A Penny’s Worth Of Affection: A Novel (6 page)

BOOK: A Penny’s Worth Of Affection: A Novel
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"Newbridge!" Phillip who was about to mount his steed by the side of the Inglewood's house paused and glanced behind him. Lord Henry was striding down the path leading to the front door, his legs eating up the distance in as few strides as possible. "What the devil are you doing here man?"

Phillip scowled at the man. What business what it of his what he was doing here? "I should be asking you the exact same thing Hensley."

Lord Henry simply laughed, already used to the duke's abrupt manner. "I have come to pay a visit to Miss Inglewood. I find her quite fascinating company and would like to know more about her."

Unbidden, Phillip felt a hot sear of fury rip through him at the thought of Penny in his friend's arms. "I did not think she was your type." he snapped, stepping up to Lord Henry and glaring at him, "Unless you have other...less amorous plans for the lady, in which case, I will strongly advice you to keep your bloody hands to yourself."

Henry's eyes widened in shock and he took a step back. "What has gotten into you? I assure you I have honorable intentions towards Miss Lucy, though I had no idea you were so interested in her...she has said nothing..."

"I was mistaken." Now he was angry at himself. Angry for losing his temper over Penelope Inglewood. He mounted his horse and nodded a curt farewell, setting off down the winding path at a brisk trot. He was furious for losing control of his emotions. god dammit, he had certainly lost his head for the sake of a pair of huge green eyes and enchanting soft lips. Seeing her worry her lower lip between her teeth in that damnably tempting way had been his undoing-all other thoughts had vanished save for the overwhelming urge to taste those supple lips, to run his tongue over it and bite it gently...

"Bloody hell!" He growled, feeling his body tighten once more in desire. He had to get a hold of his senses before he did something foolish and compromise the girl. Digging the heels of his boots into the horse's sides, he urged it into a gallop, needing to concentrate on something other than a certain woman.

Setting the basket on the kitchen table, Penny hurried to the large tub in the corner and washed hurriedly, resolutely setting aside all thoughts of what had just taken place with the duke. She could hear Lucy's excited voice coming from the living room giggling madly and the deeper, more subdued voice of Lord Henry. A quick glance at herself sent her scurrying up the stairs for a change of garments. Lucy would kill her if she dared put in an appearance looking like a scullery maid.

She changed quickly into a deep blue gown and brushed her hair into place. Glancing in the mirror, she stifled a groan when she gazed upon her flushed face. Damn the duke and his annoying flirting. She looked like a woman who had just been thoroughly made love to even though he had not so much as...

"Stop thinking about him" she admonished herself out loud and resolutely turned from the mirror. She made her way to the living room.

Lord Henry was sitting by the fire, Lucy beside him seemingly hanging on to his every word. He leaped to his feet when he notice Penny and executed an elegant bow.

"Miss Inglewood!" He murmured..stepping forward to take her hand, raising it to his lips for a brief kiss. "Such a delight to see you again. You look well."

She swept into as deep a curtsy as her leg would allow. "Thank you my lord, it is a pleasure to have you in our home. Please sit."

He waited till she had taken her seat before resuming his own. "I trust that you are well? I saw Lord Farnsworth leaving just as I arrived."

Oh stuff and blast! Penny thought feeling her cheeks heat up again in remembrance of what had taken place in the yard. "Oh?" she replied simply, wishing desperately for a fan to hide behind and avoid the curious looks Lucy and Lord Henry were currently throwing her way. "He simply wished to have a word about...my brother. Would you like some tea?"

The earl was no fool. He recognized her need to change the topic of conversation and nodded. "Yes of course, I would love a cup, if it's not any trouble."

"I will make it." Lucy announced, throwing him a flirtatious smile and hurried into the kitchen.

Lord Henry leaned forward. "I wish to ask for your permission to court your sister Miss Inglewood," he began, regarding her earnestly, "I hope you have no problems or objections?"

Penny smile at him reassuringly. "Oh that is simply delightful my lord. Of course I have no objections whatsoever. I am equally sure Lucy will be happy to have you pay court to her."

He leaned back and raked a hand through his hair. "You have no idea how relieved I am to hear those words Miss Inglewood, Lucy is the most delightful woman and it is a splendid honor to be able to ask for her hand."

Penny's heart blossomed on hearing those words. Lucy would be happy with Henry, of that she was certain even if she knew so little of the earl, his reputation had preceded him as an honorable man. Lucy returned with the tea tray, and Penny watched with a satisfied smile as the young man jumped to help with the laden tray, murmuring something that caused Lucy to blush and giggle shyly. Yes indeed, he would make her happy.

