A Penny’s Worth Of Affection: A Novel (8 page)

BOOK: A Penny’s Worth Of Affection: A Novel
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Penny rose early the following morning. It was not quite dawn yet, and the moon still cast soft silvery shadows that stole into her room from the open windows. She had slept poorly again, spending the night in restless dreams, pleasant at times, especially the ones related to the kiss she had shared with the duke, almost always replaced by the most overwhelming guilt. Good heavens, what she had done was tantamount to covetousness, sharing intimate moments with a man who was already promised to another. This was not her, this...this wanton woman who followed men into dark mazes and kissed them without thought to irreparably damaging her reputation and being regarded as a light skirt among respectable members of society.

She slipped out of bed, her hair flowing around her shoulders as she made her way to the privy, her bare feet doing nothing to break the deep silence that hung over the house. Everyone else would still be asleep, Lucy and Edward were notorious late risers, never getting out out of bed until nine. Her mind was still troubled, and her eyes felt swollen from too little sleep for several days in a row. Unbidden, she wondered why he did not simply release Jane from the engagement..then hastily shoved the thought aside. What he did was none of her affair, she reminded herself sternly, she needed to stay as far away from the man as was humanly possible regardless of how his kisses made her long for something she could never have from him.

During one of her restless periods of tossing and turning, she had finally come to the conclusion that the duke did not take her seriously. Most probably to him, she was simply a plaything with whom he could pass the time while in the boring countryside. She was merely being fanciful in thinking she was the sort of woman that would interest a man who was used to getting his choice of beautiful, rich women.

The cold had stirred the pain in her leg, and her head throbbed again from the endless questions she had been asking herself throughout the night to which she had little or no answers. Perhaps, she would be much better off accepting Victor Barstow's proposal and settle down to a quiet life as the parson's wife, and forget about this present madness.

The cold air hit her the moment she opened the back door leading to the privy, causing goosebumps all over her bare arms. Winter was nigh, if the nip in the air was anything to go by. Penny grimaced and made a mental note to ask papa for permission to remodel the house so as to include a privy inside the house as was the current fashion. She slipped her feet into thick padded slippers and hurried outside. Business done, she was just returning to the house when the open barn door caught her eye.

"What on earth?" she wondered out loud, changing directions instantly. She was certain she had closed the door last night before going to bed , making sure the two horses where well fed and warm. In the dim light, she could just make out footprints leading to towards the barn and she hurried over, dread washing through her. Could they have been bungled at night? Why would anyone take the horses? They were old and rather slow...not quality horseflesh at all.

She reached the barn and peered inside, her heart sinking. The old mare was gone, though the second horse neighed at her, tossing his soft brown head in welcome.

Her heart raced. Who could have taken the horse? Why? What purpose would the gentle mare serve a thief. "Oh god!" she cried out, whirling about and racing back to the house, yelling at for Lucy and Edward. What if the burglar had broken into the house too?

"Eddie! Lucy!" She called out, ignoring the pain lancing up her leg, taking the stairs two at the time. Lucy's door opened just as she reached the landing and her sister peeped round the sturdy wooden door sleepily.

"What is happening?" Lucy asked, rubbing her eyes to clear them. She took in Penny's agitated state and instantly became alarmed. "Penny? What is it? Is the house on fire?"

"Burglar!" was all Penny could say as she moved past Lucy to bang on Edward's door. "Eddie! wake up for heaven's sakes, Bessie is missing!"

She heard Lucy gasp behind her, but there was strangely no reply from Edward. She shot Lucy a quick look and turned the handle. The door swung open with a loud creak.

The bed covers were rumpled, but there was no sign of Edward. Her heart stopped when a quick search of the room revealed that several of his personal belongings were also gone.

"Oh dear lord! No..no no no no..." she whispered, sinking to the floor in panic. She was aware of Lucy asking questions but her mind was working at a million miles a minute and she could not bring herself to answer. "Please god, no...let this be a dream, please.."

"Penny?" Lucy hurried beside her, holding out a white piece of paper, her eyes clearly showing her confusion. "I found this under his pillow...I think it.." her voice trailed off in a sob and she simply handed it over to Penny who took it and unfolded it, fingers shaking because she already had an inkling of the contents.

Gone to Gretna Green with J. I love her too much to lose her. Do not worry, we will keep safe, Eddie.

"Oh!" Penny groaned, shutting her eyes as the sound of Lucy's sobs filled the room, "Oh Edward, what have you done?"

