A Warrior Wedding (10 page)

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Authors: Teresa Gabelman

Tags: #Paranormal, #romance, #vampire, #warriors, #alpha, #series, #Protector

BOOK: A Warrior Wedding
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“Do it.” Pam’s voice strengthened with hope.

Slade frowned. “Pam, there are risks and you really need to think about this before we jump in—”

“I’m getting weaker by the day.” Pam’s voice shook. “I can’t even pick up Daniel anymore. If there is a possibility that this will work to buy us time, then I want it done now.”

Glancing at Duncan waiting for his approval, Pam grabbed Slade’s arm, drawing his attention back to her.

“This is my decision,” Pam added before looking up at Duncan. “It’s my risk to take.”

Duncan’s face was void of emotion, but his eyes expressed his turmoil. “What do we need to do?”

“Pam, why don’t you go be with Daniel for a little while.” Slade’s phone beeped behind him. “I need to take some blood from Duncan and then we’ll start.”

Nodding, Pam let Duncan help her off the table. “Have you done this with Jill yet?” she asked before leaving.

“No, not yet,” Slade replied, glancing at his phone.

Pam nodded with one last glance at Duncan before walking out the door and leaving the three Warriors alone.

“So are you using Pam as a trial before giving it to Jill?” Duncan’s mood turned dangerous as soon as Pam was out of hearing range.

Sloan took a step forward, but didn’t comment.

Slade looked up from his phone, his expression furious. “I’m going to ignore that, you son of a bitch because I know how worried you are.” Slade slammed his phone down. “Jill has a fever and is not a good candidate for this, yet. I will check Pam over before I attempt to even try this, so keep your fucking attitude to yourself and know I am trying to save not only your mate, but mine as well.”

Duncan stepped back and sighed. “Sorry, man, I’m just—”

“I know.” Slade took a deep breath trying to calm himself down. If he was in Duncan’s shoes, he probably would have thought the same thing.

“Is Jill okay?” Sloan asked, giving Duncan a moment to regain his composure.

“Nicole and Tessa are with her now in our room.” Slade cleared his throat. “She stole Adam’s car to go see her brother.”

“Again?” Sloan shook his head, a small grin slipping across his lips.

“Yeah.” Slade also grinned. “Hunter tracked her down and we found her and her brother jumping from a vine into a lake. She was having the time of her life, but I think it was too much for her weakening system because now she’s running a fever.” His smile slipped away as quickly as it appeared.

No one said a word. Three of the most feared Warriors stood in Slade’s office staring into space, at a total loss of what to do. Anything that threatened their own, they could deal with and had dealt with, but this was something different. It seemed as though all the odds were stacked against them.

“I won’t let them die,” Slade repeated. He hoped that if he said it enough, it would be the truth.

“Promise me one thing.” Duncan looked up from the floor. “Tell me when it’s time, because I will not let Pam die when changing her could save her life. She refused to let me change her now because of her fear for me, but—”

“I will let you know, brother,” Slade promised, placing his large hand on Duncan’s shoulder.

Duncan looked at Sloan. “If anything happens to me, I want your promise to take care of my family.”

“If I’m not rotting in the jail cell with you, you have my promise,” Sloan vowed.

“No, you need to stay neutral,” Duncan replied. “You’re the only thing that keeps us going. Without your leadership, everything we’ve achieved will be lost.”

Slade nodded in agreement. “He’s right.” Slade scrubbed Duncan’s arm, prepping him to take his blood for Pam. “We’re going to need someone in our corner on the outside who has the contacts you do. This is going to get worse before it gets better.”

Sloan cursed. “Has Adam showed any signs?”

Looking up from Duncan’s arm, Slade frowned. “Not yet, but it’s only a matter of time. It’s seems no manmade half breed is immune.”


aroline sat in the middle of the floor in her new home eating pizza and drinking beer with three of the most handsome men she had ever laid eyes on. Wouldn’t the parents of her students be gossiping up a storm if they saw her now? The prim and proper Ms. Fitzpatrick gone wild.

“So are you two VC Warriors?” Caroline asked Blaze and Hunter who were finishing off the last box of pizza.

“Hell no.” Hunter snorted. “I’m a shifter, not vampire, and I guess the VC Warriors are too good for shifters.”

“A shifter?” Caroline finished off her second beer and decided it probably should be her last. She wasn’t a big drinker and she was starting to feel it. “You mean you can shift into a rabbit or something?”

Blaze choked on his pizza while Jax chuckled.

