A Most Unusual Mistress (Rogue Scandals) (6 page)

BOOK: A Most Unusual Mistress (Rogue Scandals)
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“And if we do not? What if I choose to stay your mistress?”

He laughed. “To stay my mistress, my dear, first you must become her. However, yes, if you choose that future, whilst the status quo is so, I will be your champion.”

And after? she wondered, but she forbore uttering the words, instead remaining silent as they joined the crowds heading toward the supper room. If she had her way, there would be no worries about afterward. She
stay with him; he
continue to desire her. However, her reticence continued until the hand in the small of her back moved lower and began to fondle the globes of her arse.

“Stop that!” she muttered. “People will see.”

“It matters not,” he said in an indifferent voice. “As my mistress, people will expect overt displays of pseudo-affection.”

Pseudo-affection? She’d show him that—and more. If she dared.
Even though,
a voice inside her niggled,
you know your feelings are neither phony nor assumed?
Even then,
she vowed as with a last squeeze, he removed his hand and regained her arm.

“Not at a ball,” she whispered. “Never there.”

“Anywhere I choose, my dear.” After courteously seating her at a table alongside Arabella and Serena, Ashley joined Ivo to obtain a selection of delicacies for them both. Adriana watched him move away in that graceful languorous gait so peculiar to him alone. She would recognize it from many paces, and whilst he was among others. As she would recognize his particular scent from a dozen assailing her. It did not make her exasperation any less.

“Do you ever have the need to scream out loud?” she asked through gritted teeth.

Both her companions giggled.
Oh, my.
She reddened. “In exasperation, not satisfaction,” she said. “Oh, do stop. People are looking.”

“Get used to it,” Serena advised. “The longer you and Ash remain unwedded, the more the tabbies will talk. And, of course, the more the debutantes will try to pry him away. To many of these young girls, any male unwedded is fair game. Truth be told, to some the attachment of a wife makes little difference. However, the tabbies are the ones who have the ability to do you the most damage. Barred from Almacks, and ostracized at events such as these, we are only here because Lady Pevensy is a particular friend of Ivo’s. Oh, not in the manner you may think,” she added hastily. “She and Ivo’s mama have been cronies for an age. No, it is the likes of Lady Church, The Countess of Burbage, and of course, your mama, who can do most damage.”

“They are welcome.” Adriana was adamant. “I care little for Almacks, and if I never see another squeeze such as this, it will be too soon. I abhor the petty jealousies that come to the fore whenever debutantes are gathered. Furthermore, I do not wish to wed him if he expects total compliance. I will never be subservient. I wish to be an equal to him in all things of the body. Will he listen?” she ranted, albeit quietly. “Oh no, not His Grace, the Earl of Addersley. He closes his ears and smiles in that infuriating way of his. I swear if I were a dog, he would pat me on the head.”

“Instead, he pats you on the behind,” Arabella interjected, “and wishes for more?”

“Oh, no.” Adriana shook her head gloomily. “He says he respects me, and as his wife, I will have every consideration. Pah.” Her tone betrayed what she thought of that. “Although...hmm.” Her voice trailed off as she remembered his comments regarding his changing thoughts on her wifely duties. “Perhaps I may yet convince him I can be
wife and whore.”

Her companions flashed her looks of disbelief and amazement.

“So, is that why we were rescuing you from the X-room earlier?” Arabella queried, a gurgle in her voice. “You were a bit...flushed. Were you attempting to
the lord?”

“The X-room? You mean that cupboard? Why is it called thus? Oh, never mind.” Adriana shook her head impatiently and continued before she received an answer. “We were in that room, I believe, so
could prove a point. The same point he was making when he drew me not only into the gardens, but away from other people, to show me what I was asking of him. For earlier this day, I had tried to call a halt to our engagement. I want more than what a wife gets. I want it
So I offered to be his mistress.”

It was lucky their menfolk had chosen them a table somewhat apart from others. Her companions gaped at her pronouncement, which, although she had spoken in an undertone, rang with conviction.


“You said what? He is a fool.”

Adriana nodded. “He is, for I have so much more to offer than he expects from a wife
a mistress. However, he agreed. Tonight I suspect was the first salvo in his campaign to persuade me the life of a mistress is not for me. Little does he realize my ambitions.”


Her smile was feline and, to the man walking toward her, an invitation to fuck. Ash strained to hear what she was saying. Unfortunately, he was too far away to catch all of her words, but would have hazarded a pony she finished with “...
of it.”

All of what? He saw Arabella nudge Adriana as he and Ivo approached, plates of meats and cakes in their hands, followed by a waiter carrying four brimming glasses.


“They are plotting,” Ivo observed as they wended their way through the throng. “I can tell by the demeanor of Arabella. She is not so accomplished as Serena at hiding her thoughts.”

“I shudder to think at what. I have had enough shocks today, to either wish or receive more.” Ash smiled reminiscently. “Although to be fair, some of those shocks were rather, shall we say...thought-provoking.”

“Thought-provoking or cock-provoking?” Ivo inquired with obvious interest.

“Both,” Ash replied with a chuckle. “Ivo, may I ask you a personal question? As a true, longstanding friend?”

Ivo nodded. “Stand over here. Let our ladies plot awhile longer whilst you ask away.” Ash felt himself maneuvered toward an alcove. “So? What wish you to know?”

He hesitated, unsure how to begin. “You know I have need of a wife? Swore I would not be cuckolded like my papa, and therefore chose Adriana, who I felt sure would be dutiful and amenable?”

Ivo dipped his head in agreement. “I feel I know in which direction we are going with this conversation. You have realized she is neither?”

Ash looked at him in amazement. “And you know this how?” he asked menacingly.