Eloping would only make things worse, the duke was certain to take swift and exacting revenge on them both and he would be within his rights to do whatever he pleased. Not to worry? How could she not worry? Even before they got to Scotland, Jane would be hopelessly compromised by the mere fact of being in the company of a gentleman without a chaperone. They needed to be stopped. Hopefully, they had not gone far and with a pair of swift horses, perhaps she could catch up with them before they got far.

She had to go to the duke at once.

His bare chest glistening with perspiration from the grueling morning run, Phillip was just pouring himself a glass of whiskey when the sound of running feet and agitated voices reached his ears. He swore and turned just as the door to his study burst open and Miss Inglewood ran into the room, his butler in hot pursuit.

Her hair, normally immaculately gathered in a tidy bun was loose and flowing about her tiny form, her eyes were wild and filled with worry, but the most astonishing thing of all was her attire. She was wearing only a dressing gown and he could clearly see the hem of the blue night rail she wore beneath, muddied as were her slipper clad feet. It appeared she had run all the way here.

"Miss Inglewood!" he called out, setting the glass aside and crossing the room in quick strides to her side. "What is the meaning of this?"

She stared at him wildly, tears running down her face, bosom heaving from her exertion. "They're gone! she gasped, thrusting a crumpled piece of paper at him.

He took the paper and merely gaped at her, "Who is gone?"

"E-Edward, Jane...they have run away to get married!?"

He grasped her arms, pulling her close to stare into her eyes, the panicked look he saw in them convincing him she was not joking, "Come, sit down."

He led her to a sofa but she resisted him shaking her head frantically. "No...must go...after them...need...orses..."

"Sit!" he ordered firmly. Startled by the hard tone, she immediately complied. "Now, you will tell me what has happened and do so slowly." He turned to the butler who was still hovering by the door unsure of what to do. "Leave. Prepare my horse, I will be leaving soon."

The butler hurried away. Phillip retrieved his glass of whiskey and thrust it into Penny's hand. "Drink, it will help calm you."

She peered into the cup, wrinkling her nose in distaste at the foul fumes and handed it back to him. "Don't want it."

He sighed and went on his haunches before her, grasping the glass, his hands covering her own and lifted it to her mouth. "Just a sip, you must be freezing."

She took a small sip and gagged, thrusting the glass away. "Oh lord! it tastes awful."

He set it aside and moved to sit beside her. "Now talk."

She nodded and took a deep breath, folding her hands on her laps. "I..woke up...went to use the...never mind that" she blushed when she realized what she had been about to say, and cleared her throat, "the barn door was open, so I went to investigate-thought it might be a burglar-but Bessie...our horse..was gone...called for Eddie and Lucy, but his room was empty-found the note...said he was on his way to Gretna Green to be married...came here so you could lend me a fast horse..."

He unfolded the note and perused the contents, "How long ago did you find this?"

She thought for a moment, "I...woke early, still not light outside...took maybe twenty minutes before...I saw the note."

He nodded, and rose to pace the room, while she followed his every move with her eyes, he rubbed at his jaw, feeling the rough stubble of overnight growth. "That does not help to know how long they have been gone."

She pressed a hand to her lips to stifle a sob, Phillip ceased his pacing and turned to her, noting how vulnerable and frightened she looked. He crossed to her and gathered her up into his arms. She melted against him with a cry, her soft body begging him for comfort and help. He stroked the silky cloud of her hair, inhaling it's lemony scent, wanting to drown his senses in her and never let go. What the hell was the matter with him?

He released her abruptly, the movement causing her dressing gown to part slightly, revealing the the very light night rail, the outline of her left nipple clearly visible. He felt an overwhelming surge of lust, completely inappropriate considering the fact that his fiancee had just runaway with another man.

Penny saw the flash of desire in Phillip's eyes before he turned away abruptly and strode to the doors. He paused with his hand on the handle and turned back to her, his voice cool and distant, all traces of the lust gone from his expression.

"You need to sit Miss Inglewood, I will send the house keeper up with some tea and a proper attire for you to wear if such can be obtained."

Realizing for the first time just what she was wearing and his own state of undress, Penny turned crimson in mortification. She hastily wrapped the dressing gown more securely, unable to meet his eyes or any other part of his body for that matter.

"W-where are you going?" she murmured softly, sinking back down to the sofa.

"I am going to see the viscount. Most likely the lady's disappearance has not yet been discovered. Then I intend to go in pursuit of the both of them. With any luck, they will make several stops at inns on the way. It will be possible to catch up with them if they do."