“Excuse me?” Hunter stared at her. “Did you say a...rabbit?”

Caroline smiled. “Well, yes, but I mean, can’t shifters shift into anything they want to shift into?” Taking in the look of horror on his face, she realized she’d offended him. “I mean, I think you’d make a cute rabbit.”

“Oh, shit.” Blaze tossed the rest of his uneaten pizza in the box. “That is the funniest damn thing I’ve ever heard.”

Hunter ignored him. “I would make a badass rabbit, but no.” He sat up straighter. “I belong to the Lee County Wolf Pack. I am a wolf shifter and my wolf is not very happy with you at the moment. A rabbit...are you kidding me? Who the fuck would want to shift into a rabbit?”

“Sorry.” Caroline tried to sound sincere, but the giggle ruined it. “And what about you?” she asked Blaze who was still laughing at Hunter.

“I’m like him.” He nodded toward Jax. “Vampire slash shifter.”

“So you’re a VC Warrior.” Caroline noticed a mood shift.

“No,” Blaze replied without any explanation.

Caroline glanced at Jax, who just cocked an eyebrow at her as if saying, you’re on your own. Her attention went back to Hunter. “Can you show me your wolf?”

“I love when women ask me that.” Hunter winked at her before wiggling his eyebrows.

“Hunter,” Jax warned with a shake of his head.

Rolling his eyes, Hunter looked at Caroline. “I would, but I don’t want to ruin these clothes and I didn’t bring any others with me. Unless you want to see me naked, then we can work something—” Jax threw an empty beer can at Hunter shutting him up.

Caroline’s face heated. “I’ll pass, but thanks for the warning.”

“Your loss.” Hunter winked at her again then acted like he was ready to bat away another beer can, but the only thing Jax threw Hunter’s way was a warning glare.

She looked at Blaze. “How about you? Can you shift into something, now? Fully clothed of course,” she added quickly.

Blaze seemed more relaxed with that question, and in the blink of an eye, he transformed into Hunter. Stunned, Caroline’s mouth gaped open.

“Hi. My name is Hunter,” Blaze said, mimicking Hunter’s voice with precision. “I like shifting into cute furry rabbits.”

“Oh, ha-ha.” Hunter rolled his eyes. “Real funny, asshole.”

Caroline laughed. “That’s amazing.” She watched as Blaze’s eyes started swirling as he turned to look toward Hunter, who was still griping about Blaze being an asshole. In awe, she looked on as Hunter’s boot started to smoke. A tiny flame sparked out from the tip and the real Hunter jumped up.

“Dammit, Blaze!” Hunter danced around trying to put out the flame. “These are my favorite boots.”

“Guess I don’t have to ask how you got your name.” She looked toward Blaze who was himself once again.

Blaze nodded. “For a human you seem to take all this pretty well, especially since shifters haven’t come out like the vampires.”

“That’s because we’re smarter than vampires.” Hunter finally sat back down, his boot no longer on fire.

“Well, my sister’s mated to Sid and...” She shifted uncomfortably looking over Hunter’s head. “...I talk to dead people.”

“You talk to what?” Hunter tilted his head toward her with a frown.

“Dead people,” she replied once again, looking past Hunter. “So it takes a lot to freak me out.”

“Why do you keep looking over my head?” Hunter frowned, then laughed with a snort. “Good one, pretty lady. For a minute there, you had me going.”

“She can talk to dead people.” Jax grinned, enjoying Hunter’s discomfort.

“So can my sister.” Caroline smirked. “We’re twins and have the same gift.”

Blaze and Hunter openly stared at her, probably like she had been staring at them a few minutes ago. “What?”

“How many dead people do you see and is there one behind me?” Hunter’s eyes narrowed at her.

Caroline looked behind Hunter and shook her head. “He moved.”

“Where?” Hunter was now downright glaring at her.

“He’s sitting next to you.” Caroline backed away as Hunter shot up to his feet, tripping toward Jax.

“He’s just a child.” Caroline smiled at the empty space, but her head moved as if watching an invisible person walking toward Hunter. “And he likes you. You make him laugh.”

That took Hunter back. “Who is he?”

“Not sure.” Caroline glanced at Jax, who was staring at her with an odd look on his face. “He was here when I purchased the house.”

“And you still bought this place? Woman, you’re crazy!” Hunter yelled, looking at her like she’d lost her mind.

“You scared him.” Caroline frowned.

