A Winter's Date (45 page)

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Authors: Sasha Brümmer,Jess Epps

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #A Winter's Date

BOOK: A Winter's Date
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It took us just over an hour to sign paperwork for the house and hand over the deposit check to our realtor. We still have the closing next month, when the final contracts are signed. To my surprise, my name was on all of the paperwork too. He’s made sure that this house is ours and not his alone, and I love him all the more for it.

We’re finally on our road trip, and I’m elated. I hold my hand over my chest and feel my rapid heartbeat. “Oh my God, Noah, I’m freaking out. We’re going to live together, like, officially,” I squeal excitedly and clap my hands in quick succession. I’m so happy I’m having a hard time containing it.

He reaches for my hand and laces our fingers together before bringing my hand up to his lips. “You’re all mine, ballerina. I’m incredibly excited to officially move in with you.”

My heart melts, and I’m smiling from ear to ear, but then a thought suddenly crashes into my mind.
Oh crap.
My smile falls and I try to think about how to broach this with him. He must notice the change in my body language because he glances over at me questioningly.

“Can we make a deal?” I ask as I chew on my lip nervously.

“That depends . . .”

I scowl and sit back. “Okay fine, I’m not moving in.”

“Hey,” he prods gently, “of course we can make a deal, sweetheart. What’s on your mind?”

I snap my head back around and look at him with a hopeful expression. “I can’t pee in front of you. What the heck am I going to do if we live together?” I throw my hands up and am quite animated when I speak.

“We pretty much live together now. Do you have a problem peeing while I’m around?” I can tell he’s holding in a laugh as he waits for my response.

“Yes. Yes I do.” I throw my arm over my eyes and lay my head back against the headrest. “Oh my God, what if . . . ugh . . . kill me now.”

I can feel his hand on my inner thigh before he speaks. “I love you. There are no what-ifs. I don’t like those two words side by side: they challenge everything they are put in front of. It’s time to let go of what you can’t change, ballerina. We both want this to happen, correct? And it’s happening.”

I stop and hold my breath.
Okay, this is happening.

“But what if I have to poop? And you’re there? Then what?” My voice raises in panic as I throw my arm off my eyes to look at him.

“Would you like your own bathroom?” he asks sweetly because I think he realizes that I’m serious about this, but then his smile cracks and he tries to swallow his laugh.

My nostrils flare, and my eyes widen as I watch him laugh. I start smacking his bicep and shoulder repeatedly while he drives. “I’m serious, Ryan!”

“Whoa, I think you might need a fucking. Heather, I love you, and with everything we’ve been through, there is no way in hell you are going to scare me off.”

“What if I puke in front of you? That’s so unattractive,” I prod, testing him.

“I’ll still love you, Heather. Are you trying to test my love for you? Is that what is going on?”

“No. I’m just checking.” I stubbornly look away and out the window. “What if I need you to get me
ladies’ days

“Then I’ll get it with a six-count box of cupcakes.”

I can’t help it when a smile breaks out on my face, and I look at him, rolling my eyes. “You’re ridiculous, you know that?”

“Possibly, but I couldn’t care less if you see me taking a piss.”

“Yeah, I know,” I mumble and dig through my purse.

He chuckles and watches me as he drives, looking back and forth between me and the highway in front of him. “Do you want to stay in Buffalo tonight?”

“No.” I shake my head and slip my shoes off, curling my feet up in my seat. “I want to road-trip and drive until we’re too tired to continue. Then we’ll stop to sleep. That’s the fun of these adventures. And I plan on making this unforgettable.”

“You’ve got yourself a deal, gorgeous. I’m glad I put you down as a driver too.”

I pout. “Heyyy. I’m not driving, I’m a copilot.”

He winks and gives me that sexy smile before kissing my fingertips. “Oh and Heather?” he prods as I look dreamily out the window.


“You better get over this aversion to going to the bathroom in front of me. If I’m going to get you pregnant, you bet your ass I’m watching my baby being born,” he says matter of factly, and my mouth drops open.

“Uhm no. That’s not happening, Noah.”

The look that he gives me is deadly and I instantly feel like cowering into my seat.

“Excuse me?” His voice is dark and cold.

“Why would you want to see that?”

I feel like he has a slight grasp on his sanity by the look in his eyes as he looks from me to the road and back again. “You’re serious? I’ve seen you in every intimate way possible already.”

I scrunch my nose up at the thought of him seeing things at the end of the bed whenever I do give birth. “I don’t know.”

I watch his fingers grip the steering wheel as he looks forward. “Heather Lane, you will not deny me that opportunity.”


His dominance radiates off of him, and I can physically feel it wash over me. I reach my hand out and splay my fingers on his bicep. “I think you’re right. I don’t like the thought of you seeing all of that, but if you want to . . .” I sigh heavily. “Can we just have fun, please?”

I know that what I’ve said bothered him, but if I’m being honest, his dominance is such a turn-on.

“Yeah, we can. Now come over here and make it up to me.”

I smile because his storm is gone for the moment. “Mmm, I’d love to.” I lean over and start kissing his neck, nuzzling him, and breathing in his cologne.

