A Most Unusual Mistress (Rogue Scandals) (8 page)

BOOK: A Most Unusual Mistress (Rogue Scandals)
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“Lean against the wall.”

She stared at him, bemused. For in sooth, she was not experienced in the ways of lovemaking, but the wall? She could feel his impatience as she continued to stand in front of him and felt goose bumps rise on her arms. His look was compelling.

“Adriana, one of the first things you must understand. As my mistress you do as I say when I say it. You do not question me or my commands. As my wife, however...”

Oh, she was getting annoyed with his
as my wife

“As your wife,” she retorted sharply, “I would still be expected to do as you say when you say it. Although with not so much...er...shall I put it thus...activity involved. Therefore, as you wish.” With a swing of her hips she had not known possible, she walked to the nearest wall and leant back against it. “I trust this is to your satisfaction?” She raised an eyebrow in the manner he so often did. To her amazement, he laughed.

“Minx. Why did I not see this side of you before? I foresee our arrangement will never be dull. Put your hands on your head.”

Now she
bewildered and knew she showed it. However, she complied and raised her hands, clasping them on top of her silky tresses. As she did so, she realized how the action lifted and enhanced her breasts. The way he studied her increased the tingles running through her body. If he did not touch her soon, she would be taking matters into her own hands. Again.

Her thoughts must have shown on her face, because he smiled devilishly.

“Ah, my love, I pay the piper, I call the tune. Anticipation increases the reward, as you will discover. Stay there like that and do not move. Or I will turn you around and color that delectable arse.” Adriana stood transfixed as he put down the pearls he was holding, and not without difficulty, shrugged out of his form-fitting coat. She watched, enthralled, as his cravat followed suit and also his shirt. His physique was magnificent, and it made her want to touch. However mindful of his admonition, she stayed as she was. Perhaps one day she would defy him and experience his chastisement, but not this time. She was too desirous of finding out what was to follow.

What did follow nigh on took her breath away. Without haste, he picked up the pearls again and ran them through his fingers. Then he pushed her legs apart, and with a smoldering look, gradually rubbed them over her clit and through the crack of her arse.

Adriana jumped. It was so arousing; she knew she was going to come. So it seemed, did Ashley.

“You will not come until I say so, Adriana. That is my rule. You may be mistress of your household, but here, now, in this room, you are my mistress, with its totally different connotations. I say what will happen and when.” He ran the pearls over her again, making her moan with desire. Their sheen was heightened by her wetness. “You will not come,” he said again.

“Pray, how,” she asked desperately, “do I stop myself? For Ashley, I am so
on the edge. Any second, I will tumble and fall.”

She prayed he would give his assent for her to topple headlong into ecstasy. Instead, she watched his eyes turn even darker, something fathomless lurking deep within their depths. Without volition, she swayed, trying to increase the delicious friction over her clit.

Ashley narrowed his gaze, but said nothing; the pearls he held slid slowly over her once more, torturing and teasing. Adriana knew she moaned in passion and anticipation of what she hoped would follow. Her hopes were not realized. She watched as he moved the lustrous rope off her body.

“Turn around. Do not move your hands.”

What next? Did he know how much he was tormenting her? Of course he did. Ash would do nothing without knowing exactly what he delivered. His eyes were boring into her, and she knew her body was flushed. Why, oh why, would he not take her? Show her how it felt to be an all-wanted and possessed woman? It seemed he enjoyed goading her. Well, my lord, she thought, two can play this game.

With an extravagant roll of her shoulders, Riana turned slowly, allowing her hair to flow over her back, almost to her waist. With her hands still high on her head, she looked back provocatively.

“Like this?”


She waited. The silence became heavy. He was unmoving, unblinking, and intimidating.


“Remember my directives, my love. Turn your head.” He may not have raised his voice, nor hardened his tone, but Riana knew how important her response was. If she did as he asked, she would see naught of his actions. For the first time, she realized just what she was doing. Totally trusting another person. Could she do something never before accepted? As she turned her head away and contemplated the flowery wall covering, it seemed she could.