She rose, swaying a little as the room spun crazily for a moment. Clutching the back of the sofa for support, she finally met his eyes. "I will come with you."

He gave a bark of laughter and shook his head. "You can hardly stand and you are not even properly dressed. Even if you were, I do not wish for your company for you will only act as an annoying obstacle. Besides, there is no need to ruin your reputation by coming with me. I will retrieve your brother and my fiancee, Miss Inglewood. You had best return home when you can, I will leave instructions to have a carriage waiting for you."

She glared at him. "There is no need to worry about my health or reputation Lord Farnsworth, I am quite capable of looking after myself. I merely came here because I know you have swift horses that will serve me well in going after them."

"Well I do not. And you will go home and wait Miss Inglewood, or I shall have you tied up till I return."

She pursed her lips in disapproval. "You will kill him if I let you go on your own. I cannot risk that."

He smiled at her for the very first time since she had burst into his study. "I promise I will not harm a hair of your brother's head, regardless of how much I wish to wring his neck at times. He will be delivered to you safe and sound."

She sighed. "Very well your grace, I will wait, but I do not like it one bit."

"I did not expect you to. Good day Miss Inglewood." He pulled the door open and strode out.

An hour later, the carriage dropped Penny back at her house. Lucy ran up to meet her. "Well? what did Lord Farnsworth say? Is he going to help?"

Penny led Lucy into the house. "He has gone after them, and I intend to do the exact same thing. Help me pack a bag, I will change and together, we will go to Fiona. Her son works as a stable lad doesn't he?"

Lucy nodded and hastened to do as instructed. Penny changed into riding clothes, her mind working rapidly. There was no way she would sit back and let Phillip go after the two lovers alone, god only knew what he would do despite his promise to her. She would ask Fiona to look after Lucy for a few days, then borrow a horse with the help of her son. Hopefully, she would be on the road to Scotland within the hour.


Fiona stared at Penny in shock, "Run away? Surely you are joking!" She shook her head in disbelief, her eyes straying to Lucy who was sobbing hysterically in the arms of her friend Kate. "I had no inkling something like this was going on, you never said a word."

Penny shifted uncomfortably, she was eager to be off on her search for Edward, but she could hardly foist Lucy off on Fiona without a reasonable explanation. "I had hoped it was merely a passing infatuation," She replied with a sigh, "I thought wrong."

Fiona leaned forward and patted Penny's leg in sympathy. "At least you have the duke on your side, are you certain you wish to go all the way to Scotland, I worry about your leg and your reputation will be horribly compromised as a lady traveling all on her own. I think you should wait until the duke retrieves the couple."

Penny shook her head, "I cannot do that Fiona, I do not trust the duke to keep his promise, and Edward will surely put up a protest and I fear Lord Farnsworth temper will get the better of him. No, I must go."

The front door opened and Colin, Fiona's son came in, he was a big strapping lad of seventeen, good looking but painfully shy. He nodded a greeting to the ladies, his eyes downcast as he stood twisting his tweed cap between his fingers.

"I have brought the carriage round Miss Inglewood," he muttered, still gazing at the floor, though his skin flushed a bright red. "If ye are ready?"

Penny rose, reaching for the small box in which she had stashed a few necessary items for the journey. "Are you sure you don't mind taking me all the way? I can do quite well with a lone horse..."

"Don't be silly Penelope," Fiona cut in sternly, "Gently bred ladies do not go traipsing the highways on horses. Colin will go with you, he is quite capable of offering some sort of protection should you run into trouble. Besides, it is a closed vehicle, so the chances of someone recognizing you are nil."

Lucy tore herself from Kate and hurried over to throw her arms about Penny. "Oh do be careful Penny, and please bring Edward back? I will miss you terribly."

Penny returned the embrace, swallowing down the lump of emotion that clogged her throat. She shut her eyes and nodded. "You be good now Lucy, do not do anything to displease your hostess. And remember, try to say as little as possible to anyone about this, including Lord Henry?"

"I promise."

Penny gently pulled out of the embrace and smiled. She turned to Colin and nodded, handing him her box and followed him out.

