A Natural Act (Contradictions) (21 page)

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How did you two meet?”

Um,” I hedge. This is not a story I want to tell. “At the hospital.”

Were you her doctor?” he turns to Craig in accusation.

I was off duty,” Craig shakes his head.

Ian nods.
“One more thing.”

I sigh in relief that there will only be one more question. 
“Are you vegetarian?”

No,” I shake my head adamantly.

Dammit,” he grins. “We’re a bit short on bacon.”

How?” Elise chimes in. “I brought four packets with me this morning.”

Twins,” Ian answers with a hint of humour.

I will
them,” she groans.

Time to eat,” Ian grins, running his hands together. “Craig go ahead. I need to speak to Isabella.”

Ian,” Craig groans but Ian shoves him out the door and shuts it firmly behind him.

Stay put,” Ian orders looking to me.

I dislike the way he orders me around but I know Craig fully respects Ian and I don’t want to cause a problem between them so I stay seated but I let my face show my displeasure.

“I’m going to cut to the chase, Isabella,” he tells me, standing in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest and his legs shoulder width apart. “I can tell you like Craig.”

I start to confirm this but he continued without waiting for me to speak.

“Can also tell you’re hiding something or carrying something you don’t want us to know about.”

I swallow because I know Craig doesn’t want them to know about Nigel but also because I don’t like how intuitive he is. It’s like he sees straight through me.

“Whatever baggage you’ve got, ditch it. Craig doesn’t need drama. He needs to stay focussed on his goals. He’s worked too hard to let some woman mess it up for him.”

The guilt is overwhelming because I know Craig has been distracted by me over the recent months. I also know that the problems Nigel causes have been weighing heavy on his mind. I hate that I’ve caused him that stress.

“I don’t… I didn’t,” I start to defend myself but I’m not sure what to say.

Like I said,” Ian continues, softening somewhat. “I can tell you care for him. You might be the first girl he’s brought around that wasn’t more interested in his medals or medical degree.”

I find that hard to believe,” I frown at him.

Carters don’t lie,” he growls. “I know he’s good looking, he has to be with our genes,” he winks. “There’s no lack of interest there. The only reason we ever hit on his girls is that we know they’ll go for it. I knew you wouldn’t because even though we’re better looking than him, you’re not just here for that.”

I see where he gets his cockiness from,” I interject.

Confidence,” Ian corrects me with a slight grin. He seems to feel he’s made his point and honestly, I’m glad for the insight.

Craig is the full package, I can
imagine women being so focussed on getting the full package that they forget to open it up.

Nigel was the perfect package from the outside. Rich, successful, well connected, handsome.

That doesn’t mean it’s a package you’d want to open.

d never make that mistake again.

I’m not planning on messing anything up for him,” I reassure his brother. “Craig has given me back my future, I won’t take his away from him.”

Ian studies me once more, sensing the depth of my words. I suspect he understands there’s more to our
story but he doesn’t ask. He just nods and breaks out a small smile.

Welcome to the family, then,” he grins. “One tip: eat fast or you won’t eat at all.”

Chapter 22

Saturday breakfast at the Carter household is certainly an eye opener. There are no words to describe the organised chaos.

At one point
, Danny almost climbed over the table to get the last slice of bacon.

There was teasing and name
calling in every direction but there were also smiles and laughter. There was an atmosphere of security and safety which I’ve never experienced before.

They talked of their little sister and how to keep her safe after the kidnapping. I gathered they’d hired a bodyguard
for her at in Leeds until they were sure she was safe. I have to admit, they seem to be handling it remarkably well. I know they’re all extremely worried about her but none of them are panicking especially considering they don’t yet understand why it had happened.

They talked about how much little baby Grace had grown and discussed whether or not she’d inherit the family appetite. An appetite of astronomic proportions. I know Craig eats a lot but he’s also quite strict with his diet. The other Carters have n
o limits. They just eat and eat like they have hollow legs.

Craig laughed and joked with the others and they all involved me in the banter. After the repeated warnings about his family
, and the little talk with Ian, I was somewhat cautious.

I didn’t need to be.

They are definitely intense but they’re also a lot of fun.  Matt even gave me the last poached egg, which I gather was a gesture of apology considering the way he beat the twins off to get it. He didn’t speak me to again and he lost some of the fire in his eyes. I don’t see us being best friends any time soon though. He barely said two words to Craig either.

