A Winter's Date (47 page)

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Authors: Sasha Brümmer,Jess Epps

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #A Winter's Date

BOOK: A Winter's Date
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The pressure is intense, but the initial sting is gone, and I am beyond horny for this man. He’s being so patient with me that I want to give him this. I gradually push back again, and I feel him tense behind me. I hear a muffled growl, and then his fingers start working faster against my clit.

“Noah . . .” is all I can manage to say before my body breaks out in a rush of warmth. We’ve been lying here for what seems like an hour, but I’ve finally done it. I’ve taken him, even if it’s just his head.

“Fuck yeah . . .” I hear him say in my ear.

A triumphant smile plays at my lips. “You feel incredible, Noah. I can’t describe it.”

His forehead drops to the back of my head, and he’s breathing in deeply. His fingers stop playing with me, and his hand moves to grip my thigh.

“Baby, I can’t fucking move, or I’ll come, right here and now,” he admits, groaning to himself.

I bite my lip and reach back to wrap my fingers around the rest of his shaft. I want to know if I can take more of him. I push back slightly, and his head slides in some more. And now I’m taking some of his length. I have to pause and let myself adjust because the pressure is still overwhelming. His hand is now the one gripping my thigh, begging me to go slow.

“Heather . . . fuck, do not move,” he almost begs, but I decide not to listen. It’s finally feeling good enough to move, and I want to try and take all of him.

His fingers are still circling my wet clit as I push back again. The moan that comes from my Greek god is one I’ve never heard before. It sounds like he’s in torturous agony, but I know that he’s overwhelmed by how tight I am.

“Mmm . . .” I go slick between my legs when I hear him. I feel so powerful like this. “Don’t stop me . . .” I slide back and forth and feel myself stretch for him. “Oh Noah . . . it feels so good.”

I cannot believe I’m doing this and can’t believe how incredibly amazing it feels. I know without a doubt that he can make me come like this. He grabs my hips to slow me down. His fingers dig into my skin, and I can feel him shaking behind me.

I know that he’s on the verge of breaking, and I’m loving the fact that I can be the one to do it. I’m torn between making him come and making myself come. It all feels too good. “Noah . . . I love your cock—fuck me,” I beg and try to force my hips back. He wanted my ass, and now he’s barely taking it.

He grits his teeth and breathes out heavily before he bends and pushes my legs up. “Let me take control . . .” he hisses in my ear.

I reach back, refusing to give up control at this moment, and halt his movements. I can feel his large frame tremble behind me, and his breathing has changed to a pant. “Noah . . . you’re going to make me come,” I moan out, knowing he won’t be able to handle it. My body is finally getting accustomed to the feeling of him inside of me, and I’m so close to my climax. I want to take this from him.

He hisses through clenched teeth, and I take that as my cue to make my move. I’m trembling inside with nothing for my walls to grasp on to. His cock isn’t fully seated inside me, but I can’t describe how it has me so close to my climax. “Noah . . .” I manage to cry out as I slide back and forth, taking this from him. I can feel everything, every single movement we make, every time his cock twitches inside of me.


My head falls back against him and a guttural moan leaves my lips. “Fill me up, Noah . . . give me your come,” I demand as I slide back over and over again while he tries to stop me unsuccessfully.

“Heather,” he groans, and I whimper in response, which does him in. He pushes his hips up, and his body goes rigid as I feel his length twitch and then start to pulse inside of me.

I gasp, and my body goes tight when his hips lunge forward, sinking his cock deeper. My Greek god is growling into my ear, and I lose myself when I realize I’ve taken what
wanted to take from
. I made him come. I dominated this experience, and it is so hedonistic that I come so hard, the feeling unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.

His arms move around my waist, holding my back against his strong, damp chest. I throw my head back against his shoulder so he can watch me lose myself to him. My lower lip is caught between my teeth, and I can’t hold in the noises escaping me. “Oh fuck . . . baby, yes.”

His hips spasm again as he jerks inside of me. “Fuck,” he growls.

I can feel his fingers running up and into the back of my damp hair. His fingers fist with strands of my hair locked between them. And, oh crap, I know what he’s about to do. My orgasm hits its crescendo when he tugs, pulling my head back. My mouth falls open at the sensation. My eyes close as he takes my mouth and takes control again, because I’m still lost in my orgasm as he recovers. He takes it all from me because he wants it all, just as I did. My body is buzzing, and I feel like we’re out of this world, or we’re spinning uncontrollably in a fit of orgasms. We stay like this for a long moment as I attempt to regain what’s left of my libido.


I’ve completely lost track of how much time we’ve spent in this bed tonight. I haven’t even pulled out of her, and I can’t fucking wait to get back into her. Her body shines with the sheen of sweat coating her flawless skin. There’s a bead of perspiration on her left nipple that I want to wrap my mouth around and make her scream like she did earlier. To please her, I thrust my hips up and into her once more before I slide my cock out of her tight opening. Damn, I don’t know how she got me to fit, but she did, and she completely did me in.

Once I’m out of her, she turns around in my arms and runs her hands into my hair, and down the back of my neck.

“Can we do that again?”

“You bet your little ass we can. Did you enjoy that?”

“Noah, I don’t think there are enough words in the English dictionary to describe how unbelievable that was.”

“Go get your glorious ass into the shower while I call housekeeping and have them change the sheets out.”

I watch her sit up, and I can tell she’s still trying to find her center of balance. She stands up, giving me an impeccable view of her ass, the ass that I finally took . . . the ass that held me captive until I couldn’t breathe any longer.