The journey out to London was uneventful and soon they had driven past the bustling city and on the busy road to Scotland, leaving Penny with a lot of time to ponder on the issues that plagued her and her family. Most of all, she worried about Edward and Jane. What would they do when the harsh reality of what they had done finally sunk in? Where would they live if they managed to get to a priest before Phillip or herself caught up with them? Lady Jane was certainly used to a life of luxury, and unless the viscount was amiable enough to pardon their defection, Penny certainly did not see how those two would be suited to a life on the edge of want. And Phillip...society would expect him to demand some sort of retribution for his besmirched honor...would he challenge Edward to a duel?

She felt the carriage begin to slow and wondered if they had perhaps gotten to an inn. She pulled back the little curtain that blocked the rays of the sun from penetrating the carriage and peered out. They were approaching a narrow bridge, but it seemed there was some sort of obstruction for the other vehicles were pulling to a halt and passengers alighting.

"What is going on?" She called up to Colin. He jumped down from the driver's perch and came to open the door.

"There be an accident of sorts Miss," He replied, helping her down from the carriage. He nodded towards a cluster of people gathered around what appeared to be a loaded wagon and three horses, "might take a while to move that."

Her heart sinking at his words, Penny moved closer to the disaster, praying his prediction was wrong. The sight that met her eyes made her groan aloud. The wagon would have to be unloaded before any attempt to move it and that could take hours. The people gathered were shouting and arguing amongst themselves on how best to begin unloading the wagon. The heavy wheel had broken and someone was dispatched to fetch a blacksmith. A good number of people settled down to await the eventual clearing, and were clustered in small groups chatting.

"Oh lord!" she muttered, running a hand through her hair in despair. "It will be too late." She was so close... if only this had happened much earlier to slow the two runaways...She wondered how far she would get if she simply decided to continue on foot, maybe she could get to some coaching inn and acquire a fresh horse.

The sky turned gray and overcast without warning and Penny almost screamed in frustration. This day was the worst she had ever had. She wondered where Edward and Jane were at the moment, had they gotten married already? Had Phillip been able to catch up with them? Her mind kept spinning in circles, filled with questions but no answers and this delay was not helping at all.

Lifting up her skirts, she carefully descended the slope down to the bridge in hopes of seeing how much progress had been made. Her heart sank when she realized the blacksmith had not even arrived yet, and several men were standing around still arguing and a few women had clustered at one edge of the grassy bank and were chattering together. Penny sighed and shut her eyes in despair.

"Why am I not surprised to see you here?"

Her eyes flew open and she turned swiftly almost losing her balance in the process. Phillip stood behind her, a sardonic expression on his face. He lifted a brow at her in inquiry.

Quickly her gaze swept past him, heart thudding in hopes of seeing her brother somewhere behind. Disappointment coursed through her and she looked back at him. "Have you been to Gretna Green?

He laughed shortly. "It is a two day ride to Scotland, Miss Inglewood."

She blushed and looked down at her shoes. "Of course..how silly of me. I am just worried I suppose."

He stepped forward and placed a hand beneath her chin, raising her face till she looked up at him. "They will be safe together, regardless of the outcome." His voice was surprisingly gentle.

She sighed. "Yes, I suppose so...but..it is difficult not knowing for certain."

A drop of rain hit her forehead. Phillip gently wiped it away with his thumb and glanced up at the heavy clouds. "I'm afraid it will rain soon, and I doubt the wagon will be moved in the next few hours. You should seek shelter. I believe there is an inn just a little way from here if you are willing to continue on foot? Are you on horseback?"

Penny shook her head and gestured to where Colin stood beside the carriage. "I came in a carriage, but I don't mind walking to the inn. I will have a word with Colin then." She turned, intending to return to her carriage, but Phillip detained her.

"No need, I will speak to him and give him directions on where to meet us when the roads are cleared. Wait here." He was gone before she could offer up a protest.

Another drop hit her hair, and she retreated to the shade of a tree to wait for Phillip. She fervently prayed that Edward would have the presence of mind to seek shelter from the coming storm on time...it would be a disaster if either of them should fall ill.

"Oh dear lord, please protect them, keep them safe." she whispered.

Phillip returned, with Colin in tow, carrying her little box. "I will leave my mount in his care and return for it when I see you safely to the inn." Phillip said, leading them towards another cluster of trees where a black horse was grazing lazily. He untied the reins and handed it to Colin. "You can fasten him to the back of the carriage lad, just keep an eye out for horse thieves."

"Aye, your grace, I will look after him." Colin replied with a formal bow. He turned to Penny and handed her the box. "His grace has given me directions to the inn, Miss, I will be along soon as."

"Thank you Colin, for everything." Penny smiled at him gratefully, causing his face to redden.