Ivo laughed. “One only needs to look at her eyes. They have the same devilment in them as my ladies. Why do you think a wife who is a whore in the bedroom and a lady in the drawing room is not possible? I envy you. You can marry your heart’s delight, live with her openly. I, however, have to be circumspect. If I could marry both Serena and Arabella, I would. As I am unable to, I will wed neither. Or anyone else. Think of your good fortune, Ash. Do not blow it away. You have this opportunity. Take it. Marry your love and show her all she can enjoy.” Ivo smote him on the shoulders. “Come; let us rejoin the ladies before they have time to plot too much mischief.” He picked up the plates of delicacies they had chosen and handed one to a bemused Ash. Ash followed him slowly, his mind awhirl.

Ivo had called Adriana his love. Ash was brought up short. His cock was interested and engaged. Surely not his heart? He needed to think about that—later. They had reached the table where the ladies sat.

“So, my love, here is some repast for us.” Ashley handed a plate to Riana, wondering just what had made her so flustered.

“Thank you, my lord. Ah, marchpane, my favorite. Also champagne. I am spoiled indeed.” The waiter handed her a glass, and she smiled her thanks at him. “No strawberries, my lord? To dip in the champagne?”

He leant toward her. “Later, my love, I will introduce you to a much better way of tasting champagne. For now I suggest you sip it. Slowly.” For Adriana was gurgling and choking on her first sip. He patted her solicitously on her back. “Oh dear, did it go down the wrong way? ‘Tis bad when something does that.” He paused. “One needs to learn the correct way for anything to slide down your throat.”

Her face reddened, but she held her peace. How, he knew not, for he could tell she had a ready retort. He let his hand slide slowly down her spine, feeling the shiver she gave as he did so. Suddenly, he could not wait until that part of the evening ended. For the sooner he escorted her home, the sooner he could join her and begin her slow sensuous introduction to seduction. She might say she wished to be his mistress, but Ashley had no doubt she would soon balk at some of his more extreme preferences. However, until he reached her refusals, he intended to enjoy all she was prepared to offer him. He was sure she would not be over-accepting of his demands, and once her limit was reached, her agreement to their marriage reinstated, and the ceremony over; he would return to the kind, considerate, and respecting husband a wife should receive. His more extreme proclivities would remain shrouded until such time he needed to unleash them. Then he would do so in the body of someone other than his wife. Someone who would accept and receive his ministrations without expecting either heart to be involved. He could not subject Adriana to his dark side.
he pondered,
not all of it.

He realized his companions were looking at him quizzically. He essayed a smile. “Your pardon. I was wool gathering.”

“Wishing you were elsewhere?” Adriana asked archly.

were elsewhere,” he corrected.

“Well, that is easily achieved.” Adriana stood and shook out her skirts. “I am ready to leave.” She laughingly made her farewell to their companions, ignoring their knowing looks, and paused for Ashley to do likewise before moving toward the cloakroom.

He slipped her cloak around her shoulders as they awaited the arrival of her carriage. He accepted that his body was on a knife-edge. Strung out with all his senses heightened, it almost seemed he could feel her heart beat in time with his, their blood swirling around their bodies and their breathing as one. Fanciful, but very stimulating. As the carriage pulled up in front of them, he was punctilious in his manner, guiding her inside and helping her be seated to her satisfaction. How long had he to begin his campaign? Scant minutes, unfortunately, but enough for the initial skirmish. He waited until the carriage had begun to lurch over the cobbles, setting up that familiar thrum in his rod, before lifting her onto his lap, making sure her skirts were not trapped between them. His now-rigid tool, which he had swiftly released from its confines, rubbed deliciously along that warm enveloping hollow between her cheeks. Her gasp reverberated into the very area of his body that strained to feel more than the echoes of movement that a mere gasp elicited.

“Soon, my cock will be more than just rubbing your arse,” he said crudely into her ear, as he brought one hand to her clit and squeezed it firmly, eliciting another hiss of breath. “I will have it buried bollocks deep inside it, my balls on your mound and my dildo in your cunt. You will know not which is pleasure or pain, so great will be the depth of ecstasy you experience. As I come and fill you with my seed, you will cry out your completion and shudder around me as I shudder in you.”

She was silent. Had he gone too far? For in truth, he had not measured his words and had spoken from his soul.

“And I, my lord? What will I do in return?” Her voice was breathy, the arousal unmistakable.

“You, my love, will enjoy. For I will have you spread-eagled, tied, and captive, to receive all I choose for you to partake. Until we are both sated.” Gad, the picture he was painting was painful. All he wanted to do now was pick up his brush and begin to paint. Her. Over and over until he was satisfied his vision had nothing comparable. He felt the coach lurch around the corner, looked out of the window, and identified from the many houses on the opposite side of the square, that belonging to Adriana. Reluctantly, he lifted her onto the seat adjacent, ignoring—with difficulty—her soft moan of protest.

“Later,” he promised. “Until then, hold the thought of what we will experience this night. For ‘twill be a learning curve together, as we discover what each prefers.”

“If I do not like?” Adriana sat back against the squabs, her erratic breathing betraying her shaken composure. Ash feared he was no better. What he would not have given to rap on the roof and tell the coachman to go around the square until told otherwise. What a potential scandal that could have caused.

“If you do not like, my love, you know the answer.” What would her comeback be?

There was silence. The coach drew to a stop, and footsteps indicated someone coming to help them alight. Still silent, she allowed herself to be escorted to her door. Ashley bowed, very properly over her extended hand, and then pressed a soft kiss to its back. She looked at him from under her lashes as he straightened.

“Well then, my lord, when I deliver my answer, you will know what I decide. My coachman will be pleased to take you wherever you wish. So, I bid you farewell and thank you for your company. Until we meet again.”

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