She rose and murmured an excuse, going into the kitchen to put away the eggs. Unbidden, a image of Phillip, complete with mocking supercilious smile rose in her mind's eye. She sighed and leaned against the wall. How would it have felt if he had kissed her? Would it be soft and sweet or hard and demanding? She shut her eyes, a wave of longing sweeping through her entire being. It had been so long since she had felt the touch of a man's lips, her responsibilities in looking after Edward and Lucy had so overshadowed everything else, she had hardly given thought to any form of romance whatsoever.

The door to the parlor opened and Lucy rushed in excitedly. "Oh goodness Penny, I believe I shall faint from so much happiness," she gushed, hurrying over to grab hold of her sister's arm. "Henry has invited us to a private party he intends to hold at his country home, according to him, there will be only twenty guests but he seeks your approval first. Oh please do say we can attend? Please?"

"What sort of private party Lucy? Will there be other ladies present?"

"Of course. He says his sister will be in attendance as well as a few ladies of the ton. Oh can you imagine how wonderful that is going to be? I shall mingle with society's finest. Oh I do believe I'm dreaming!"

"I assure you, you are not dreaming, otherwise we will be having the exact same dream which will be most unusual." Penny replied with an indulgent smile, "Now go tell Henry we are honored to accept his invitation."

Lucy squealed in delight, throwing her arms about her sister then hurried away to deliver the good news. Penny chuckled to herself and set about fixing lunch. Idly, she wondered where Eddie had gotten to. Perhaps she would pay her good friend Fiona a visit and invite Kate Ingram to Sunday tea. That would be the first step of her plan.

"Are you leaving already my lord?"

Phillip paused in the act of pulling on his breeches and glanced back at the woman on the bed. She was propped up on the pillows, watching him with an arched look of surprise. "Yes. I have work to do." He replied shortly, resuming his dressing. He was suddenly seized with a desire to leave as soon as possible. Coming here was a mistake, he realized for even though he had fulfilled his desires, thoughts of the very woman he was trying to purge out of his system continued to plague him.

A rustling of the bedsheets told him she had risen from the bed. He paid no attention and focused on wearing his boots.

"Shall I see you again? Her voice was whisper soft and seductive, at another time he might have found himself tempted by her charms, but not today.

"I think not. I will be going up to London tomorrow." He replied. Finished with his attire, he rose and finally turned to face the pretty red haired widow. She dimpled up at him, then sashayed closer to wind her arms about him.

"Ah. What shall I do whilst you are away then? I shall be immeasurably bored." She murmured seductively, bringing her rouged lips to his, "Will you come visit when you return?"

He extricated himself from her embrace and turned to leave. "I think it would be best if you forget this ever happened. The house is yours if you want it, other than that I believe I owe you nothing else?" He did not wait for a reply and strode out briskly, his mind still unsatisfied.

Chapter 8 SOIREE

Phillip downed the brandy in one gulp and grimaced as it burned down unsatisfactorily. Bloody thing wasn't doing much to to lighten his mood as he had hoped. He summoned the waiter hovering at a respectful distance and settled deeply into the padded seats with a scowl. Nothing was working so far, not whoring, drowning himself in spirits or even a visit to several gaming hells could purge him of the thought of a certain pair of bewitching green eyes. He cursed under his breath, calling himself all kinds of a fool for allowing the tiny woman to invade his peace is such an annoying manner. He had even removed himself back to London and still...

"Shall I fetch more brandy Your Grace?" The waiter's voice broke into his musings. Phillip shook his head in the negative.

"Bring the whole damn bottle," he replied, "be quick about it."

The waiter bowed and went to do his bidding leaving him once more to his brooding. He uttered an expletive, drawing the attention of some gentlemen seated nearby but he paid them no heed. He was in no mood to socialize. What he needed above all else was the oblivion he was sure to find in downing as much brandy as he could stomach. Perhaps then his thoughts would turn to something else other than her. Where was the damned waiter and his brandy?

"I say Newbridge!" A florid faced beefy fellow plunked down on the seat opposite and laid a hand on his shoulder, "I heard you were back from the boorish countryside."

Phillip turned and levelled a withering stare at the lad who was beaming at him, oblivious to the murderous intent in his mind. "Unless you have a fond wish to lose your limb, I suggest you remove your hand at once Bascombe." he said coldly.

A look of utter confusion crossed Lord Bascombe's florid face as he beheld the withering look on the duke's face. He dropped his hand and settled back into the seat. He was well aware of how dangerous and evil minded the Duke of Newbridge could be when crossed.

"Apologies, I admit I got ahead of myself." Lord Bascombe replied quietly. "When did you return?"

Phillip gritted his teeth in barely suppressed fury. The idiot apparently could not take the hint and leave him alone. "Go away Bascombe." he forced out between his clenched teeth.

The heavy set viscount rose and hurried away, quite unwilling to put himself in danger of getting a fistful in the face.

