A Lighter Shade of Blue (Kings of Chaos Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: A Lighter Shade of Blue (Kings of Chaos Book 2)
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“This is standard procedure, Mr. Barrett.”

“Hmmm.” Shadow rubs his beard and narrows his eyes.

“I-I’m sure it w-wouldn’t hurt to leave it off his record, but have him serve the sentence.”

“I think that’ll be about right,
,” Shadow says.

I bite the inside of my cheek to hold in the snicker threatening to come out. He managed to turn Mr. Bateman’s name into a mockery.
The tables can turn quickly, can’t they?
The pompous ass of moments earlier is gone and a deflated man shaking in his boots is now present.

“You got something you need from us,
’Cause I’ll be taking my boy and leaving now.”

“Just some papers that need to be signed,” Principal Bateman replies.

“Babe, take care of the paperwork. Bolton, you come with me.” Shadow’s gaze comes to rest on the blond boy in the corner. “I’m sure we won’t be having this problem again, will we?”

“N-n-no, s-sir,” the boy stutters.

Shadow sneers.

The boy all but wets himself. His face is ghost paper white and his hands are shaking.

Not so cocky now, are you?
I hate cowards who find their courage when the odds are only in their favor.

“We’ll see you outside, babe,” Shadow says, placing a kiss on my cheek.

When his beard tickles my skin and his scent envelopes me, I close my eyes and inhale deep.

He pulls back and steps away, and I get back to business. “Paperwork, Mr. Bateman?”

“O-of course.” He fumbles with a small stack on his desk and comes up with two papers.

I scan them and sign off under the parent. Setting the pen down, I walk away with my head held high. I didn’t have someone to stand up for me like this. I never wanted to make noise, so I kept my head down, endured, and hid it. Knowing I can be there for Bolt means everything to me. He’ll never be alone if I can help it. I walk outside and find my body pressed up against the wall. I blink my eyes, focusing in on Shadow’s intense stare. Trapped between his massive arms, I instantly turn into a willing captive.

“Do you have any idea how hot you looked defending my son?”

Unable to speak, I shake my head. Lost in his gray-blue gaze, I’m paralyzed.

“You look like you were made to play that role, Old Lady, mother to my kid.” 

He leans in, and his warm breath caresses my lips. The scent of spearmint tickles my nose. He’s all I can see as he captures my lips. I suck his tongue into my mouth and moan as he grips my ass. Shameless, I grind my pelvis against him, seeking greater friction with the long, hard bulge in his jeans. My heart races, and my panties are instantly soaked. My clit swells, and a steady throb begins at my core. He nips his way down my neck and I tilt my head back to offer him more access. The bell rings and I jerk away. Heat floods my face. I humped him like a bitch in heat right here in the middle of the hallway, where anyone could come by. I move to pull away, and his arms constrict like a boa.

He lifts me off my feet and shuttles me quickly into a broom closet. “You aren’t getting away that easily, babe. You’ve been a bad girl, avoiding me all this time. You think I’d let you go that easily?” He trails his fingers down my neck and wraps them around my throat.


“Is on his way home. Because unlike you…he knows how to listen.” He leans forward and brushes his lips across mine. “Now I’ve got you right where I want you, and I’m going to have you because you’re mine to take.”

“No,” I protest weakly.

He bites my bottom lip.

I cry out.

He runs his hands down my side and around my waist to undo my top button. When he slips his hand inside the waistband of my panties my breath comes out in needy little pants. Caressing my clit he pushes his tongue inside my mouth.

I suck on it, whimpering as he rolls my nub between his thick fingers. All I can think about is this man and the things he’s making me feel. He pulls back and I cry out.

“Don’t worry, baby, I won’t leave you hanging. I want you to remember how good it is between us.” He shoves my pants down around my knees and spins me around. “Hands on the door.”

I place my palms on the wood. The sound of metal on metal as he unbuckles his belt, and the pull of a zipper are the most erotic things I’ve ever heard.

He fists my hair and runs his thick cock between my slippery lips.

I grunt and lift my ass. I want him inside of me, filling me up and fucking me until I scream. He brings out the naughty girl I’ve kept chained tight, and muzzled.

“You want it, don’t you, baby?”

“Yes,” I hiss.

He nudges my entrance with his tip and I moan. “See how nice I can be when you do what I ask?”

If I saw anymore, I’d be exploding before he ever penetrated me.
Greedy for more, I struggle to spread my legs wider.

He chuckles and surges forward.

The move makes me release a scream.

He pulls my hair. “Better be quiet, someone could hear you.”

I bite the inside of my check. Pleasure and pain meld together. Delicious sensations swirl inside of me.

