceal many things, while open hostility was meant to be repellent rather than invite confidences. He wondered if Burl had any idea how much of a tell this was. He wondered if she cared.

"Fresh from the country," Hyden added with a smirk.

"I am," Kila said, the comment rolling off him. What was the point of being offended by the intended slight? "Though I did spend some time in Cearova earlier in my career."

"Earlier in your career," Hyden echoed, his tone heavy with disdain.

"Green as the wood you just came from," Burl said.

"Eager to learn," Kila said.

Burl and Hyden exchanged a glance. They were welcome to think he was a bumbling dullard. It would simplify his task if Burl didn't know enough to see him as a potential threat.

"I'm between cases at the moment," Burl said, her mouth tightening. Kila had a sneaking suspicion she was entertaining the thought of marching to the chief's office to instigate an argument, but she restrained herself.

"Chief Flim says we're to attend an assembly at House Staerleigh tonight," he replied, deciding to let her know exactly where she stood. He wasn't about to allow her to attempt to shut him out.

"Yes," she said, her lips compressing even more. "At seven o'clock."

"I'll be there promptly. Do you have need of my assistance? If not, I shall look through the archives and learn all I can about House Staerleigh."

"You do that," she said, staring at him as if he were an insect she would like to flick away.

Hyden snorted and made a very flimsy attempt to cover it up with a cough. Kila offered them a bland smile. It would take a lot more than these two to make him lose his composure.

Casting a significant gaze at the desk next to Burl's, which was covered with what he assumed was Hyden's detritus, Kila said, "I'll also see about moving my desk today, shall I?"

"Oh, please do."

"Lovely. I'm at your disposal if you should have need of me," Kila said. He turned to Hyden. "Delightful to meet you."

"Likewise," Hyden said, the word trickling from his mouth with all the haste of tree sap in the dead of winter.

Kila knew they were talking about him as he walked away. Let them. Hyden would soon be irrelevant, and Kila was determined to be as bland and polite with Burl as possible in the hopes that she'd begin to see him in much the same way she saw her own nose: ever present, but not something about which she bothered to spare much time for thought.



Chapter 5




I will find a suitable position for you.

Cianne rubbed her aching head, permitting her lids to close for a brief moment. Grains of sand seemed to scrape over her eyes, and she winced as she passed her hand over them before forcing them open again. She had hardly slept since her father's ultimatum a few nights earlier. No amount of training could quiet the worries in her mind, no matter how hard she pushed herself.

Lach seemed oblivious to her plight, which both pleased and saddened her. While the confirmation that she was successful at managing to conceal her distress and exhaustion was reassuring, knowing that Lach didn't notice drove home for her how ill-conceived a union between them would be.

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