"Where the bloody hell is that damned waiter?" Phillip exploded, pushing to his feet and glancing about. He spotted the idiot hurrying towards him with his order and sank back into the chair.

"I apologise for the delay Your Grace," the waiter murmured as he set down the tray bearing the brandy.

"Oh do shut up and get away you bumbling fool."

The man hurried away. Phillip poured himself a large helping and was just about to drink when another hand clapped on his shoulder. He snarled. Why the bloody hell couldn't he be left alone?

"Drowning your sorrows I see." Lord Henry observed dryly, moving to take the seat Bascombe had vacated a few minutes ago. He grinned at the surly look on Phillip's face and proceeded to help himself with the drink.

"Go away Hensley," Phillip growled, snatching back his bottle. "Find yourself another seat and get your own damned drink."

Henry chuckled, not in the least deterred. He regarded his friend, noting the stubbly unshaven jaw and the bloodshot angry eyes. "My my, we are in a snit aren't we? Pity. I quite like this seat. It is as close to the fire as possible and above all, there is a free bottle of brandy with my name on it."

"Watch your tongue Hensley," Phillip snapped, "I am not in the mood for wise cracks."

"What is the matter with you? I admit you are usually foul tempered even on the best of days, but this is quite in the extreme."

Phillip shot the earl a withering glare. "Mind your own damn business," He muttered, taking a gulp of his drink, "I thought you were at Millcote anyway? How is it you are plaguing me with your unwelcome presence?"

"Come now Farnsworth, admit you are happy to see me. And you should be offering congratulations for my suit was quite successful"

"What the devil are you on about?"

Henry gave him a pitying look. "I do believe all this drinking has quite addled your brain. I am talking of my courting the younger Miss Inglewood. That went quite well, and I believe the elder sister approves of me. By the way, what the devil where you doing at their house the other day? I had no idea you were acquainted with either of them."

"You ask too many questions. Do be quiet for once?"

Phillip refilled his glass, well aware that the earl was studying him quite intently. He raised an eyebrow at the curious look on Henry's face and took a deep sip from his glass.

Suddenly, Henry guffawed and slapped his thigh in amusement. "By heavens! I believe I have got it. You sly devil...that warning you sounded back there...christ lord almighty, why did I not see it before?"

Phillip stared at him in astonishement. "Have you gone mad?"

"You fancy her, the elder Miss Inglewood." Henry burst into laughter, cutting off quickly when the duke lunged for his throat.

Phillip's fingers curled around Henry's cravat and he tugged viciously, bringing his face close to the earls. "If you value your life, you will cease that ridiculous notion." He let go, sending Henry crashing back into the seat.

Henry straightened his cravat, a thoughtful gleam in his eye. He was not in the least bit intimidated by Phillip's antics, if anything, the reaction had confirmed his suspicions. "The violence was quite unnecessary Farnsworth. You forget that I gave you a sound thrashing the last time we were in the boxing ring together."

"That was a fortunate encounter on your part." Phillip replied cooly, "I have beaten you soundly as well."

"True." The earl conceded and withdrew a pocket watch. "By Gads! I must be off to collect Bertha if we are to arrive in Millcote in time for the soiree."

"What soiree?"

Henry grimaced and replaced the watch in his pocket. "It is Mother's birthday today and she's insisted on throwing a private party. Ah yes, that reminds me..." He reached into the pocket of his jacket and withdrew a slim gold embossed envelope. "You should come Phillip old chap, Lady Rosebury will be in attendance and so will the two Misses Inglewoods."

Phillip had been about to toss the card into the fireplace, but stilled on hearing the earl mention Penny's name. She would be there? He studied the card intently, a million thoughts coursing through his mind. Finally, he looked up at Henry. "When do you leave for Millcote?"

Shades of purple and red tinted the sky by the time Penny, Lucy and Edward arrived at Falcon Hall in the carriage Lord Henry had sent to fetch them. A long line of carriages already lined the extensive brightly lit driveway so they decided to dismount and walk the short distance to the front door. Penny bit her lip as she adjusted the neckline of her green gown, already regretting allowing Lucy to convince her to wear the dress. The neck line was cut daringly low and the corset underneath pushed up her breasts, and she was certain they would spill if she was not careful. Fiona had syled her hair, piling the thick curls in on top of her head and artly sweeping down past her bare shoulders. She blushed as she remembered the reason she had allowed herself to be dressed thus...how shameful of her indeed.

A footman showed them to the magnificent gardens, lovingly designed in the most beautiful manner with an artificial stream flowing at one end and a huge maze in the other. The musicial entertainment for the evening where stationed in a small pavilion right in the centre of the stream itself. The minute they entered, Lord Henry hurried up to them, taking Lucy's hand and placing an adoring kiss upon it, before turning to welcome Penny, his eyes widening slightly at how different she looked.