He pulls out and rams back in.

I push against the door, loving the fullness. I’ve never had it rough like this, but I know immediately I’m ruined.
No, I’d been spoiled for other men from the minute he touched me.
He grips my hips as he continues to pound inside of me. My hair obscures my view, but I can imagine his arms flexing and his tattoos dancing. Sweat rolls down the valley of my breasts. A door long closed opens inside of me. Suddenly, I couldn’t give a fuck about who finds out. I thrust my hips back.

“Fuck yes. That’s the way, baby. Give it all to me,” he growls.

I flex my muscles and almost black out from the pleasure. The knowledge that we could be discovered any moment heightens everything. Blood rushes in my ears. His dick grows impossibly hard and my muscles spasm as I come over his cock. Bright lights burst behind my lids and I’m lost. I come back to myself pinned beneath Shadow’s hard planes.

His head is buried in the crook of my neck and his teeth are nibbling at my flesh. “You back with me, baby?” he rasps.


He pulls out of me and kisses my head. “You know what the best part is?” His hands tickle my hips as he reaches down and rights my clothing. “I’m still inside of you.” He steps back.

I turn and lean against the door, completely stunned by the things we’d done here. Reality slaps me in the face. “Oh my God. I left him waiting outside.”

“Pretty boy?” Shadow asks, glancing up as he buckles his pants.

“Jamie—what did you say to him?” I ask.

“Not a damn thing.” He wraps an arm around my waist, opens the door, and guides me out along the hall, close to his side.

We emerge from the building and I see Jamie leaning against his car. He stands. His brows meet and his countenance darkens.

“I think this says everything, don’t you?” Shadow asks.

I shouldn’t feel guilty, but I do. Jamie’s eyes narrow and I can feel the tension draw tight like a bowstring.

Shadow stops right in front of him. “Thanks for giving my girl a ride, but I got it from here,” Shadow says.

“You sure about that?” Jamie asks.

“Tell him, babe,” Shadow urges.

Jamie balls his fists and focuses his gaze on me.

I’m caught in the middle, but the choice is obvious. “I’m sorry, Jam. I got so caught up with handling things for Bolt I completely forgot you were waiting out here. It’s easier if I just ride back with Shadow.”

“Yeah. Glad everything turned out okay and we got a chance to catch up,” Jamie says.

“Me too. It’s been a while.”

Jamie nods his head and walks over to the driver’s side.

I watch him as he starts the car, and drives away.

“This was me letting him off easy. Next time I catch him too close to what’s mine, I’m going to show him how I handle things,” Shadow vows, softly.

“There’s nothing going on,” I say as shock rolls through me.

“No, but he wants there to be. I know the look. He’ll never be satisfied just being friends.”

I don’t argue, because I’ve gotten the same feeling. “You can’t tell me who I can and can’t be around.”

“Did you forget you were mine?” He quirks an eyebrow up.

“I never said that.”

“Doesn’t matter how long it takes you to admit what everyone knows. I staked my claim. You know the rules. According to KOC you belong to me, and that means a hell of a lot. I don’t want to tie you down, dictate your life, or come off as crazy. But I’m telling you right now, I don’t trust him. He makes my alarm bells ring.”

“I dated him for over a year, Shadow. Don’t you think I’d know if he was bad news or not?”

“Not if he didn’t want you to see it. You’d be amazed how long people can hide their true intentions.”

I swallow the protests building on my lips. I need to get back to work, and this man is a fortress. No matter what I say, he’s not going to budge on what he thinks is a safety issue. I opt to say nothing and follow him to his bike.





“You’re quiet today. Everything good?”

I glance over at my closest brother, Skull, and shrug.

“Don’t give me that. You know I’m going to keep asking until you tell me.”

I snicker. Nicknamed for his hardheaded behavior, the mohawked brother didn’t know the meaning of the word quit.

“Just working on Blue.”

Skull whistles. “So, you really went after that full force, then?”

“Since the first day back.”

“You got a thing for the family?”

“Fuck you, Skull. You know how it is with her,” I say.

He laughs. “Yeah, brother, I do, just never got it. I mean, she’s a sweetheart, but there’s no…fire in her. She’s so buttoned up and stuffy. If it weren’t for her old man, she wouldn’t be here with us. You know what I mean?”

“You’d be surprised. Bolton got into it with some preppy kid at school, and she was a beast in the principal’s office. Hell, I don’t think she needed me to take care of business.”

“Bluebell Strong?” Skull asks.

“Yeah, man, she had old Dick stuttering and struggling to find the words. Shit was amusing. She might not be the type to use her fists, but she can run circles around the best of them with her tongue. She’s sharp in that legal way we need more of around here,” I say.

