A Valentine Surprise (5 page)

BOOK: A Valentine Surprise
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Hello, Mark. I'm fine, thank you. I'd like to introduce you to my boyfriend, Josh Bennett. Josh, this is Mark Woodward.”

Josh nodded at Mark.

“Nice dress.” Ashley said with an eyebrow raised at Kendra, who pretended not to hear that.

Mark still looked confused. Ashley still had her eyes on Josh. “Josh and I go way back, we were college sweethearts. We had some fun times, didn't we Joshie?” Then, turning to Kendra, added, “Small world, isn't it?”

“Very small.” Mark interjected. He eyed up Josh and then addressed Kendra.

So, how did you two meet?”

Josh and Kendra looked at each other and for a split second panic flickered in their eyes.

They spoke at the same time. “Um, at work,” Kendra said, as she heard Josh saying, “In Hawaii.”

Kendra was kicking herself for not getting that detail worked out. They spent too much time working on the kissing part, even though she didn't regret that for a second. And of course the subject would come up. Just her luck.

“Ooh, you worked in Hawaii, Joshie?”

Um, something like that.”

Kendra could feel her blood pressure start to rise every time she heard Ashley say the word 'Joshie'.
Stay calm, stay controlled
, she told herself.

Well, it was nice to see you again, but if you don't mind, we'd like to get back to our date. Valentine's Day only comes once a year and I want to spend every second I can of it focused on this beautiful woman that I am lucky to be with tonight.” Josh smiled at Kendra as he spoke and reached his hand over to hold hers. His touch sent a shiver of electricity through her again.

Mark took his own date by the hand and started to lead her away as Ashley looked like she'd just been slapped in the face.

Once they left to their own table, Kendra started to relax a little again. “Joshie, you were perfect,” she giggled.  He smiled at her and shook his head. “What was I thinking back then?”

That she's probably the best looking woman who ever walked the face of the planet, maybe.”

Thank goodness I've grown wiser. I think seeing her tonight was actually a good thing, to be honest. Time and distance can help you to realize someone's true nature. I may have been hurt at the time, but her breaking up with me was probably the best thing that could've happened.”

Kendra took a sip of champagne. “You know, it's only been a month since Mark broke up with me, but I know what you mean. I was expecting to have the same feelings come rushing back when I saw him, but when I did see him...I realized you were right, he does have the used car salesman thing going on.”

Benny brought them their meals, and they enjoyed the delicious food and each other's company. They weren't even aware of Mark and Ashley's frequent glances over to their table. “When we finish, let's get out of here, what do you say?”

Kendra smiled. “I love that idea. I think we should get some dessert to go and go back to my place, how does that sound?”

“That's the best idea I've heard all night. I'm going to excuse myself to the restroom and I'll have Benny take care of our bill.”

Kendra watched him as he stood and walked across the restaurant.
He was in love with her
. She had wanted to push it out of her mind for tonight, but now, it was all she could think of. Her thoughts were interrupted, though, by the sight of Ashley getting up and discreetly following Josh over to the restrooms. Kendra felt like a volcano about to erupt as a rush of emotions came to the surface. She will not do this to me again, Kendra told herself. I've already lost one man to her, I won't let it happen again.

She waited a minute, telling herself to calm down. But that wasn't happening. She set her napkin on the table, got up and made her way to the restroom.  She was going to give Ashley a piece of her mind and she'd had plenty of champagne to make it happen. As she came to the long hallway that led off of the dining room, she could hear voices. It was Josh and Ashley. She crept up along the wall so she could hear the conversation more clearly without being seen.

“I love your new look, Joshie, it's so sexy. I've missed you so much,” Ashley cooed.

You missed me? You're the one who broke up with me, remember?”

I was a stupid kid. But we had some great times together. Amazing times, if you know what I mean. Wouldn't it be fun to relive some of those memories?”

Kendra felt like she was kicked in the stomach. She was about to turn the corner but stopped herself when she heard Josh respond.

“Ashley, you are
a kid. A foolish kid who has a lot of growing up to do. You are here with your own date but followed me to the restroom for pete's sake. What does that say about you? You know nothing of trust, integrity, character. Those are the things that I want in a relationship, and you have none of them. I wish you the best, but you are a part of  my past that I want to keep in the past. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to Kendra.”

Kendra stood up straight as Josh turned the corner and bumped into her. “Kendra! How long have you been there?”

“Um, I was just coming to find you, um, Benny brought the check and I thought it was taking you awhile.

Josh smiled, figuring out what she'd been up to. He leaned in and kissed her, gently, on the forehead. Then he took her by the hand as they walked to the table. She looked over at Mark, sitting by himself at his table, waiting for Ashley, who had left him to go hit on her ex-boyfriend. She actually felt pity for him, though he was getting what he deserved. Karma. Shallow people belonged together. They don't love each other and will soon probably move on to new partners, always searching but never satisfied.

“Before we go,” Josh said, “I have one more thing I'd like to do.” He led her past the table and to the area where the quartet was playing. “Would you care to dance?”

Kendra looked around her. Though there was a small dance floor, no one was dancing-everyone was seated at their tables eating their dinner. But she couldn't refuse so she nodded yes as Josh took her in his arms. They swayed together as all eyes in the place fell on them. But they didn't notice. They only had eyes for each other and were oblivious to the attention.  Josh leaned in and whispered in Kendra's ear.

“This night has been full of surprises, hasn't it?”

That's the understatement of the night. You know what's surprised me the most? Not finding out that Ashley was your ex, or that I was able to see Mark for what he really is, or even that you have a cousin named Hercules. What surprised me the most was realizing how I feel about you. And what started as a pretend date, well, it's not pretend anymore.”

Josh looked her in the eyes, his blue eyes twinkling under the chandelier. “I have a confession to make. It never was pretend for me. I've had a crush on you since the first day I laid eyes on you. You are so beautiful, Kendra, inside and out, and you've just made me the happiest guy in the world. Happy Valentine's Day.”

He pulled Kendra closer and and as their lips met, they heard applause erupting all around them. The night had been full of surprises and Kendra couldn't wait to find out what the future held for them. She coudn't have dreamed of a better Valentine's Day.


The End





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