“Yeah, well....sorry!” Hunter yelled out to the air. “But honestly, the only dead thing I ever deal with are vampires, but I can see those suckers. No offense.”

“None taken,” Jax said smirking, enjoying watching Hunter squirm.

Caroline watched Blaze closely and could tell he was uncomfortable, and he should be. He had at least ten dead people following him around. She had seen them the first time she met him, but kept her mouth shut because, well, it could be a little unsettling for people. Taking in his attitude, she figured she’d continue to stay quiet...for now.

Jax’s phone rang, breaking the uncomfortable silence. “Yeah,” Jax answered, his eyes going to Hunter, then to Blaze. “Be there in ten.”

Jax stood along with Blaze. Caroline started to stand on her own, but three huge hands appeared in front of her face. Grabbing one without looking at who it belonged to, she was eased to her feet. She stared into Jax’s golden stare. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he replied, letting go of her hand quickly. “We need to go. Let’s get this cleaned up.”

“That’s okay. You guys go ahead.” Caroline took an empty pizza box out of Blaze’s hand. “Is everything okay?”

Before Jax could answer, Hunter became instantly alert. “Do dead people carry a scent?”

Caroline just stared at him as if he were being a smartass.

“Do dead people carry a scent?” he asked again, his voice sharp. He went from funny guy to deadly in a second flat.

“No, not really,” Caroline replied, looking confused as Jax took a protective step closer to her.

“Someone who doesn’t belong here is very close.” Hunter sniffed the air.

“Go!” Jax pulled Caroline out of the way.

Hunter began to shake, his body contorting in front of her very eyes and Caroline actually grabbed ahold of Jax. Within seconds, a huge beautiful wolf stood before her and she wondered briefly if she had more beers than she thought. With a loud growl, he turned his head to look straight at her and then to Jax as if waiting for orders.

“Track and see what you can find.” Jax nodded toward Blaze who went to open the door. “We’ll meet you back at the compound.”

Caroline watched this wild animal take orders from Jax and knew it was Hunter, but still it was almost too much for her mind to take. Then the wolf looked at her once more.

“Don’t worry, she’s going with us,” Jax answered the unspoken question.

“What?” Caroline said surprised, but couldn’t take her eyes off the wolf until it was out of sight. Then she looked up at Jax. “I’ve got work to do. I can’t leave and plus I have a gun.”

got your gun.” Jax left her and locked the back door as Blaze blew out the candle, leaving Caroline no choice but to go with them. “I’ll bring you back after Hunter makes sure it’s safe.”

Caroline dug her heels in. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Jax sighed, tightening his grip on her arm. “You are going, so you better grab whatever you need on the way out.” He narrowed his eyes as he leaned in close. “I warned you to stay away from me.”

“You’re the one who came to me,” she shot back, leaning even closer, her eyes just as narrow

“So I did, didn’t I?” Jax’s lips were so close to hers she could feel his breath, but then he was gone and she was being pulled behind him wondering what in the hell he meant with those words.


Jill could feel someone staring at her before she even opened her eyes and opening her eyes was not an easy feat. It felt like they were sewed shut. She could hear whispering, but couldn’t make out any of the words. It was definitely female voices. Oh, God, was it her wedding day and she passed out? Fighting to wake up, her eyes slowly opened.

“Did I mess up the dress?” Jill croaked. Her dry throat made it difficult to swallow.

Tessa’s face came into view. “What dress?” Tessa asked, touching Jill’s forehead. “How are you feeling?”

“My wedding dress.” Jill tried to swallow again. “Did I tear it?”

“She must still have a fever.” Nicole also leaned over her.

“No, she feels cool to me.” Tessa removed her hand. “You feel her.”

Jill brushed Nicole’s hand off trying to sit up. “I need water.” Again she tried to swallow, but it was nearly impossible. Finally looking around, she realized it wasn’t her wedding and she was in her and Slade’s bed.

Tessa ran to the bathroom then came back quickly with a glass of water. Jill tried not to down it in one swallow, but it felt so good sliding down her throat.

“Slow down,” Nicole scolded, sitting on the bed next to her.

Too late. Her stomach cramped painfully. Handing the glass back to Tessa, she lay back rubbing her stomach.

“Listen, Jill, we’re sorry.” Tessa came out of the bathroom and sat down on the other side of her. “We’ve been bugging the hell out of you about this wedding. We didn’t know you were sick.”

“No, we didn’t,” Nicole grumbled. “And Damon got hell for not telling me.”

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