“Ouch!” Her resolve was tested immediately as a short, sharp sting shot over her buttocks. Without thinking, she dropped her arms and turned toward him, as she rubbed the soreness. “What was that for?”

“I warned you. You do as I say. I mentioned how much I would love to tan your arse until its color was that of your lips. I need little encouragement, Adriana. For to give that bite of pleasure is, indeed, arousing to me.”

“Villain.” She stared resentfully. Truth be told, the pain was well outweighed by the pleasure she now experienced, but it was not in her nature to tell him so. Instead, she stood, defiant, facing him. Unhurriedly, her gaze roved over his torso, tracing the line of hair on his chest as it disappeared into the band at the top of his pantaloons. She was more than desirous to see where those arrows led.

“Am I allowed to ask a favor? One small thing which would excite me even more?” He could only say no. Redden her arse cheeks with his hands and allow her no leeway. However, it was not in her nature to accept any diktat without pushing. She waited, standing silently in front of him, willing her body language to show the defiance she dare not voice. Would he acquiesce?


Ashley considered his soon-to-be—he hoped—lover. More aroused than he was prepared to admit, her rebellion sought only to stir him ever more. His short, sharp smack had been on a whim, to see how she would react. Surprised, he allowed, but not antagonistic. It boded well for the future. So he would allow her to ask her favor. Whether or not he granted it would be another thing.

“What wish you?” He deliberately kept his voice bland. He watched as she cocked her head, her hands loose at her side. “If I grant you a boon, I demand your acceptance of my control, Adriana. Do not see it as a weakness. ‘Twill be merely an amusement for you, for us. No more, no less. I will still direct us to our ultimate pleasure.” He watched as she blushed. To him, it was enchanting. She was such a complex mixture. Unawakened, interested, seductress, all intertwined. He felt sure she knew not to what degree that beguiling mixture appealed to him.

He watched as she slowly lifted her hands.

“May I?” she questioned, slowly circling his nipples with her fingers. “May I touch and nip? Kiss and soothe? For I am desirous to see if you respond as I do.”

Ash nodded, enchanted by the look of concentration on her face, his libido rising, as was his cock. “As long as you are happy to touch all of me. For I was going to introduce you to my body slowly, but now I see there is no need. So, my dear, I wish you also to remove my pantaloons. Run your hands over my cock and take it in your mouth.” He watched as her eyes widened at his words. Would she accept his challenge? “Bring me to fruition and swallow my cum. Then, my dear, I will lick you, nip at your clit, and make you scream. Over and over before I fuck you so hard and long, you will cry with exhaustion. What say you?”

“My lord, I thought you would never ask! In this, I am a willing pupil. My eyes have followed that line of hair on your chest.” He felt soft, featherlike touches down his torso to where his pantaloons began. He was ever thankful he had removed his boots earlier for reasons of stealth. Now, his lack of footwear could only aid Adriana.

It did so. With a look of determination, she took hold of the knitted garment and tentatively drew it down his legs. He saw her swallow convulsively as his cock sprang into view, stretching and growing, demanding attention.

“Now, that, I believe, is a sight to behold and worship.” Her voice, husky with desire, aroused him even more. “It seems to welcome my eyes.”

“Much more than your eyes, my dear. It awaits your touch.” He watched as her hand strayed toward him and then moved back. A disappointment, but not insurmountable.

“So?” He wondered what she would do next. His pantaloons, now around his ankles, would be easy to kick off if need be. However, he had an unaccountable urge to see her remove them; therefore, he waited.

“So...” she mimicked, “I feel this is needed.” Carefully, she knelt in front of him, her mouth
oh so close
to his now painfully hard cock. He watched as she ran her tongue around her luscious, plump crescent lips, before lifting first one of his feet, then the other. Once she had removed his clothing, she leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss just above his navel before turning and throwing the pantaloons haphazardly toward a chair, where they lay half-over its spindly back.