I can feel the rumble in his throat, and I swear it makes me clench my legs shut.

“You smell so good.” I nip at his earlobe and sit back before I do some horrible things to him.

“I’m glad you think so. Let me know when you need to stop.”

“I’m good,” I reply happily and put my bare feet up on the dash.

I can feel his eyes on my freshly pedicured feet, and it makes me giggle. “I think this foot fetish might have actually turned into a real thing, Ryan,” I taunt him

“It’s a possibility.” He clears his throat: it sounds thick with what . . . tension . . . lust? “How’s your foot feeling, sweetheart?”

“It feels great—the best it’s felt in a long time.”


As I’m about to turn on the radio, my Greek god surprises me with a revelation. “You know I’m fucking your ass on this trip, right?”

“Excuse me?”

I’m staring at him in disbelief. “You know you’d like it,” he coos and brings my hand to his lips. “You enjoyed my finger in your ass not too long ago.”

I bite down on the inside of my cheek as I think about his finger inside of me, making my orgasm so much more intense. “Maybe.”

He laughs deeply and licks my finger. “I fucking knew you would love it.”

I squirm in my seat as I watch him drive and change lanes. I know this is probably absurd, but he looks so sexy driving and in charge. Changing the subject, I ask, “Are you glad to finally be done studying?”

“You bet your pretty little ass I am.” I can tell he’s smirking to himself.

The bastard.


For the last three days, Noah and I have had the most amazing time. I’ve never laughed so much in my life. My cheeks hurt from smiling, and I feel closer to him than I ever have. We’ve bonded over this road trip and I can tell that he is completely carefree. He smiles all the time and has been more affectionate than I ever thought possible. He’s clearly thought this trip out—when he had the time to do so, I’ll never know. We’ve stopped along scenic routes and have taken pictures of the beautiful scenery. He’s even humored me and taken selfies with me with the mountains in the background. I’ve been sending pictures of us to Lana, Dillen, and Dani, and they all have been swooning over how cute we are together. I must admit, I really caught an amazing specimen of a man and I don’t ever plan on throwing him back. I’ve tried to be more comfortable around him regarding my bathroom breaks. So instead of asking him to make a pit stop, I just tell him I need to pee. I know he’s enjoying it because he smiles like nothing else when I tell him.

I’ve even gotten him to talk about Mae, and it never resulted in an argument.

I think we’re on the final stretch of the road trip before reaching our destination, because he turned off a main road awhile back, and we’re headed through a two-lane road lined with gorgeous trees and snow-capped mountains. Everything looks like it belongs on a postcard. I’m in awe every time we round another corner.

I’m stunned into silence when we turn again, and I see the most beautiful cerulean lake. It takes me a moment, but I see a lodge ahead and Noah slows the SUV. “Oh my God, Noah, are we staying here?”

He reaches for my hand and squeezes. “Damn right we are. The lodge looks over the lake. Welcome to Moraine Lake, sweetheart.”

I can’t even describe how enchanting this place is. He parks under the entrance to the lodge, and I get out. I’m in a trance, it seems, as I walk away from him and the lodge. I go as far as my feet will take me, to the edge of the grass, and I can peek through the trees at the beautiful aquamarine water. The sun makes the water glitter in the distance, and I think I’ve actually died and gone to heaven. The colors that surround me are unlike anything I’ve seen in my travels throughout North America. I can’t believe I’m standing in the midst of such beauty. Suddenly I feel him behind me as he snakes his arms around my waist, holding me to him. His lips caress my neck before he asks, “Do you like it?”

“Noah, it’s incredible. I cannot believe you found this place.”

He chuckles against my skin and gives me a squeeze around my waist. “You constantly seem surprised by what I’m capable of.”

“It’s just that I’ve traveled so much . . .” I stop because it seems ridiculous to say that I’ve never seen anything so captivating before. “Noah, I love you.”

He turns me in his arms at that moment and lifts my chin with his finger. “I love you more than you know, Heather.” He lowers his lips to mine, and in that instant the wind picks up, tossing my hair around wildly. I can only imagine what we look like in this embrace with this scenery surrounding us—picture perfect. He releases me a moment later. “Let’s get checked in.”

I nod excitedly and hug him once more before we walk hand-in-hand up the path to the lodge.

I’ve traveled all over the United States and have never been so enamored by any one place as much as I am here. While he checks us in, I’m drinking in my surroundings. Like a little kid full of excitement, I want to run around this paradise to see every square inch of it. I must be fidgeting without realizing it because he squeezes my hand, and I look over at him. He’s smirking as he looks down at my feet, and I follow his eyes. Without realizing it, I’ve been tapping my foot impatiently.

“Am I taking too long, Miss Lane?”

I grin and stop tapping my foot. “Yes, hurry up,” I joke.

He holds up the room key in front of me. “All done, baby. Should I grab our bags first?”

I shake my head and tug on his hand. “Can’t they take it up for us?” I plead.

“I’m sure they can.” He turns to the front desk agent to ask her, but she’s already nodding her head.

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