"Shall we?" Phillip asked, frowning at the gray sky.

"Yes, of course."

He nodded and reached for her box, skillfully maneuvering through the crush of horses and vehicles. The bridge was the only way to get across the rather deep river, it was almost impossible to make their way through the throng. Penny followed him as closely as possible, not wanting to appear a burden in any way.

Finally, they were clear of the bridge and the crowded road. He set a brisk pace that had Penny struggling to meet up with his long strides, her leg beginning to ache from the stress. She bit her lip, and tried to ignore the pain, determined not to protest even when every step turned into pure agony that threatened to overwhelm her at any second.

Suddenly the wind picked up, hurling dirt and leaves every which way. She heard Phillip curse and then he was beside her, gripping her arm firmly. One look at her face, white and strained with the effort of walking and he swore.

"Bloody hell, why didn't you say something you stubborn woman!" he shouted above the sound of the raging wind. He didn't wait for a reply, simply shoved the box into her arms and swept her into his arms.

"No..." Penny shrieked in alarm, feeling her face heat in utter mortification. "I can walk...re.."

"Be quiet!" he hissed, cradling her in his arms as though she weighed nothing.

Penny wisely chose to heed his command, grateful to be off her feet on the one hand and horrified to be carried thus...if anyone they knew saw them, her reputation was done for.

The storm began in earnest, heavy raindrops that drenched them both in seconds. Phillip cradled her closely, wrapping his overcoat around her in an attempt to shield her from the worst of the downpour. Penny buried her face against his chest feeling guilty at the knowledge that he was prevented from making a dash for shelter because of her. Suddenly, he halted and she glanced up to see that they had thankfully reached the inn. He set her down gently on the wooden porch, water dripping down their bodies to pool on the floor.

"Can you stand?" he asked gently, his expression concerned. She nodded, feeling extremely conscious of the way her drenched clothes plastered themselves to her body. The wind blew across her body and she shivered, wrapping her arms about her body.

Phillip pushed open the door and practically shoved her into the dim but warm interior. The entry way was deserted but Penny could hear voices drifting from somewhere within. A fire burned brightly and Phillip took her arm and led her to sit by it.

"I'll ruin the chair..." Penny protested, but he placed a firm hand on her shoulders and forced her to sit.

"I'll pay for any damage." he replied brusquely, his tone effectively shutting off any form of protest.

A door opened and a short portly man hurried in. He took in the situation at a glance and bowed deeply. "Welcome mi lord, mi lady...horrible weather indeed..."

"Do you have brandy?" Phillip cut in, sparing the man a glance, before returning his attention to Penny who was now shivering violently. He took her cold hands between his own and rubbed vigorously, his lips tight with worry.

"Aye mi lord, I'll ask the missus to make some tea too." The man hurried off, disappearing into the kitchen.

"We should get you out of these wet clothes," Phillip muttered, still rubbing her hands. "God dammit, you should have listened to me and stayed at Millcote."

Penny was too cold to bother with a response, not that he seemed to require one in any case, not with the way he was glaring at her as though torn between strangling her or perhaps shooting her for being so hard headed. The warmth of the fire had begun to slowly seep into her bones, coupled with his administrations had begun to make her feel sleepy.

The innkeeper returned and Phillip engaged him in conversation, but Penny was too tired to pay any attention to what was said.

He finished his conversation and turned to her, helping her stand. She winced as the pain made itself known once more, but he simply picked her up and followed the innkeeper.

He set her down again, this time in what appeared to be a private par lour, also with a cheerful fire. The innkeeper withdrew after setting her box on the floor, leaving her alone with the duke.

"Sit down Miss Inglewood," Phillip ordered, striding over to stand by the fire. "A maid will be here shortly to help you undress and change into something dry. Tea will be sent in a few minutes."

"W-what about you? You are also drenched."

He turned to look at her, his lips set in a grim smile. "Do not worry about me." He moved towards the door.

"Where are you going?" she asked in some alarm, wondering if he was going to abandon her here.

He sighed impatiently, "I am going back to the bridge."

"But it is raining terribly." She protested, "You will catch your death, why not wait until the rain stops?"


"Oh for god sakes, must you be so stubborn?"

He laughed, "As much as I find your company entertaining, I'm afraid I cannot linger. I will be back soon, try and get some sleep, we will set off early tomorrow."

A knock sounded on the door and he pulled it open to admit a maid carrying a platter laden with tea things. Phillip nodded a farewell at Penny and left.

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