The meal also
helped me understand why Craig never picks up his cutlery before I do. The whole family waits to eat until Ian eats as a gesture of respect and, even though it’s a bit unusual, it’s admirable.

Respect is a theme that keeps coming up
in discussions with his family and it’s something that I was not on the receiving end of in my previous relationship.

By the time Craig says we have to go, I sort of want to stay. I haven’t
been part of a family for so long, I envy what they have but I don’t begrudge them it.

Sorry,” Craig grins his lopsided grin as he laces his fingers with mine and we walk down the street to the bus stop.

The twins
did offer us a lift but I quite fancy a walk because my stomach is so full from all the food. I need to walk it off a bit.

What for?” I squeeze his hand gently, wondering if I will always find the feel of his skin against mine so comforting and exciting; a combination only somebody as complicated as Craig could achieve.

He tilts h
is head back towards his family home.

Your family is incredible, Craig,” I smile reassuringly.

He raises an eyebrow at me with a look that says he doesn’t buy it.

“Okay,” I admit. “They’re a bit… unusual.”

Lawyer,” he grumbles.

I ignore him and carry on.
“But they all love you, Craig. You shouldn’t take that for granted. Not everybody gets to experience that kind of unconditional love.”

I know Nigel loved me, but he loved me as a possession not a person. Even at the very dawn of our relationship, I suspect that was true.

Craig narrows his eyes at me like he’s trying to figure me out. I think he’s going to let it slide but he doesn’t.

What about your parents?”

I burnt that bridge,” I sigh, trying not to think about it. It’s a gut-wrenching shame, which rivals even the shame I feel for letting Nigel treat me as he did.

Craig opens his mouth to ask a question but I shake my head because that’s not something I can talk about without some layers of protection
built up. It’s still too raw.

He seems to understand because,
instead of pressing me, he kisses the top of my head and wraps his arm around me.

You’re like a different person with your brothers,” I tell him so I can think about something else.

How so?” He looks at me, his crystal blue eyes more intense than normal.

I shrug.
“It’s hard to explain.”

Try,” he stares straight ahead.

not so loquacious doctor.

When we’re talking to other people, your smiles and laughs are different, a fraction too happy and a decibel too loud. When we’re with your family, it’s all genuine but it’s guarded, like your acting the part. When it’s just us two, it doesn’t feeling like you do that. With us it’s just… us,” I say carefully, not wanting to offend but wanting to be honest.

I’m me with you,” he shrugs.

He’s not himself with his own family. He’s acting the part and the act has become so natural to him he barely realises he does it.

That was what I recognised in him when I first saw him even if I’m only just coming to understand. My entire life with Nigel was an act. I played the part of the upper-class partner with her fancy jewellery and designer clothes. I played the part of the emotionless punching bag. I played the part of the girl who didn’t care.

It wasn’t a conscious act, rather one that came naturally. A defence mechanism of sorts.

I wonder what kind of mechanism Craig’s acting is.

Why aren’t you yourself with your brothers?” I ask cautiously, unsure if this crosses a line.

I am,” he shrugs.

A different self?” I offer

He nods.

“I’m not sure I understand.”

He pauses.
“Not sure I am either.”

We take a seat on the bus and I take a few moments of silence to contemplate our exchange. I appreciate the he answered me and I know his answer was completely honest. As Ian said – Carters don’t lie.

“Where are we going?” I ask when I realise we’re now going through the city centre and away from the flat.

Surprise two,” he grins at me, light-hearted and lop-sided once more.

Oooh,” I beam excitedly. I’d pretty much forgotten he’d said there were two.

He didn’t think I’d like meeting his brothers.
This is the surprise that he it would depend on some mysterious factor as to whether or not I liked it.

Where are we going?” I ask excitedly. He thought I wouldn’t like the first surprise and that was great so I’m sure I’ll love it – whatever it is.

Here,” he winks, reaching past me to press the button which signals the driver to stop. “Move it, lady.”

Clearly I’m not fast enough because he scoops me up and places me on my feet in the aisle. I’d tell him off for moving me like a doll but he’s grinning like a Cheshire cat so I let it slide.

It’s definitely the right decision considering the cheerful way in which he thanks the driver before stepping off the bus.

He s
teps down behind me and sweeps my blonde hair away from my neck and presses his lips to the top of my spine. The warmth sends a shiver down my vertebrae and the way his hands close around my waist sends the shiver further down into regions that make me wish we’d gone straight home and it wasn’t that time of the month.

Come on, lady,” he winks, taking my hand in his.

