A Most Unusual Mistress (Rogue Scandals) (10 page)

BOOK: A Most Unusual Mistress (Rogue Scandals)
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He stilled his movements. Why?

“Because you are holding back, Riana. I want everything. I want your soul. Tell me what you want, or I cease now, leave you hanging. And will do so until you are open and honest.”

Oh, goodness. She had spoken her thoughts aloud? Now how to phrase her desires?

“Tell me.” She felt him begin to withdraw, and without thinking twice of what she was doing, clenched her muscles to catch and hold him. From the moan he gave, it seemed he liked this.

“I want to feel you in me more.” She gasped. “I want to feel myself held tightly to you, to...” Dare she?
Adriana, do not be a goose.
Say your requisite.
“I need to feel my cunt rubbed by your body as we move,” she finished in a rush. There! She had said it.

“Then, my love, you shall. Position your legs upward onto my shoulders. Ah, yes, like so.” He surged, and it seemed she felt his cock touch the very tip of her womb, his powerful body hard against her, rubbing her mounds as she had asked. And, oh my, a finger on her clit, rubbing in time to those powerful thrusts. “Now feel and come. Come.
” Each thrust was another notch up in her arousal.

“I wish to taste you more. Ahhh... Ashley, I, wish, but I cannot...” What she could not was never discovered, for with one more thrust from him, she splintered and flew. Her mind exploded into a myriad of color, non-describable or separable from the other. She screamed; long, loud, incoherently, her voice harsh, her words gibberish. Dimly, she thought she heard Ash come as loudly and violently but could not have said so for sure, so involved was she with her own joy.


Ashley roared as he felt his seed spill, his cock pumping violently into his lover. To have watched her take all he gave was a turn on indeed. To see her understand, absorb, and accept everything he did and receive the pleasure he intended was enough to make him hard and ready. To watch her shatter and come was the match to incite his flames. He longed for nothing more than to join her in that heady state. Still he thrust, enjoying each wave of pleasure until, finally sated, he slowed, remaining balls-deep in her.

It was only then he realized just what he had done. Not withdrawn and done the gentlemanly thing and spilled onto a towel, but instead filled her honey-pot with his cum. Something he had never before experienced and knew he would never again wish
to experience. If Adriana remained stubborn and continued to refuse marriage, she would need to visit a certain herbalist he knew.
There shall be no bastards born of my seed. Never would I subject a child to that kind of life.

He became aware that he was still held tightly within her and felt her muscles contract and release around his still-hard cock. So clever, his Adriana. It was with a jolt of certainty he discovered how much the
meant. His, only
never anyone else’s. She was for him, and he for her. He had his mistress. Now to woo her to be his wife.

Ash leaned forward, careful not to put his considerable weight onto her, and kissed her nose, his cock still tucked neatly inside her. He wondered if she understood what he had so carefully inserted in her arse. The visit from Moulton earlier that day had been mutually satisfying, the new jade dildo, carved carefully to fit into a woman’s arse, had arrived at the perfect time. The rest of the commissions he had charged the man with would, Ash hoped, be equally acceptable to them both.

“One moment, my love, and I will loose your wrists. As I am somewhat hampered by my position, one I fear I do not want to move from, so nicely does your body beg my visit, ‘twill take a few seconds longer. Ah, now we are getting there.” For his cock was clenched by those delectable muscles again, and his nimble fingers had easily untied the knots at one wrist. It took but a moment for him to do the same at her other wrist. Without moving from within her, Ashley gathered her close and rolled onto his back, holding her on top of him, knowing the endorphin rush she had experienced would cease, and she would need reassurance and love.

He froze, his hand ceasing its lazy circular movements on her back. Love? Where had that come from?

“Don’t stop, please.” Adriana sounded almost sleepy. “I like it.”

“I won’t,” he assured her, resuming the lazy circles he was making on her soft skin. “Are you comfortable?

She gurgled. “I am not sure if comfortable is the correct way to describe how I feel. I am comfortable in that you make me feel unworried, safe, and contented. Comfortable like an old gown or sedate and undemanding? Never. Now satisfied, sated, smug? All of those. Ready to feel you fill me again? It seems so, for I am doing my level best to hold your cock inside me and to feel it swell and grow.”

In answer, Ash lifted her slightly at the waist, and let her feel how she was now impaled on his now-ready shaft. He saw her eyes widen as she felt the dildo move in her arse, filling it, reannouncing its presence. Damned if he hadn’t forgotten it was there.

“Wish you me to remove your dildo, my love? For it is well doing its job, I feel.”

She moved—he thought—experimentally. “Which is? Its job?”

“To stretch you ready for when ‘tis my cock inside you.” He watched as her jaw dropped slightly. She recovered her sangfroid immediately.

“Then yes, my lord, I concur, it is doing its job admirably.” The shake in her voice was almost imperceptible. “How long before I...er...” Her words trailed off.

“Take my cock in your arse?” Ash finished crudely. “As long as we need. Desirous as I am to experience that delight, I will not rush you. I have arranged for several jades to be carved, each larger than its predecessor, until we are both satisfied the time is right. So in or out?” he inquired.

Her eyes twinkled.

“Oh. In. It seems you have unleashed my inner wantonness.”

He laughed. “I do hope so, my love. For if this is a foretaste of what we can expect when we join together, I foresee many pleasurable hours ahead. Now enough chatter; if you are happy with the status quo, I am also. Now fuck me.” He lifted his hands to hold her breasts, his actions keeping her upright on his cock. He felt her lift slightly before settling hard on him, picking a rhythm that he followed gladly. The friction was perfect, and when her small fingers nipped his own hard nipple, he knew this fucking would be short-lived.