The anticipation was agonizing. How could such a simple thing dismiss all his composure and leave him at
mercy? Ashley gritted his teeth while commanding his cock to stay still and not wave in front of her eyes. He struggled to regain control of the situation.

“Take me in your mouth. As I told you, this is something I wish. My wish is your command.” How trite did that sound? However, he cared not. She would tongue him, taste his cum, and have him spilling into her. This was his goal and his vow.

He watched as she hesitated. Now it was time to dominate, and well.

“Adriana, my mistress will mouth me...let me come hard and loud within any part of her I so desire.” He waited. Her smile was pure mischief. He distrusted every nuance.

“Adriana. Understand what you agree to?” He kept his voice harsh, for although his cock was ready, his body desirous of all delights available, he was not sure any part of Adriana was in the same situation. She might say so, but would she be prepared to carry through her affirmation? Now was the time to discover if it was a fact.

He was harsh. Purposefully so.

“You. Either in your mouth, or I go and fist myself. What I say is you fuck me with your mouth, or I leave. I have a need to come. To shout out my completion. How and where is your choice. And a choice that will not be often given to you. So now, my dear, how do you decide? I am hot and hard and desirous to spill myself. Decide now, or we end this.” He stared at her, his look hard and cold. Not at all how he felt, but how he knew he had to appear.

“Choose,” he commanded. “Choose now, or I go and help myself.” To intimidate—or tease; he knew not which—he took his ever-eager cock in one hand and slowly rubbed his hand down its shaft. Noting her avid looks, he took a chance and used his other hand to pull her head to him, thrusting his enthusiastic prick inside the warm depths of her mouth before moving it up and down, in and out.

“Suck me,” he demanded. He waited, hardly daring to breathe, and then found his breath taken from him. His hand was firmly removed from his staff and replaced by one small, feminine hand as her gentle, untutored lips closed around him, hard and tight.
The feeling was exquisite. He could feel every quiver of her lips, each suck and pull, tight and loose, teasing his cock to greater heights.

“Farther,” he stipulated in a harsh voice. “Take me farther. Angle your throat. Let me fill you.” Tempting though it was to fuck her mouth deep and hard, he restrained, just pushing slowly, allowing her to set the pace.

He felt her lips close tight around the head of his penis and involuntarily, his hands tightened in her hair. Adriana moaned.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked urgently. “Adriana? Do I hurt you? Tell me for the Lord’s sake if I do.”

“Of course not,” she replied in a surprised voice. “I am an eager and willing pupil.”

His manhood was released from her mouth to enable her to reply, its soft moistness to be replaced by an equally soft hand, as it pushed up and down on his silky skin. Now it was his turn to moan as he felt himself swell and weep.

“Ah, my love, ‘tis so good. Please it for you to drink me? Taste my cum as I fill your mouth?” Ah, he so hoped so. He waited, his mouth dry. If she had asked him to reciprocate, mouth her, and taste her clit, he would need to moisten his mouth first, so dry had she made him. A nip to his skin had him jerking, and he heard her laugh, the tone exultant, muffled though it was by his tool filling her. He stayed silent, enjoying the sensations swirling over his super-sensitive skin, the way he shivered, but craved more.

“The only h-hurt I feel is th-that of wanting more.” Adriana’s words were choppy, her breathing uneven. He could see her nipples were little, hard nubs begging for attention. He knew without feeling how wet she would be. If she had curls, they would glisten.

“Then we will deal. Just this once. You will let my cock fill your mouth, thrust into you, to give us both the chance of that pleasure. However, this time, I will not come there. I will grant you the most exquisite deflowering anyone could wish for. My cock will fill your cunt, sample its sweet warmth, and show you some small degree of our forthcoming pleasures. But, and this is non-negotiable, my love, you will do
as I say. You will not come until I so decree. You will learn to hold back, to hover on the edge, to accept the pleasure/pain that gives.” He chose not to mention the other pleasure/pain he had every intention of introducing her to. That would follow, he hoped. At this moment, he needed to see what her response would be.

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