He’s almost bouncing on his feet like he’s pumped up on adrenaline. It’s the same way he is when he runs home from an intense training session and the energy is
still coursing through his veins.

What’s gotten into you?” I beam at him because his happiness is contagious.

He just smiles that adorable lop-sided smile and says nothing. He comes to a stop and turns to face me.

No words are needed as he gently guides my chin upwards, sliding his fingers into the hair at the nape of my neck. His other hand is already pressed against the small of my back.

Mine find their placed
, wrapped around his neck so that I can stand up on my tiptoes as his lips meet mine.

His lips are soft against mine as
they touch and he slowly draws the flesh of my lower lip into his mouth. His tongue glides across the surface, awakening every nerve ending to his caress.

I moan involuntarily as he releases it, only to tenderly probe my mouth with his tongue. H
is fingers are tangled in my hair and his tongue is telling a different story to normal. I’m not sure what it’s trying to tell me but I’m enjoying trying to figure it out.

When I pull away, it’s thoroughly
reluctant but, unfortunately I was so focussed on the feel of the man pressed against me that I forgot to breathe.

I’m still gasping for air as he reaches up to brush the hair out of my face.

That was no normal kiss and I want to ask him what I did to deserve the pleasure but he’s already moving me into the shop behind us.

I wouldn’t even have noticed it if I’d been walking past. There’s no shop front, just a black door wedged between a kebab shop and an o
ff license. The word ‘skyn’ has been painted in bold, white, calligraphic lettering.

What’s this?” I ask as I follow Craig through.

I needn’t have asked because as soon as my ears get over the sound of heavy metal music, my eyes adjust and it becomes quite obvious we’re in a tattoo parlour.

“Bout fucking time,” a male voice greets us as a man behind the counter rises to standing. “This Bella?”

Isabella,” I smile nervously. A tattoo parlour is not the sort of place I’m used to visiting.

Isabella,” he repeats with a hint of mockery. He steps out from behind the counter to shake my hand. He has a crutch under one arm but he moves quickly.

As I glance down I realise there’s nothing coming out of the leg of his shorts.

“Jim”, he says as he takes my hand.

Where’s your leg?” Craig asks.

What do you mean?” He looks puzzled glancing down. When his eyes rest on his leg he looks shocked. “Fuck! Where’s it gone?”

Funny,” Craig shakes his head, unimpressed.

Cut myself shaving,” Jim looks at me and gestures to his leg. “Just messing. Got blown off years back.”

Jim served with my Dad,” Craig explains, his arm back around my shoulder protectively.

Lost this the same day we lost a good man,” Jim sobers.

I’m not sure what to say because neither loss is particularly
pleasant. I settle for holding the palm of my hand to Craig’s stomach. I’m not sure why it helps but somehow the solidarity of his abdominals is reassuring.

You can touch it if you like,” Jim regains his smile as he lifts his shorts and shows me his stump. “Normally I charge a fiver but for a pretty lady like you, it’s free.” He winks and I can tell he’s joking. He’s just trying to lighten the mood.

Maybe another time,” I laugh.

Craig growls and tucks me further against him.

“Did you just growl?” Jim laughs, pointing at Craig in accusation. “You got it bad, man.”

He chuckles and turns away, giving Craig no chance to respond.

“Seriously, Craig?” I tease him. “Growling.”

Shush,” he grins, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I can touch whoever I want,” I tell him adamantly because he doesn’t own me and both of us need reminding of that. I know Craig’s not like Nigel but I’m my own woman.

Bella,” he returns to growling.

But you’re the only man I want to touch,” I reassure him. “You don’t need to growl at the old guy.”

I’m not old!” Jim calls from the next room. “Explosion didn’t damage my hearing.”

You heard the man,” Craig whispers, somewhat more relaxed now that he knows I’m not planning any stump stimulation.

Get your shirt off,” Jim instructs. “Bet you like saying that,” he adds with a wink at me.

I giggle and smile because I’m not admitting to it but seeing all that masculine perfection in
its natural glory is better than any piece of art.

Craig obliges, reaching back over his head with one hand and dragging his shirt off in that way that only men can.

I swear he does it just that little bit slower so that each pair of abs are revealed with enough time for me to appreciate them in the way that they deserve.

He sees me looking and gives me the wink of a man who is fully aware of the effect he has on women. Especially this woman.

“You get bigger?” Jim asks him as Craig slides up onto the table and motions for me to take the seat next to him, thankfully away from the pointy looking needles.

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