"Miss Inglewood! May I say you look particularly stunning this evening? I almost did not recognise you."

Penny blushed and opened the matching embroidered fan, wielding it energetically. "Thank you Lord Henry, your garden is lovely."

"Oh Mother takes care of it, with the help of the garden staff of course," He nodded to Edward, who had stood silent, scanning the crowd of guests intently. "Good to finally make your acquaintance Mr. Inglewood. You were not present when I called to visit the other day."

"I was engaged elsewhere my lord." Edward replied, executing a bow. "Thank you for inviting us."

"It is a pleasure to have you. Come, I will show you to your seats, then Miss Lucy, you simply must meet Mother."

Lucy blushed and looked to Penny. Penny nodded and allowed Lord Henry to lead Lucy away after ensuring she and Edward were seated comfortably.

"I must go and explore the maze," Edward declared and rose hastily. "You don't mind being on your own do you?"

"No, it's quite all right, go."

She watched him hurry away, then finally, allowed her eyes to scan the garden, checking to see if he was here. A pang of disappointment ran through her when her search came up empty. Then she chastiseid herself soundly for her foolish hopes. He was engaged to be married. And even if he was unattached, she was hardly the type of woman to catch his attentions. More likely, that attempted kiss had been but a game to him, indeed she had not set eyes on him since then and rumour had placed him back in London.

"How come such a lovely angel sits by herself?" A voice queried and Penny's gaze shot upward to see a smiling young man looking down at her...or rather at her breasts. She leveled a him a stern look, but as his attention was focused elsewhere, he did not notice it. She cleared her throat pointedly.

His eyes shot up and he flushed in guilt. She continued to stare daggers at him until he murmured an apology and backed off. She sighed, it was going to be a long evening. A steward approached with a glass of lemonade and she took it, grateful to feel the cooling liquid pass down her parched throat.

A shadow fell across the table and she looked up and gasped. Lord Farnsworth stood there staring at her incredulously.

"Miss Inglewood?" He said in surprise as though he had expected to see someone else. His eyes swept over her, taking in the startling change, lingering on her bosom, before returning to her face. He opened his mouth to say something but shut it firmly and simply bowed stiffly.

"Your Grace." Penny replied equally stiffly, uncomfortable under his scrutiny.

"May I join you?" He asked quietly.

She frowned at him, "I do not think that is a good idea Your Grace, people might get the wrong impression,"

Just then Lucy hurried over, looking excited. She noticed Lord Phillip and curtsied before turning to Penny once more. "Penny you must come at once, the Dowager Countess wishes to meet you...where's Eddie?"

"He has gone into the maze." She replied, rising.

To her astonishment, Lord Farnsworth uttered a curse and grasped her arm painfully. His now cold eyes bore down on her. "What...?" she began, but he cut her off.

"An interesting coincidence Miss Inglewood, for you see, as soon as she arrived, Jane declared she would go exploring in the maze also."

The colour drained from Penny's face and she gasped, shrugging out of Phillip's grasp and hurrying towards the tall maze. Oh no, what did Edward think he was doing? He would compromise the lady if they were caught together and that would be...

"Where do you think you are going?" Phillip questioned just as she made to enter the maze. She had not realized he had followed her.

She paused and looked at him. "To fetch Edward of course. Just as I assume you are going to find Jane."

She made to walk away but her grasped her arm once more. "You do not even know how to find your way in there. You will only end up getting hopelessly lost."

"It can't be that difficult to navigate surely, please let go of my arm, you are hurting me."

He let go, but angled his body to halt further progress. Penny glared at him impatiently, but he reached for her arm once more. "Just follow me and don't wander off. I do not wish to go searching for you too."

He led her through the winding passage. There were not many people present and she realized the only light that filtered through was the moonlight when it came out from behind a cloud. Instinctively, she moved closer to him, feeling the heat of his body as he tightened his grip on her fingers. Several times they came up to a dead end and had to retrace their footsteps. Penny's leg began to ache from the high slippers she was wearing and soon began limping. By this time, they had not even encountered any of the other guests.

"Damnation!" Phillip cursed as they hit yet another dead end. He ran his hand through his hair and swore viciously.

"I thought you knew where we were going?" Penny asked, blushing a little at the foul words that he uttered.

"I thought I did. Henry and I used to romp around this place as young lads. Now it appears the damn thing has been changed yet again."

Penny groaned and sank down on the soft grass underneath, not caring if her gown was ruined or not. Her leg ached terribly. She slid off her shoe and rubbed at her ankle, biting her lip at the stabbing pain. Phillip moved to crouch next to her, and to her astonishment, took her sore ankle and began to rub it gently. His touch burned her deliciously until she could bear it no longer. She gasped and moved from his touch, hastening to her feet, her face heated in mortification.

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