“Man, you got a serious hard-on for this girl.” Skull grins, a toothpick dangling out of his mouth.

I roll my eyes. “Really, brother?”

“Just enjoying seeing the convict gush over his boo thing,” Skull teases.

“Don’t think I won’t take a chance at cracking that thick ass skull of yours if you keep it up,” I warn.

“All right, all right. I’ll lay off. What’s gumming the works up? I figured you’d have a property of tat and vest on her by now.”

“Yeah, me too. She’s all worried about what people will think.”

Skull frowns. “Civilians? Like at her work?”

“No, then it’d be easy. The club, man, and I think…her sister.”

“Fuck that hot mess. I mean, no disrespect to your baby mama, but she’s been a bag full of crazy for as long as I can remember. No one is going to bat an eyelash over her finding happiness with you. We all saw she got the raw deal while dealing with her sister.”

“Yeah, I think that’s why she comes off so…restricted. But don’t worry, I got the cure all for that.”

Skull laughs. “I bet you do.” He continues to wipe down the bar table.

We’re managers of one of Kings’ legal business, Chaos, a bar and grill. I like the gig. I get to be around booze, brothers, and a little bit of live music. It’s a newer place that went up while I was gone. The crowd is mild at one in the afternoon. They don’t really need me, but I’m learning the ropes, so I don’t mind the slow pace. “What? She’s in her thirties now. I can’t be accused of corrupting her.”

“The hell you can’t,” Skull mutters.

The door bursts open and cops dressed from head to toe in black flood in like a storm cloud. Yellow letters across the back of their vests identify them as the F.B.I.
This isn’t local PD. This is federal.
I narrow my eyes. It means the Feds have been watching us. I find myself looking down the barrel of a half a dozen weapons.
Thank God we moved the guns out of the storage unit last night.

“Arms above your heads. Step back from the bar and walk over here nice and slow,” an officer says. He sports a square jaw, gray hair cut close to his head, and rattle-snake mean dark eyes. Clearly, he’s the lead on this project.

I raise my hands in the air and take a step back as requested. I’m not going to do anything to violate my parole. I’ve been a good boy. Clean pee, same address, and a steady occupation. I slowly make my way over to the cops who pull my hands down and cuff me along with Skull. We’re taken out of the building and separated.


I sit down on the curb on the opposite side of the building from Skull.

“You want to tell me what this is about, officers?” Skull asks.

“I’m Agent Brooks, Mr. Randall.” The older man shows his a badge. “We have a warrant to search your storage shed. You can make this easy or hard. It’s up to you.” He holds up a piece of paper.

Skull scans it and nods.

The other officers lead customers out and line them up on the sidewalk.

My stomach turns over. The outfits bother me. They’re hiding something. It’s not standard procedure to get suited up like this for a search and seizure. We’re not in the middle of a raid I could be looking at someone I see every day. A regular, a hanger-on.
Have we been betrayed from the inside?
It’s a thought no one wants to consider. But it’s necessary. Stone cleaned house thoroughly, after the Fuse incident, so my gut tells me this is something else.

“Hate to break your heart, but you got some bum information. This is a legit business. Feel free to look around my establishment. But remember you break it…you buy it,” Skull states loudly.

His voice carries, so he’s effectively kept me in the loop. The time ticks by slowly. We can hear trays clanging as they destroy the storage shed. A cardboard box hits the ground and russet potatoes roll across the blacktop. It would be comical, if it wasn’t such a serious situation. There was nothing to find here, but if we’d kept to our schedule, we would be screwed right now. I know Skull has to be thinking the same thing.

Agent Brooks resurfaces with a scowl and fury lining every crease of his face. His eyes are narrow and his chest is heaving. He’s a time bomb ready to explode.

I tense, wondering if I’m about to be on the receiving end of his rage.

“Uncuff them,” Brooks yells.

My hands are freed. I stand, roll my shoulders, and begin rubbing my wrists to bring back circulation. They tingle like pins and needles in my fingers and it sets my teeth on edge.

“We’ll be seeing you boys,” Brooks says.

“The FBI is always welcome at this establishment. They make us feel safe,” Skull says.

I snicker.

Brooks turns red in the face. A vein appears in his forehead. “Let’s go,” he growls.

The men fall in line behind him and pile back into their van.

“Boss man ain’t going to like this,” Skull notes.

“No. How the fuck did they know?” I ask.

“I wish I knew. Chaos is closing early today. And we’re headed straight to the clubhouse. We can text ahead and get H to sweep the place. I don’t even trust our phones at this point.” Skull pulls his cell phone out of his back pocket.

I know I’m in for a long night.


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