I get up and grab my Galaxy, calling the front desk to ask them to come and change the bedding. The woman tells me that there will be someone up to the room in a few minutes. Heather has the shower started by the time I hang up; I don’t hesitate to join her. The bathroom is already filled with steam when I walk in. I shut and lock the door before stepping into the shower with Heather, who has her hand stretched out to the wall, holding herself up as she stands under the waterfall showerhead.

The water beads down her body, and I’m enthralled by my girl. I stand in front of her, and she moves into my arms, unable to hold herself up anymore. “Wore yourself out I see, sweetheart.”

“Mmm,” is the only response I manage to get out of her.

I start washing her down, touching her in every spot I can, as she leans against me for support. “Noah?” she asks softly.

“What is it?”

“I just love you.”

Fuck, this woman has me by the balls. “I love you too.”

I hear a male voice announce housekeeping, and I know I need to keep Heather awake and in the shower for a little while longer, so the dude can change our bedding. There’s no question as to what we were doing on the bed: the lube is still out and our damp clothes are strewn all over the floor.

“Take me to bed?” she asks as I rinse the shampoo out of her hair.

“Let me get you finished up, and then we’ll go to bed.”

“Okay, but can I wear your sweatshirt to bed? It smells like you.”

“You don’t have to ask, Heather. Of course you can.”

I finally get all of the suds out of her hair before putting her conditioner in. I need her to smell like my girl, and not chlorine.

“The bed is all made up. Have a good night,” the male voice says through the door, and I hear the suite door shut.

It takes me a few more minutes to get her rinsed off and for me to get washed up, but once we’re done, I help her out of the shower and wrap her in the warm white towel.

I can’t help but smirk when she walks over to my luggage and rummages through it, grabbing my sweatshirt that she loves to wear and pulling it on, sans bra and panties.

As I’m drying off and about to pull on my boxer briefs, I notice her hand move to her stomach and a little frown forms on her face. “Heather? Is everything all right?” I mask my concern as best I can and watch her. She crawls under the comforter, which is weird because she normally waits for me to lie down first.

“My stomach doesn’t feel good,” she replies quietly.

I’m not going to lie: I’m instantly hoping she’s pregnant. But then I walk over and look down at her, and her beautiful face is scrunched up in pain. “Baby? Can I get you anything?” I pull back the comforter and lie next to her on my side. I hate that she feels ill. There’s only been a couple of times in our relationship that she hasn’t felt good, and I’ve hated every one of them.

“No, I’ll be okay,” she replies, and I can tell she’s uncomfortable. Her arms are wrapped around her midsection, and I move her arms out of my way. Slowly, I lift the sweatshirt to reveal her flat stomach. I watch to make sure I’m not hurting her, but I brush the backs of my knuckles against her stomach softly. Her eyes flutter closed and I repeat the motion over and over again, in no particular order. Using my fingertips on occasion, tracing her lower rib cage, and around her navel, I’m doing all I can to make my girl feel better.

Within minutes I find myself daydreaming in the quiet room. The only sound I hear is her quiet breathing. She’s fast asleep and free from pain, which was my end goal.

I decide to take this time to think and make sure she’s okay before I even think about sleeping myself. What if she is pregnant? I chuckle at the thought.

Well, damn, that didn’t take long, Ryan.

I know she really wants my baby, but does she really even know what that shit entails?

Do I?

My fingers trail lazily against her stomach, and she shifts in her sleep. I stop moving and wait for her to get comfortable again before I continue caressing her. It’s one of those things you find out about your significant other as you go. I found out early on that she calms down with my touch, so naturally, when she wasn’t feeling well one night, I tried rubbing her stomach gently. To my astonishment, it worked, and so I’ve been doing it ever since. Thankfully she doesn’t move again, and I’m too afraid to move her, so tonight she’ll just have to lie beside me, instead of in her spot. My mind has never been clearer than at this moment, and I really don’t know what to do with myself.

I don’t know what to do with my spare time now. All of my waking moments have been spent thinking about studying. Now that’s gone, and I’m at a loss for what to do. Part of the reason for this trip was to help me relax after what seemed like a fucking lifetime of studying. The other reason was for Heather. She deserves this trip more than I do. My girl has been through so fucking much that I just needed to do something nice for her. I needed to do something to show her how much she’s loved—by myself and everyone else in her life—hence, this vacation. It took some planning, but she’s worth it, and it’s the one thing I knew she would love.

The next morning Heather is up and brushing out the knots in her hair by the time I wake up. “Mmm, good morning, gorgeous.”

She turns to look at me. Her eyes light up, and she tosses her hairbrush before jumping on top of me. “You’re awake,” she says before scrunching her nose up.

“I am, are you okay?” I ask as I wrap her in my arms.

“Yes, my butt is a little sore from last night, though,” she nuzzles my bare chest before biting into my shoulder.

“Mmm, then why are you so chipper this morning?”

“I want to go canoeing. I woke up and saw the canoes on the dock, and I want to go. Please? Can we?”

“Of course we can. We’re here for just over a week. Come on, go get dressed.”

She jumps off of me and runs to the other side of the suite where our bags are. She starts digging through her pink suitcase and pulls out a pair of jeans, long black socks, a plaid shirt, her Hunter rain boots and her sunglasses. She gets dressed and heats up her curling iron to do her hair. I get up and lazily stroll into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

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