He was correct. As she moved faster, he slipped a finger under her cunt and onto her pleasure-nub, gathering some of her juices to coat both his questing digit and her receptive cunt. He could feel her climax building, and as she began to shake, used all those tremors to push himself over the edge. Together, they came in a rush of pleasure so profound, Ash thought he could easily pass out from it.

He felt Adriana sway and used one hand to steady her.

“Oh, Lord, I need to lie down.” So saying, she slumped against his chest. Carefully, but with one last, lingering rub, Ashley removed his hand from her clit and held her tightly with one arm, using his spare hand to gently remove the dildo from her arse.

“This will sting, my love.” His voice was as soft and soothing as it could be. “I will be as gentle as I can, but I bid you try to relax. Breathe slowly and expel. No, do not tense up. That will make it harder to withdraw.”

“I cannot help it.”

He smiled inwardly. Her voice was petulant like a sulky child’s. “Adriana.” He deliberately made his voice harsh. “You can and you will. Or you will experience a new feeling, one I do not think you are ready for as yet. That of my hand administering a proper spanking, as I pull your dildo out without the gentleness I intended to use. Your choice, my love.” Not really, for he had no intention of doing thus, even though the idea of seeing his hand redden her skin whilst his jade was wedged so tightly was greatly appealing. What he would not do, ever, was be rough with her. He might like to be dominant, but never violent. There was nothing he abhorred more than a coward who was vicious toward his woman. Toward
, human or creature.

“Oh, well.” The minx was now evidently enjoying the situation. “I will relax as best I can. Although, with your cock still in me, all I want to do is hold it fast. Thus, I clench my muscles. I fear if I relax, I will expel it also.”

“Very probably. Worry not, for one day you will learn how to keep me, or my proxy, tight in your cunt, whilst whatever fills your arse is removed.”

She, of course, picked up on his deliberate choice of words.

“Proxy? I will have no other man fill me on your behalf.” Her eyes blazed fire.

“You are correct there. No other man will ever touch you, unless we both so decide that a ménage would suit. That, if ever, is for later.”
he thought,
might well one day come to fruition.
The thought of seeing her between him and one other—someone he thought would well be willing to once more experience things they had both enjoyed in the past—was worth considering. Later. “I was talking of a dildo. I have commissioned one the exact replica of my cock. For a delight, we will experience is for my body to fill your arse, whilst my proxy fills your cunt.”

“So, do I also have the chance to return the favor? Suck your cock whilst I fill your arse with a jade? Oh!” For whilst they had bantered, he had slowly taken the jade from within her. “I felt naught, Ash.
I feel.” She wiggled her nose. “I feel strangely empty.” His cock, semi-hard, had also slid from within her and lay quiescent between them. He felt her hand stroke it softly, as if brailing it for remembrance later.

“So? You have yet to answer my question. Do I also have that delight? Of feeling your cock tense in my mouth, as I fill your arse in the only way I can?”

Not the only way,
he thought, amused, but now was not the time to introduce her to the idea of her fingers and her tongue attacking him in such an intimate way, although, even just the thought could have him hard again if he so chose. He rather thought her education so far had more than surpassed his initial intentions. He realized she was still looking at him for his answer.

Would he let her return the favor? A stupid question.

“I will let you choose your design,” he assured her. “One day.”

Her eyes twinkled up at him as she lifted her head to look at his face. “Oh, good. When?”

Now was the crunch.

“When you agree to be my wife.”


If ever a silence could be called explosive, this was it. Adriana stared at him as if he had grown two heads.

“Well? No comeback?”

No comeback? She dare not speak, in case she said the wrong thing. Finally she took a deep breath.

“Elucidate.” She was proud of her even tone. “What exactly would being your wife entail?” Now it was up to him. What would he offer? What concessions would he now make? For in no manner would she be the sort of wife he had asked for. He had introduced her to too many delights for her to be content with anything less than she had been shown. She would rather resort to her own hands again than be with him and not enjoy all the things they had done this night.

“Oh, somewhat more than the usual wifely role, I assure you.” She felt him cup her face and kiss her deeply. Immediately, her libido rose to attention and demanded more. “Mmph” was the best she could manage. To her surprise, he understood.

His lips left hers, and he pushed her upright, his hands close to, but not touching, her aching breasts.

“Indeed, but no more until you decide your fate. For hear me well, Adriana, I want you as my mistress, of that there is no doubt. You are all I could ask for and more. However, I am greedy. I want you as my wife as well. To be able to enjoy all you offer, all I demand, whenever I wish. As my mistress, you will not be on hand. As my wife, you will. Ours will not be a conventional marriage, or indeed, a conventional affair. It will be all either is and much more. Because I swear I will neither look nor experience another woman unless you ask me to.” He smiled, one of such devilment, she felt another gush of arousal. What on earth did he mean by that? Something to ponder. But if he meant a different sort of ménage, well that could be interesting. Her friends obviously thought so. Ashley was speaking again, and she listened attentively. This was the rest of her life they were deciding.

“Choose you not to agree, Adriana, I will send the notice to the news myself and bid you farewell. It is all or nothing. So what say you?”

She stood in one graceful movement, unheeding of her nakedness, and looked down at him, considering her options.
she mused, that she really had an option. After experiencing such heights of arousal as Ashley had introduced her to, she could no more easily deny herself them as she could agree not to eat marchpane.
she felt, she was now addicted to. So the scoundrel...he had achieved his goal, her as his wife.
Come on, Adriana,
she admonished herself,
have you not also achieved yours?
To experience things such as she knew others had. And now it was all for her and her alone.

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